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Aerial Anti-Haze Operations Conducted In North

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Dam_n Doc you have come up with a TOTALLY revolutionary idea. But sorry to say that is analytical thinking uknown here. smile.png

thats because many members seems to be just tourists. don't expect much analytical thinking from them when it comes to their holiday destination.

Either I just don't understand your sense of humor...or you are totally off!

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And the urea is basically urine right? Which they got from where? And why does this urine dry ice circling would have any effect other than entertain the public news?

its artificially synthesized from inorganic starting materials.

Bosch-Meiser urea process

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Dam_n Doc you have come up with a TOTALLY revolutionary idea. But sorry to say that is analytical thinking uknown here. smile.png

thats because many members seems to be just tourists. don't expect much analytical thinking from them when it comes to their holiday destination.

Either I just don't understand your sense of humor...or you are totally off!

try it with analytical thinking - than you will understand.


have to add i read pimay remark "analytical thinking uknown here." as "analytical thinking unknown here." but maybe "uknown" stands for something else.

Edited by ZhouZhou
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as a western tourist you might not know but this is a royal project. it is a good idea.

Enough with the royal project BS. Stupid is still stupid.

Put OUT the G**damned fires and heavily fine anyone who starts a fire. There... PROBLEM SOLVED.

Whiz - T.I.T. where authorities Pontificate but don't work...

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I guess the next step is to patent this 'black hole technique' and creat a pollution free universe. Just keep the human thought/hand print out of the equation and we are good to go.

Who comes up with these proposals for problem solving, the elected or the party list midgets? I wonder if there is a 7 year statue of limitations on stupidity in this country?

I'd be careful if I were you ... I also suggest you read up on the origin of the ROYAL Rainmaking Project ... there's a clue in the name as to who came up with the ideas and holds the patents on the techniques.


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You couldn't buy a black hole in Thailand if it slapped you in the face!

However, jokes aside, why don't the ministers employ the new Eskimo discovery - nano-penguins that can fly?

-mel. whistling.gif

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To the best of my knowledge I don't think I've seen any vortex spin back against itself be it a water spout, whirlpool, funnel cloud or other action that has to self sustain itself for any period of time.

Maybe the clock/counter clock activity is meant to create a hole (wall) in a downward freefall for the stuff they are dropping?

Make any sense?

What happens to the clouds in the center of the circle?

Kind of like cutting a circumferance circle in the middle of ice and leaving the center part there isn't it?

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I read your remark, and read it as your meaning, " 'then' you will understand."

-mel. wink.png

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt comes to mind. smile.png

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If they had money for faster planes they could fly clockwise very very fast

reversing the earths rotation & turn back time to when the fires & smoke had not yet started.

Of course it may be easier to fly counter clockwise really fast & just advance time to the end of

the burn season smile.png

Why don't they just ask the Ghost to clear the skies?

ZhouZhou just did that.

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If they had money for faster planes they could fly clockwise very very fast

reversing the earths rotation & turn back time to when the fires & smoke had not yet started.

Of course it may be easier to fly counter clockwise really fast & just advance time to the end of

the burn season smile.png

Why don't they just ask the Ghost to clear the skies?

ZhouZhou just did that.
nah, but cultural sensitive as i am i know that if the chronic complainers from this topic would voice their concern about this royal project to the right authorities in Thailand it would solve a lot of problems those chronic complainers seems to have.
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Unbelieveable, FIRE the people that are doing the burning. easy ????/

you see the problem here is---haze-dust-mixed particles-pollon-exhaust fumes-airport jet burners-factory-cow farts-delegations investigating-(pocket money)-etc. no no no---it's SMOKE SMOKE always has been SMOKE every year, ha ha ha investigating teams looking into the problem, nitwhits--nutters--jokers.

Fancy closing their eyes to the burning problem for so long.----law enforcement---

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If they had money for faster planes they could fly clockwise very very fast

reversing the earths rotation & turn back time to when the fires & smoke had not yet started.

Of course it may be easier to fly counter clockwise really fast & just advance time to the end of

the burn season smile.png

Why don't they just ask the Ghost to clear the

ZhouZhou just did that.
nah, but cultural sensitive as i am i know that if the chronic complainers from this topic would voice their concern about this royal project to the right authorities in Thailand it would solve a lot of problems those chronic complainers seems to have.

And I believe you are dreaming if you think that "voicing their concern" to ANY authority in Thailand will "solve" ANY problem that the authority has a vested interest in will take care of the problem. Do try to get a handle on the "real" world.

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as a western tourist you might not know but this is a royal project. it is a good idea.

Enough with the royal project BS. Stupid is still stupid.

Put OUT the G**damned fires and heavily fine anyone who starts a fire. There... PROBLEM SOLVED.

Whiz - T.I.T. where authorities Pontificate but don't work...

Yes, I know. But sometimes, one does hold out some small hope that things might actually change. :-)

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I have an idea, that may sound revolutionary and maybe is hard to grasp, but what about PUTTING OUT THE F#$%@#$& FIRES????

Now now, thats advanced theory physic's, these things take time.

If you look at a political map of Thailand and a map of where the fires are, is there a correlation?

Send the milky bar kid in and the fires won't be started. After all, common-sense says the fires are bad for hundreds of thousands, or millions of people. Perhaps there is a distinct lack of common-sense.

Then again, could try applying the law. Just an idea

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nah, but cultural sensitive as i am i know that if the chronic complainers from this topic would voice their concern about this royal project to the right authorities in Thailand it would solve a lot of problems those chronic complainers seems to have.

And I believe you are dreaming if you think that "voicing their concern" to ANY authority in Thailand will "solve" ANY problem that the authority has a vested interest in will take care of the problem. Do try to get a handle on the "real" world.
of course, i am sure. if they complain in the same way like here about this royal project the authorities in Thailand will happy to assist to relieve them from any white mens burden they have here in Thailand. in other words -expel and blacklist them.

its a royal project, you know. this is the kingdom of thailand.

Edited by ZhouZhou
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Wonder what the 'hot formula' is? Aluminum, Barium, Titanium oxides with other chemical mixes? ermm.gif Gotta love geoengineering where the 'cure' is more dangerous that the problem it is set out to 'fix'.

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nah, but cultural sensitive as i am i know that if the chronic complainers from this topic would voice their concern about this royal project to the right authorities in Thailand it would solve a lot of problems those chronic complainers seems to have.

And I believe you are dreaming if you think that "voicing their concern" to ANY authority in Thailand will "solve" ANY problem that the authority has a vested interest in will take care of the problem. Do try to get a handle on the "real" world.
of course, i am sure. if they complain in the same way like here about this royal project the authorities in Thailand will happy to assist to relieve them from any white mens burden they have here in Thailand. in other words -expel and blacklist them.

its a royal project, you know. this is the kingdom of thailand.

Trying to get most things done in the normal way is not possible, as I have said it's smoke from fires,,,,,,,,,,speaking on the subject is like Pis#ing against head wind

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nah, but cultural sensitive as i am i know that if the chronic complainers from this topic would voice their concern about this royal project to the right authorities in Thailand it would solve a lot of problems those chronic complainers seems to have.

And I believe you are dreaming if you think that "voicing their concern" to ANY authority in Thailand will "solve" ANY problem that the authority has a vested interest in will take care of the problem. Do try to get a handle on the "real" world.

of course, i am sure. if they complain in the same way like here about this royal project the authorities in Thailand will happy to assist to relieve them from any white mens burden they have here in Thailand. in other words -expel and blacklist them.

its a royal project, you know. this is the kingdom of thailand.

Trying to get most things done in the normal way is not possible, as I have said it's smoke from fires,,,,,,,,,,speaking on the subject is like Pis#ing against head wind

nah, but cultural sensitive as i am i know that if the chronic complainers from this topic would voice their concern about this royal project to the right authorities in Thailand it would solve a lot of problems those chronic complainers seems to have.

And I believe you are dreaming if you think that "voicing their concern" to ANY authority in Thailand will "solve" ANY problem that the authority has a vested interest in will take care of the problem. Do try to get a handle on the "real" world.

of course, i am sure. if they complain in the same way like here about this royal project the authorities in Thailand will happy to assist to relieve them from any white mens burden they have here in Thailand. in other words -expel and blacklist them.

its a royal project, you know. this is the kingdom of thailand.

Trying to get most things done in the normal way is not possible, as I have said it's smoke from fires,,,,,,,,,,speaking on the subject is like Pis#ing against head wind

Rather apt way to describe turning urea out a plane.

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It would not be remotely possible to make this stuff up.... Spraying piss and dry ice in opposing flight patterns to remove smoke/dust from the air?? Rose colored glasses brigade, please hit google and see if this concept has been used in farang countries...... Plodprasop move aside, in the wacky science department, you have just been one upped. Remaining options are praying to Buddha, actually putting the fires out, or fining the crap out of people who are starting the fires.. Am fairly sure the path with the best chance of success would be putting them out.

Not really sure of the net value of the crops created by slash and burn, but it sure as hell has to be a lot smaller than the loss of tourism and health damage created by everyone there breathing in polluted air.

And on the issue of fines, why not fine the TAO (Aw-Bor-Tor or Ow By Dhu in N. Thai...tongue.png ) in the sub-districts where the fires are... Give the folks more of a kick in the butt to pay more attention to this. On the other side of the coin...we had a fire near one of our rubber plantations (Mae Ai) last year. Fortunately, my b-i-law was nearby and was able to alert the TAO - every one of them in the office there came out with the fire truck and extinguished the fire in time.

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