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Teenagers Found To Be 9 Times More Likely To Contract H I V Than The Average Person


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Teenagers found to be 9 times more likely to contract HIV than the average person

BANGKOK: -- The Ministry of Public Health is promoting the use of condoms, after finding that teenagers are 9 times more likely to contract HIV than an average person.

newsjsLeading the ministry' s condom use promoting team is Department of Disease Control Director-General Doctor Phonthep Siriwanarangsan, who said the team's objective is to encourage the use of protection among teenagers who often engage in unprotected sex.

The ministry has recently found that 89% of teenagers do not use condoms during intercourse, which puts them at 9 times the risk of contracting sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV, compared to an average person. This findings put Thailand at risk of a new round of HIV outbreak.

In 2012, the accumulated number of HIV patients topped 1 million, 700,000 of whom have died. There were roughly 10,000 new patients in 2012; 80% contracted the deadly disease from having unprotected sex.

For 2013, Thailand is pushing ahead with a policy of resolving and preventing AIDS, in order to realize its goal of reducing the number of deaths caused by AIDS to zero.


-- NNT 2013-02-19 footer_n.gif

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Wouldn't "Teenagers Not Using Condoms" be a hell of a lot less misleading than a title which makes on believe there's something biologic about teenagers' susceptibility to the disease?

Since when has contracting HIV anything to do with biologic susceptibility to the disease??? I don't find the headline misleading whatsoever!!! It's pretty clear how one can acquire HIV.

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"89% of teenagers do not use condoms during intercourse, which puts them at 9 times the risk of contracting sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV, compared to an average person"

since its claimed that only 11% of the teen population, which counts for the 9x,

Does that mean the non teen population uses condoms to a rate in excess of 90% ?

the term "bullsh*t" comes to mind.

This issue is too important to clutter with bullsh*t.

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Wouldn't "Teenagers Not Using Condoms" be a hell of a lot less misleading than a title which makes on believe there's something biologic about teenagers' susceptibility to the disease?

Since when has contracting HIV anything to do with biologic susceptibility to the disease??? I don't find the headline misleading whatsoever!!! It's pretty clear how one can acquire HIV.

"During penile-vaginal intercourse a woman's body is more susceptible to HIV infection than a man's". It's fairly well-documented that this is the case, but here's one reference:


I would say that is a biological factor. I agree with the seminomadic, it's kinda misleading and I'm unsure why you were so outraged???!!!! w00t.gif

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Wouldn't "Teenagers Not Using Condoms" be a hell of a lot less misleading than a title which makes on believe there's something biologic about teenagers' susceptibility to the disease?

Not to sound superior but I read it as teenagers sex habits, since the latter you mentioned doesn't make sense.

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The lack of realistic sex education, the arrogance of the typical young man and the total lack of condom machines in women's toilets throughout Thailand obviously add to the problem. The "not my little boy" syndrome amongst Thai parents, who know their little angel isn't pure and pray everyday that his "oops" and child wont turn up on the front door!

It's not going to change so why sweat it? sad.png

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To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas....We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests....The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of old people, these are the belated objectives...for charting the changes in human behavior.

Brock Chislholm, 1959 Humanist of the Year and former head of World Health Organization, in the February 1946 issue of Psychiatry

The government and their agencies and the free-lancing welfare organizations are all moral cowards. They dismiss any message a parent or guardian may be sending to their child or teenager and tell everyone what they think are acceptable methods of behavior.

A parent can be trying to teach their child abstinence, and we have the government ramming irresponsible sexually active behavior as a norm; as being acceptable as long as you use a piece of vulcanized rubber. It's all about the vulcanized rubber being put on the penis. Forget the message it portends or the consequences to the emotions and sense of decency towards human respect for one another.

On the one hand these socialist agencies deceive us into thinking they protect children from human trafficking and sexual slavery, and on the other hand they promote unrelenting sexual promiscuity and freedom among children who have parents and guardians who love them. The damaging factors exist in both theaters under different masks, but the consequences are the same.

Have sex. It's OK. Just wear a condom. Forget what your parents say. We don't care about your parents and we don't even bother to mention them in our views of what is acceptable and unacceptable. So go ahead and do whatever you want to do because we will protect you from your parents and we will extend every effort to support what the mob rules of all you horny little unparented monsters dictate. We are moral cowards and just want the new generation to think we are really nice and reasonable adults, who understand you better than your parents.

Whatever happened to, "Let's ask dad!"? It seems that the socialist views that remove the father and mother from the child's life have nothing to be feared here.

Respectfully to TPI, it is going to change and it begins with my son, as a right of passage passed on by his father, who will do everything in his power to thwart socialist thinking into destroying his individuality and right to think on his own, regardless of what Big Brother says. Having sex is a position two people get into. That is all. The reasons for having sex are what the parent responsibly puts into the mind of the child, so that when sex does happen (at the appropriate age), it does not damage the mind, or good societal standards, morals and ethics. The ones engaging in that consensual act are capable of taking care of each other without having to turn a begging hand to Big Brother for assistance to get them out of the mess Big Brother lured them into.

The Thai government apparently disagrees with me as a father and a parent.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Could be related to age;

Age: women under 24 may be at higher risk of

HIV infection because they may have an immature

genital tract that will tear more easily during sexual

intercourse. Older women, who have gone through

menopause, on the other hand are at increased risk of

infection because their lining of their uterus is thinner

and their vagina drier.


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So removing condom machines from the toilets in universities wasn't a good idea? I've never seen one word about condoms for women and I must admit I know nothing about them except that they exist. Don't Thai ladies have a right to know?

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Tourists should be warned not to have sex with anyone under 30. If they have survived 10 years after leaving their teen years, then they are much less likely to have HIV. Hopefully the Culture Minister, whose family manages the sex industry in Pattaya, will announce this. Keeping tourists AIDS free is good for perceptions of Thai culture and good for the family business.

Edited by Arkady
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To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas....We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests....The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of old people, these are the belated objectives...for charting the changes in human behavior.

Brock Chislholm, 1959 Humanist of the Year and former head of World Health Organization, in the February 1946 issue of Psychiatry

The government and their agencies and the free-lancing welfare organizations are all moral cowards. They dismiss any message a parent or guardian may be sending to their child or teenager and tell everyone what they think are acceptable methods of behavior.

A parent can be trying to teach their child abstinence, and we have the government ramming irresponsible sexually active behavior as a norm; as being acceptable as long as you use a piece of vulcanized rubber. It's all about the vulcanized rubber being put on the penis. Forget the message it portends or the consequences to the emotions and sense of decency towards human respect for one another.

On the one hand these socialist agencies deceive us into thinking they protect children from human trafficking and sexual slavery, and on the other hand they promote unrelenting sexual promiscuity and freedom among children who have parents and guardians who love them. The damaging factors exist in both theaters under different masks, but the consequences are the same.

Have sex. It's OK. Just wear a condom. Forget what your parents say. We don't care about your parents and we don't even bother to mention them in our views of what is acceptable and unacceptable. So go ahead and do whatever you want to do because we will protect you from your parents and we will extend every effort to support what the mob rules of all you horny little unparented monsters dictate. We are moral cowards and just want the new generation to think we are really nice and reasonable adults, who understand you better than your parents.

Whatever happened to, "Let's ask dad!"? It seems that the socialist views that remove the father and mother from the child's life have nothing to be feared here.

Respectfully to TPI, it is going to change and it begins with my son, as a right of passage passed on by his father, who will do everything in his power to thwart socialist thinking into destroying his individuality and right to think on his own, regardless of what Big Brother says. Having sex is a position two people get into. That is all. The reasons for having sex are what the parent responsibly puts into the mind of the child, so that when sex does happen (at the appropriate age), it does not damage the mind, or good societal standards, morals and ethics. The ones engaging in that consensual act are capable of taking care of each other without having to turn a begging hand to Big Brother for assistance to get them out of the mess Big Brother lured them into.

The Thai government apparently disagrees with me as a father and a parent.

"A parent can be trying to teach their child abstinence,..."

Isn't this the problem? Thai parents believe that teaching kids the facts of life and how to protect against disease and unwanted pregnancy is terribly embarrassing and as an excuse they claim that it might encourage promiscuity. As a result the little darlings learn by themselves and at about age 13 crowd round TV screens watching readily available porno DVDs and then rush off to emulate what they have just seen with school friends without condoms, just like in the movies. Girls are ignorant enough be brainwashed into believing that asking a boyfriend to wear a condom, or worse still, carrying them himself, means they are sluts.

You are not going to stop the little darlings from screwing each other by teaching abstinence any more than you are going to stop them from breathing, unless you castrate and spay them. So at least try to protect them from themselves, their friends and from mealy mouthed parents, teachers and politicians.

Edited by Arkady
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To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas....We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests....The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of old people, these are the belated objectives...for charting the changes in human behavior.

Brock Chislholm, 1959 Humanist of the Year and former head of World Health Organization, in the February 1946 issue of Psychiatry

The government and their agencies and the free-lancing welfare organizations are all moral cowards. They dismiss any message a parent or guardian may be sending to their child or teenager and tell everyone what they think are acceptable methods of behavior.

A parent can be trying to teach their child abstinence, and we have the government ramming irresponsible sexually active behavior as a norm; as being acceptable as long as you use a piece of vulcanized rubber. It's all about the vulcanized rubber being put on the penis. Forget the message it portends or the consequences to the emotions and sense of decency towards human respect for one another.

On the one hand these socialist agencies deceive us into thinking they protect children from human trafficking and sexual slavery, and on the other hand they promote unrelenting sexual promiscuity and freedom among children who have parents and guardians who love them. The damaging factors exist in both theaters under different masks, but the consequences are the same.

Have sex. It's OK. Just wear a condom. Forget what your parents say. We don't care about your parents and we don't even bother to mention them in our views of what is acceptable and unacceptable. So go ahead and do whatever you want to do because we will protect you from your parents and we will extend every effort to support what the mob rules of all you horny little unparented monsters dictate. We are moral cowards and just want the new generation to think we are really nice and reasonable adults, who understand you better than your parents.

Whatever happened to, "Let's ask dad!"? It seems that the socialist views that remove the father and mother from the child's life have nothing to be feared here.

Respectfully to TPI, it is going to change and it begins with my son, as a right of passage passed on by his father, who will do everything in his power to thwart socialist thinking into destroying his individuality and right to think on his own, regardless of what Big Brother says. Having sex is a position two people get into. That is all. The reasons for having sex are what the parent responsibly puts into the mind of the child, so that when sex does happen (at the appropriate age), it does not damage the mind, or good societal standards, morals and ethics. The ones engaging in that consensual act are capable of taking care of each other without having to turn a begging hand to Big Brother for assistance to get them out of the mess Big Brother lured them into.

The Thai government apparently disagrees with me as a father and a parent.

"A parent can be trying to teach their child abstinence,..."

Isn't this the problem? Thai parents believe that teaching kids the facts of life and how to protect against disease and unwanted pregnancy is terribly embarrassing and as an excuse they claim that it might encourage promiscuity. As a result the little darlings learn by themselves and at about age 13 crowd round TV screens watching readily available porno DVDs and then rush off to emulate what they have just seen with school friends without condoms, just like in the movies. Girls are ignorant enough be brainwashed into believing that asking a boyfriend to wear a condom, or worse still, carrying them himself, means they are sluts.

You are not going to stop the little darlings from screwing each other by teaching abstinence any more than you are going to stop them from breathing, unless you castrate and spay them. So at least try to protect them from themselves, their friends and from mealy mouthed parents, teachers and politicians.

Agreed, with reservations and with the caveat that it is coming from you, whom I suspect may be a parent? That is your right. Are you so willing to give up your rights as a parent that you would allow the government the right to push its agenda and run roughshod over your family unit without your consent or counsel?

Do you really believe that a child will do whatever he or she wants even though a parent is actively involved in their life and lifestyle decisions? I beg to differ, as I came from a generation where a child's love and loyalty towards his or her parents superseded their desire to be lured by degenerates, whose offspring now permeate all levels of government.

My red and yellow flags go out when any government tells me or my child what is best for him or her and dismisses or ignores my existence in the same breathe.

The care and education of the children becomes a public affair; society looks after all children alike, whether they are legitimate of not. This removes all anxiety about the 'consequences,' which today is the most essential social - moral as well as economic - factor that prevents a girl from giving herself completely to the man she loves. Will not that suffice to bring about the gradual growth of unconstrained sexual intercourse and with it a more tolerant public opinion in regard to a maiden's honor and a woman's shame?"

Friedrich Engels, colleague of Karl Marx, wrote in his work The Origin of the Family, (late 1800's)

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well none of us reading this are teenagers, so perhaps we should all breathe a collective sigh of relief thumbsup.gif

Spoken like someone who does not have a young child to raise in this day and age, yes? I'd like to agree for my own personal gratification, but I've got a beautiful gift and responsibility to look out for.

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They probably have 9 times more sex then the older crowd I see walking around with a stunner on his side

But each time is just 10secs.

if it is not just for HIV/AIDS, please inform thai children they could eventually get PREGNANT ...


Herpes, genital worts,gonorrea , syphillus.........................

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Wouldn't "Teenagers Not Using Condoms" be a hell of a lot less misleading than a title which makes on believe there's something biologic about teenagers' susceptibility to the disease?

Since when has contracting HIV anything to do with biologic susceptibility to the disease??? I don't find the headline misleading whatsoever!!! It's pretty clear how one can acquire HIV.

Really? Who is the 'average person' mentioned several times? Evidently not the teenager. Evidently not the condome user either, but the minority of 11% who use a condome. This article is typical Thai gibberish produced by people who are supposed to be educated, but in reality as dumb as hell. The article implies indeed there is a biological reason teenagers catch HIV more often. It can also be misunderstood, and that's far more dangerous, that people beyond teen age are 9 times safer having unprotected sex than teenagers.

"The ministry has recently found that 89% of teenagers do not use condoms during intercourse, which puts them at 9 times the risk of contracting sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV, compared to an average person."

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