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Thieves In Bangkok's Coffee Shops

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Just thought I'd post this story to warn anyone else that may encounter such a situation....

I was robbed in my favorite coffee shop today (a busy place in downtown Bangkok). An older Thai man tapped my shoulder and pointed to some money on the ground by my chair. Figuring he had dropped the money and needed help picking it up, I handed it to him. He looked at me strangely, then gave a peculiar smile, and walked away. Shortly thereafter I realized that a personal item was missing from the table right in front of me.

I notified the coffee shop staff. Apparently the shop's security cameras had caught the whole thing on tape. From the tape, it appeared that there were 5 Thais working as a gang in the coffee shop (the older man, two younger men, and two women). While the older man distracted me, a younger man sitting on the other side of me (wearing a baseball cap to hide from the shop's cameras and pretending to be reading a newspaper) leaned over and grabbed the item from the table.

The staff said that from the cameras it was evident none of these people had purchased anything from the shop--they came, mingled with the other people in the shop, stole, and left.

I feel exceedingly stupid, but am very lucky the item wasn't of much value to me, and will be of even less value to the gang. However, the coffee shop security staff said this chain has had a number of similar instances around Bangkok involving more valuable items being taken, including a number of personal electronic items and even notebook computers.

So--trust no one--no matter what their age--no matter that you're in your favorite coffee shop. If anyone bumps into you or tries to make contact with you, make sure you first have all your belongings close at hand before reacting. Be aware of people that are in the shop not purchasing anything, or wearing hats/hiding behind newspapers.

Of course with the apparent prevalence of these incidences I hope this coffee shop chain also trains its staff to be aware of such people too.

"Why do some places prosper and thrive, while others just suck?" - P.J. O'Rourke


there was an article in the paper ( the aust) last week about in influx of these kinds of theiving scams in hong kong for the jewelery fair being held there. dropping money to distract the victim is fairly common but apparently a gang of south american theives were using the squirting of tomato sauce on the victims clothing as the distraction. Just don't leave valuables in view.

the coffee shop security staff said this chain has had a number of similar instances around Bangkok involving more valuable items being taken, including a number of personal electronic items and even notebook computers.

Which coffee shop chain was it?


the coffee shop security staff said this chain has had a number of similar instances around Bangkok involving more valuable items being taken, including a number of personal electronic items and even notebook computers.

Which coffee shop chain was it?

Starbucks or Black Canyon? :o


Slightly off topic (barely, but I'm not going to start a Thieves in Bangkok's Fitness First branches... thread). There's a lot of thieving going on in the Mall Bangkapi Fitness First branch. I usually workout at the Sukhumvit 39 branch, but use the Mall Bangkapi when I'm visiting my folks.

People (members apparently) are taking their keys, going downstairs to the mall area and copying the keys. That allows instant access to a particular locker whenever they find a suitable target. The potential is limitless as one can probably 'collect' as many keys as one desires. Haven't been hit myself because I keep my valuables in my car (I'm screwed though if my driver decides to take off one day, but that's another issue), but I hear someone complaining about a theft EVERY single time I'm there (once/twice every other week or so). Be careful out there!



It was one of the major coffee chains--could've been anywhere I guess, so no need to identify the name of the place.

The staff suggested going to the police. What was stolen wasn't worth much, and I don't have any faith the police would do much besides fill out a report. Plus, I'd rather not be on the Thai news. I do hope by posting here this might help warn others. And hopefully that chain (and any others) will take the threat to their customers seriously. You should be able to have a cup of coffee in peace in such a place!

"Why do some places prosper and thrive, while others just suck?" - P.J. O'Rourke


One common target in Bangkok is Starbuck's at the corner of Soi 5, Sukhumvit. A thief snagged my shoulder bag off the back of my chair there last September. The theft was caught on videotape. The man cased the coffeeshop for about 15 minutes before he chose me - I was engrossed in reading a magazine. The police were sympathetic but they had no mug shots to match the thief's face, nothing they could do. First time in 29 years I'd had anything stolen in Thailand. Lost passport, work permit, credit cards, etc, but no cash or other valuables, and luckily my cellphone was on the table. The staff at this Starbucks said thefts like this happened at least once a month there. They really ought to post a sign in that particular branch warning people to be extra careful with their belongings (tho I'm not blaming them - I was dumb to hang the bag on the back of my chair, lesson learned :o ).


I've seen signs at Starbucks in Langsuan warning customers not to leave their belongings unattended. Once I went into the bathroom leaving my laptop on one of the tables at outside terrace and found the employee waiting for me to come out, keeping eyes on my belongings. She warned me one customer just got his laptop stolen there a few days before.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly, there are more and more coming, I was in a shopping mall with a friend of mine and my gf on the stairs, while I was about 2 or 3 meters away from my friend, I noticed 2 midaged man and a lady, one of the men took the lead, stopped right in mt friend's face and began looking for some coins that he obviously dropped on purpose while the other one tried to slip my friend's wallet, in the meantime the lady was watching their back, lucky my friend reached the next floor and I had the chance to warn him...don't want to speak about the rest of the story...

The point is, the number of thieves are growing everyday, I've never had anything stolen since I am in Thailand, but it looks things are changing :o


Most pickpockets work in pairs. As soon as a grab is made, the wallet/purse is handed over to their accomplice who stands near by. Nearly always, a newspaper is carried by the accomplice to hide the bounty as the getaway is made or so they can drop it quickly if they suspect they might get caught.

Something to remember if you suspect you have been picked. Try and grab both of them or look for a guy with the paper walking away from the area who probably has your wallet. Scream like heck.

I am in favor of breaking the fingers and the hands of anyone caught pickpocketing no matter what age. He!!, maybe the legs also!!

I've seen signs at Starbucks in Langsuan warning customers not to leave their belongings unattended. Once I went into the bathroom leaving my laptop on one of the tables at outside terrace and found the employee waiting for me to come out, keeping eyes on my belongings. She warned me one customer just got his laptop stolen there a few days before.

You left your laptop on an outside table while you went to the toilet, that sounds as if your asking for trouble

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