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Advice And Opinions Needed Please

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So here is my situation. I have been running a business legally with a WP for the past 5 years, paying all taxes, extension fees, visas, etc. I have a specialised business and do not take any business from locals, but actually bring business here.My husband (Thai) owns the business.

Recently a 'newbee' has come to my village and set up a business that is the same as mine, which has directly affected our business. The problem is that I have recently become aware that this is being done illegally, with no company set up and no WP. She actually has a tourist visa. I don't mind competition but do it the right way, paying the ridiculous amount that I have to pay to be here and work legally.

Since finding this out my husband wants to call immigration/labour board and report her. But if he does this other people in the village that are also working illegally and are our friends may also get into trouble. What would you do? Would you call the authorities and risk getting others in trouble as well? Or would you leave it alone, as eventually she may have to leave anyhow.

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A common way for Thai officials to learn about foreigners engaging in work without a WP is when their competitors report them.

That being said, you also should ask yourself if you and your husband would be so quick to report this person if she wasn't a competitor of your business?

As Mario said, only you can make this decision.

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People that are making shortcuts in life, should be forced to stand up for their actions. This my own belief... I hate this kind of people and i wouldn´t wait a single minute to report these ones either..


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If you are being caused financial harm because of the unlawful actions of others then I don't see any moral issue. On the other hand, given the situation I can understand your dilemma. Perhaps you could have a 3rd party inform them that they are breaking the law and that this isn't acceptable. How they react to that will make your decision easier.

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Why not go directly to that person, tell her that you know she is doing illegal business and if she does not shut down her shop and stop taking revenue from your (legal) business, you'll report her to the authorities?

Then it's that other persons call and your moral dilemma is pretty much solved.

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She has already been told that if she doesn't do it legally than she has to leave. Her response was a vulgar one.

If it was not causing my business financial harm I may not report her, but this is not the case. And no she definitely does not want to buy me out. When she decided she wanted to stay and work numerous people told her to come see me first and that maybe we could work together. She was not interested. Anyhow, no legal company so nothing to buy.

I do realise that I am the only one that can make this decision. I just thought that perhaps a few people on here had some thoughts on it. Like what would you do if this were you and your business?

Like I said before, if she was legal I would not care and for the first few months I thought that she was and didn't lose sleep over it. Competition can be healthy.

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Competition can be healthy.

This is true, but only with a level playing field. Her costs will necessarily be lower since she is not constrained to business & immigration regulations, thus she can undersell you. Are you willing to grant her this competitive advantage? Are you ready to lower your prices?

You are not the policeman of the world and you have no obligation to turn her in. But at the same time, there is nothing morally wrong by doing so. She made her bed, she can sleep in it. If others are hurt due to their own "shortcuts" with the law, that is not your problem. Still, it's your call. It really makes no difference what any of us think.

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People that are making shortcuts in life, should be forced to stand up for their actions. This my own belief... I hate this kind of people and i wouldn´t wait a single minute to report these ones either..


You make a good point, but many just want to get around stupid/unfair government rules. Many believe in free trade and don't think others have the right to tell them what the can and can't do. So for me it's not so bad that people work outside the system. That way they keep the money themselves and mostly spend it locally, helping other people. The alternative is to set up legally and pay tax, which then goes to corrupt government officials. Not just here, but all over the world. I would rather individuals work for themselves, not have to give away half of their money to these corrupt people. Some rules are reasonable, but most are to fleece us of our money.

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People that are making shortcuts in life, should be forced to stand up for their actions. This my own belief... I hate this kind of people and i wouldn´t wait a single minute to report these ones either..


Maybe your just jealous that people have the balls to do it.

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I am entirely legal, 100% and have been for years. I did not report her before because I thought she was legal. Just found out last week that she was not.

No, I do not like that some of my friends are illegal, as they always seem to have money to travel, buy land, build houses, by cars, etc. Things I can not afford because of the cost of running a legal business here. But I choose to do things the right way, so I can't complain. They choose not to, so yes one day they will problem get caught, or someone else will report them.

My original thought was to wait until she gets caught, and with the recent crackdowns perhaps she will. But my husband wants to report her.

I do appreciate all of the feedback and will let you know when and what I decide to do.

Edited by guavagirl
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The recent crackdowns they say that they are investigating businesses with foreign ownership

As this party does not have a registered business it means they will only be caught or found out if they are reported by someone else, as they are not even on the authorities radar

Do you have any other local competitors? If not, then looks like it is either you or no one... as normally the only ones interested in reporting these things are competitors

Another issue that I am not sure you have thought about...

Your husband wants to report them... Are you willing to have problems in your marriage ?

Are you willing to take responsibility ... Every time you want to buy something but are a bit short, you husband thinking that you may have been able to purchase this if your business was making a bit more and that the reason why your business is not doing better, is because of this other competitor who is operating illegally that you would not let him turn in to the authorities

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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She has already been told that if she doesn't do it legally than she has to leave. Her response was a vulgar one.

If it was not causing my business financial harm I may not report her, but this is not the case. And no she definitely does not want to buy me out. When she decided she wanted to stay and work numerous people told her to come see me first and that maybe we could work together. She was not interested. Anyhow, no legal company so nothing to buy.

I do realise that I am the only one that can make this decision. I just thought that perhaps a few people on here had some thoughts on it. Like what would you do if this were you and your business?

Like I said before, if she was legal I would not care and for the first few months I thought that she was and didn't lose sleep over it. Competition can be healthy.

Here's my spin, you have expended effort and money to do things legally by the sounds of things, and now someone is in competion with you but doing it illegally...my reaction would call immigration and/or the DOL...rather simple decision as far as I am concerned

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I think I may wait a couple of weeks and see what happens. I have heard that her second consecutive tourist visa is soon expired, which means she will have to go get a new one, which will be her third. She may not be able to get it or may get the red stamp that it is the last one. If this is not the case then I think we may just have to make that phone call or at least have someone else do it.

Thanks again for all of your input. I will be sure to let you know what the outcome is.

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