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Mosquito Bites. Is There A Cream...


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Is there a cream to remove the itch from mosquito and other insect bites? I can ignore an itch during the day, but at night when I'm trying to sleep it is annoying. Thankfully, not all mosquito bites affect me, but the ones that do are annoying.

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There is also a green paste in a small round tin available in Thailand, smells alot like tiger balm and works a treat. I am sure if you ask at a 7-11 or a pharmacy they will know the stuff.

Sold near the tills where they sell paracetamol etc.

Small round tin, green lid with red writing in a white band across the top.

Works great especially if you leave some of this green cream over the top of the bite itself as opposed to simply rubbing it in.

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Could also try Antergan cream. Sold in most pharmacies at about 30 baht a small tube. A very good anti-hystamine cream based on Hydrocortisone Acetate and Mepyramine Maleate.

Mozzy bites don't really trouble me, but the b/f comes up in great bumps after a bite - Antergan calms it all down in no time!

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There is also a green paste in a small round tin available in Thailand, smells alot like tiger balm and works a treat. I am sure if you ask at a 7-11 or a pharmacy they will know the stuff.

The name in Thai is...Sam Buck....and yes it's the best i have found also. No itches from the bites.

Another thing to do is go to nursery and try to buy Citnonella plants in pots....put them around the area you sit, and within a few days the mossies wont come around that area....To start, just break a leaf or 2 to get the odour going

Hope this helps

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Yes Tiger Balm for me too, though there is some cheaper gear that Mrs R gets that does the job.

I have noticed lately though that just covering the bite up works just as well for some reason. Anyone else experienced this?

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I use tiger balm. If i'm out and have forgotten it, i use the liquid out of my wifes sniffer, as she calls it. Its that white stick thing that you see thai's sniffing. I don't know the name. I'll try and find a picture.

Edit - Found pic's.untitled.bmpuntitled1.bmp

Edited by dean999
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There is also a green paste in a small round tin available in Thailand, smells alot like tiger balm and works a treat. I am sure if you ask at a 7-11 or a pharmacy they will know the stuff.

It can be green or yellow, smells like the liniment used by footballers etc, often see it it otop markets too.

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I once got over 200 mosquito bites sitting in a lobby at the Amari in Pattaya, both my legs were a serious mess the next day. I went to the hospital and was given

1% Hydrocortisone (to be used within the first 24 hours) of being bitten.

Erthromycin (to be used for a week) Antibiotics.

Wash every 2 hours especially if the bites become inflamed.

IMO dont be afraid to pop the blisters, they are going to go pop anyway, so the more controlled the better.

After 4 days my legs returned to normal.

2 Years later and there are some very light scars, but fading as the years pass.

200 bites... Never sit near stagnant water wearing shorts at night time.

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