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Hi all there,

I have 2 kittens about 5 and 4 months old, maybe a month older. One of them developed pneumonia and was diagnosed via chest x ray. She acts normal except she lays on the floor more than normal, have very fast and shallow breathing and doesn't want to eat too much. Shehas become very skinny so i am feeding her wet food. The vet gave her antibiotic for 7 days and he said she improved but I don't think so.

Now the other cat (male) is showing symptoms as well, just difficulty breathing but eats and does everything normal.

I also asked to neuter them and I was told they need to be 8 months old, which is bullshit. I cannot afford to take care of a lot of kitties, and they are both very close to start being fertile.since the female is that skinny I would probably spay the male first to avoid risks.

So can anyone recommend a good cat veterinary in Bangkok? I need second opinion about the pneumonias and someone who will spay them.

Thanks a lot


Kasetsart University small animal clinic is very good. Open only Mon-Fri working hours. I think more details are in the pinned thread on vets.

If you happen to be on the Thonburi side of the river, Mahidol Salaya also has a very good one.


Thanks Sheryl.

I forgot to say I would prefer if they could speak English and open on weekends. I am quite busy during the week so I need to do the visits on weekends or night time. The current vet is open 24 h and that's very convenient for me. I also heard good comments about Chula uni vet but only opens during the week and daytime.

Location is not a problem, I will go anywhere in Bangkok.


I got sometime ago this address, but wasn't able to get hold of it until now. I should be careful with spading / neutering when they are already weak: I have sadly lost a 100% healthy kitty a couple of days after neutering.saai.gif

"There is an excellent animal hospital on Ramkamheng near the Ring Road exit, it is under Royal Patrionage."


Thanks so much to both of you for replying.

So sorry to hear about your loss mistitikimikis, I am also worrying about that. Maybe I should have a door installed at home to keep them separate in the different floors until they are well for neutering them. If one of them die I could rather die as well :-(


Thanks so much to both of you for replying.

So sorry to hear about your loss mistitikimikis, I am also worrying about that. Maybe I should have a door installed at home to keep them separate in the different floors until they are well for neutering them. If one of them die I could rather die as well :-(

We were devastated, and the vet didn't want to have her back for observation again when she got bad after one day with the reason that there were too many cats in the "clinique" with infectious diseases........

I must say that, when living in Spain, we let a coorporating vet neutering / spading hundreds of strays without one lost. An small triangle ear-mark cut in the ear for recognition and after one day free again. Might be it wasn't the vet but "only" bad luck saai.gif


I guessed you were Spanish (I am too) by the tikimikis in your nick ;-)

I think the standards are not too high here although I had very bad experiences back in Spain as well. I guess at the end everything is about the individual veterinarian, no mather where.


Ehhhhh, sorry CATALAN biggrin.png (lol). Yes, "mistitikimikis" or something like that is Catalan. No, I'm Dutch, but lived more than 15 years in l'Escala (Girona) and I must say, there, the local vets: tremendous, but the local (Catalan) behaviour with animals sometimes a misery, also with the farm-dogs.

Yeah, Spain has a certain culture, well, and the Catalan are a bit like the Thai: trye to keep the country closed and speak only Catalan wink.png. Anyway, when I really have to go back to Europe I never ever go back to Holland anymore but to........... Spain! thumbsup.gif


Hehe I am Catalan myself, hopefully will be able to say that is my official nationality anytime soon ;) I agree with you, people in the smaller cities are very used to speak Catalan and many have a strong accent and few vocabulary when speaking Spanish. However this is highly off topic ^_^U

Thanks for the links, just confirmed what we thought about not operating while sick, specially when there's difficulty in breathing.

I contacted Ari pet hospital but they told me they are closed today :-(

What about the address you gave me earlier? I worry about carrying the cats there and being unable to find it or they being closed during the weekends.

I think I will try calling the ones in the PDF list here in TV


Thanks a lot mate.

Anyway I am trying to contact my boss and get half day off on Monday to bring them to Chula, which I guess they will know better what they are doing.

Thanks again!


This is about vet cat or about what...?

Its a big lie compare Your province people with the Thai people. Everyone in Spain know how Nazi are the small piece of people that claim separate of Spain but in the other side they "forgot" how much they got from Spain theyself.

You right about similar to Thai people. The brainwash politician start it from school. Dont letting your children to learn Spanish languague and teaching a lie side of the history. The big diferent with thai people is what at least they protect theirself opposite your who want destroy everything from Spain.

Sorry to tell you will never get another citizen than Spain. Dont lie people here.

Now i go on toppic: I love my cat except when she do po outside the box!



This is about vet cat or about what...?

Its a big lie compare Your province people with the Thai people. Everyone in Spain know how Nazi are the small piece of people that claim separate of Spain but in the other side they "forgot" how much they got from Spain theyself.

You right about similar to Thai people. The brainwash politician start it from school. Dont letting your children to learn Spanish languague and teaching a lie side of the history. The big diferent with thai people is what at least they protect theirself opposite your who want destroy everything from Spain.

Sorry to tell you will never get another citizen than Spain. Dont lie people here.

Now i go on toppic: I love my cat except when she do po outside the box!

????????????? ohmy.pngblink.pngw00t.gif


This is about vet cat or about what...?

Its a big lie compare Your province people with the Thai people. Everyone in Spain know how Nazi are the small piece of people that claim separate of Spain but in the other side they "forgot" how much they got from Spain theyself.

You right about similar to Thai people. The brainwash politician start it from school. Dont letting your children to learn Spanish languague and teaching a lie side of the history. The big diferent with thai people is what at least they protect theirself opposite your who want destroy everything from Spain.

Sorry to tell you will never get another citizen than Spain. Dont lie people here.

Now i go on toppic: I love my cat except when she do po outside the box!

Read it twice, it was a foreigner who lived there long time who made the comparison, not me. And personally I don't see the similarities but that could be because I am from there.

I don't want to continue an OT but let me tell you something: it is exactly that attitude and ignorance what is fueling the independence feeling, not brainwashing as you say (and I assume you never lived in Catalunya coz you are just repeating unionist slogans which are PLAIN lies).

I don't know how old are you, but I am in my mid 30s and I am 100% confident I will see Catalunya being a new country long before I die. And all the merit will go to people like you. BTW Nazi would be more suitable to the Spaniards and their belief thinking they can tell the others how or what to be; this is called fascism and we have really recent history there on this 'doctrine'.

Anyway if you don't have anything to help with the topic you could just keep silent.


"There is an excellent animal hospital on Ramkamheng near the Ring Road exit, it is under Royal Patrionage."

I couldn't find this one (yet) saai.gif

July 2009: English-Speaking Veterinarians in Bangkok, Thailand: If You Have a Sick Pet These Vets Can Help

I believe this is their phone number: 02-729-5706/8

address is 33/39 Moo 3 Thanon Ramkhamheng

It is not far from the ring road exit on Ramkhamheng. Its ain a sort of strip mall complex which has a lemon farm or something like that.


Just to update you guys.

I went to Chula on Monday morning just to be faced with around 300 people in front of me in the queue. After waiting a few hours and still having more than 100 people in front I took the decision to visit Ari Pet Hospital.

I was gladly surprised by this doctor and his team, it looks like they really know what they are doing and seem very competent. However the news are not good: He told me this was not looking like pneumonia (no coughing, no mucus), just fluids in the lungs. He gave the cats antibiotics and told me to call him back in 4 days if I don't see improvement. His main suspects are feline leukemia and feline AIDS, which don't have any cure; some cats can overcome the infections and have a quite decent life while other won't. I am feeling extremely depressed now, just had the cats for a few months but I am really attached to them, specially to the sickest one :,(

On the negative side, he told me he would like to test them for leukemia but he has run out of tests and need to order in bulk. The price of a single test would be 15,000 THB which sounds awfully expensive to me. I saw on many places over the internet the costs are well below 100 USD, so not sure about this crazy price and I was holding my tears so didn't ask more about that.

On a side note, I found it strange that no veterinarian here in Thailand hadn't even talked about draining the fluids out of the lungs, or taking a sample via the trachea to make a culture and see if this is a bacteria, fungus, or a virus in the worst case.

Did any poster performed a leukemia test locally? What was the cost?

I will try to get quotations from other vets, although I feel so negative now... In case this was leukemia I guess there's little we can do for them after spending that crazy amount.

Just to keep the negativity, is it common with local vets to denying putting the animals down because of Buddhism? Because for sure I will want to do if, unfortunately, the cats start to suffer.

Thanks again


Very sorry to read this! I never heard of this disease and found just this which isn't too positive unfortunately: Feline Leukemia Virus.

About Veterinary Euthanasia: Cultural Influences in Bangkok, Thailand

Concerning euthanization I found this in an old topic: Thonglor Pet Hospital (but with different opinions) and Ekkamai 21 has been mentioned.

Also Sheryl had in August 2010 the following answer:

"A few comments:

1. Unlike many places in the west, Thai vets will not euthanize on demand, only
if they themselves believe it to be necessary. For this reason calling around
is never productive. You have to bring the animal in for the vet to examine
first. Besides, when you call you will usually get a clerk, who may not even
know that sometimes the vets do this, or may think you are asking if it is
offered as a routine service on demand (in which case they will be appalled at
the question)

2. Even in cases where it is evident that there is intractable suffering and no
hope of cure (the only conditions under which a Thai vet is likely to
euthanize), individual vets vary greatly in their willingness to do so, and it
may be necessary to try more than one.

3. I do not recommend the insulin method described. In addition to the trauma
to the owner of doing this, insulin shock is not a painless death, in fact can
be pretty awful.

4. In the west the tendency is to euthanize rather quickly. Sometimes it may be
possible for the animal to die a peaceful natural death if provided with
appropriate pain killers. Not always applicable but where it is, soemthing to
consider and ask about."

All this info is old. Might be in the mean time there are other members with updates.

SCAD Bangkok which was mentioned also has been closed down unfortunately.


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