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Is A Replacement For A Full Passport A Legitimate Business Cost?

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As per topic title is a replacement for a full passport a legitimate business cost?

With the current status of many visas being a full page I'm using up a 48 page UK passport in under 3 years.

My Thai employer have just informed me that I can't claim for new passports as a legitimate expense because "it is illegal" to do so here.

Is this correct?

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I don't know about "illegal", as then some provisions in a (tax / expense reclaim) law would have to say so... I assume he just does not want to pay for the new passport and that is why he uses that phrasing...

However, as your employer, I would tell you that the passport is your personal document, whether you work for me or not and that part of the job you have includes travelling (which you knew) and having a passport is your personal obligation in order to have / keep that job.

What I assume your company is paying for is the cost for the Visa you need?

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most certainly not illegal, however most companies have their T&C's in your contract that they will not pay for passports, even if used for business. I have tried this on with quite a few companies over the last 25 years working internationally (not just Thai companies) and never succeeded. Paying for visa's have never been an issue, but paying for the PP seems to be whole different ball game...

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My company sometimes takes the stance that maintaining a valid passport is an employee's responsibility and a pre requisite for employment. We counter that it should be the case when being newly recruited but subsequently, the company should bear the cost as we travel so extensively on business. It is each company's internal policy, nothing to do with the law.

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Thanks for the comments chaps.

Yeah, I was pretty sure there was nothing actually illegal about them paying, but apparently it would be classed as taxable income. OK I'll pay the tax.


I have never in the past asked a company to pay for my passport, it is (as others have noted) a personal document and I need it to live here anyway.

My increasing issue is that passports are getting swallowed at an alarming rate by full-page visa stickers and countries (at least the ones I seem to visit) are issuing shorter and more limited visas, my last 48 pager lasted under 4 years.

The last straw being my latest visa for India. We requested a 12 month multiple entry (which we have been granted without issues for the last 7 years), the embassy granted a 6 month double entry. As I expect to travel to Inedible India at least once a month I'm going to need up to SIX visas (and six pages) whereas in the past it was just one page.

At least the Indian client will pick up the visa costs (and he won't like the increase).



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not sure, but it is logical that if you need to travel for your work your employer should pay for the means to travel. sadly a reasoned discussion with an employer may not work however if there are many of you working for the firm and you get together to question this you may get a different answer

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