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An Introduction, Moving To Bkk And No, I Am Not A Teacher.

Thailand Bound

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Hello Ladies, Gentlemen and the rest of the 98% of you,

The Introduction or as some here will call it, just TMI.

I came out here from the US after a short one year (1984) long stint in the UK, I have lived and worked in SE Asia since early 1985, travelled around working short term offshore jobs (1 month on 2 weeks off), month to month in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, South Korea and Papua New Guinea (god, what a hole) finally got sick of the moving around, living out of hotels and quit the company I was working for, relocated to BKK, my thought was at the time because I had seen and lived in most of the other cities and countries around the area that BKK and Thailand could not be any worse.

My first time in BKK was in late 1985, first 3 nights there I stayed at the Ambassador Hotel and found a decent smaller hotel next door to it on Soi 11 (near that ourdoor bar you could sit at run by a guy named Charlie and he had a stunner working for him named Noi. Sent out a few resumes to companies in Singapore and went down a couple of months later for interviews, got a job working offshore and found an apartment in BKK.

I lived in BKK from late 1985 to early 1989. At the time, I worked offshore 2 months on, 1 month off and lived where I wanted, company I was working for was in Singapore and parent company in the US. I was young and could care less, I kept an apartment down on the left past the federal hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 11 that i stayed at when I blew through town and life was good.

By 1989 I really got tired of 21 days out of 28 either in Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza or Patpong 1, 2 or 3. I got tired of all of the hard core drugs (heroin, and opium was readily available back then) I saw some of the guys I worked with get addicted too and even some die from, I got tired of seeing wet eared guys come to BKK back then like a kid in the candy store immediately shack up with the first bar girl that gave them a bj and they move in with the girl come back after 60 days offshore, the house is locked up tight with padlocks on the doors, she is gone furniture is gone ect ect I amsure you have heard the drill and these guys would be torn up I saw one guy break down and cry about it in Graham and Dave's bar, the Hare and Hound bar on Soi Cowboy with a few standing around consoling him. He was actually a good guy and did not deserve it but he learned, watching that I vowed I would never marry a girl who worked on her back, not that there is anything wrong with that, I have given more than a few hundred of the girls short or a long weekend term work more than once, besides everyone has to eat and survive, I just would not marry one. I just needed a new persepctive on life a new gig and relocated to Jakarta.

Reinvented myself, found a new company doing something totally different stopped working offshore over the years found a decent girl and I have to say one of the most honest I have ever known in Aisa, still to this day the most honest and only woman I trust in the world (well Mom is dead) we got married and I worked for a large Eurpoean company for more than 15 years. Wife and I knew something was coming so we decided we divorce, we will put the ohuse up for sale soon and sell the her and split all of our holdings (yes I am being more than fair, she get's our daughter and 65% and I take 35%) and we will both live comfortably but apart. We have and I will pay the school and support for our daughter. I am being more than fair, I owe her that, no dramas we have just grown apart over the last 15 years. Right when I am winding down and retiring she is going to go back to school and get her Masters in Psycology, she already has her bachlor's degree in Law. Too be fair she is 35 and I am 55 and we were so in love in the beginning but neither of us lived up to what the other was expecting and we are not bitter about it.

Anyway, don't feel like going back to the Nanny states, love SE Asia and besides still want to stay close enought to Indonesia to see our little one grow up and I love the warm weather, hate the unbelievably expensive Singapore (little known fact, in 1985 you could stay in the Hyatt in Singapore in a Regency class room for 80 Sing a night or 40 USD a night back then, now you can't touch them for less than 450 or 500 Sing) and Malaysia does not appeal to me either so I will take the retirement visa option and come to BKK after our house is sold and our separation/divorce is worked out. I don't feel like staying in Indonesia besides they are a pain in the ass when it comes to their retirement package for expats and the constant paying people off is truly getting out of hand. When I moved there in 1989 Suharto had all of the govt. workers walking the straight a narrow. Everyone knew who could ask for a back hander and who could not, since the US withdrew their support for him and advised him to step down it is open season and everyone asks more like demand a pay off. Yes I know it probably is somewhat the same here but I need a change besides from what I have heard the payoff thing here is not as greedy in BKK as it is here and not everyone asks.

The first year, I will rent either a house or condo, to get my bearings and then buy a condo or continue renting the house but still within in a 30/45 maximum 60 minute (during heavy traffic) drive from Sukhumvit and I will go out that far but only if I can still have a decent internet connection and a decent cable TV or sat tv hookup. I will need a good speed internet connection because I will be talking to the wife probably once or twice a week via Skype and at least 4 to 6 times a week with our little one. If I cannot achieve that then I will find a place closer to Sukhumvit until I can get a decent place with my requirements. I could care less if it is close to the BTS as I will be buying a car and can always go out to pickup or drop off visitors from BKK, I was looking on the web at a new Ford Country I beleive it was called but too dam_n expensive (3 billion) it is very safe, alll wheel drive and very comfortable but considering I am just moving here and no more income really coming in except for interest on some cash the dam_n thing is just too expensive so I have settled on, once I cIear the retirement visa process, legal and I can buy a car here, I'll buy a new Nissan XTrail all wheel drive, I love the feel from an all wheel drive when crusing down the road and making turns and getting on down the road when there is room to really run.

Yes yes, I know TMI but now I need some from you guys that I cannot find on this website or <URL Automatically Removed> or any other place I have searched and although I am not relocating for what I foresee several more months I want to start early on my research instead of waiting until I am ready to fly over, god forbid, I know it is not right but I have not been asianized yet, I do plan ahead so any help on the questions below would be appreciated and will secure an invite to a session of beers once I do land and get situated.

1. Is there any place as I describe quiet but secure between 30 to 60 minutes south of Sukhumvit with a decent housing, preferably gated suburb with decent internet speed and an unlimited download package and with decent cable or sat tv hookup. Is this usually aleeady hooked up or do I have the owner do it and I pay the monthly bill. Do they have unlimited internet download packages here?

2. Any thoughts/recommendations on the internet and cable TV/ sat tv situation as I describe above and is it avaialbe that far out of BKK that is reliable and provides somewhere between 800kps and 1mbps download speed?

3. I have heard mobile phone service providers are DTAC, AIS True and a couple of others, is that right? Which mobile phone service provider has the most base stations/towers and cell coverage around BKK and outside of BKK? Which one would you recommend? Not worried about internet on my cell, never really use it unless I am on wifi at the house just want good phone coverage around the city when I am out. I would prefer a post paid account so i donot have to worry about running out of credits if I am out in the boonies, is there a problem with them extending that to an expat on a retirement visa here?

4. I had a kidney transplant in 2007 in Mt E in Singers, anyone know of a very good knowledgeable and intelligent nephrologist here in BKK that I can meet and talk to once I am in BKK?

5. And now right after asking for a decent kidney specialist I ask about, what else, than beer? I used to drink Klosters here all the time in the 80's, I heard Klosters Netherlands had a falling out with their partner in Thailand so is Klosters still avaialble? What about Corona, my beer of choice these days? Any other decent brews here at a reasonable price?

6.Is the Hare and Hound still standing on Soi Cowboy, is there a chance in hell that Graham is still around, consideirng Dave's health more than 20 years ago, I doubt he is.

7. Anyone know Nick Freeman, Brit, large, loud, whore monger extraordinaire and a total piss head 20 years ago, worked offshore as a PM for Western Geo. Singapore (the company management that best describes the saying "a Circus without a Tent") and truly lived paycheck to paycheck.

Ok that is all for now but I am sure I will think of some more, thanks for giving me your time and critique which I am sure I will get.


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I agree about Bumrungrad for the kidney thing. GF from overseas was on dialysis. Brought her to Bumrungrad for an intro, just in case she needed attention while here on weekends. She approved of the doctors and facilities, though we never had an emergency. But if she ever does, she's all registered and ready to go.

If I were a little more suspicious, this could look like a debt collector's (or jealous husband's, or a jilted wife's) clever ploy to find one Nick Freeman. Not really good form to ask for whereabouts over this interweb thing. Most expat forums have strict rules against it. Hopefully, it's innocent, but...

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I agree about Bumrungrad for the kidney thing. GF from overseas was on dialysis. Brought her to Bumrungrad for an intro, just in case she needed attention while here on weekends. She approved of the doctors and facilities, though we never had an emergency. But if she ever does, she's all registered and ready to go.

If I were a little more suspicious, this could look like a debt collector's (or jealous husband's, or a jilted wife's) clever ploy to find one Nick Freeman. Not really good form to ask for whereabouts over this interweb thing. Most expat forums have strict rules against it. Hopefully, it's innocent, but...

Yes totally innocent but the description still fits, he would be the first to admit it. Freeman was never anyone to be jealous of and he would probably admit that as well. So anyone having info on Nick just PM me. Or keep your secret, honestly It has been over 20 years not even sure if he is still alive much less in BKK and if he is, he is surely suffering from major liver damage.

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I am sure you have other reasons, but I would not be buying a large, expensive truck just to take visitors to and from the airport. Driving and parking here seems such a hassle. Might change my mind after moving here, but..... .

Yes besides the fact that I love to drive, I really like to drive. Besides when people ask me in Jakarta why I have a Mercedes and not a driver I ask them why would I spend all of that money (3 times as much than the XTrail there) on a Mercedes and then give the keys to someone who does not appreciate the engineering in his hands? If I am going to spend that much cash to drive then I am going to enjoy the experience.

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I agree about Bumrungrad for the kidney thing. GF from overseas was on dialysis. Brought her to Bumrungrad for an intro, just in case she needed attention while here on weekends. She approved of the doctors and facilities, though we never had an emergency. But if she ever does, she's all registered and ready to go.

If I were a little more suspicious, this could look like a debt collector's (or jealous husband's, or a jilted wife's) clever ploy to find one Nick Freeman. Not really good form to ask for whereabouts over this interweb thing. Most expat forums have strict rules against it. Hopefully, it's innocent, but...

I was lucky in that respect when both of my kidneys failed in 2007, my Indonesian BIL is the same blood type and he donated a kidney to me. I went through about 2 months of dialysis total and then on to the transplant.

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when have you been here the last time. There is no way you could have fun anywhere in Bangkok area with your truck. Only if you enjoy standing in traffic for most of the time, lol. Get a motorbike.

Come here, have a look, so many things have changed. Get a housing agent or two and have a look for condos and houses in different areas. Then decide for yourself.

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5) No local brews are anything special, but none of them totally disastrous either, all a matter of taste. A number of places selling imported Belgian beer amongst others..

6) I am sure the Hare and Hounds is still there, as for Graham and Dave try the Stickman Bangkok site, he seems to know Cowboy as well as anybody.

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re 4: Try Bumrungrad Hospital in Sukhumvit soi 3

re 5: Kloster is gone

Thanks Melvin, sorry to hear about Kloster, in the 80's it was only Klosters and Singha to drink or a good cold g & t

Singha and also G&T are both still available, in abundance

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re 4: Try Bumrungrad Hospital in Sukhumvit soi 3

re 5: Kloster is gone

Thanks Melvin, sorry to hear about Kloster, in the 80's it was only Klosters and Singha to drink or a good cold g & t

Singha and also G&T are both still available, in abundance

I am sure Melvin, Singha always sucked for me and my Singapore nephrologist really recommends too many G&T's and I can go looking for another donor for another kidney. Ever seen Corona in the market a all?

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5) No local brews are anything special, but none of them totally disastrous either, all a matter of taste. A number of places selling imported Belgian beer amongst others..

6) I am sure the Hare and Hounds is still there, as for Graham and Dave try the Stickman Bangkok site, he seems to know Cowboy as well as anybody.

5. Yes Corona available, depending on where you frequent, you also missed the now long gone Amarit from your list of beers.

6. H&H moved from SC to WS about 10 years ago, WS now dust and rubble. Dont know where Dave is, I seem to remember he was involved with about 3 bars, was Prince Of Wales another?, sorry too long ago to remember or care.

7. Dont remember the name, there were plenty of guys like that, some worse than others.

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5) No local brews are anything special, but none of them totally disastrous either, all a matter of taste. A number of places selling imported Belgian beer amongst others..

6) I am sure the Hare and Hounds is still there, as for Graham and Dave try the Stickman Bangkok site, he seems to know Cowboy as well as anybody.

5. Yes Corona available, depending on where you frequent, you also missed the now long gone Amarit from your list of beers.

6. H&H moved from SC to WS about 10 years ago, WS now dust and rubble. Dont know where Dave is, I seem to remember he was involved with about 3 bars, was Prince Of Wales another?, sorry too long ago to remember or care.

7. Dont remember the name, there were plenty of guys like that, some worse than others.

Thanks RGS I assume Amarit was so bad that I blocked it out of my mind. Yes I heard WS went by the wayside, another Tower of condo's going in there or ???? I do remember the mention of the Prince of Wales but did not remember or like you, care. Yes Nick was a sight but a stand up man, always paid his debts and kept his word. That kind of guy these days is few and far between. You'd laugh your ass off if you saw him on a bender, coming out of some run down short time hotel opposite Nana Hotel, hair not combed in 3 days and same for lack of shower, wearing a torn dirty shirt shorts not much thicker than boxers, no socks and his cheap Kings steel toed boots he wore offshore. Oh he was a sight but a standup guy you could count on nevertheless.

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I am sure you have other reasons, but I would not be buying a large, expensive truck just to take visitors to and from the airport. Driving and parking here seems such a hassle. Might change my mind after moving here, but..... .

Falcon I have thought about what you said and I might go another way, do they sell these in BKK?


It's called a P45 just google P45 Topgear Youtube

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" I could care less if it is close to the BTS as I will be buying a car and can always go out to pickup or drop off visitors from BKK, I was looking on the web at a new Ford Country I beleive it was called but too dam_n expensive (3 billion) it is very safe, alll wheel drive and very "

3 billion baht seems rather excessive for a 4x4 but I hear money is good working offshore.

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" I could care less if it is close to the BTS as I will be buying a car and can always go out to pickup or drop off visitors from BKK, I was looking on the web at a new Ford Country I beleive it was called but too dam_n expensive (3 billion) it is very safe, alll wheel drive and very "

3 billion baht seems rather excessive for a 4x4 but I hear money is good working offshore.

LOL I have not worked offshore since 1994. As I said I reinvented myself. Jack of all trades, master of none. That Ford Country has almost exactly the same specs as my 2009 VW Touareg. it was a 4x4, It had a 3 liter TDI engine and 550nm of torque. An excellent adjustable air suspension ride. Less than 2 years ago I had a very bad bout of low blood sugar hit me, it was bad, I had taken a shot of Insulin but just got busy and forgot to eat, not sure if you no it but once hit with low blood sugar you get weak knee'ed a little jumpy, feelings of being hot. If you have insulin in your systme and have noit eate it get's worse you actually go black mentally, total blackout but function physically. I pulled out of the VW service center, and mentally lost all conscienceness, I continued to drive for a total of 6 kms until I hit a huge oak tree that totalled the Touareg. I hit, side swipped and touched a few cars, a total of 11 to be exact, on the 6km drive, Insurnace paid off everything and luckily I never touched one of the many motorcycles I paid for it, totaled the Touareg and broke my back and was in GlenEagles Hospital Singapore for 4 months. I miss that car.




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It's beginning to feel like a TV mini-series is coming on here....

Oh piss off John... I only made the post I did because I read a couple of posts earlier where these 2 school teachers got roasted due to lack of info and one had a thai bf that was not living here. It was gruesome the way these 2 got treated and I wanted to make sure I did not get the same ofr lack of info and now I get it for TMI.

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