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Thai Thinking … so different from ours ... rolleyes.gif

What have you experienced here in Thailand that is different and truly wacky thinking?

Who is this "ours" in reference to?


Why constantly seek entertainment in putting down people who don't do things to suit you.


Stop looking for fabricated reasons to think Thais are different or whacky or inferior to your notion of yourself as a model everyone needs to emulate.

A reply to Suradit69 is well in order because he assumed the defensive position for the Thais and assumes that I have attacked them or tried to downgrade them.

If you have read much of my other posts you will see that I celebrate much that is good about Thailand.

This tread is simply to highlight some of the differences that we, as guests and residents of the Kingdom witness as different to ours.

For example of some 'light-hearted' differences ... in most Western homes ... guaranteed that there would be at least one knife to be used that wasn't a dedicated cutting implement ... such as a chef's knife.

Well, where I'm staying ... there are no knives ... not one ... zip, zero, zilch.

I recently bought a toaster ... strange device that ... the cat shit itself the first time the toast popped up. Well, we spread the Jam or the peanut butter with the back of a tea spoon.

When Thais wish to cut their meat ... they use the edge of the spoon ... not efficient ... but it's the Thai way.

In a related and positive thread just opened today is ... thai-advantages-aside-from-the-norm ... you might to contribute further there ... biggrin.png


The Thais I know use a knife - many posters here seem to think that 'Thai people" are all backward country bumpkins.

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Thai Thinking … so different from ours ... rolleyes.gif

What have you experienced here in Thailand that is different and truly wacky thinking?

Who is this "ours" in reference to?


Why constantly seek entertainment in putting down people who don't do things to suit you.


Stop looking for fabricated reasons to think Thais are different or whacky or inferior to your notion of yourself as a model everyone needs to emulate.

A reply to Suradit69 is well in order because he assumed the defensive position for the Thais and assumes that I have attacked them or tried to downgrade them.

If you have read much of my other posts you will see that I celebrate much that is good about Thailand.

This tread is simply to highlight some of the differences that we, as guests and residents of the Kingdom witness as different to ours.

For example of some 'light-hearted' differences ... in most Western homes ... guaranteed that there would be at least one knife to be used that wasn't a dedicated cutting implement ... such as a chef's knife.

Well, where I'm staying ... there are no knives ... not one ... zip, zero, zilch.

I recently bought a toaster ... strange device that ... the cat shit itself the first time the toast popped up. Well, we spread the Jam or the peanut butter with the back of a tea spoon.

When Thais wish to cut their meat ... they use the edge of the spoon ... not efficient ... but it's the Thai way.

In a related and positive thread just opened today is ... thai-advantages-aside-from-the-norm ... you might to contribute further there ... biggrin.png


The Thais I know use a knife - many posters here seem to think that 'Thai people" are all backward country bumpkins.

Teenage gang members don't count.


Always have a fan at night ,even did in the UK ,just got used to it .

In the UK? That must have been years ago, or you must be very rich, the cost of electricity has doubled in the last eight years in the UK. Do you know that thousands of OAPs in that much despised country die every year from cold related illnesses because they can't afford to heat their homes, and before any UK ex pat starts, 200GBP per year doesn't come close to helping them.

The 200 GBP is a top up payment to their extra heating bills in the winter. presumably you don't need AC allowance payments in Aus?

I am British, not Australian, so cannot comment on Australian issues.

I am sure they wash them....just sure they also do not get out the nail brush and disinfectant gel.

Actually they have a different hand for the two functions.

oh, so they prepare and cook the food one handed.....thanks

Maybe you should only frequent food stalls that have a male cook since they have shorter nails. Don't any food servers in Thailand wear those little disposable gloves?

For example of some 'light-hearted' differences ... in most Western homes ... guaranteed that there would be at least one knife to be used that wasn't a dedicated cutting implement ... such as a chef's knife.

Well, where I'm staying ... there are no knives ... not one ... zip, zero, zilch..

The Thais I know use a knife - many posters here seem to think that 'Thai people" are all backward country bumpkins.

I curious by your comment because every restaurant which I have been to in Thailand with the exception of those catering for, in part or whole, a Farang clientele or serving Farang food I have never been offered a knife.

Nor in any of the Homes that I have visited and shared a meal in.

Eating and visiting around inner and outer Bangkok.

Our experiences do vary ... wink.png


For example of some 'light-hearted' differences ... in most Western homes ... guaranteed that there would be at least one knife to be used that wasn't a dedicated cutting implement ... such as a chef's knife.

Well, where I'm staying ... there are no knives ... not one ... zip, zero, zilch..

The Thais I know use a knife - many posters here seem to think that 'Thai people" are all backward country bumpkins.

I curious by your comment because every restaurant which I have been to in Thailand with the exception of those catering for, in part or whole, a Farang clientele or serving Farang food I have never been offered a knife.

Nor in any of the Homes that I have visited and shared a meal in.

Eating and visiting around inner and outer Bangkok.

Our experiences do vary ... wink.png

Thai food typically doesn't require a knife. Thai cooking does - every kitchen I have ever seen, as far as I recall, has knives for cooking. I certainly didn't introduce the concept to my wife - and no, she had never known a foreigner before - nor do any of her friends or relatives ever find it remarkable that we have knives in our home (indeed, they use them with no sign of unfamiliarity or wonder)

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap


I am sure they wash them....just sure they also do not get out the nail brush and disinfectant gel.

Actually they have a different hand for the two functions.

oh, so they prepare and cook the food one handed.....thanks

Maybe you should only frequent food stalls that have a male cook since they have shorter nails. Don't any food servers in Thailand wear those little disposable gloves?

clap2.gif ...cheesy.gif


I'm a westerner and I can see what she is getting at, background noise and air movement. I need background noise or some white noise so that the smallest noises don't wake me up. The Thais do think different but for me I think that ones not too bad.


The population in this world has reached 7,021,836,029.

Are there any 2 people who thinks alike 100%

If this is true, many problems in this world could be solved!


Thai food typically doesn't require a knife. Thai cooking does - every kitchen I have ever seen, as far as I recall, has knives for cooking. I certainly didn't introduce the concept to my wife - and no, she had never known a foreigner before - nor do any of her friends or relatives ever find it remarkable that we have knives in our home (indeed, they use them with no sign of unfamiliarity or wonder)

Agreeing with you.

what I wrote in the first instance was

For example of some 'light-hearted' differences ... in most Western homes ... guaranteed that there would be at least one knife to be used that wasn't a dedicated cutting implement ... such as a chef's knife.

Well, where I'm staying ... there are no knives ... not one ... zip, zero, zilch..

The implication being that Thais have knives in the kitchen for cooking ... ours probably has 5.

They are 'dedicated cutting implement ... such as a chef's knife.'

What I was trying to portray is that the family have zero knives for eating with ... I must have explained myself poorly ... apologies.


Thai Thinking … so different from ours ... rolleyes.gif

What have you experienced here in Thailand that is different and truly wacky thinking?

Who is this "ours" in reference to?


Why constantly seek entertainment in putting down people who don't do things to suit you.


Stop looking for fabricated reasons to think Thais are different or whacky or inferior to your notion of yourself as a model everyone needs to emulate.

A reply to Suradit69 is well in order because he assumed the defensive position for the Thais and assumes that I have attacked them or tried to downgrade them.

If you have read much of my other posts you will see that I celebrate much that is good about Thailand.

This tread is simply to highlight some of the differences that we, as guests and residents of the Kingdom witness as different to ours.

For example of some 'light-hearted' differences ... in most Western homes ... guaranteed that there would be at least one knife to be used that wasn't a dedicated cutting implement ... such as a chef's knife.

Well, where I'm staying ... there are no knives ... not one ... zip, zero, zilch.

I recently bought a toaster ... strange device that ... the cat shit itself the first time the toast popped up. Well, we spread the Jam or the peanut butter with the back of a tea spoon.

When Thais wish to cut their meat ... they use the edge of the spoon ... not efficient ... but it's the Thai way.

In a related and positive thread just opened today is ... thai-advantages-aside-from-the-norm ... you might to contribute further there ... biggrin.png


"I recently bought a toaster ... strange device that ... the cat shit itself the first time the toast popped up."

Thanks for the laugh David; for somereason that line really cracked me up.

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"I recently bought a toaster ... strange device that ... the cat shit itself the first time the toast popped up."

Thanks for the laugh David; for some reason that line really cracked me up.

It was quite funny to see as the cat at the time was delicately balanced on the kitchen window sill and, as the toaster 'popped', it literally fell out the window onto the dirt ground outside.

What also was funny was watching the Thai Farm Father. He watched it toast a slice ... just one ... then took great delight in explaining the process in great detail to his wife.


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Funny old thing . . . most professional cooks / chefs will have just one favourite knife that they use for just about everything. These tend to be 8 inches on average with a wide heavy base and a fine tip, whilst most Asian cooks will have knives with a cut-off tip. There are usually butchers or kitchen porters to use the other 'specialist knives' (all day long).

Apart from folk who insist on doing the filetting and fine paring themselves, it's usually just the TV chefs / salesmen and their audiences who have the 'professional knife sets'.


Funny old thing . . . most professional cooks / chefs will have just one favourite knife that they use for just about everything. These tend to be 8 inches on average with a wide heavy base and a fine tip, whilst most Asian cooks will have knives with a cut-off tip. There are usually butchers or kitchen porters to use the other 'specialist knives' (all day long).

Apart from folk who insist on doing the filetting and fine paring themselves, it's usually just the TV chefs / salesmen and their audiences who have the 'professional knife sets'.

I've got a whole drawer full of good knives at home in Canada, but I think I'm going to bring back a couple I bought here in Chiang Mai. They are simple and inexpensive, but they have a hollow ground, stainless steel blade that is easily sharpened and seems to hold an edge. It's called KIWI BRAND, but it's made in Thailand. I got mine in one of those low cost open outlet stores so common in Thailand.


For example of some 'light-hearted' differences ... in most Western homes ... guaranteed that there would be at least one knife to be used that wasn't a dedicated cutting implement ... such as a chef's knife.

Well, where I'm staying ... there are no knives ... not one ... zip, zero, zilch.

When Thais wish to cut their meat ... they use the edge of the spoon ... not efficient ... but it's the Thai way.


The Thais I know use a knife - many posters here seem to think that 'Thai people" are all backward country bumpkins.

Yes, the comment you have quoted is utter rubbish. It's actually quite nauseating.

I went to a restaurant this evening here in Pattani with an ensemble of our Muslim brethren.

We all ate steak.

And of course -- we all used knives.

And of course -- all of my Muslim friends keep knives in their houses.

The OP is talking trash. His comments are those of a sex tourist whose knowledge of Thailand probably stems from his acquaintance with ONE SINGLE FAMILY who inhabit the lower rungs of Thai society.

The OP needs to travel. Hopefully he will do so and learn more about this country before posting further rubbish.


Wait a minute Andrew, Muslims need to know how to handle sharp knives......could you imagine being circumcised by a spoon? crying.gif

Gawd that's my night wasted now.

That was naughty.

Our Muslim brethren here in Pattani are very civilized. They are really decent people, actually. Trust me.

And now -- if you'll excuse me -- I'm back to listening to HEY JUDE on YouTube.


never understood that in the office where i worked everyone have to wear a jumper and scarf as the air con temperature was around 15 degrees while outside was 35. simply no logic

seems that is standard practice worldwide......

on the Thai front .....BIL has his truck air on super cold the same way.........frickin freezes my arse off..he sits in a tank top..go figure...


Whilst discussing food and being slightly more careful about what we eat my wife was very proud to explain that Pork belly is okay to eat boiled as boiling food is healthy and the fat in it boils out of it.

The other funny one was whilst discussing walking around the house at night and outside in the garden that the ghosts in thailand are very keen to give you a fright but in Europe there are very few ghosts as it is far to cold and therefor fine to have a wander about.

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Wait a minute Andrew, Muslims need to know how to handle sharp knives......could you imagine being circumcised by a spoon? crying.gif

Gawd that's my night wasted now.

That was naughty.

Our Muslim brethren here in Pattani are very civilized. They are really decent people, actually. Trust me.

And now -- if you'll excuse me -- I'm back to listening to HEY JUDE on YouTube.

Oh well that's me then. Naughty. coffee1.gif

Note to self: Resist temptation to explode into a fit of troll ridiculing. Resist, Resist.

Gawd it's so hard to resist, I'm away to watch Les Miserables at the movies. Apparently it's a movie about guys that went to Thailand and got dodgy girlfriends.


I'm away to watch Les Miserables at the movies. Apparently it's a movie about guys that went to Thailand and got dodgy girlfriends.

Apparently it's a movie about guys that went to Thailand and got dodgy girlfriends.

I'm sure you're not talking about yourself.

Let's be honest, a successful, accomplished gentleman like yourself would never need to come to Thailand to find women.

Please -- excuse me while I go and listen to some Rod Stewart.


Funny old thing . . . most professional cooks / chefs will have just one favourite knife that they use for just about everything. These tend to be 8 inches on average with a wide heavy base and a fine tip, whilst most Asian cooks will have knives with a cut-off tip. There are usually butchers or kitchen porters to use the other 'specialist knives' (all day long).

Apart from folk who insist on doing the filetting and fine paring themselves, it's usually just the TV chefs / salesmen and their audiences who have the 'professional knife sets'.

whilst most Asian cooks will have knives with a cut-off tip.

Isn't the cut off tip due the fact that it broke off whilst using the knife to open a can of something or other?

All the knives in my household are broken as they are mainly used as can openers.

Frustrating...especially since I have several purpose built can openers in the same drawer as the knives.

  • Like 2

I went to a restaurant this evening here in Pattani with an ensemble of our Muslim brethren.

We all ate steak.

And of course -- we all used knives.

And of course -- all of my Muslim friends keep knives in their houses.

Hey there andrew ... I'm hanging out for a decent steak and I'm getting tired of cutting my chicken with a spoon.

Any chance of me dropping by and catching up with you and your ensemble of Muslim brethren and slicing some decent meat up?

I'm happy to buy the beer ... drunk.gif ... and it wouldn't be too expensive a night as obviously your mates don't drink.

How did the restaurant cook your steak ... I imagining your a blue steak eater, snip the horns, wipe it's ass and on the plate for you ... a mans steak ...licklips.gif

I prefer a long slow roasting type ... the one that you put in the cooker and take out a long time later ... a bit like some members posting history ... whistling.gif

Those (long slow) steaks are the tenderest ... but you need some tin foil to act as a cover or a hat otherwise it will dry out ... and too much dryness is not desirable.

I'm free this weekend ... rolleyes.gif


  • Like 1

I went to a restaurant this evening here in Pattani with an ensemble of our Muslim brethren.

We all ate steak.

And of course -- we all used knives.

And of course -- all of my Muslim friends keep knives in their houses.

Hey there andrew ... I'm hanging out for a decent steak and I'm getting tired of cutting my chicken with a spoon.

Any chance of me dropping by and catching up with you and your ensemble of Muslim brethren and slicing some decent meat up?

I'm happy to buy the beer ... drunk.gif ... and it wouldn't be too expensive a night as obviously your mates don't drink.

How did the restaurant cook your steak ... I imagining your a blue steak eater, snip the horns, wipe it's ass and on the plate for you ... a mans steak ...licklips.gif

I prefer a long slow roasting type ... the one that you put in the cooker and take out a long time later ... a bit like some members posting history ... whistling.gif

Those (long slow) steaks are the tenderest ... but you need some tin foil to act as a cover or a hat otherwise it will dry out ... and too much dryness is not desirable.

I'm free this weekend ... rolleyes.gif


Great reply, David... light hearted and no animosity. Most of the beef I've tried in Thailand has been too tough. But, back in Canada I've taken tough beef (or moose) and wrapped it in tin foil and slow cooked it with a package of dried onion soup and some raw fat. It turns out tender and tastey. I've even done the same thing on long road trips. I triple wrapped the meat and placed it on the engine of my car. After 3 hours of driving the meat is cooked.

  • Like 2

I'm away to watch Les Miserables at the movies. Apparently it's a movie about guys that went to Thailand and got dodgy girlfriends.

Apparently it's a movie about guys that went to Thailand and got dodgy girlfriends.

I'm sure you're not talking about yourself.

Let's be honest, a successful, accomplished gentleman like yourself would never need to come to Thailand to find women.

Please -- excuse me while I go and listen to some Rod Stewart.

Yes I can confirm that I'm a successful and accomplished gentleman and I don't need to come to Thailand to find women. I can also confirm that after dating many ( quite frankly too many ) women in several different countries the woman that jumped into my heart just so happens to live in Thailand.

How about you?

  • Like 1

Funny old thing . . . most professional cooks / chefs will have just one favourite knife that they use for just about everything. These tend to be 8 inches on average with a wide heavy base and a fine tip, whilst most Asian cooks will have knives with a cut-off tip. There are usually butchers or kitchen porters to use the other 'specialist knives' (all day long).

Apart from folk who insist on doing the filetting and fine paring themselves, it's usually just the TV chefs / salesmen and their audiences who have the 'professional knife sets'.

whilst most Asian cooks will have knives with a cut-off tip.

Isn't the cut off tip due the fact that it broke off whilst using the knife to open a can of something or other?

All the knives in my household are broken as they are mainly used as can openers.

Frustrating...especially since I have several purpose built can openers in the same drawer as the knives.

There's a specific name for them, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is. If you google image "asian chef's knife" you'll see what I mean (mainly expensive examples).

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