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The Best Thing About Today Was....


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Yes, would love to see it rain. However, sods law as it is, this evening will be my first "dressy uppy" evening in a very long while. Doin ma hair n nails n everythin! ...and it will probably chuck down!!! rolleyes.gif
Erm, but keeping it back on the positive track..it is good to be going off to a fancy pants night out biggrin.png

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Yes, would love to see it rain. However, sods law as it is, this evening will be my first "dressy uppy" evening in a very long while. Doin ma hair n nails n everythin! ...and it will probably chuck down!!! rolleyes.gif

Erm, but keeping it back on the positive track..it is good to be going off to a fancy pants night out biggrin.png

Where have you been missy ? smile.png Not seen you here for a while.

Any hooooooooo have a great night out. thumbsup.gif

AND, take care of that foot. smile.png

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It was great to feel a few raindrops today......but only a few on doi suthep road.

it was also nice that a bike shop offered to help sell some bike wheels for me......kindness is great.

and I watched a great basketball game between Michigan (amazing) and Kansas (great team that lost in OT).

while chatting with a friend on Skype for an endless amount time this morning as I drank my coffee.

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4. I learned that it is illegal to make a left on red light in Thailand. I never knew that before. Older and wiser.

It only is where marked and/or when it's 'payday'.

Ok I stand corrected. Thats an even better post for this thread, the best thing about today was that I relearned that its ok to make a left on red, and that the cop was just trying to get money out of me. But also learned that there must be a sign there on the Nawarat bridge saying no left on red. haha

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Best thing about today is its now tomorrow. The wife is away until tomorrow visiting her family.. I was left in charge of the garden and her flowers. Woke up this morning to find that the dog during the night had decided the wifes garden was going to be a delicious overnight snack. This afternoon went into the bathroom to wash my hands. Opened the water tap and the sink fell off the wall.

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The best thing about today was like a double edged sword.

Had to get a cake at butter is better so I took the wife and we had breakfast. The good part was we got a great tasting cake.

The bad part was I ordered what I liked and got it and enjoyed it. The wife as usual ordered a big breakfast and as was to be expected could not eat it all and me being me could not really let her send the rest to the garbage so I wound up with far more good food than I really need.

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Had a ham and turkey Easter diner at Dukes and surprisingly enough the wife liked the ribs. 98% of the things she likes to eat are Thai cooking. Or she thinks it is. I saw her in KL order off a menu board for Malaysian food in a food court. It had a picture of a dead fish head and all with some rice. She thought it was Thai and I wisely kept my mouth shut.

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The best thing about ... saturday

seeing this rusted old trailer with half the floor gone and a u bolt holding the springs on being used to take stuff to the flea market at prince royals college

not good sad.png





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The best part of today was seeing how many people would try and spoil TV's April 1st joke and thinking that they were the first to notice it. One person even complained about his post being deleted when he was the FIRST to spot the joke!!..........or so he thought, not knowing the mods were in the background........hilarious. laugh.png

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The best part of today was seeing how many people would try and spoil TV's April 1st joke and thinking that they were the first to notice it. One person even complained about his post being deleted when he was the FIRST to spot the joke!!..........or so he thought, not knowing the mods were in the background........hilarious. laugh.png

I bet they had already deleted a ton of them by the time he posted.

It made so much sense it was easy to spot as an April fool joke.smile.png

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The best part of today was seeing how many people would try and spoil TV's April 1st joke and thinking that they were the first to notice it. One person even complained about his post being deleted when he was the FIRST to spot the joke!!..........or so he thought, not knowing the mods were in the background........hilarious. laugh.png

I bet they had already deleted a ton of them by the time he posted.

It made so much sense it was easy to spot as an April fool joke.smile.png

Aah that was the left to right bit, hey? Made me Chuckle


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The best thing about today was helping a random thai woman speak English. She said she studied for many, many years and was afraid to practice. I was not going to push her, so I only asked twice (maybe one to many). She agreed and I spent an hour helping her with many words, letters, phrases, and basic conversation. She seemed very happy. I have the TESOL certificate, but I chose the ED visa route instead. And, like now, i'm too lazy to go back and see how many errors are in this paragraph....kruu mai dee!!!!! haha.

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Just did a bike ride to BigC Hang Dong [1] - saw that new village/shopping area/whatever they are building seems to be partly opened - also seems to be almost entirely cafes and coffee bars! (I thought it was going to be another mall???)

Best bit of today, so far, was the ice cold fruit juice in the BigC food hall (after an exhausting ride in the midday sun! - bit out of practise as I was in the UK for 3 weeks and then didn't want to ride in the smog after I got back).

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Best part of today.....friends came over to take me to buy a bus ticket, since they were worried about me not buying it on time. then we shopped and had a nice meal. bike is in the shop getting a tune-up......

but the best part was when some lady asked me "are you happy?" I smiled, and asked, "Do you ask that because I don't drink, don't smoke and I don't have a thai girlfriend from the bar?" she said, "yes". I laughed again.....and said, "Those things do not make me happy, I'm fine."

figuring out who you are......priceless.

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Best part of the day was sitting idly in the air conditioned Starbucks, sipping a Grande latte, slowly reading the free Bangkok Post, while waiting for the CM Immigration to process my Residency Certificate. Idling away a hot day in a cool space always makes for a good day.

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Best part of yesterday was Cricket, then later on treated to dinner by an old friend who is great company at a delicious pizza place ..where i stuffed my face with a seafood pizza and had to waddle out of the restaurant. I went to bed sated and happy (although really rather hot ..temperature is unreal!..actually its making me feel rather unwell..but thats not keeping in with the positives so ill hush!).. then today i was having coffee and a very interesting (and attractive :P) man started chatting with me and i left with a smile on my face. Hey..everyone needs some mental and visual stimulation from time to time, right! Even us ladies!

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Best part of yesterday was Cricket, then later on treated to dinner by an old friend who is great company at a delicious pizza place ..where i stuffed my face with a seafood pizza and had to waddle out of the restaurant. I went to bed sated and happy (although really rather hot ..temperature is unreal!..actually its making me feel rather unwell..but thats not keeping in with the positives so ill hush!).. then today i was having coffee and a very interesting (and attractive tongue.png) man started chatting with me and i left with a smile on my face. Hey..everyone needs some mental and visual stimulation from time to time, right! Even us ladies!

I do have that effect on you girls giggle.gif . DO NOT tell the Mrs. eh. sad.png ...............smile.png

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(although really rather hot ..temperature is unreal!..actually its making me feel rather unwell..but thats not keeping in with the positives so ill hush!)

Actually the heat is causing me to have my best thing about the day,

Laps in a pool smile.png

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Taking the daughter and her husband out for a nice diner,

They are visiting from Nakong Si Thammaret and think Chiang Mai smells funny.

Got a chance to let them get to know me better she is a nurse and he is a radiologist and they got to see x rays of my hips, knee and foot.

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After being told that I had bone spurs and the cartilage in my hips was shot and that age 30 I would be looking at hip replacement in the next 10 years, I got a second opinion here in the US and was told no spurs, no problem with the cartilage but rather is muscular and I need to just get on a rehab program. This makes me super happy.

I like your doctor better than mine.

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