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The Russians, Revisited...


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Sorry bit off topic.but I am always amused if native English speaking folks are complaining about the ability (or rather missing)of other people to communicate in English .who are the most laziest ppl in matter of foreign languages ( no generalization )?- yeah dudes you got it.sure English is the "world language" and I think everybody should be able to use basic terms ,but c'mon you guys should also try to be able to have a basic chat in another language. Just saying

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I find them an amusing addition to the sport of pattaya people watching. I had one come up to me on the weekend and start speaking rapidfire ruski. Sh!t do I look russian. Maybe I should stop wearing the cowboy hat / adidas track wear combination

This happened to you once? This is nearly a daily occurrence for me.
Yeah me too. At the least I get what I call the look. The look being Russians looking at me and wondering if I speak Russian. I find if I rebuff "the look" they often get the message. I find most times when they do make the Russian speaking attempt and then find out its not happening, the response to that is usually rude, that's why I try to abort with the nonverbal rebuff.
How do your rebuff 'the look' non-verbally?

Is that something like that Isaan thing of using the lips to point out something?

Or (silly me) is it careful speech using nouns only?

Edited by NanLaew
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I find them an amusing addition to the sport of pattaya people watching. I had one come up to me on the weekend and start speaking rapidfire ruski. Sh!t do I look russian. Maybe I should stop wearing the cowboy hat / adidas track wear combination

This happened to you once? This is nearly a daily occurrence for me.
Yeah me too. At the least I get what I call the look. The look being Russians looking at me and wondering if I speak Russian. I find if I rebuff "the look" they often get the message. I find most times when they do make the Russian speaking attempt and then find out its not happening, the response to that is usually rude, that's why I try to abort with the nonverbal rebuff.
How do your rebuff 'the look' non-verbally?

Is that something like that Isaan thing of using the lips to point out something?

Or (silly me) is it careful speech using nouns only?

Well with the Russians there are those that are obviously Russians just by the look and then there are groups and family groups that are speaking Russian, so no mystery there. I look like I might be Russian or 100 other nationalities, so I get usually single Russians (male and female) looking at me like they want to talk; there is a lot of Russian strangers talking to each other all over town, it's kind of charming (for them). Between themselves, they seem a lot more sociable to total strangers than most Westerners. I know they are Russian because usually later they DO find Russians to talk to. The non-verbal rebuff I am talking about is nothing more than a universal, don't talk to me facial expression/head movement/looking away. Most get the message. I actually like to talk to Russians who speak English but I find most don't.

Edited by Jingthing
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Sorry bit off topic.but I am always amused if native English speaking folks are complaining about the ability (or rather missing)of other people to communicate in English .who are the most laziest ppl in matter of foreign languages ( no generalization )?- yeah dudes you got it.sure English is the "world language" and I think everybody should be able to use basic terms ,but c'mon you guys should also try to be able to have a basic chat in another language. Just saying

As a Brit i have to admit you are absolutely right in saying that we are lazy when it comes to learning foreign languages. In mitigation though, not an excuse i know, the main reason is probably because wherever you go in the world there are always people who speak some English. If nobody spoke English in the country we visit or reside in it would different i'm sure. I have lots of Scandinavian mates here, and without exception they all have knowledge of the English language with varying degrees of competence. If i am honest it is a bit shameful on our part.

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Jesus H Christ..if I was Russian and I read this thread I might go for the nuclear option. Imagine if it were black/gay/or black and gay (choose your own minority) people you were talking about, I aint politically correct but it a bit phobic here is it not?

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Jesus H Christ..if I was Russian and I read this thread I might go for the nuclear option. Imagine if it were black/gay/or black and gay (choose your own minority) people you were talking about, I aint politically correct but it a bit phobic here is it not?

Phobic in what sense? In my view, there is a lot of clear hostility in town coming FROM the now DOMINANT Russian crowd towards everyone else.

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Sure they are sweet really, just misunderstood

Sweet, schmeet, it doesn't matter. Due to their numbers and the differences in culture, their presence is changing the nature of the city.

change is inevitable. Question is, are these changes for the better ?

sometimes I think yes, but other tomesI think not.

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I remember the topic about germans spoiling Naklua a few years ago.

Grow up people,they are no better or no worse than any nationality,and far less chance in getting involved in fisticuffs with them,as they dont go to farang bars

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Sure they are sweet really, just misunderstood

Sweet, schmeet, it doesn't matter. Due to their numbers and the differences in culture, their presence is changing the nature of the city.

change is inevitable. Question is, are these changes for the better ?

sometimes I think yes, but other tomesI think not.

Obviously what is better depends on who's looking. A lot of people will view the Russian influx as "better".

Perhaps it's going to teach some inflexible, intolerance people of certain nationalities a valuable lesson -- that the world doesn't revolve around them.

I just noticed today that SKY FM (New York based) has added 2 Russian channels to their lineup...."Russian Pop" and "Russian Dance Hits". The world is changing - get over it.

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Russians (or at least Muscovites) don't understand why they should say thank you to someone that is doing his job. If you try to find someone that speaks English in Moscow because you are lost you will generally get the cold stare even though you do suspect that they understand you. I know some very nice Russians, but I'm afraid I am happy that I don't have to go there again.

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Russians (or at least Muscovites) don't understand why they should say thank you to someone that is doing his job. If you try to find someone that speaks English in Moscow because you are lost you will generally get the cold stare even though you do suspect that they understand you. I know some very nice Russians, but I'm afraid I am happy that I don't have to go there again.

I've met many nice Russians here in Pattaya...and polite too. I frequently get asked for directions - perhaps because I look Russian?

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The OP hasn't barked since. Maybe he, like some other Slavicphobes, should stay in their [insert insecure nationality here] ghetto in Pattaya.

This is a clear invitation to bark. So I will.

All nations, all cultures have "meaningless niceties" in their vocabulary. But for sure, even a caveman, some 10'000 years ago, that brought back some essentials (like food) to the mother of his child, he got something back like a "thank-you".

Has 80 years of cummunism been enough to erase such basic behaviour. Hardly! It's more likely, that all the "Newly-Rich" from all all over the globe that can now afford to travel, see every Thai-National as his personal servant. A servant does not deserve respect nor consideration.

For russians: I am the Tourist-Tsar and you are not, you are Thai.

For Indians: I am the Tourist-Maharadja and you are not, you are Thai.

For Saudies: We have oil, you have not, you are Thai.

No wonder, that some long standing Bar-Workers and their Mama-Sans, remember the "good old days", when Farangs were "nice, friendly and not "make much problems"!

- And yes, the germans hang with the germans, the british with the british, the aussies with the aussies. And this in a "melting-pot" like Pattaya for example.

This does not bode well for the desired "brotherhood of man" spanning the globe. Right? John Lennon was a dreamer and so was I. With the emphasis of was.


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- And yes, the germans hang with the germans, the british with the british, the aussies with the aussies. And this in a "melting-pot" like Pattaya for example.

This does not bode well for the desired "brotherhood of man" spanning the globe. Right? John Lennon was a dreamer and so was I. With the emphasis of was.


I know one thing for sure, the fact that I'm from Australia doesn't bother Russians at all.smile.png

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The one thing that annoyed me about the Russian Tourists in Pattaya when I was there in Feb was that they spread themselves out on one side of a taxi and would rather see you stand than shift up. It's only if you force yourself between them that they will move.

On the crowded ferry to Ko Larn there was plenty of seating space at the sides but we had to force ourselves in as the Russians preferred to have their back packs on the seat. There were some older people struggling to find seats too but the Ruskies did not care.

Just to balance things out, I have Russian musician friends on the Internet and they are very generous and friendly.

Clash of cultures eh

So from the internet, how can you tell that your generous and friendly Russian musician friend doesn't have a backpack in an otherwise empty seat forcing the older lady to stand when they are riding the bus?
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The OP hasn't barked since. Maybe he, like some other Slavicphobes, should stay in their [insert insecure nationality here] ghetto in Pattaya.

This is a clear invitation to bark. So I will.

All nations, all cultures have "meaningless niceties" in their vocabulary. But for sure, even a caveman, some 10'000 years ago, that brought back some essentials (like food) to the mother of his child, he got something back like a "thank-you".

Has 80 years of cummunism been enough to erase such basic behaviour. Hardly! It's more likely, that all the "Newly-Rich" from all all over the globe that can now afford to travel, see every Thai-National as his personal servant. A servant does not deserve respect nor consideration.

For russians: I am the Tourist-Tsar and you are not, you are Thai.

For Indians: I am the Tourist-Maharadja and you are not, you are Thai.

For Saudies: We have oil, you have not, you are Thai.

No wonder, that some long standing Bar-Workers and their Mama-Sans, remember the "good old days", when Farangs were "nice, friendly and not "make much problems"!

- And yes, the germans hang with the germans, the british with the british, the aussies with the aussies. And this in a "melting-pot" like Pattaya for example.

This does not bode well for the desired "brotherhood of man" spanning the globe. Right? John Lennon was a dreamer and so was I. With the emphasis of was.


"Brotherhood of Man"!! Oh please lets not bring Barry Upton into the thread!

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Yes, many new faces and cultures from Russia and former Eastern Block Countries.

A mere 20 years ago, they were not free to travel. Other foreigners need to be tolerant and just accept this as a fact of life in our ever changing world.

Remembr Westerners were not always here either.

Seems far too many have "Forgotten' that they too are All Visitors here. Foreigners Are Not Thai, Nor will they Ever Be. One's Children born to a Thai National will be, but not the foreigner parent. Only a Visitor with a Visa.

People need to get over their "XenoPhobia" (fear of other races or cultures).

Don't worry where another person comes from. It is not important to know where they come from or Generalize about all persons from their Race, Culture, or Country.

I personally ignore people that ask me first, "Where Do I Come From ?". Many times this is just an opening line from the person asking the question to start an argument or an opinion about their perception of my Country or Culture.

Judge a person by their person and actions, not a perception or feelings about their Country, Race, or Culture.

Edited by KimoMax
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Yes, many new faces and cultures from Russia and former Eastern Block Countries.

A mere 20 years ago, they were not free to travel. Other foreigners need to be tolerant and just accept this as a fact of life in our ever changing world.

Remembr Westerners were not always here either.

Seems far too many have "Forgotten' that they too are All Visitors here. Foreigners Are Not Thai, Nor will they Ever Be. One's Children born to a Thai National will be, but not the foreigner parent. Only a Visitor with a Visa.

People need to get over their "XenoPhobia" (fear of other races or cultures).

Don't worry where another person comes from. It is not important to know where they come from or Generalize about all persons from their Race, Culture, or Country.

I personally ignore people that ask me first, "Where Do I Come From ?". Many times this is just an opening line from the person asking the question to start an argument or an opinion about their perception of my Country or Culture.

Judge a person by their person and actions, not a perception or feelings about their Country, Race, or Culture.

I agree with all of that except the part about ignoring people if they ask you where you are from. It's a general opener into having a conversation with a stranger, which I have no problem with at all.

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