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Getting It For Free In Thailand


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Yep, stay at a GH and get on a pubcrawl/outing or summat. Most lucrative time for me was in Oz/NZ on tours... stroll on! Most folks here would probably be too old to do a jungle trek, but a good way to meet and then chillout when back in town.

I'm an Asian lover; however, when a smart Westerner is on the scene, it's like sight for sore eyes. There's beauty everywhere... a shame not all can appreciate it.

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If OP is meaning; chatting up and scoring with some of the young tourist talent, than it all depends.

Great if you`re still young or youngish, as there are loads of girls holidaying and out for some wild adventures, but desirable or those under the age of 40 Western women consider that guys over the age of 45 should either be feeding the ducks at the park or already dead and buried. For the over 45 guys that would dare to even look at a young farang bird, would be considered as sick, twisted perverts deserving of castration or to be placed under house arrest for the next 20 years.

I dare any old geezer to try it on with some young tourist girl just to see how far he can push his luck without getting arrested or labelled as a sex-pat or pervert?

" .....Today's youth have a sexual freedom not seen before. Not even the 60's can compare....."

If the OP was jumping bones in the sixties, then he ain't no spring chicken either......................thumbsup.gif

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If OP is meaning; chatting up and scoring with some of the young tourist talent, than it all depends.

Great if you`re still young or youngish, as there are loads of girls holidaying and out for some wild adventures, but desirable or those under the age of 40 Western women consider that guys over the age of 45 should either be feeding the ducks at the park or already dead and buried. For the over 45 guys that would dare to even look at a young farang bird, would be considered as sick, twisted perverts deserving of castration or to be placed under house arrest for the next 20 years.

I dare any old geezer to try it on with some young tourist girl just to see how far he can push his luck without getting arrested or labelled as a sex-pat or pervert?

+1....His story 'might' work if your young but if you over 40, young non-Thai's will look at you like your a pervert.
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If OP is meaning; chatting up and scoring with some of the young tourist talent, than it all depends.

Great if you`re still young or youngish, as there are loads of girls holidaying and out for some wild adventures, but desirable or those under the age of 40 Western women consider that guys over the age of 45 should either be feeding the ducks at the park or already dead and buried. For the over 45 guys that would dare to even look at a young farang bird, would be considered as sick, twisted perverts deserving of castration or to be placed under house arrest for the next 20 years.

I dare any old geezer to try it on with some young tourist girl just to see how far he can push his luck without getting arrested or labelled as a sex-pat or pervert?

+1....His story 'might' work if your young but if you over 40, young non-Thai's will look at you like your a pervert.

What people, particularly girls, say they like in a group is very different from what they will actually like when alone. Once alone and subject to smooth talking, it's game over baby. Hence, why any good seduction is always about getting your girl away from her c*ckblocking/jealous girlfriends. All about the context, 40 year old in a guesthouse is a tryhard loser, 40 year old in a hotel lounge/winebar/hot restaurant, dressed sharply (that is tightly atm), excuding some confidence, being a good conversationalist is going to be swatting younger women away. Many, many younger women have fantasies of older men, they're just ashamed to say so in public. They also fantasise about being spanked, submitted and degraded as sales of Fifty Shades of Grey prove. So always take what women 'think' they want with some skepticism. Most younger women have no clue who or what they're attracted to except men who show confidence real or false.

Guesthouses suck anyway for anyone over 21. Poor losers or hipster posers pretending to be poor, then buying pad thai from a ladyboy and rejoicing about how Thai they are lol. Most pretentious bunch of people.

I always say that people who just want to get laid easily should just go to Northern Europe. Women give it up for nothing there as long as you nod along to their retarded liberal ideas for half a night. Not an easier lay than a drunk british girl or a 'liberated' scandi woman. PM me if you want some good nightlife spots in Copenhagen and Stockholm.

Much more difficult to score properly in Thailand for a one nighter or short fling, that is, without the expectation of some kind of financial indirect tradeoff.

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I'm with Diamond King on this.

My last long term caucasion girfriend was 20 when we parted. We dated for 3 years. I was 40 and she was 17 when we started. We still chat, I still play golf with her father.

But I simply prefer asian women, doesn't have to be Thai but since I go there quite a bit then I'm happy with them. Love the brown skin, love the girls from the rice farms.

I have absolutely no intention to be with another caucasion woman, no interest at all.

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The easiest women in the world are Americans. In the richer areas, it's about money. In the poorer areas money helps but it's about confidence.

American women have no ties to family after age 18 or thereabouts. Many women have a father complex because they were abandoned emotionally when young either by divorce or simple neglect. I'm 66 and my last girlfriend was a hot 36. Divorced, one child almost grown, feeling freedom for the first time, feeling like now is the time to make up for lost time. She would do anything I asked her to do, and then want to do it again.

The difference I see between Thai and American is that the Americans have no need to be coy. They do what they want to do and they do it right now. There is no family to answer to and no one cares what they do.

They probably watch as much porn as men do, and I have no clue what or whether Thai women do in that regard.

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The easiest women in the world are Americans. In the richer areas, it's about money. In the poorer areas money helps but it's about confidence.

American women have no ties to family after age 18 or thereabouts. Many women have a father complex because they were abandoned emotionally when young either by divorce or simple neglect. I'm 66 and my last girlfriend was a hot 36. Divorced, one child almost grown, feeling freedom for the first time, feeling like now is the time to make up for lost time. She would do anything I asked her to do, and then want to do it again.

The difference I see between Thai and American is that the Americans have no need to be coy. They do what they want to do and they do it right now. There is no family to answer to and no one cares what they do.

They probably watch as much porn as men do, and I have no clue what or whether Thai women do in that regard.

Good 1thumbsup.gif and very true.

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Oh, good grief. Be socially functional and connective and the whole world is out there. Don't hang out with people who are interested in your money. Avoid places where they go (especially tourist places). Learn to speak a bit of Thai. Know how social life works here and participate. Wait for people to express some interest and respond with restraint. Repeat as necessary.

I think that simply avoiding tourist places and speaking Thai scares off 95%+ of the tourist hunters, except maybe the very, very stupid ones.

It has been years and years since someone tried to ask me for money- to their regret- mainly because I have been making better and better choices. I don't even worry about it anymore. This seems to be the kind of thing that people worry about who have some bad habits to break. Your mileage may vary.

Edited by Ijustwannateach
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my wife is absolutly not the only good thai woman getting about, however before her i was not looking for a thai or any nationality, i was looking for a nice girl regardless of nationality.

if we were to split with im yet to find to many other thais i would trust though, such a gamble.

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Hang around a guesthouse to score a free piece of ass because you have guilt about paying for it. That's really what it is with you guys obsessed with not paying for it.

Of course, there are many sociopaths as well. Like a Turkish asshol_e I knew. Met girls online, told them all sorts of bs. They were proper women. When they would get a bit serious he would leave - he told stories of sneaking out of the hotel and leaving the city. What a colossal asshol_e.

So are you sleeping in the dump as well or just spending b200 in taxis to go there and b350 on soft drinks and fried rice?

I can just see you now, the happy traveler...been in Asia two years maybe. Seen a few countries superficially. Sit around the table all day night bestowing your travel wisdom.

If you are after white girls, go home!? Oh yeah you could not score any women in your hometown.

Married to a lovely woman 15yrs my junior - its free.

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