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Lop Buri Immigration,extension Of Stay Refused

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Hi was two days ago at Lopburi immigration to extend my stay for another year,it would be my 3rd extension.They refused to accept my documents,because

I do not have a rental contact or any house papers of the owners house I'm staying in.My Thai gf is renting the house,she also has no contract,last year the owner refused to give a rental contract or to sign any documents what showing I'm staying in this house,so we went to the district mayor,and he certified I'm staying there,immigration was happy with that,and after 1 month I got my extension of stay.This year immigration refuse to accept my documents as long I can't show a valid rental contract plus house papers from owner,on top the immigration told me to tell the owner of the house he will get problems if he is not reporting to immigration a foreigner stays in his house.

Any idea how I can get my extension of stay without getting kicked out of the house?My extension ends on January 31st

Today I talked with Thai embassy Kuala Lumpur on the phone,told them my story,and asked if they can issue a 1yr Single or Multi Non O visa,answer was:"

Sorry we can not issue a visa for you,you should get extension of stay in from immigration in Thailand,

Well where is it possible to get a Non O visa without flying back to Europe,if it is not possible what other options I have?

thanks for any ideas

I'm 49 yrs old

German citizen

Non O visa holder,because taking care my Thai daughter

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If the mayor was prepared to sign a "certificate" last year, maybe you should visit the immigration police and ask their advice for this year. Other than that - Sorry to say that it sounds like you need a new rental house. blink.png

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If I were you I would find another house to live.

The Landlord sounds a right idiot and you are going to get this problem every year.

Yes he does have to report a foreigner staying in his house.

If Immigration will only accept documents from the house holder and he refuses I cannot see a lot you can do.

He will get fined for failing to report an alien staying in his house and kick you out anyway.

Why would your GF want to continue living there anyway?

Can't you rent somewhere else cheap and get documents from them?

Have you not got a friendly Phu Yai Baan who could verify where you live?

You will not get a Multi Entry O Visa for retirement in Asia.

Sorry not much help.

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If I were you I would find another house to live.

The Landlord sounds a right idiot and you are going to get this problem every year.

Yes he does have to report a foreigner staying in his house.

You will not get a Multi Entry O Visa for retirement in Asia.

Well the problem is we stay 40 km away from Lop Buri Amper Muang,so not many houses available for rent,my gf works here,so we can't just move to the city,I don't want retirement visa I want a Non O visa if extension is not possible, because I stay with my daughter and take are her,my current gf is not the mother of my daughter,before I started with extensions of stay 3 yrs ago, i always got Non O 1yr multiple entry in Kuala Lumpur,but that seems not to work anymore
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If your girlfriend rents the house and you live there, I think it would be her that could potentially be in trouble for not reporting a foreigner living there, not the landlord. But I suspect that the reason the landlord won't give you a contract is he is afraid of the tax department finding out.

What about your girlfriend subletting part of the house to you and making a contract to that effect?

EDIT: Just reread your post and see that immigration are demanding copy of the landlord's Tabien Baan too, so this won't work.

Edited by Dork
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If I were you I would find another house to live.

The Landlord sounds a right idiot and you are going to get this problem every year.

Yes he does have to report a foreigner staying in his house.

If Immigration will only accept documents from the house holder and he refuses I cannot see a lot you can do.

He will get fined for failing to report an alien staying in his house and kick you out anyway.

Why would your GF want to continue living there anyway?

Can't you rent somewhere else cheap and get documents from them?

Have you not got a friendly Phu Yai Baan who could verify where you live?Puyai Baan verifyed for me, already,last yr,and this yr too,but immigration does not care that.My gf works for government here Livestock departement,so she will sure not quit her job,and to find another house for rent is not easy,we are looking actually since last year January 2012.

You will not get a Multi Entry O Visa for retirement in Asia.

Sorry not much help.

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If your girlfriend rents the house and you live there, I think it would be her that could potentially be in trouble for not reporting a foreigner living there, not the landlord. But I suspect that the reason the landlord won't give you a contract is he is afraid of the tax department finding out.

What about your girlfriend subletting part of the house to you and making a contract to that effect?

EDIT: Just reread your post and see that immigration are demanding copy of the landlord's Tabien Baan too, so this won't work.

Yeah that's the problem,we tried last yr exactly that ,anyway last yr they accepted my application and took my documents,this yr they told me to take my application and documents and clear with house owner,they said BKK Immigration will not accept my application without house papers and rental contract.
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go quickly move into a guesthouse, have your rental address i.e. the guesthouse recorded on the receipt slip. This should serve as a proof of residence !

After your renewal, you and your girlfriend should try to rent something new, with proper rental contracts etc.

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I once had a slightly similar problem but nothing to do with immigration. My company needed a short term let of a house for a foreign staff member but since the company was paying, we needed a receipt (and contract). The landlord at first refused but relented when we offered to pay the 12.5% tax he would have been liable for.

Perhaps if your rent isn't too high, you could make an offer like that. It will almost certainly be what the landlord is worried about.

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I once had a slightly similar problem but nothing to do with immigration. My company needed a short term let of a house for a foreign staff member but since the company was paying, we needed a receipt (and contract). The landlord at first refused but relented when we offered to pay the 12.5% tax he would have been liable for.

Perhaps if your rent isn't too high, you could make an offer like that. It will almost certainly be what the landlord is worried about.

The rent is not high at all,but the landlord is renting a few of his houses to cambodians,they work here in chickenfarms and

some laundry factories,I'm not so sure they all stay legal here,I guess that's maybe one reason why he don't want to deal with immigration

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go quickly move into a guesthouse, have your rental address i.e. the guesthouse recorded on the receipt slip. This should serve as a proof of residence !

After your renewal, you and your girlfriend should try to rent something new, with proper rental contracts etc.

Last yr immigration officer visited me 2 times,he even looked in our wardrobes to see if I really stay here with my daughter,the 2nd time he talked with

neighbors to find out I really stay here,so I'm not really sure if it is a good idea to move into a guesthouse,besides that I can't think of any guesthouses around.Here is upcountry,

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can of worms - lid - off w00t.gif

Seriously - get a contract room in a guesthouse for a month - contract for a year, pay a bit extra for their trouble and for cutting it short - and use those papers for your visa. Meantime get a more officially acceptable setup for where you live full time.

Immigration visits can be dealt with as they occur. Tell them you're moving house or whatever....

Edited by jpinx
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I once had a slightly similar problem but nothing to do with immigration. My company needed a short term let of a house for a foreign staff member but since the company was paying, we needed a receipt (and contract). The landlord at first refused but relented when we offered to pay the 12.5% tax he would have been liable for.

Perhaps if your rent isn't too high, you could make an offer like that. It will almost certainly be what the landlord is worried about.

The rent is not high at all,but the landlord is renting a few of his houses to cambodians,they work here in chickenfarms and

some laundry factories,I'm not so sure they all stay legal here,I guess that's maybe one reason why he don't want to deal with immigration

You just want to stay here legally & properly so you can take care of your daughter but you're prevented from doing that because everyone else breaks the law with impunity. I really empathise with you.

It's very difficult to have any respect for the law in Thailand sometimes.

There will be a solution though.

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I once had a slightly similar problem but nothing to do with immigration. My company needed a short term let of a house for a foreign staff member but since the company was paying, we needed a receipt (and contract). The landlord at first refused but relented when we offered to pay the 12.5% tax he would have been liable for.

Perhaps if your rent isn't too high, you could make an offer like that. It will almost certainly be what the landlord is worried about.

The rent is not high at all,but the landlord is renting a few of his houses to cambodians,they work here in chickenfarms and

some laundry factories,I'm not so sure they all stay legal here,I guess that's maybe one reason why he don't want to deal with immigration

You just want to stay here legally & properly so you can take care of your daughter but you're prevented from doing that because everyone else breaks the law with impunity. I really empathise with you.

It's very difficult to have any respect for the law in Thailand sometimes.

There will be a solution though.

Well i stay 12-13 yrs in Thailand then I'm used to their games,I'm not mad at all,what makes me a bit upset is they changing the rules permanent,or they not playing fair,not obey their own rules,also i wonder if i have to make my visa runs[in case i get new Non o visa]if i should take my daughter to Aranyaprathet with me in case my gf has to work,or should I leave a10yr old kid alone at home.I probably could give them an envelope with some cash inside to make things easy,but i think that will not happen in this life
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It sounds like you are getting extensions of stay based upon having a Thai child. There are no house visits for retirement extensions.

If you have custody of your child you could get a multiple entry visa in KL or Savannakhet Laos by showing proof of custody like I suspect you are doing at immigration.

I think Lite Beer gave a good suggestion.

You could try and get owner to fill out the following form and you take it to immigration with you.

Notification Form for House Master, Owner, or the Possessor of The Residence Where Aliens Have Stay (TM.30)

Ask him if is worried about paying taxes. If yes you could inform him that immigration will not notify the revenue department.

Edited by ubonjoe
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Seems that I was misinformed about immigration giving a visa because the father is now divorced/not married but looking after and financially supporting his child who was born here.

I was lead to believe this provision for a visa was amended last year and was no longer available.

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The extension is still available if you are the legal father.

2.18 In the case of a family

member of a Thai(applicable only to parents, spouse, child, adopted child or child

of his/her spouse):

Permission will be

granted for a period of

not more than 1 year at a time.

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM)

(2) Proof of family relationship

(5) In the case of a parent, one of parents must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit of not less than 400,000 baht for expenses within a year.

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It is still available but immigration requires proof of custody issued by a court to do the extension.

This requirement has also been expanded to many consulates and embassies for issuance of a multiple entry non-o based upon having a Thai child.

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I once had a slightly similar problem but nothing to do with immigration. My company needed a short term let of a house for a foreign staff member but since the company was paying, we needed a receipt (and contract). The landlord at first refused but relented when we offered to pay the 12.5% tax he would have been liable for.

Perhaps if your rent isn't too high, you could make an offer like that. It will almost certainly be what the landlord is worried about.

The rent is not high at all,but the landlord is renting a few of his houses to cambodians,they work here in chickenfarms and

some laundry factories,I'm not so sure they all stay legal here,I guess that's maybe one reason why he don't want to deal with immigration

You just want to stay here legally & properly so you can take care of your daughter but you're prevented from doing that because everyone else breaks the law with impunity. I really empathise with you.

It's very difficult to have any respect for the law in Thailand sometimes.

There will be a solution though.

You can break all sorts of laws in Thailand and get away with it, ie let your underage children ride your'e motorbike, drive up one way streets, but not where immigration or drugs are concerned. Some immigration offices even make up their own laws.
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I once had a slightly similar problem but nothing to do with immigration. My company needed a short term let of a house for a foreign staff member but since the company was paying, we needed a receipt (and contract). The landlord at first refused but relented when we offered to pay the 12.5% tax he would have been liable for.

Perhaps if your rent isn't too high, you could make an offer like that. It will almost certainly be what the landlord is worried about.

The rent is not high at all,but the landlord is renting a few of his houses to cambodians,they work here in chickenfarms and

some laundry factories,I'm not so sure they all stay legal here,I guess that's maybe one reason why he don't want to deal with immigration

You just want to stay here legally & properly so you can take care of your daughter but you're prevented from doing that because everyone else breaks the law with impunity. I really empathise with you.

It's very difficult to have any respect for the law in Thailand sometimes.

There will be a solution though.

You can break all sorts of laws in Thailand and get away with it, ie let your underage children ride your'e motorbike, drive up one way streets, but not where immigration or drugs are concerned. Some immigration offices even make up their own laws.

IMHO - Immigration has always been something of a crap shoot. In the 60's, a small monthly payment ensured unlimited extensions. Likewise, mistakenly crossing the border, such as taking a boat tripto Laos - without Visa - always received a new tourist stamp when re-entering Thailand.

For the last decade, it has been common for every immigration officer to have different requirements. When there was an office at the local hospital, I waited my turn, the officer required a Med certificate, so I went next door got a certificate and back to head of line. The next officer set the certificate aside and said it was not necessary. One never knows - show up with everything, including the kitchen sink and let them pick out what they want.

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