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An Interesting Incident


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I feel nothing is what it seems here and the lady in question was priming you for the next step which will be to buy and open a laundry some place after all you seem to be extremely impressed with her ironing skills.

Be strong and make sure you know how to pour your own drink or maybe her accountancy skills will be enticing also and you could end up with a bar and a laundry to wash it all in.

Also one to note is if her estate agency skills start coming to the fore,land and building skills among Thai ladies is second to none the world over.

What about a massage is she good at that also?


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My Mum used to work as an in store demonstrator for Morphy Richards and was taught how to iron shirts properly. She later taught me. I can iron a shirt that will make you weep with admiration tongue.png

Lucky you, and I say that in a good sense. I dislike doing it, most likely because I have not mastered the task.

Easy. Cuffs - sleeves - yoke - collar - body.

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My wife's family , (Thai), where amazed i picked a new born baby up and was holding it, they seem to think that its not a MAN thing, along with why do i stay with them and live the same as a Thai , Why do i not go and stay in a Hotel. because they think every one from the west has big money, and pay every one to do the deeds for me. all down to education,

Edited by Thongkorn
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Honestly,I really try to recall any "incident",where a Thai person done anything close to perfect,but sorry to say,nothing springs to mind.And I have been here more than 20 years...So to me,it was an amazing story,installing new hope for the future!

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Honestly,I really try to recall any "incident",where a Thai person done anything close to perfect,but sorry to say,nothing springs to mind.And I have been here more than 20 years...So to me,it was an amazing story,installing new hope for the future!

I have half a mind to see if she might take on the task of sidewalk design and upkeep in Bangkok!

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Honestly,I really try to recall any "incident",where a Thai person done anything close to perfect,but sorry to say,nothing springs to mind

Making somtam?

Could be,I don`t eat somtam.But now when you mention food,I remember that I once had a very delicious pad thai !
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so you made a hooker iron your clothes? congrats?

What made you jump to that conclusion?

Don't listen to them, Falcon. There are always a few old miserable people who want to start an argument. I for one enjoyed your little story. It had a sweet, simple message in it. It is always the simple things that somehow touch us the most.

Renes asking if she can iron the next lot for ya .
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so you made a hooker iron your clothes? congrats?

I think the real question is, did she clean or polish off anything else for you that made a memorable impression ? I once meet a Thai girl who came to my room and she did more than ironing. Actually, she cleaned the dishes as well.

On a bright note, she is clearly a good catch, maybe some other chaps here could have some ironing done as well if ironing is her thing.

Edited by Terry Newman
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Why would you stay at a "higher end hotel" and do your own ironing?

Kind of defeats the object.

Would you cook your own food in such a place? If so, it's called a motel or a serviced apartment.


I arrived too late to get same day laundry service. Needed a shirt to go out for the evening. I grew up poor, and

still am in the habit of doing certain things for myself.

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Why would you stay at a "higher end hotel" and do your own ironing?

Kind of defeats the object.

Would you cook your own food in such a place? If so, it's called a motel or a serviced apartment.


I arrived too late to get same day laundry service. Needed a shirt to go out for the evening. I grew up poor, and

still am in the habit of doing certain things for myself.

When I take long walks or tours with my bicycle,some people ask me "why don`t you use your car" Or when I build my pool myself:"Why don`t you hire people to do the work" and so on.The answer is,I like to do these things!! What I do not like,is hanging around and do nothing all day: Find it strange,that so many folks think that doing that (nothing ) is the essens of life.But each to him self,those of us who have the choice are lucky!
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umm...good for you? But fyi this was neither interesting nor what one would classify as an incident. It is a general piece of information that is irrelevant to anyone except yourself & possibly the lady in question.

I am somewhat confused by the point of this post.

Guess I was just wondering if something like that had happened to others. Might be relevant to others. Sorry if it bored or confused you. Maybe you live a much more interesting life then me smile.png

Not worth responding op, some on here take offence to even the most innocuous, innocent of posts. As above, just ignore. Was worth the read for me, and quite refreshing from the political drivel, mocking of the natives, or 'where can I find noodles for 10 baht' threads. Well done.

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so you made a hooker iron your clothes? congrats?

I think the real question is, did she clean or polish off anything else for you that made a memorable impression ? I once meet a Thai girl who came to my room and she did more than ironing. Actually, she cleaned the dishes as well.

On a bright note, she is clearly a good catch, maybe some other chaps here could have some ironing done as well if ironing is her thing.

Some will wash the dishes,

Some will clean and sweep.

But best of all was the Therme Doll,

Who would clean out your room while you sleep'

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umm...good for you? But fyi this was neither interesting nor what one would classify as an incident. It is a general piece of information that is irrelevant to anyone except yourself & possibly the lady in question.

I am somewhat confused by the point of this post.

I'm not confused, the OP is trying to make a point on how Thai girls always want to help you, if my wife sees me cutting my finger nails, she insists on doing it for me, if I am doing anything in the kitchen, she has to do it for me, and she works full time, while I am retired.
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