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Re-Entry And Appeal For Visa After Deportation ?

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Hi guys ,

I was in a following situation...and I'm in need of some advice here.

I'm Belgian guy , working and living since 3 years in thailand. ( I have my valid work permit , year visa and all paperwork is ok )

But,..... A police report in Belgium required that I was questioned about facts that another Belgium guy committed . Therefore , (and appearantly Belgium authority's where not aware that I resided in Thailand, ) spread a searchwarrant worldwide through Interpol , in order to question me about this other Belgium guys case . Only questioning, not a case of being involved or guilty in any way...

So, my passport was seized upon my yearly renewal of it and my ready stamped passport was stamped VOID over it. ( because of an existing search warrant )

Next step is that I was brought to IDC ( immigration to be deported to Belgium ) I bought my own ticket and flew back to Belgium.

After questioning me in Belgium about this other guys case , I was free to go and also have my passport back , so virtually I'm able to fly over the whole world..... I'm not arrested or anything.

What can I do to get myself from the thai blacklist , as I also have a pregnant girlfriend , a house, car , my live is there..... My work ,everything.

According to many people, I could not get appeal , so I would stay blacklisted for at least 5 years , but more likely 99 years.

Any help in my case , i didn't do anything wrong in thailand and/or in y own country........

Ps : they searchwarrant by Interpol is withdrawn already .

Thanks in advance ....

Desperate Belgium guy .....

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My first idea would be to contact the Belgian embassy in Thailand and ask them to contact Thai immigration of your behalf. Sounds like the Belgian government made a mistake and should try to rectify it.

Second try to get an explaining letter from the Belgian police in English and a criminal record check, to show you were not convicted of anything. You being convisted would be the base for blacklisting.

If there is no mark in the passport, you might not be blacklisted, but could face questioning at the airport before they wil allow you t enter or send you home. That is where the police letter and criminal record check would come in handy.

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Hello Thanks for your reply,

Yes, i have a red stamp in My pasport and a void year permit.

See attached photos.

The girl in migration suvurnabhum confirmed BLACKLISTED as I asked for it

She also said I needed paper from Belgium police.

Now, the investigation is still ongoing and probably I will be asked to return for further explanations and provide more proof against the other guy.

So, police will only declare the no conviction after the whole investigation.

It would and could take soo long, nobody knows how long.

In meantime, I can loose my work , my girlfriend is pregnant to give birth arround 2nd September.

Cannot sell My car or motorbike , ( as they are in my name , ... )

As I'm not working now, I'm not making money , so ..... Escalating problems....

Cannot work in Belgium on a short time basis ..... As I'm not ok with Belgium insurance ....

Is there an in between visa to enter thailand for family matters ? I heard that take care of (thai ) family is high level priority in thai culture....

All the help and info is welcome ...



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1)You could avoid this problem by reporting your longtime absence at your home country local community population service before leaving Belgium , here is the form i use , i think your local place also have similar

1 jaar afwezigheidsmelding489.pdf

2)Second option , you could when the problem happened at ImmGration , to contact Belgium Embassy 's Federal police liason officer to clear up the situation , so you could go back whitout deportation that person has good contacts with Thai authoritys especcialy for such or related cases (wanted / missing Belgiums subjects in Belgium possible residing Th.)

3) Normal procedure by law by leaving home country is to report your adress where you go to live ..., so by not finding you and important needed you came on the wanted list , by emmigrating (that is what you did ), you failed to not raporting that

Edited by david555
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Pic 2 appaears to say that your permission to stay was revoked, hence the "VOID".

Pic. 1 is more important, the red stamp appears to say you were deported under the immirgation act. But my Thai is very limited. This in all likelyhood means you will be questioned when you return.

If the police can't help, go to the court and see what they can do. A letter from the court explaining the situation and telling that you are only a witness would go far. If that fails, contact the Ombudsman for help. http://www.federaalombudsman.be/fr

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Hello guys ,

As of what I can read in your replys , there is hope for my case.

Next week I go to Belgium police to deliver all the proof and extra info I could provide.

I will ask them the same question on how they can help.

Good to feel that my case is not hopeless....

Any info still welcome

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In all cases , my current visa is nearly full and I would need a replacement one anyway.

That will be empty from stamps ...

I do no want to risk going to Thailand , maybe pass immigration officer when I'm lucky , and then afterwards get arrested for illegal entry in the kingdom, in that case I would have a criminal act on my name in thailand, will be deported again, and then indeed no re-entry possible....

So, before I go back , I really want to get through all the possible steps and get approved before returning.

So,..... Keep me posted ...

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Yes, of course I will apply for new passport .....but I cannot change my name he ...

Only it will be empty ( need entry visa stamped ) and the number will be different

I can imagine that old and new passport number will be linked to each other while scanning ....

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In some countries they link the passports, but this might only be done when you lose a passport.

Also do not try the Thai family thing, you are only a BF and also not the father of the unborn child unless you are married to the mother.

Go to your local Court and get a letter explaining that you were required to return to Belgium to assist the Police in their inquiries. Get it translated into English and take to the Thai Embassy in Brussels they might be able to assist you further.

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Eselkaken, the first thing you should do is find out whether you are blacklisted. Get a translation of that red stamp in your passport, below your last exit stamp. In addition, you can call the IDC in Bangkok – ask for Khun Apple – and she will check on the immigration database if you are on one of the blacklists, or have somebody in Thailand go to the IDC on your behalf to find out.

A lot of foreigners have been deported but not blacklisted, and later returned to Thailand, sometimes as early as the day after departure, without any problem.

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Eselkaken, the first thing you should do is find out whether you are blacklisted. Get a translation of that red stamp in your passport, below your last exit stamp. In addition, you can call the IDC in Bangkok – ask for Khun Apple – and she will check on the immigration database if you are on one of the blacklists, or have somebody in Thailand go to the IDC on your behalf to find out.

A lot of foreigners have been deported but not blacklisted, and later returned to Thailand, sometimes as early as the day after departure, without any problem.

Yes maestro , a lot of people returned, but most of them On ' simple ' overstay ... With me there is ( was ) a searchwarant by Interpol ..... What was already seen as " dangerous Alien for Thai community " ......

I know Apple with idc. I ma On a blacklist for reasons here above....

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The hand written in picture 1 (black ink)said that your name is in the Thai immigration database.

So this not necessairy means that this Cannot be changed ?

This is the whole translation.

In picture 1 said that your name appears in Thai immigration database record number S082451(In Thai alphabhet number) your visa was cancelled and you are blacklisted under Thai immigration Act 2522 Section 12 (7) and was allow to leave the country on 26 Jan 2013.

Thai immigration Act Section 12 (7) means that you are threat to the public security and the good moral of Thai people or have warrant issue by foreign government.

here's the link of Thai Immigration Act 2522


Edited by beethovenzz
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The hand written in picture 1 (black ink)said that your name is in the Thai immigration database.

So this not necessairy means that this Cannot be changed ?

This is the whole translation.

In picture 1 said that your name appears in Thai immigration database record number S082451(In Thai alphabhet number) your visa was cancelled and you are blacklisted under Thai immigration Act 2522 Section 12 (7) and was allow to leave the country on 26 Jan 2013.

Thai immigration Act Section 12 (7) means that you are threat to the public security and the good moral of Thai people or have warrant issue by foreign government.

here's the link of Thai Immigration Act 2522


Ok, i looks n the English version of the act section 12(7) :

7. Having behavior which would indicated possible danger to the public or likelihood of being a nuisance or constituting any violence to the peace or safety of the public or to the security of the public or to the security of the nation , or being under warrant of arrest by competent officials of foreign governments.

Indeed , this is My case : being under warrant..... So , i just need TO prove that im not convicted in this case and there was only a warrant TO get My statement in this case against somberen else ....

So, i feel there could be a good chance TO get off the blacklist .....only question stays ....how tolerant and coöperative Will Thai authoritys be in this case ....

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Thanks beethovenzz for the translation. I saw he was expelled based on section. 12 of the immigration act, but missed the sub 7.

Yes, your situation is far from hopeless, but you need proof that you were only wanted as a witness. Currently you ar on the immigration watchlist and upon return to Thailand immirgaiton will question you and decide to allow you to enter based on that interview. Make sure any documents are in English and possibly certified by the Thai embassy in Belgum.

Given the problems the Belgian justice has caused, you might want to consider filing a complaint against them and ask for damages.

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Thanks beethovenzz for the translation. I saw he was expelled based on section. 12 of the immigration act, but missed the sub 7.

Yes, your situation is far from hopeless, but you need proof that you were only wanted as a witness. Currently you ar on the immigration watchlist and upon return to Thailand immirgaiton will question you and decide to allow you to enter based on that interview. Make sure any documents are in English and possibly certified by the Thai embassy in Belgum.

Given the problems the Belgian justice has caused, you might want to consider filing a complaint against them and ask for damages.

Mario , i understand your point , but the main reason for this is probably because they needed him for an interview concerning the case , depending from their point of view if if involved or not , when police need you , do not find , no present adress to find you , they put you on a wanted persons list...., even for a simpel thing !

If emigrating or going for long time from your official adres , and need for whatever official reason they put you on a wanted list , not always INTERPOL (depending the seriousnes of the case) after interview the name is cleared , as for now he is of the list becouse found him already , but the harm is done in Thailand !

And yes this can all be settled , i wonder why he not contacted the Federal police on the Belgian embassy (2 people) , they most chance requested to Immigration for him (not 100% sure , could also be the Interpol list only) , but they coudl done this case become not so hush for his status ...!!

The main fault is that hie did not inscribe his adres or presence / working in Thailand At the Belgium Embassy , as more because a working permit is involved .

Officially he became a missing person ...wich they needed urgantly and gave no notice where to go , whatever his reasons where for that , could be simpel ignorance or forgotten to do

see my earley post with the official document wich give possibillity to be away for max 1 year for tourist or other reasons from your OFFICIALadres , this in case they need you , so they can give you a notice ..

Edited by david555
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Would it be bad thing to try the thai family thing , or only useless ??

How can I Marie my girlfriend if she is there and I am here ?


Is your girlfriend Thai?

If so a signed letter from here addressed to the Thai consulate/embessy in Belgium might help your case.

It is most important to prove you only came to Belgium at there request for questioning only ... not charged with any crime or wtongdoing.

And a letter from your girlfriend in Thailand would establish the urgent need for you to return to Thailand due to her pregnancy and the immanent birth of your child.

So that letter will establish your urgent case and the need for urgent action,

It would be good to get such a letter translated info English also .... for the authorities to see in Belgium.

THey MIGHT allow you a temporary visit to Thailand based on the birth of your child as a humanitarian gesture.

But for god's sake, if you are allowed a visit for that reason DO NOT overstay in Thailand.

Because if you are allowed a temporary visit during the birth, and you don't return on time , you will never get such a favor from the authorities again.

So if they do give you a break, and you ness it up, you will be treated very badly from that time.

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Mario , i understand your point , but the main reason for this is probably because they needed him for an interview concerning the case , depending from their point of view if if involved or not , when police need you , do not find , no present adressto find you , they put you on a wanted persons list...., even for a simpel thing !

If emigrating or going for long time from your official adres , and need for whatever official reason they put you ona wanted list , not always INTERPOL (depending the seriousnes of the case) after interview the name is cleared , as for now he is of the list becouse found already , but the harm is done in Thailand !

And yes this can all be settled , i wonder why he not contacted the Federal police on the Belgian orking embassy (2 people) , they most chance requested to Immigration for him (not 100% sure , could also be the Interpol list only) , but they coul done this case become not so hush for his status ...!!

The main fault is that hie did not inscribe his adres or presence / working in Thailand At the Belgium Embassy , as more because a working permit is involved .

Officially he became a missing person ...wich they needed urgantly

It is unclear where the damage was done. Did the Belgian fill in the forms wrong or was there a misinterpretation by the Thai authorities? That is the question.

That the Belgian government wanted to find him is reasonable, the way in which they did it might not be. It is not uncommon to be heard/questioned in Thailand on behalf of the authorities of another country.

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I am sure that the Belgium Police could have sent someone here to question the OP at his Embassy, and not bothered with all the stuff about getting him sent back to Belgium, to me there seems to be a bit more to this story.

No need to send some police from Belgium , as thereare 2 commissinairs from federal police at the Embassy , they handle such & more cases , i gave the names and emais , phone & fax , those can handle / ease his case in Thailand to immigration .

Major fault is that after 6 months not reacting or not to find at your official adress , the cancel your adress & then you are removed oficially from it , NO ADRESS anymore .

People are free to travel longtime (unless some cases ongoing) but ther is an administration procedure to follow1 jaar afwezigheidsmelding489.pdf

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Section 22 of immigration act gives information about appealing.

Immigration lists a fee of 1900 baht for persona non grata appeal under section 22.

You may need get a lawyer here and have them file the appeal with back-up documentation showing you were not convicted of any crime.

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I am sure that the Belgium Police could have sent someone here to question the OP at his Embassy, and not bothered with all the stuff about getting him sent back to Belgium, to me there seems to be a bit more to this story.

I asked the question in october 2012 already, belgium police new My adress and telefone in THAILAND....we had conversation arround the item.... IT was not urgent , but necessairy .

Belgium Interconnecting officers , based in Bangkok , do not have authority for questioning ....was told me like this ...

I proposed TO return if Really needed, didnt got an Answer

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That the officers have no authorithy to question you is true, that must go through the Thai government.

If you offer to return and instead they ask for your arrest it looks like you have a good case to bring against the Belgian government.

You have a Point there , My email stating that I offer to return to Belgium, or present me at Belgium embassy , was of 26 October 2012 ,

The warrant was issued the 29th October,

BUT , I do not want the file cases against anyone, I just want to return to Thailand and continue my life

Thanks everybody

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