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Hitler Fashion Statements Confuse, Offend Tourists In Thailand


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'Thai Dummies'

......................Sorry, but that says it all really........... !!!

Education is to blame.....or rather the lack of it!

Thais have brains but they r just not being taught to use them............

..........Very sad!

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My BIL, an educated Thai and a decent chappy with whom I get along with very well has a fixation with military regalia..

Part of this fixation is his adornment of the Swastika and Third Reich Imagery... I've tried to tell him what these symbols represent and that to many the symbol is so closely linked to the slaughter of about 6 million innocent people it is highly offensive.

Like many, he simply does not think beyond the idea that these images look cool, to him at least. I believe this represents a huge gap in emotional responsibility so evident in society today.

Where responsibility for ones actions is diminishing, where accountability is lost and where concept of consequence is absent the remaining consciousness is simply one of want without the levels of maturity usually associated with the higher stages of social awareness.

Between 50 - 60 million people's got killed during the Nazi regime of which the highest number was Russian's (13 - 15 million people), followed by Poland with 5.5 million. With due respect but linking the Nazi regime only to the extermination to jews is not helpful as Hitler and his regime killed over 30 million civilians, jews included. In Poland the SS killed 3 million Polish Christians and 3 million Polish jews. A large numebr of German's were hunted down in Germany because they knew what Hitler and the NSDAP were up too and many were executed.

As I am a German, I know that for me things would not have been good in Germany during the Nazi years. My mother herself was hunted down but on the end lived in hiding for many years due to her disability.

Regarding the locals in Thailand, it all comes to education - My suggesting would be for teachers in Thailand to show some great movies such as 'Schindler's list', 'the last train' and if the student have some brains, they will disassociate themself from Hitler or the Nazi area.

I agree.

60 million dead is no laughing matter- and please remember that the world population during the WW II era was around three billion. Less than half of todays population.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana)

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Lots of indignation here about the ignorance of the Thais, but I wonder how many young Westerners can tell you who Tojo or Yamashita or Pol Pot were....

[Oh yeah, I've seen Mao t-shirts for sale in NYC... how many millions died in the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution? ]

Edited by Docno
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Oh, the hitler thread again. Whoopee. All we need now is a thread full of raging farang complaining about being called farang and our day will be complete.

Yesterday a couple of Thai kids laughed as I went past them and when I asked them why they laughed they replied because you are farang that looks like Hitler. House is on the market, car on the market and I'm leaving and going back to UK.

A Thai calling a westerner a farang is as polite as a westerner calling a Thai a gook. Why are Thai people exempt from common courtesy?

i pity any westerner who is offended by the expression "Farang" coffee1.gif

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Oh, the hitler thread again. Whoopee. All we need now is a thread full of raging farang complaining about being called farang and our day will be complete.

Yesterday a couple of Thai kids laughed as I went past them and when I asked them why they laughed they replied because you are farang that looks like Hitler. House is on the market, car on the market and I'm leaving and going back to UK.

A Thai calling a westerner a farang is as polite as a westerner calling a Thai a gook. Why are Thai people exempt from common courtesy?
Gook is a derogatory term Farang contrary to what most westerner think isn't.
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My BIL, an educated Thai and a decent chappy with whom I get along with very well has a fixation with military regalia..

Part of this fixation is his adornment of the Swastika and Third Reich Imagery... I've tried to tell him what these symbols represent and that to many the symbol is so closely linked to the slaughter of about 6 million innocent people it is highly offensive.

Like many, he simply does not think beyond the idea that these images look cool, to him at least. I believe this represents a huge gap in emotional responsibility so evident in society today.

Where responsibility for ones actions is diminishing, where accountability is lost and where concept of consequence is absent the remaining consciousness is simply one of want without the levels of maturity usually associated with the higher stages of social awareness.

Between 50 - 60 million people's got killed during the Nazi regime of which the highest number was Russian's (13 - 15 million people), followed by Poland with 5.5 million. With due respect but linking the Nazi regime only to the extermination to jews is not helpful as Hitler and his regime killed over 30 million civilians, jews included. In Poland the SS killed 3 million Polish Christians and 3 million Polish jews. A large numebr of German's were hunted down in Germany because they knew what Hitler and the NSDAP were up too and many were executed.

As I am a German, I know that for me things would not have been good in Germany during the Nazi years. My mother herself was hunted down but on the end lived in hiding for many years due to her disability.

Regarding the locals in Thailand, it all comes to education - My suggesting would be for teachers in Thailand to show some great movies such as 'Schindler's list', 'the last train' and if the student have some brains, they will disassociate themself from Hitler or the Nazi area.

I agree.

60 million dead is no laughing matter- and please remember that the world population during the WW II era was around three billion. Less than half of todays population.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana)

That's why we have long threads about Hitler on Thai Visa and of course the once a month Farnag thread and the yearly how do you spell Farang thread.clap2.gif

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Not the first time I see a story like this in Thailand. I remember the school parade in which children (teachers included) marched dressed as the Hitler's Youth, with swastikas and so on.

"Oh really? is it a bad thing? But we did not know it was a bad thing, sorry, sorry." Then come the voices saying we have to excuse them for their ignorance about the rest of the world and the history of mankind….. "We did not know that beyond our borders had humans" whistling.gif

I think do not do it unconsciously, I think it is the general rule of their education, just not use the keywords: Nazism or fascism, and thus disguise it a little bit. Try talking to a Thai about politics, democracy and things like that ... you will soon see that their attitude is familiar to us.

What can we do if they are uniform lovers...? The postman officer seems to have a higher rank than commander in chief of the armed forces of my country ... lol cheesy.gif
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"Those who choose to ignore history, are doomed to repeat it."

So yes, people should care what Hitler (and others like him) did, and why, that they may be able to prevent such things from happening again.

"The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

And for what it's worth, it appears that Hitler is alive and well, and running for election in northern India: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/02/22/hitler-india/1939587/

(Not sure what platform he is running on, but it seems he's been pretty successful. How will he do this time when he's up against Frankenstein and Billykid remains to be seen.)

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It all comes back to poor copied ideas. Same as all the people who wear a Chez shirt thinking it's cool. They have no idea the man was a ruthless killer and executioner. But the blind continues to lead the blind and as long as there is a market, they will continue supplying it. Money dictates all in this country, not logic or cultural sensitivities.

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My BIL, an educated Thai and a decent chappy with whom I get along with very well has a fixation with military regalia..

Part of this fixation is his adornment of the Swastika and Third Reich Imagery... I've tried to tell him what these symbols represent and that to many the symbol is so closely linked to the slaughter of about 6 million innocent people it is highly offensive.

Like many, he simply does not think beyond the idea that these images look cool, to him at least. I believe this represents a huge gap in emotional responsibility so evident in society today.

Where responsibility for ones actions is diminishing, where accountability is lost and where concept of consequence is absent the remaining consciousness is simply one of want without the levels of maturity usually associated with the higher stages of social awareness.

Between 50 - 60 million people's got killed during the Nazi regime of which the highest number was Russian's (13 - 15 million people), followed by Poland with 5.5 million. With due respect but linking the Nazi regime only to the extermination to jews is not helpful as Hitler and his regime killed over 30 million civilians, jews included. In Poland the SS killed 3 million Polish Christians and 3 million Polish jews. A large numebr of German's were hunted down in Germany because they knew what Hitler and the NSDAP were up too and many were executed.

As I am a German, I know that for me things would not have been good in Germany during the Nazi years. My mother herself was hunted down but on the end lived in hiding for many years due to her disability.

Regarding the locals in Thailand, it all comes to education - My suggesting would be for teachers in Thailand to show some great movies such as 'Schindler's list', 'the last train' and if the student have some brains, they will disassociate themself from Hitler or the Nazi area.

I agree.

60 million dead is no laughing matter- and please remember that the world population during the WW II era was around three billion. Less than half of todays population.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana)

That's why we have long threads about Hitler on Thai Visa and of course the once a month Farnag thread and the yearly how do you spell Farang thread.clap2.gif

you mean the traditional "Farang Falang Fallang Farung Furung Forlung Furlough Furlung" thread?

i have somewhere a collection of 11 different spellings but can't find it.

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Most of the material that you and I might see as being offensive, is offensive due to the connection with death camps and specifically our own culture. Thai kids grow up learning little about our culture, so in reality can be forgiven for not knowing much about it - certainly blame the education system for failings there, but bear in mind that kids in western schools probably learn as little about Siamese history as the Thais do about the west. The point implied by Chooka is very valid - tourists and visitors don't mind using the Thai flag as an ornament of their travels, and even buy little Buddha images - but how many treat those with the respect that they deserve, or understand the meaning behind the things they see here?

Westerners may be as offended as they like about others not knowing their history, but the reverse is also true, as many visitors are uneducated in the ways of the local culture and the historic sensitivities associated with it. This applies throughout the world, but just here.

Yes, Hitler and his Nazis were a major, and horrendous part of western history, but less so over in Asia, the other side of the world, where at that time, they were fighting their own wars and being slaughtered by the Japanese invaders - much more of an issue than what someone a world away did to the people there. How horrified are you at what the Japanese did? How horrified are you at what happened in Cambodia? How disgusted are you with what went on in Vietnam?

You also have to understand that in Asia people don't tend to dwell on things as much as westerners do - once its over, in a lot of cases they just shrug and say "Well that's the way it is." Unfortunately it does lead to repeating mistakes where the lesson was not learned as it should have been, but I believe it comes from a background of being powerless to fix many of the issues people see around them, and not wishing to become obsessed with tilting at windmills, they ignore it and get on with their lives... not necessarily defending this attitude, but I do see why this happens.

It's refreshing to a read such a thoughtful, rational post after wading through this festival of crybabies making a fuss.

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It all comes back to poor copied ideas. Same as all the people who wear a Chez shirt thinking it's cool. They have no idea the man was a ruthless killer and executioner. But the blind continues to lead the blind and as long as there is a market, they will continue supplying it. Money dictates all in this country, not logic or cultural sensitivities.

That's nonsense. Take a look at the things the Thais consider sacred. They are sacred money or no. You are way way off base.

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There is little knowledge of European history in Thailand.

And your point is?

How much knowledge of Thai (or Asian for that matter) history do you suppose there is in 《insert European country here》?

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Recycled news at its best. How many times are we going to see a news report related to this type of thing or Nazi Chic fashion that has been around for so long? Nothing like giving select people a reason to get their panties in a bunch and act is if these expressions have anything what-so-ever to do with any kind of advocating of Nazis or Nazi Germany's actions, policies or views except maybe how they relate to fashion..

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After the 550+ posts about a year ago on this very same topic I'm not going to read all again, sorry.

May I just say that I hope that with attention by TAT, MoT, MoC and other important people we can stop this issue from effecting the booming Thai economy and Tourism Industry. Any time now, real soon, before the BKK - ChiangMai high speed rail link is starting to operate. You may hold your breath on this rolleyes.gif

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Thai don't even know what it is they are wearing can hardly blame the kids if they haven't been educated about the world outside. My niece was wearing a shirt/shorts that appeared to be made with the Union Jack and when I explained to her what it was she was very suprised. She thought it was just a trendy design. When I suggested that she make some clothing out of the Thai flag she was quite disgusted, saying you can't do that as it is disrepectful to Thailand.

I think you nailed it Chooka, I was at a restaurant the other night, they played piano piped music over speakers, then on came the UK anthem , they didn't have a clue, mind no one stood up ,guess no poms were there.

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Sorry to disappoint you. I am a citizen of the world.

Can you please, place a screen shot of your Passport into a posting of yours?

I would like to see one of these, "New?" Passports.

They let you travel with such a document, really? To Thailand also? :rolleyes:

Well my friend I will try to explain the remark "citizen of the world" for your benefit. It is a quite common phrase for those of us who have done extensive travel throughout the world. I am an American citizen plus a PR of Singapore. During my fifty one year working career I lived and worked in North America, South America, Central America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North Africa, Afghanistan, Australia , India and quite a few countries in APAC. Thus the term "citizen of the world". Hope this clears this up for you and the next time you hear the term you will not have to query the person making the statement.

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Really! REally!?! Seriously, who gives a sh*t. And don't even think about bringing me the "Thais don't know jack about Western histiry they are just naive and don't know what Hitler did to the Jews" argument. People seem to go out-of-their-way these days to get offende by some crap. The British commmited atrocities under Victoria in SA - should I be (or am I) offended by someone wearing her T-Shirt? No! I could go on, but already feel that Hitler has wasted too much time of my day (and life) already.

Lizzie van Zyl: The British incarcerated her following the refusal of her father, a Boer combatant, to surrender. 6 years old.


and SA police murdered a motorist by dragging him along a road last week,..............i fail to see your point , genocide is not in the same league , closer to the SA white supremest I would say , which was as recent as the 80s ?? not 100 yrs ago ! . british history is not perfect , but compared to SA we look like angels .

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What do you expect from a country full of over 60 million people who don't know that a world exists beyond their borders and who generally despise non-Thais? Nothing new here for those of us who live here. Let the 2 week tourists be surprised. coffee1.gif

You must live in some weird part of Thailand if you think Thai's despise all non Thai's. I have been here for 3 tears now and have many Thai friends who come to our home and regularly have us in theirs. The people they don't like are uppity smart <deleted> who look down on them as inferiours.Or those come here just to play in the sex scene. Or those who live here because they can't afford to live in their own country. Or those who have no idea of the culture they live in and show it by not respecting Thai traditions. Are any of these traits pertaining to you?

Do you not have any other place to let your, special stinker.gif "odor" out? tongue.png

Edited by ALFREDO
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Is there a requirement for a Hitler/Nazi/Swastika thread every few weeks?

Is this 'news' - from 'daily buzz on twitter'

That video a year old, does it add anything to this forum?

How about:

Bangkok's 'Hitler Chic' Trend Riles Tourists, Israeli Envoy

and just a few weeks ago

Whats Up With The Locals Admiration For Hitler?!

My suggestion: close it, same posters with same posts . . .

I totally agree and all this is just to provoke a strong reaction with a load of BS and as a platform for the same old extremists to air their brain dead views.

Best thing is to not respond and not keep fueling this thread.

Let it die a natural death, because the majority and those with any common sense are not interested.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Is there a requirement for a Hitler/Nazi/Swastika thread every few weeks?

Is this 'news' - from 'daily buzz on twitter'

That video a year old, does it add anything to this forum?

How about:

Bangkok's 'Hitler Chic' Trend Riles Tourists, Israeli Envoy

and just a few weeks ago

Whats Up With The Locals Admiration For Hitler?!

My suggestion: close it, same posters with same posts . . .

I totally agree and all this is just to provoke a strong reaction with a load of BS and as a platform for the same old extremists to air their brain dead views.

Best thing is to not respond and not keep fueling this thread.

Let it die a natural death, because the majority and those with any common sense are not interested.

I thoguht the major issue was that 6 million plus people did NOT die a natural death!!!!

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Is there a requirement for a Hitler/Nazi/Swastika thread every few weeks?

Is this 'news' - from 'daily buzz on twitter'

That video a year old, does it add anything to this forum?

How about:

Bangkok's 'Hitler Chic' Trend Riles Tourists, Israeli Envoy

and just a few weeks ago

Whats Up With The Locals Admiration For Hitler?!

My suggestion: close it, same posters with same posts . . .

I totally agree and all this is just to provoke a strong reaction with a load of BS and as a platform for the same old extremists to air their brain dead views.

Best thing is to not respond and not keep fueling this thread.

Let it die a natural death, because the majority and those with any common sense are not interested.

I thoguht the major issue was that 6 million plus people did NOT die a natural death!!!!

It's about ignorant people wearing a symbol.

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