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500B for 20 minutes of assistance with paperwork sounds rather expensive to me. That's nearly 2 days wages for many Thai people.

Don't be daft. It's a business to assist folk. 500bht, 10 English quid. When did you ever have a service for 10 quid. oooooooooop's, your washing.

You might be surprised to learn what it's possible to get "assistance" with for 500B.

I am constantly amazed by the apparent inability of many farangs to comprehend the value of money.

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Only if he's delicate of nature/ego. He's been given some stellar advice on here by yours truly. That's what it should be about. smile.png

You need to check up on your advice before passing it on. E-Visa is not a viable option at the two border crossings near Pong Nam Ron, (i.e. Prum and O’Smach).

Sorry, I was presuming that he and others would have the mental ability to read the very clear instructions and information on the very clear and informative Cambodian E-Visa site. :)

Of course at the Aranyapratet/Poipet crossing, it’s possible to do the whole thing for $20, I’ve done that a few times myself.

And that’s even cheaper than your E-Visa option. thumbsup.gif

It is, but for the sake of $5 I find it much better to arrive with the Visa in hand so there's no dealings with anyone there except the stamper, plus it also saves on entire page in your passport.


For border runs like that I get a Cambodian E-Visa on the net - $25 and no page in my passport.

Ride my bike to border, which is a nice ride out of the city (BKK). Put in my iPod and walk through the scammers. Walk back through with my stamps 5 minutes later.


are online visa's allowed at ban packard and Ban laem ?

the op starts a thread to inform others, and gets ripped to bits by the ' we could do it a better way' crowd

No. You cannot get an "E" ticket for the Ban Laem border crossing.


When i use to do visa runs they did extort 100-300 baht for health certificate at the desk giving you the stamp, an immigration official sat at the window giving out "health forms" and collecting fee

Border Crossing and year?

both are irrelevant, what is relevant is that it does/did take place and much worse

500 baht is nothing to avoid any possible hassles to have an easy deal and a peace of mind

some on this thread seem to think 500 baht is a lot of money, those should start considering moving elsewhere because 500 baht soon will not get you much in Thailand


When i use to do visa runs they did extort 100-300 baht for health certificate at the desk giving you the stamp, an immigration official sat at the window giving out "health forms" and collecting fee

Border Crossing and year?

both are irrelevant


500 baht is nothing to avoid any possible hassles to have an easy deal and a peace of mind

The peace of mind brought about by handing your passport and cash to some guy at one of the most corrupt border areas in the World and watching him walk into another country with them?

Yeah, peaceful.

Cambodian E-Visa (or Visa from the Cambodian Embassy) already in your passport and walk past all the scammers... Best advise out there.

"some on this thread seem to think 500 baht is a lot of money, "

This notion of yours has become oddly obsessive.

People in official uniforms try to scam people by telling them that they need an official stamp if they are to return the same day, the cost of the 'stamp' is 500b.

I'm not sure how walking past and ignoring them is being financially tight.


It would seem to me the service was worth it in education value alone as they quickly spotted two errors / omissions that OP had made and corrected them. So next time - when properly prepared with forms and photos OP will not need the service. I learned something from just reading the account... Thank you OP.

Actually I think the OP said that they told him he had the wrong application form, not that he made errors.

Dont mean to be negative but they do normally try to this to ensure you go along with them and pay for the service instead of backing out at the last minute like i did...when you do discover they are making 500baht for just filling out a form.

This is what happened to me and im sure others walk off shaking their heads. Usually you end up in the hand of these agent because a tuk tuk who you did ask to take you to a certain location/border point/bridge...who instead will deliver you into the hands of one of these agents because he gets a small cut.

They tried the "wring form" trick on me also but i knew it was BS because the form i had was provided by a Thai language school. dry.png

This kind of scam you have to be particularly careful at Nong Khai as it seems all tuk tuks are in cohoots with this agent mob and really do take you there against your wishes.

Also sometimes at some border points the agent will actually only get charged 800 or 1000 baht on your behalf for your visa where if it was us we get charged 1300-1500..so in fact they could be making up to 700 on this short time transaction

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"Then another representative took my passport and new application through the relevant process and returned my passport with the Cambodian visa, + in/out stamps, all within 10 mins. The queue to exit Thailand took 3 mins and the queue to re-enter Thailand took 5 mins. The entire process from from leaving Thailand and re-entering was a grand total of 20 mins. Unbelievable!! And the cost to me from the visa-service company, which included the Cambodian visa, was 1300 Baht. Again, unbelievable, considering the visa is 800 Baht."

500B for 20 minutes of assistance with paperwork sounds rather expensive to me. That's nearly 2 days wages for many Thai people.

I think that extra 500 Baht was good value. 300 Baht of that would pay the "tea-money" to the Cambodian official to give an entry and exit stamp together without having to spend 24 hours in Cambodia. And 200 Baht of that would save me queuing for the visa, then queuing to enter, then exit Cambodia

There is no rule stating you have to spend 24 hours in Cambodia........just a Cambodian Immigration trick to fleece some easy money.

ahhh, another classic, the old 300 baht extra for only stay one day from the guys in the fake uniforms trick rolleyes.gif


The peace of mind brought about by handing your passport and cash to some guy at one of the most corrupt border areas in the World and watching him walk into another country with them?

Yeah, peaceful.

Cambodian E-Visa (or Visa from the Cambodian Embassy) already in your passport and walk past all the scammers... Best advise out there.

This notion of yours has become oddly obsessive.

People in official uniforms try to scam people by telling them that they need an official stamp if they are to return the same day, the cost of the 'stamp' is 500b.

I'm not sure how walking past and ignoring them is being financially tight.

not sure if you just do not understand or like to play silly monkey's

the people standing around are not a problem it is the officials ie immigration/border officers who are.

Having an agent do the run for you with you, saves you the hassle of possible scam or extortion.

Of course you can jump on your bike with your e-visa and off you go and others prefer to pay 500baht and have someone walk with them through the process

so what exactly do you see as a problem? first you went on about saving 500 baht now apparently its not a problemrolleyes.gif , i mean really get over it and find another topic to try to belittle someone


others prefer to pay 500baht and have someone walk with them through the process

It can be traumatic being away from mom for the first time and dealing with things on your own..... but what process?

You get a Visa.

Travel there.

Walk through, stamped out, stamped in, turn around, stamped out, stamped in.

I'm sure you could do it without too much confusion.

so what exactly do you see as a problem? first you went on about saving 500 baht now apparently its not a problem

Where was I on about saving 500b?

I was on about scammers in official uniforms 'informing' the not so bright that they need an extra stamp that costs 500b, this stamp doesn't actually exist and is borderline criminal extortion.

Is that what you are on about? :huh:

If so it seems there's not much I can explain to someone who confuses ignoring them with trying to save money.

Or did you mean something else?


I have done many visa runs over the years in Cambodia give them a usa 20 dollar bill thats what is on the visa and don"t take from them have to go inside for 5 days all bullshit i always stand my ground and only pay 20 dollar plus 100 baht exit stamp total at boarder 700 baht @ 30 baht for 1 dollar


Op, try not to take this personally. You started a good thread because the newbie who does not know about this stuff can go to a place like Aranyapatet and will know to expect this. For every one thread like this you help make the game harder for these !#$%^ scammers.

I did nearly get scammed the first time, some young guys in official looking unforms and ID (fake i guess) did follow me right from getting of the bus on the Thai side nearly right up to the immigration point.

They claim only they had the paperwork to go through. When i did tell them i already had a pre arrange Cambodia visa they then said there was extra charge for only staying one day. My GF at the time who went with me say to ignore them, and they will soon dissapear when approach immigration base because they will get in trouble for being a bunch of fake BShitters.

and she was very right.!!

as soon as we walk near the immigration point they did vanish.

No one inside the real Thai immigration mention anything about this one day only charge.

But then you must fight off beggars and scammers all the time you are there and also worry about people brushing up against you and pickpocket.

Then on the way out, when to get stamped out of Cambodia at the window where you go through the walkway, the guy ask for an additional 200 baht for something (i think tax or some such nonsense but cant remember what it was now)

I refuse and ask him what for but he only repeat himself. I say i dont understand you, let me talk to that guy...and point to a guy on the further window sitting in a office ..and then he did stamp and let me go through so i guess it must have been his boss.

I appreciate some people do not have patience for this nonsense and for a sake of 500 or so baht to avoid all this headache and BS is money well spent.

I certainly did feel this way for a LONG time after that bad experience , but after a few years and a bit of savvy under my belt i did try it my own way again and it was easy that time partly because i did read about the BS on threads like this thumbsup.gif

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But then you must fight off beggars and scammers all the time you are there and also worry about people brushing up against you and pickpocket.

This is one advantage of the organised visa run by minibus. Whilst you do leave Thailand you needn't actually enter Cambodia at all. You can just stay in no-man's land where by definition there are no scammers or beggars or anyone else for that matter.


The comments are very interesting.

Reading the comments, I now believe I was BSed about having the wrong application. I did DL it from the Cambodian website, but was told it is only usable at the embassy. I accept that was BS.

Also, I probably didn't need 2 photos.

But, I saved queuing 3 times, for visa, for entry stamp, and for exit stamp.

So all in all, I am still happy with my departure of 500 Baht.

I come from a background of Direct Sales, where BS is rife.

I, myself, have made alot of money thru BS, not scamming.

So even with all the terms used in this topic, such as "scammers", BSers and the like, I applaud how they operate.

I was given a good service, and was not scammed, just BSed.


The comments are very interesting.

Reading the comments, I now believe I was BSed about having the wrong application. I did DL it from the Cambodian website, but was told it is only usable at the embassy. I accept that was BS.

Also, I probably didn't need 2 photos.

But, I saved queuing 3 times, for visa, for entry stamp, and for exit stamp.

So all in all, I am still happy with my departure of 500 Baht.

I come from a background of Direct Sales, where BS is rife.

I, myself, have made alot of money thru BS, not scamming.

So even with all the terms used in this topic, such as "scammers", BSers and the like, I applaud how they operate.

I was given a good service, and was not scammed, just BSed.

Good way of looking at it P28, to see a differance between scam and BS. it makes sense.

I guess many are from a business background here and can see a product is worth what someone will pay for it, so maybe the scam word gets overused sometimes.

If both party does know the product and terms of the sale, then the transaction price can be either good price for the seller or a bargain for the buyer.

Problem on this site we sometimes think in our idea of set prices and paying over that means you are scammed..but really anywhere else this free market concept is called good business.

For sure, thats what you would say in YOUR country IF YOU had a warehouse full of stock and did sell for a higher price than expected,..with the use of a little BStongue.png

There does seem to be standards levels of prices of good and service in Thailand and i think its a lot fairer than most country.

For example in old days when supermarket hours back home have a restriction on trading hours, the small trader like us could charge triple the standard price for certain items because we were the only ones to open on Sunday.

We need to do this to cover our cost and compete with the big boys who get up to 80% of market share anyway.

No one called this a scam..if you needed that product on Sunday then you went and payed triple...and then did go and whinge to someone about the price rolleyes.gif

The reason you were willing to pay for the agents help was convenience and It was worth it for you FULL STOP!

The last visa run i went on i did agree to pay a taxi tout 300 baht to drive me from Lao border to Thai Embassy, Vientane, (him to wait outside) and then drive to my hotel in Vientane.

Some poster may get on here and say it was expensive and i was scammed and have that opinion but as they say UP TO ME.

I has hot, tired, bored and wanted to get to the hotel quick for shower without any pi55ing around, so for me it was a bargain and the reason i did pay that.

But good on you for sharing your experience, thanks, and dont be put off from doing so againthumbsup.gif


OP had in his view a good experience.

Why the need to shatter his illusion and try to make him look stupid.blink.png

If he prefers to do the driving himself then that's his choice isn't it ?

Anyway thanks OP for sharing.

Yermanee wai.gif

OP had in his view a good experience.

Why the need to shatter his illusion and try to make him look stupid.blink.png

If he prefers to do the driving himself then that's his choice isn't it ?

Anyway thanks OP for sharing.

Yermanee wai.gif

Indeed I thought the same......

Whatever these Visa Runs are coming to an end shortly anyway with the actual introduction of 3 re entries and you're out (back to home country anyway)

I can recall my Mia Noi highly connected back in 2004 saying as such and its still taken 9 years to implement it....

Will it work in practice God only knows !!


Also, I probably didn't need 2 photos.

If I remember correctly the two photos are indeed required. At least one was stuck on the Cambodian visa application form but I don't recall noticing what they did with the other one.


Whatever these Visa Runs are coming to an end shortly anyway with the actual introduction of 3 re entries and you're out (back to home country anyway)

Utter nonsense.

There's a plethora of people on 12 month Multi-Entry Non-Imm visas that need to leave the country and re-enter every 90 days, those on a double-entry tourist visa etc. etc.

The only possible end in sight is the introduction of new ASEAN visa rules in the 2015 ASEAN visa changes. And even then it will likely only be changes to those people who are not the typical Multi-Entry border hopper and Tourist-Visa loop-holers.


My easiest border runs were back in the nineties when a certain guest house in Krabi would take your passport and return it two days later with a Burmese stamp. Wish it was still that easy, I hate visa runs.


There's a plethora of people on 12 month Multi-Entry Non-Imm visas that need to leave the country and re-enter every 90 days, those on a double-entry tourist visa etc. etc.

Indeed there are. And many of them are not tourists at all but are engaged either in illegal work or worse.

I am certain that at some point determined action will be taken to stop people from doing this. The simplest way would be to just stop issuing these long multi-entry visas and, by all accounts, they are indeed getting more and more difficult to obtain especially after the first one or two.


There's a plethora of people on 12 month Multi-Entry Non-Imm visas that need to leave the country and re-enter every 90 days, those on a double-entry tourist visa etc. etc.

Indeed there are. And many of them are not tourists at all but are engaged either in illegal work or worse.

I am certain that at some point determined action will be taken to stop people from doing this. The simplest way would be to just stop issuing these long multi-entry visas and, by all accounts, they are indeed getting more and more difficult to obtain especially after the first one or two.

let's hope they also get rid of the long term retirement visa at the same time


There's a plethora of people on 12 month Multi-Entry Non-Imm visas that need to leave the country and re-enter every 90 days, those on a double-entry tourist visa etc. etc.

Indeed there are. And many of them are not tourists at all but are engaged either in illegal work or worse.

I am certain that at some point determined action will be taken to stop people from doing this. The simplest way would be to just stop issuing these long multi-entry visas and, by all accounts, they are indeed getting more and more difficult to obtain especially after the first one or two.

let's hope they also get rid of the long term retirement visa at the same time

Don’t forget the marriage extension when you’re at it, it’s a possibility that married men could also be working illegally.

I think BlackPuddingBertha might be on to something here cheesy.gif

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I used to have a Cambodian friend who worked along the trat border. He knew several of the Cambodian immigration agents there, and said they all have two or three large houses in different parts of the country.

I did my own visa run last month to poi pet (drove myself) the boarder touts are relentless, so paying one 500 baht only adds to the increase number of them. In that area that is about equal to 3 days pay for 20 minutes work.

Yes I paid 800 for the visa, I did not have US$ and forgot the photo. I saw them not processing someone who tried to just give $20 who did not seem to be on a visa run but just entering the country. They just made him wait to the side and took other people walking in. I am not sure how long he was there before I walked in but I was there for 15 minutes and he was still there when I left.

I have not done a boarder run in 6 years but my visa situation changed last year. Before I would just give them $20 and not take no for an answer. My friends who do visa runs regularly say they always get the e-visa first now before doing it.


Whatever these Visa Runs are coming to an end shortly anyway with the actual introduction of 3 re entries and you're out (back to home country anyway)

Utter nonsense.

There's a plethora of people on 12 month Multi-Entry Non-Imm visas that need to leave the country and re-enter every 90 days, those on a double-entry tourist visa etc. etc.

The only possible end in sight is the introduction of new ASEAN visa rules in the 2015 ASEAN visa changes. And even then it will likely only be changes to those people who are not the typical Multi-Entry border hopper and Tourist-Visa loop-holers.

Well apparently not........

I understand the appropriate announcements will be made March 15th. If I can find anything else out will repost for you.


Personal attack on another member removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Whatever these Visa Runs are coming to an end shortly anyway with the actual introduction of 3 re entries and you're out (back to home country anyway)

Utter nonsense.

There's a plethora of people on 12 month Multi-Entry Non-Imm visas that need to leave the country and re-enter every 90 days, those on a double-entry tourist visa etc. etc.

The only possible end in sight is the introduction of new ASEAN visa rules in the 2015 ASEAN visa changes. And even then it will likely only be changes to those people who are not the typical Multi-Entry border hopper and Tourist-Visa loop-holers.

Well apparently not........

I understand the appropriate announcements will be made March 15th. If I can find anything else out will repost for you.

So you're saying that those with with a 12 month Muli-entry Visa, which requires them to leave the country every 90 days, will not be allowed to enter more than 3 times in that 12 month period despite holding a 12 month multi-entry visa... and that those with 12 month Extensions of Stays and Multi-Entry re-entry permits will, wait, only be able to enter Thailand 3 times in that 12 month period despite holding a 12 month Extension of Stay and multi-entry re-entry permit... cheesy.gif



There's a plethora of people on 12 month Multi-Entry Non-Imm visas that need to leave the country and re-enter every 90 days, those on a double-entry tourist visa etc. etc.

Indeed there are. And many of them are not tourists at all but are engaged either in illegal work or worse.

I am certain that at some point determined action will be taken to stop people from doing this. The simplest way would be to just stop issuing these long multi-entry visas and, by all accounts, they are indeed getting more and more difficult to obtain especially after the first one or two.

let's hope they also get rid of the long term retirement visa at the same time

Why would they want to do that? Retirees bring a vast amount of money into the country from overseas and, because of the financial requirements for getting a retirement visa/extension in the first place, they are fairly unlikely to be working illegally. Also retired people are often fed up with working and quite pleased not to be doing it any more.

I wouldnt be at all surprised if they put the financial requirements for retirement extensions up again at some point, but I doubt they will be in any great hurry to remove the option altogether.


Whatever these Visa Runs are coming to an end shortly anyway with the actual introduction of 3 re entries and you're out (back to home country anyway)

Utter nonsense.

There's a plethora of people on 12 month Multi-Entry Non-Imm visas that need to leave the country and re-enter every 90 days, those on a double-entry tourist visa etc. etc.

The only possible end in sight is the introduction of new ASEAN visa rules in the 2015 ASEAN visa changes. And even then it will likely only be changes to those people who are not the typical Multi-Entry border hopper and Tourist-Visa loop-holers.

Well apparently not........

I understand the appropriate announcements will be made March 15th. If I can find anything else out will repost for you.

So you're saying that those with with a 12 month Muli-entry Visa, which requires them to leave the country every 90 days, will not be allowed to enter more than 3 times in that 12 month period despite holding a 12 month multi-entry visa... and that those with 12 month Extensions of Stays and Multi-Entry re-entry permits will, wait, only be able to enter Thailand 3 times in that 12 month period despite holding a 12 month Extension of Stay and multi-entry re-entry permit... cheesy.gif


No what I said was that if I received more information I would repost for you............Suggest you go back and read again buddy.

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