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Hitler Fashion Statements Confuse, Offend Tourists In Thailand


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Beat me to it

Great minds...

Both of you are dead right.

But somehow it is amusing to see the massive and stupid overreactions on display here.

It's like a "shock, gasp, horror " reaction to Benny Hill..............

I asked Samran a few posts back who was the most evil man born and didn't get a response. I think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

Sorry CMK, but what you write is just insulting nonsense.

You are not the only one with some life experience.

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Beat me to it

Great minds...

Both of you are dead right.

But somehow it is amusing to see the massive and stupid overreactions on display here.

It's like a "shock, gasp, horror " reaction to Benny Hill..............

I asked Samran a few posts back who was the most evil man born and didn't get a response. I think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

My ex aussie wife was the most evil female to be born

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Great minds...

Both of you are dead right.

But somehow it is amusing to see the massive and stupid overreactions on display here.

It's like a "shock, gasp, horror " reaction to Benny Hill..............

I asked Samran a few posts back who was the most evil man born and didn't get a response. I think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

My ex aussie wife was the most evil female to be born

Did she make lampshades out of human skin?

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Beat me to it

Great minds...

Both of you are dead right.

But somehow it is amusing to see the massive and stupid overreactions on display here.

It's like a "shock, gasp, horror " reaction to Benny Hill..............

I asked Samran a few posts back who was the most evil man born and didn't get a response. I think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

Its not glorification. Its black humour. Its like why people dress up like the devil for parties.
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Beat me to it

Great minds...

Both of you are dead right.

But somehow it is amusing to see the massive and stupid overreactions on display here.

It's like a "shock, gasp, horror " reaction to Benny Hill..............

I asked Samran a few posts back who was the most evil man born and didn't get a response. I think you young people don't really know what evil is because you were protected by a generation who gave their lives so you would not have to know evil to the same extent as Hitler perpetrated of the world. And I guess it worked because you don't have a clue about real evil and the horrors of WWII and the Nazi's that are being glorified by having kids march down the street in Nazi uniforms.

Its not glorification. Its black humour. Its like why people dress up like the devil for parties.

That would be the case if the Thais knew who Hitler was but they don't. It's not humor it is stupidity.

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I am sure Thais aren't as stupid as you suggest. .. that sounds like some Nazi doctrine.

Ignorance would be a better word. Thais are certainly genetically CAPABLE of learning about Hitler.

It's a toss up. When I was teaching I would preface my WWII lecture with , "these are the guys who were on your side during WWII and this is what you all did." Then I'd show the slide show of the concentration camps and the death railway.

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I am sure Thais aren't as stupid as you suggest. .. that sounds like some Nazi doctrine.

Ignorance would be a better word. Thais are certainly genetically CAPABLE of learning about Hitler.

It's a toss up. When I was teaching I would preface my WWII lecture with , "these are the guys who were on your side during WWII and this is what you all did." Then I'd show the slide show of the concentration camps and the death railway.

What is a toss up? That Thai's are genetically incapable?

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I am sure Thais aren't as stupid as you suggest. .. that sounds like some Nazi doctrine.

Ignorance would be a better word. Thais are certainly genetically CAPABLE of learning about Hitler.

It's a toss up. When I was teaching I would preface my WWII lecture with , "these are the guys who were on your side during WWII and this is what you all did." Then I'd show the slide show of the concentration camps and the death railway.

What is a toss up? That Thai's are genetically incapable?

Who said anything about genetics? I'm still waiting for you to tell me who is the most evil man ever born?

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I think he's saying it's really hard to teach this subject in Thailand which is a very nationalistic country where teaching anything that may reflect poorly on Thailand, even in the past, is rather a taboo.

There was a time in Thailand when school was conducted on American military bases.

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Ignorance would be a better word. Thais are certainly genetically CAPABLE of learning about Hitler.

It's a toss up. When I was teaching I would preface my WWII lecture with , "these are the guys who were on your side during WWII and this is what you all did." Then I'd show the slide show of the concentration camps and the death railway.

What is a toss up? That Thai's are genetically incapable?

Who said anything about genetics? I'm still waiting for you to tell me who is the most evil man ever born?

Are you blind? See a few posts back.

But yes masser. I must answer to you when you order me. I forgot. You big chief man.

Edited by samran
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Easy !!!! The most evil man born was Mao Tse-tung ..... he caused the deaths of about 60 million people in China. That puts him head and shoulders above Hitler and Stalin..

This Hitler thing in Thailand is a function of the crap education system here. The push by the hisos is to generally keep the peasants in a low state of education which suits their goals. An unfortunate by product of this strategy is when stories like this come out, showing a complete lack of understanding of history by Thai students. This is the fault of the education system, not of the students...

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Whistle while you work Hitler is a

I remember my mom telling me about that song....

"Whistle while you work Hitler is a jerk. Mussolini is a meanie and the Japs are even worse."

But, a bigger problem now is that Hitler's disciples have arrived in Thailand and we must stop it.

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I am sure Thais aren't as stupid as you suggest. .. that sounds like some Nazi doctrine.

Its just the farang cultural imperialists, the white man knows whats best for Thailand, why do those pesky natives never listen to us.

From some of the anti Thai tirades I have read on here, substitute the word Thai for, Jew, Black or Gay, there would be merry hell, knickers being twisted, posts reported to mods, verbal mudslinging.

Never mind its only the Thais, we all know its not their fault, low IQ.

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From some of the anti Thai tirades I have read on here, substitute the word Thai for, Jew, Black or Gay, there would be merry hell, knickers being twisted, posts reported to mods, verbal mudslinging.


You sound like you have tested out that theorem ... coffee1.gif

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From some of the anti Thai tirades I have read on here, substitute the word Thai for, Jew, Black or Gay, there would be merry hell, knickers being twisted, posts reported to mods, verbal mudslinging.


You sound like you have tested out that theorem ... coffee1.gif

See it on here every day, make an anti Thai remark and all you do is draw out the other detritus farang whose lives are so miserable here, but the post stands.

Make a post about Jews or Israel and it quickly brings cries of anti whatever, then the post soon disappears.

Strange old world.

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Well since Germany and Thailand were allies, perhaps it makes sense to

celebrate and display the flag of your former ally ?? :-)

Perhaps allies for one reason, FEAR.

Seems to me a profit motive for territorial considerations after the Franco/Thai war (1940). Thai resistance may have delayed or halted the capture of Singapore and left the war a much different outcome in the early stages.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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I missed it. I just went back and read it. Sorry you feel bad about old people. Young men and also young women have their uses, wisdom is rarely one of them. Instead of answering my question you missed the point and offered a variety of names of men who were evil. But see, that was not the question as this thread is about one person, Hitler. Since you are young you may not have noticed the evil that was Hitler beyond a body count. It was lampshades, killing camps with gas chambers and whole religious groups wiped out. It was a unique kind of evil one that many would choose to forget or make light of. It stays with us today in not carefully watched and controlled.

Got nothing against old people. Just stupid people.

I never said I had anything against old people in the post you refer to. Read it again. What I said was that unless you were there, then your take on it is just as relevant as mine. But, not suprisingly, you seem to think you have a more of a moral compass that the rest of us. So be it. It says plenty about you.

But talking about ducking questions, you still haven't made clear whether you think that Thai's are genetically incapable about learning about these things.

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I missed it. I just went back and read it. Sorry you feel bad about old people. Young men and also young women have their uses, wisdom is rarely one of them. Instead of answering my question you missed the point and offered a variety of names of men who were evil. But see, that was not the question as this thread is about one person, Hitler. Since you are young you may not have noticed the evil that was Hitler beyond a body count. It was lampshades, killing camps with gas chambers and whole religious groups wiped out. It was a unique kind of evil one that many would choose to forget or make light of. It stays with us today in not carefully watched and controlled.

Got nothing against old people. Just stupid people.

I never said I had anything against old people in the post you refer to. Read it again. What I said was that unless you were there, then your take on it is just as relevant as mine. But, not suprisingly, you seem to think you have a more of a moral compass that the rest of us. So be it. It says plenty about you.

But talking about ducking questions, you still haven't made clear whether you think that Thai's are genetically incapable about learning about these things.

Don't think anyone can answer your question. sad.png

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I missed it. I just went back and read it. Sorry you feel bad about old people. Young men and also young women have their uses, wisdom is rarely one of them. Instead of answering my question you missed the point and offered a variety of names of men who were evil. But see, that was not the question as this thread is about one person, Hitler. Since you are young you may not have noticed the evil that was Hitler beyond a body count. It was lampshades, killing camps with gas chambers and whole religious groups wiped out. It was a unique kind of evil one that many would choose to forget or make light of. It stays with us today in not carefully watched and controlled.

Got nothing against old people. Just stupid people.

I never said I had anything against old people in the post you refer to. Read it again. What I said was that unless you were there, then your take on it is just as relevant as mine. But, not suprisingly, you seem to think you have a more of a moral compass that the rest of us. So be it. It says plenty about you.

But talking about ducking questions, you still haven't made clear whether you think that Thai's are genetically incapable about learning about these things.

Don't think anyone can answer your question. sad.png

Should be a pretty easy one to answer, otherwise you aren't any better than than those Nazi's who believed in genetic superiority as part of their justifcation for their atrocities.

But somehow I don't think CMK is going to come back to me on that one.

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