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having to use the air con at night an never had to do that before.

read that this is the driest they have seen it in 10 years

over here in kamala the water trucks ( operating 24/7) are dong booming business and the lakes/reservoirs are drying up fast, How is it on the rest of the island?


And yes my banana tress are full of fruit, so is my freezer!

We should create an urban game for the bored members, like me.

Carefully plan and execute break in to forum members garden. Steel few bananas or mangoes. Post a ransom note to the forum and be rewarded with an cold beer.

The banana tree owners would naturally protect their properties and would put ink bombs, sirens etc. to make the task more difficult.

As long as you give my dog a couple bananas he will give you the go ahead to pick some of mine. Just be sure to give him the bananas as promised, and you'll be fine....no, really!



Okay, so it is a little warmer than ideal, but I don't think it is a sufficient reason to complain. I moved here after living in Montreal for five successive winters, where it can get down to -30C, and windy, this time of year . You could get snotsicles growing out of your nose in no time. It really is a living hell, if you ask me.

I still think Phuket has the nicest, most benign weather of any place I have ever lived or visited and the TMD stats support this. The annual range of min-max temps over the last 50 years or so is something like 25C-38C. Hard to beat.

I find the most effective ways to beat the heat:

1. Open all windows AND SCREENS to encourage cross flow of air.

2. Wear a soft, cotton pha khao maa (Thai loincloth) at home. Yes, your Thai neighbors will laugh, but if you can't take that element of Thailand it might be time to relocate anyway.

3. Rinse off every two hours.

(Note, I don't pretend to have invented any of these measures, which are all well known to Thais)

If you do these three things you won't need to run the air very often at all. Anyway, I don't think it will be long before the talk turns from drought to flooding and landslides. It's all just part of the cycle here.

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The whole island has nodules of tin oxide and iron oxide under the soil. Without any rain, more of these oxides dissolve into the water and are not diluted with fresh rain-water.

I'm guessing your fish died because there was excessive oxides in the water.

Which explains the red brown colours many are seeing in the water now & staining the porcelain.


I went to see the northern water reservoir close to Chern Thalee. There is still plenty of water, but the water level has dropped 3-5 meters of what it was during the rain season.


The location is beautiful and people around were nice. While I was taking photos of an eagle and was walking around a car stopped next to me to ask if I would need an ride back to the main road.

Good spot for riding the bike.


Large thunderstorm with great lighnings just next to Phuket. Temperature seemed to drop few degrees along with the rain. I really hope it has the strength to come all the way and give a good shower to the nature.


Large thunderstorm with great lighnings just next to Phuket. Temperature seemed to drop few degrees along with the rain. I really hope it has the strength to come all the way and give a good shower to the nature.

Wishful thinking. Wow it's hot ...


The rain just arrived!!

Not a strong one (yet?), but at least some liquid is coming down.


It was hot today, but not bad compared to most of Thailand here in Rawai from what I've heard and read. It was around 40º in BKK today, it may have got up to 35º here... Rain? I doubt it highly for a while. A shower is possible...


Something strange happening here in Rawai. Something cool and wet falling from the sky. What is this?

I don't know but it woke me up.

Did not last very long :-(


The water table has dropped just over two metres in my location (Chalong) from the height of the rainy season.

Still have plenty of water, though. One of the reasons I bought where I did.


And it's slightly cooler this morning.... so far

its was a really nice change sleeping cool last night and this morning is nice. WG says its not going to last unfortunately.

still, a lot better than up north with 40 degree days and air you can cut with a knife.

i don't think we got a lot of rain in rawai last night but according to this http://www.tmd.go.th/programs/uploads/cdms/Daily/DailyObserved7AM-en.pdf the airport got 49mm


And it's slightly cooler this morning.... so far

its was a really nice change sleeping cool last night and this morning is nice. WG says its not going to last unfortunately.

still, a lot better than up north with 40 degree days and air you can cut with a knife.

i don't think we got a lot of rain in rawai last night but according to this http://www.tmd.go.th/programs/uploads/cdms/Daily/DailyObserved7AM-en.pdf the airport got 49mm

We came down to ao nong to escape the chiang mai smoke and don't mind the heat one bit!

  • 2 weeks later...

It's been dumping rain here in my part of Rawai for at least 20 minutes! It's now down to 25º C outside as well... Cool enough?


It's been dumping rain here in my part of Rawai for at least 20 minutes! It's now down to 25º C outside as well... Cool enough?

Cool enough.

It was just couple of weeks ago when we all wished some rain. Well, things seems to change quite fast. Now it seems that the rain never stops.

I wish the constant rains stops and dry season would start soon.. (someone had to say it :)


It's been dumping rain here in my part of Rawai for at least 20 minutes! It's now down to 25º C outside as well... Cool enough?

Cool enough.

It was just couple of weeks ago when we all wished some rain. Well, things seems to change quite fast. Now it seems that the rain never stops.

I wish the constant rains stops and dry season would start soon.. (someone had to say it smile.png

It will probably be hot and humid again next week after this storm passes. But I'll take this weather over the past month or two. I love low season...


It's been dumping rain here in my part of Rawai for at least 20 minutes! It's now down to 25º C outside as well... Cool enough?

Cool enough.

It was just couple of weeks ago when we all wished some rain. Well, things seems to change quite fast. Now it seems that the rain never stops.

I wish the constant rains stops and dry season would start soon.. (someone had to say it smile.png

really, i would have thought this weather reminded you of Finland (only warmer)

i'd would be happy for it to stay like this for the next 3 months myself but it does look like hot and dry is coming back


really, i would have thought this weather reminded you of Finland (only warmer)

i'd would be happy for it to stay like this for the next 3 months myself but it does look like hot and dry is coming back

Finland has it's share of sunny days. We even have beaches and enjoy swimming on the lakes and the sea during the summer. Summer is in fact the best day of the whole year!

Statistically the weather in Phuket has been great during the past month. Lie, huge lie, statistics..

  • 3 weeks later...

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