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Prison Stories

Star Dust

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1. I am long time overstay.

2. Broke as never before

3. No way to pay fine.

4. Could get ticket from us

A new friend says doors are always opening. I do not see any.

What is the best wsy to get through this

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Love your posts. Such interesting read. Currently there is a forum related to the 18 year old that recently after night on piss was accused of stealing bike taxi phone etc. Was banged up with signed confession . Now in lock up. Point is so many posts from members saying to lock him up throw away the key.....give the lowlife 3 years...etc etc. Wish they would read your posts. Yes like you he did something wrong and yes I know this is Thailand....but <deleted> can we all have bit more understanding for people stuffing up and not calling to have their balls cut off. By way is there a way to donate food or something to the people in this centre

If you find out what prison they are held in it is quite easy to make a donation into their prison account.

1. Go in person and pay in to their prison account.

2. Not 100 % sure but I think their is a way to transfer funds without going. Maybe through the post office..

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I can't say I've stopped drinking. I'm still occasionally drinking alcohol if there is a good reason for it. But I'm "HELL NO" driving even a tricycle after having any alcoholic beverage to drink.

If anyone tells you that: "Yeah, but many people drive drunk in Thailand, even the Thais, just pay a fine and drive home", then tell them my story.

If you injure anyone while driving under the influence the sentence could be anywhere between 6 month, or 3 years in prison. If you kill anyone while driving under the influence the sentence is 5 years in prison. If you got a lot of money, you might get a chance to pay yourself out of it.

I don't blame you, though it was likely the punching of the cop that was the real kicker.

All the best.

Yes I agree. Hitting a police officer is never a good idea in any country. This is the issue that disturbed me about the OP's story. If he punches a cop as soon as he wakes up I am guessing he is a belligerent type of person. I dare say that he was probably mouthing off and being disrespectful as well which would go a long way to explaining why he got locked up for so long.

I know he says he has changed and I hope he has learned from his experience which sounds traumatic and very life-changing.

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  • 7 months later...

wow - I realise this is an old thread, but many thanks to OP (Star Dust) for posting it and sharing his ordeal. I think the OP knows he is not blameless, but some of you folk think you are soo much better - I hope you never have to find out the hard way - I really do.

I feel for those stuck inside were no real crime has been committed. folk that are here and over staying, or not having, visa seems hard to be banged up in such awful conditions.

Thanks to all those that added good comments and shared their stories.

I've already made a decision not to Drink & Drive, and the OPs story validates that decision. I'll be sure to share his tales with folk I know.

I hope you find a way to be back with your family Star Dust.
Chok Dee.

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"but the only thing he could say in English was; “Heerro, what name you”?

If your story is true, it's remarkable "Aet" was able to learn enough English to convey such a story to you, having been working 16-hour days the whole of his time in Thailand, without any genuine exposure to westerners.

Maybe the OP can speak Thai.

I know a western guy who has been in Thai prisons (drugs offences), he came out speaking perfect Thai.

Deported at the end of his prison sentence, applied for new passport, returned immediately, still here.

Thailand doesn't really check incoming foreigners all that carefully.

That has to be the case cos he did write this:

From my 14 fellows I share my cell with, who are all Burmese, only one speaks Thai. His name is “AET”. His name is only “AET”, since the Burmese DO NOT HAVE surnames.

If he gave that piece of information it means that must be how they communicated.

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I think you have clearly crossed a line here. You are making personal insults to the OP, where all he has done is write down his experiences for us to read and comment on. When is it right that you then insult him calling him "drama queen".

I know your not going to, but be a man and apologise and move on.

Thanks for the offer an apology, but it really isn't necessary.

I, unlike others, do not wish to air my dirty laundry on a public forum. It's called choice. I will tell you I was in cell #5.

Please explain how two other posters who have actually been in IDC back me up and say that it isn't that bad, yet, there is not a single poster other than the OP that says it's Hell?

I stand by every word I've posted.

I'll now leave this thread and leave it to the drama queens and their acolytes.

Good-bye and good riddance to you, KarenBravo!

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And to all those who say that the IDC is not as bad as a regular Thai jail, I suggest you read what Amnesty International has to say about conditions there.

I don't have to read the Amnesty International report on IDC.

I have been there and it is nowhere as bad as it is described on this thread.

I think it maybe called "poetic licence" which is the kindest way to put it.

Didn't you leave already? You promised!

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Home in the eesan? Is that in austria?

Educate your self


he should have spelled it isan.

Btw how does it work out for him? He goes back to his home country then he needs to return back to thailand again the country that jailed him.

"Isan also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, Esan, or Esarn."

Why should he spelling one way or the other? I knew what he meant and I suspect you did too..

Spell how you like fella.. up to the writer to chose.

Reading through - after leaving IDC, left to home country, returned and then left as he couldn't get a long visa.

Good post!

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