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Amazing Thai Eurasians


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I never had any half babies. All my kids have heads, arms, legs and everything. Judging by the amount of Thai actors and is it now politically correct to say; actresses? That are half farangy, plus all the farangs who are plonking themselves in Thailand and seeding many kids with the natives, I would guess that within the next 40 years, perhaps less, once the new generation of half farangy kids have grown and then had children of their own, that the racial appearance of the Thais will change. They will be lighter skinned, maybe taller with more prominent facial features, especially the noses. The problem is that this may put a lot of cosmetic surgeons out of business, as nose jobs are very popular, especially with the Thai girls. It`s a good thing actually, because all my kids have the best of both the Western and Thai cultures, which definitely gives them an advantage on the average Thai person, who believe that Thailand is the only country on the planet.




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So andrew, are you nominating TommoPhysicist as an amazing Thai Eurasians?

If the European Eurasian implies Caucasian ancestry ...

What does the Canada CanAsian imply?

Or the Americian AmAsian imply?

Not to forget the Indian ... InAsian?

So are there more to the ...

  • EurAsian
  • CanAsian
  • AmAsian
  • InAsian


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I never had any half babies. All my kids have heads, arms, legs and everything. Judging by the amount of Thai actors and is it now politically correct to say; actresses? That are half farangy, plus all the farangs who are plonking themselves in Thailand and seeding many kids with the natives, I would guess that within the next 40 years, perhaps less, once the new generation of half farangy kids have grown and then had children of their own, that the racial appearance of the Thais will change. They will be lighter skinned, maybe taller with more prominent facial features, especially the noses. The problem is that this may put a lot of cosmetic surgeons out of business, as nose jobs are very popular, especially with the Thai girls. It`s a good thing actually, because all my kids have the best of both the Western and Thai cultures, which definitely gives them an advantage on the average Thai person, who believe that Thailand is the only country on the planet.

So a baby born without legs or arms is by your own statement just half a baby ...good luck with your views mr.

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I never had any half babies. All my kids have heads, arms, legs and everything. Judging by the amount of Thai actors and is it now politically correct to say; actresses? That are half farangy, plus all the farangs who are plonking themselves in Thailand and seeding many kids with the natives, I would guess that within the next 40 years, perhaps less, once the new generation of half farangy kids have grown and then had children of their own, that the racial appearance of the Thais will change. They will be lighter skinned, maybe taller with more prominent facial features, especially the noses. The problem is that this may put a lot of cosmetic surgeons out of business, as nose jobs are very popular, especially with the Thai girls. It`s a good thing actually, because all my kids have the best of both the Western and Thai cultures, which definitely gives them an advantage on the average Thai person, who believe that Thailand is the only country on the planet.

So a baby born without legs or arms is by your own statement just half a baby ...good luck with your views mr.
Plus has to be minus a head of course, Mrs.
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I never had any half babies. All my kids have heads, arms, legs and everything. Judging by the amount of Thai actors and is it now politically correct to say; actresses? That are half farangy, plus all the farangs who are plonking themselves in Thailand and seeding many kids with the natives, I would guess that within the next 40 years, perhaps less, once the new generation of half farangy kids have grown and then had children of their own, that the racial appearance of the Thais will change. They will be lighter skinned, maybe taller with more prominent facial features, especially the noses. The problem is that this may put a lot of cosmetic surgeons out of business, as nose jobs are very popular, especially with the Thai girls. It`s a good thing actually, because all my kids have the best of both the Western and Thai cultures, which definitely gives them an advantage on the average Thai person, who believe that Thailand is the only country on the planet.

So a baby born without legs or arms is by your own statement just half a baby ...good luck with your views mr.

working hard to find offense there, keep at it though.

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I never had any half babies. All my kids have heads, arms, legs and everything. Judging by the amount of Thai actors and is it now politically correct to say; actresses? That are half farangy, plus all the farangs who are plonking themselves in Thailand and seeding many kids with the natives, I would guess that within the next 40 years, perhaps less, once the new generation of half farangy kids have grown and then had children of their own, that the racial appearance of the Thais will change. They will be lighter skinned, maybe taller with more prominent facial features, especially the noses. The problem is that this may put a lot of cosmetic surgeons out of business, as nose jobs are very popular, especially with the Thai girls. It`s a good thing actually, because all my kids have the best of both the Western and Thai cultures, which definitely gives them an advantage on the average Thai person, who believe that Thailand is the only country on the planet.

So a baby born without legs or arms is by your own statement just half a baby ...good luck with your views mr.

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Half caste.

Would be the correct term.

A person of mixed ethnicity.

Not of pure blood.

Some of us have moved on from racial profiling and blood lines.

It might be acceptable in horse breeding and rose cultivation, but I don't think it's appropriate for one's fellow man

As regards nationality, there is no proportion. One either is a citizen, or one is not. Tiger Woods is as American as the next man and Mechai Viravaidya is eligible to play for Scotland

I would have grave doubts about any thread championing racial superiority, regardless of which race one was promoting, whether it be Aryans, Thais, Chinese or mixed-race


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Half caste.

Would be the correct term.

A person of mixed ethnicity.

Not of pure blood.


These descriptions of certain people were around when I was a kid.

Half caste, half breed, coloureds and orientals.

Almost as if classifying animal stocks. Thank goodness we`ve advanced a long way since those times.

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Yes . My son.

Yes, my adopted son, who is in fact 100% Thai and looks Thai, but has a mixed name: First name very typical Thai name, Family name, very typical western name:

- 100% Thai style when appropriate.

- 90% Western style when appropriate.

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You are what you are....no point hiding it.

if you are half/half one race or another....that is what you are.

Like black is black and white is white.....it is a fact.

By the way, my daughter is the cutest thing on the planet.....hybrid vigour has kicked in and produced a perfect example.....although she has bucked teeth

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1.Look kreung doesnt mean half baby, means; mixed baby , due of being the product of two different races or of two parents of different etnicity.

2. If you are original from any european country or from any asian country then you are an eurasian cuz eurasia is a continent in which europe and asia are.

3. The future of ur son depends on his education, capabilities and conections( i know many look kreungs here that r so <deleted> off as any thai can be).

4. Here if you are a foreigner you can have a future, in fact many of my friend are foreigners that have amigrated to Thailand and are pretty successfulls( including me)

Besides these few points I hope you son will have a nice life, I also have a daughter and I know how ancious you can feel about the future of ur kids

PS: excuse my ortography, english is not my mother languagethumbsup.gif

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