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93-Year Old Australian Accused Of Sexually Assaulting 4 Young Thai Children


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Police allege they seized more than 100 photographs of naked children, including some with Mr Kraus posing with them.

Police say Mr Kraus gave his young victims money. They also

allege he emailed some obscene pictures overseas, suggesting he was part

of an international paedophilia network.

Hopefully he chokes on his next fresh muffin.

Let's hope the "muffin" isn't 12....

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Yes let the court decide

but dont let the scum out while awating the court.

He will do it again, and again until he dies.

which cant happen soon enough, IMHO

I really don't think the man is in any physical condition to do anything, except perhaps soil his underwear.

And what if the allegations cannot be substantiated? Are you in favour of detaining people based on an unsubstantiated allegations?

Get it out in the open. If there is actual verifiable evidence that the man did something wrong and is a threat to society, then by all means, detain him. Unfortunately, the police and prosecutor haven't made much of a case against him. I trust the BiB as far as I can spit.

At last. The voice of sanity to counter the emotion charged posts of the lower common denominator who seem to not have the slightest inkling of the concept of jurisprudence. Living in LOS must be heaven for them - until a hand is put on their shoulder.

All kiddie abusers, irrespective of age, colour, religion or race, should face the most heinous death possible.

Kiddie abuse was the reason torture was invented....

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I wonder what this fellow do to kids in the other 90 years of his life. No sympathy for him. Red rice and a cell with 05 other men on the floor and one bathroom. Pick a number.

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Yes let the court decide

but dont let the scum out while awating the court.

He will do it again, and again until he dies.

which cant happen soon enough, IMHO

I really don't think the man is in any physical condition to do anything, except perhaps soil his underwear.

And what if the allegations cannot be substantiated? Are you in favour of detaining people based on an unsubstantiated allegations?

Get it out in the open. If there is actual verifiable evidence that the man did something wrong and is a threat to society, then by all means, detain him. Unfortunately, the police and prosecutor haven't made much of a case against him. I trust the BiB as far as I can spit.

At last. The voice of sanity to counter the emotion charged posts of the lower common denominator who seem to not have the slightest inkling of the concept of jurisprudence. Living in LOS must be heaven for them - until a hand is put on their shoulder.

Bagwan, the guy was originally provided bail and then absconded & illegally entered Burma when he stayed at a guest house/hotel for 2/4 weeks. He alleges he wanted to be arrested & deported to Australia for illegal entry to Burma, yet appears not to have attempted to proactively made his presence known to Burmese authorities. When he was "discovered" the Burmese sent him back to Thailand & detained whilst awaiting trial. His lawyer is now assisting him to have his day in Court overturned on health grounds. I suggest at every turn jurisprudence has been provided to him unless you to subscribe to the theory he was set up.

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Let him rot....the pig should have to crawl into court.

So according to you he is guilty as charged - these are allegations. Does an allegation automatically mean guilt??

Let the courts decide his guilt or innocence before you start with the hang em high posts. After all one day a person may make an allegation against you. Would you want that allegation perceived as guilt?

If dcutman's post is correct, they have pictures of the guy posing with these kids. I am the first one to say it may be a setup when foreigners are charged, but pictures are absolutely damning. I have seen Thai guys and foreigners setup for a money grab, but with the pictures I have to say high 'em high.

On the contrary. Easy to manufacture digital pictures.

Kraus was arrested in 2010 for the alledged crime. Now it's 2013. Odd. Everybody waiting for his colon cancer to finish him off?

I think he is probably guilty. That being said, Potosi has a good point......


amazing what can de done.

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Even if they were innocent photos? You must be a nice person that can go put an kill someone on the strength of some photos. Hope I never bump into you. You sound like one crazy guy.

If I had seen the photos there would be no case to answer for him from 6ft down!

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Even if they were innocent photos? You must be a nice person that can go put an kill someone on the strength of some photos. Hope I never bump into you. You sound like one crazy guy.

If I had seen the photos there would be no case to answer for him from 6ft down!

If the pictures proved beyond doubt he was a pedo, then yes I would have little problem putting him down like any other rabid dog. Not talking aobut holiday snaps with his grandkids in his spedos are we.

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I think he's not guilty. If he were, and there were evidence, there would be no reason to delay the law suit for 3 years. He didn't pay up for a crime he did not commit, that's why he's being held in Thailand, and expected to die asap. He musn't go back to Australia to tell his side of the story in order to avoid another major embarrassment for Thailand. I feel sorry for the guy being trapped in a Kafkaesque situation like this, and due to avcanced age and disease, unable to defend himself any longer.

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Even if they were innocent photos? You must be a nice person that can go put an kill someone on the strength of some photos. Hope I never bump into you. You sound like one crazy guy.

If I had seen the photos there would be no case to answer for him from 6ft down!

If the pictures proved beyond doubt he was a pedo, then yes I would have little problem putting him down like any other rabid dog. Not talking aobut holiday snaps with his grandkids in his spedos are we.

Even if... if... if... Good grief! Why not wait for some facts or proof?

Nobody got anything better to do on a Tuesday afternoon?

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Is this the same guy from the story about a year ago?

Yeah, sameone tominbkk,

I get the feeling like in the temples of Thailand....they collect these birds and set them free for money. Good business and a scam

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He has prostrate cancer, so what, so have many of us. We face life with hope for some future, but we don't use our poor health to pervert the course of justice. If he's guily of these despicable crimes, let him die alone with his perverted thoughts, there is no excuse for ruining children's lives.

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I think he's not guilty. If he were, and there were evidence, there would be no reason to delay the law suit for 3 years. He didn't pay up for a crime he did not commit, that's why he's being held in Thailand, and expected to die asap. He musn't go back to Australia to tell his side of the story in order to avoid another major embarrassment for Thailand. I feel sorry for the guy being trapped in a Kafkaesque situation like this, and due to avcanced age and disease, unable to defend himself any longer.

Hmm, not sure. The whole point of words do matter. He never said I'm innocent, I'm not guilty of these charges. He said, "I didn't do anything wrong" which can mean anything, usually along the lines of belief of their actions aren't wrong in their mind.

People who are innocent, usually 'scream and shout' innocence. They don't say the things he said. Which are much more benign and less intense in protesting his innocence.

I don't know if he is 100% guilty, but things just don't add up.

And the 3 years to get a court date...it does happen. Courts are back logged and he may have been considered a low flight risk hence not rushed.

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Ever play count the perverts at Kad Suan Kaew? (Chiang Mai)

I was there yesterday and saw 2 old guys and one had the shortest shorts imaginable and loose around the thighs. looked like a bloody super mini skirt. I'm not saying he's a pervert, but I reckon he was about 75 and certainly didn't care that he was getting lots of looks......perhaps welcomed it!

Going by your'e description of him, I would say he is a pervert. Just like some Thai drivers who pee in front of people in passing vehicles beside their own vehicles when they could be more discreet.

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Let's say someone punched you in the face unprovoked, but told the police you swung at them first.. Therefore claiming self defense.. The police bring no charges.. Would you feel like 'hey, the guy did nothing wrong, he hasn't been proven guilty? Therefore, he's innocent..'

No system is perfect and there are always examples to show the inadequacies

Foreigner driving car a- Thai driving car b results in a Car Crash - whose to blame??

The foreigner because if he wasn't in Thailand the accident wouldn't have happened and he chose to come to Thailand therefore he's guilty of causing the accident.

I don't know why this myth gets continuously perpetuated, usually by people who have never had experience.

I have been here many years, been involved in a few incidents that weren't my fault and have also stopped more than once to help someone injured by another vehicle. NOT ONCE has the blame ever been put on me.

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Ever play count the perverts at Kad Suan Kaew? (Chiang Mai)

I was there yesterday and saw 2 old guys and one had the shortest shorts imaginable and loose around the thighs. looked like a bloody super mini skirt. I'm not saying he's a pervert, but I reckon he was about 75 and certainly didn't care that he was getting lots of looks......perhaps welcomed it!

stop it please, you blokes are firing up my ped antenna, its bad enough when i am in rural thailand, now i will be going to the supermarket and "high pants" harry, is in for the second look

I've never ever worn shorts unless I have been swimming or playing football. I know about 99% TV posters will not agree with me, but I think shorts apart from when engaging in sporting activities, worn by adult males look dreadful. I'll take cover now.

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Even if they were innocent photos? You must be a nice person that can go put an kill someone on the strength of some photos. Hope I never bump into you. You sound like one crazy guy.

If I had seen the photos there would be no case to answer for him from 6ft down!

If the pictures proved beyond doubt he was a pedo, then yes I would have little problem putting him down like any other rabid dog. Not talking aobut holiday snaps with his grandkids in his spedos are we.

Even if... if... if... Good grief! Why not wait for some facts or proof?

Nobody got anything better to do on a Tuesday afternoon?

I guess being caught, police finding evidence in the form of pervy pictures and emails, bailing him and him doing a runner doesn't indicate anything to you then. Why not put up your own home for a bail address for him if you like. I would have thought it was clear, we both have nothing better to do!

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A day not to be proud of being an aussie!

having scunbags like this as australians

hope he gets whats coming if he is found guilty

I don't see why anyone should not be proud to be an Aussie, there are perverts and Paedophiles in in every country.

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Then why did he attempted to flee to Burma...if he is innocent....bah.gif

If I was being accused of something as serious as this and I was innocent, all you would see is a Thaddeus shaped blur heading for the horizon.

Then why did he attempted to flee to Burma...if he is innocent....bah.gif

If I was being accused of something as serious as this and I was innocent, all you would see is a Thaddeus shaped blur heading for the horizon.

If I was being accused of something as serious as this and I was

guilty, all you would see is a ozziebloke shaped blur heading for the


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Let him rot....the pig should have to crawl into


So according to you he is guilty as charged - these are allegations. Does an allegation automatically mean guilt??

Let the courts decide his guilt or innocence before you start with the hang em high posts. After all one day a person may make an allegation against you. Would you want that allegation perceived as guilt?

legging it to Myannmar and posing au naturale with kiddies pretty much makes him look guilty wouldn't you say? Thai coppers are world famous for creating extra work for themselfs and going across borders for nothing. Assuming he is the dirty sex case he has been accused of I would be inclined to show him the exact compassion he showed the kids. Burn in hell scumbag.

!00% A paid up member of the hang em high brigade and proud of it!

Yeah, hang him high.

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So sad for the victims. And again this gives Thai government another reason to make it harder for farangs to live in Thailand. This is what makes it bad for us. One day Thailand will no longer allow us to live in such a beautiful and wonderful country.

I know the Thai government are not blessed with having brains, but I'm sure they will not connect paedophiles and perverts with Farangs. Besides, they need our money.

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If you walk in to an Thai airport with 2 kg of speed in the luggage you will end up in jail before you can spell your own name, If this guy is guilty it would be nice if this was handled with same effectiveness !!!

That's true, and I believe it really is possible for drugs to be planted in peoples bags without their knowledge.

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Let him rot....the pig should have to crawl into court.

So according to you he is guilty as charged - these are allegations. Does an allegation automatically mean guilt??

Let the courts decide his guilt or innocence before you start with the hang em high posts. After all one day a person may make an allegation against you. Would you want that allegation perceived as guilt?

Quite right. Too many people here leap to a conclusion which they consider to be correct and yet have no basis, evidence or proof whatsoever for that conclusion, and a trial has not even been put. Fairly stupid behaviour.

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