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Loyalty Thai Vs. Farang


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In general, how can one expect thais to behave, when it comes to their loyalty and level of trust - especially in situations that involve sensitive matters between thais and farangs.

Here is a classic example:

A farang man living in Bangkok with his girlfriend, is cheating on her when she is out of town. The man brings home other girls from time to time, and this is, of course, seen by the people that service his residence - let's say a regular condominium: the security guys, the cleaners, the motor bike guys downstairs etc. Let's say that the gf talks to these people in a chit chat manner, but otherwise don't really know them much. Let's say she has seen/met these people "downstair" for several years.

Could one expect any of these people to blow the whistle on the man, or is that very unlikely? Would they honor their job by never reviling sensitive information from the tenants life, or would they feel a stronger loyalty to the thai lady, because she is a thai with a farang?

Depending on your input:

Would it be the same if it was a thai couple?)

Would it matter if it's a married couple with kids and not just bf/gf?

I know there is no simple yes/no answer to this. I am of course looking for some insights in comparison with farang loyalty culture

I had a discussion with some friends about this, and we couldn't agree. We think it could be very interesting to hear from people that really know Thai culture.
We need the power of crowdsourcing. Let the jury decide.

Any kind of input/stories that relates to the subjuct of Thais vs. Farangs, in relation to loyalty and trust, would also be appreciated.

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You would be extremely foolish to think that you would not be found out, the jungle drums here are quite remarkable plus most Thai females find it impossible not to share important information they have, even with strangers, you have been warned.

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You would be extremely foolish to think that you would not be found out, the jungle drums here are quite remarkable plus most Thai females find it impossible not to share important information they have, even with strangers, you have been warned.


If you live in Bangkok and are willing to inconvenience yourself a bit, it's not any harder than operating as a spy behind enemy lines in wartime or being an effective grassroots activist for democratic change in Burma. The real trick, only a little easier, is setting things up so that your SO doesn't really mind, doesn't feel your relationahip is threatened by your playing around and you don't let anyone know that she cares about, much less anyone finding out that she knows.

But that's a whole 'nother topic, and not really that interesting to me as I don't even bother playing the "let's pretend monogamy is possible" game anymore.

Edited by FunFon
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I think this type of dynamic could be applicable anywhere in the world. People see things, people talk. It's maybe not always guaranteed they will but once they have seen you will always be wondering when it may come.

My advice would be to change apartment and be a bit more savvy about it this time.

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I dated a 22 year old girl who was at the time going through a divorce with her 24 year old Australian Husband. I met the family, they took me out, never asked for a penny, all was good.

Sometimes her soon to be ex would ring and she said they were arranging the divorce. I am not the facebook kind but looked at hers one morning and her soon to be ex sent a strange message of love and missing his angel blink.png

He was still married to her, she was having her way with me, and the family didn't say a word.

I left her and told the Aussie guy on facebook, sure I was the bad guy, having it with a married woman, but I 100% didn't know.

I thought at the time would it be a good idea telling him as the way the family and girl covered all those little lies it would surely happen again.

This girl no word of a lie was a nymphomaniac, I had about 14 hours sleep a week and I said I had enough one night and it ended up me driving to her mums at 3am after an hours argument. I thought nymphs were supposed to be fun but it nearly killed me.(sorry off topic)

Anyway I am babbling. this girl and the whole family knew the truth but turned a blind eye, they were expert liers. I am sure they were playing the long game and cash was soon to be expected as this is the only reason I can see point. Amazing Thailand w00t.gif

Edited by Scully
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You can bet your bottom dollar that she has the telephone numbers of more than one of these people. Knowing she is to be away from you she will already have set up her spy network and the reports will be flooding in to her for each of your indiscretions.

Your comings and goings will be noted. The time you leave and the time you come back. Drunk, sober, smelling of perfume, all will be noted.

Yes, the jungle drums beat so well here.

Buy some armour plating for your third leg, if you want to keep it ;)

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Does anyone besides me find the term "jungle drums" more than a bit disturbing?

It is a turn of phrase as I'm sure you will realise if you were to think about it, we could use the term, "bush telegraph" which would mean the same thing but others might find that to be an obscene and sexist term so please, let's not get into political correctness here!

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It is a turn of phrase as I'm sure you will realise if you were to think about it, we could use the term, "bush telegraph" which would mean the same thing but others might find that to be an obscene and sexist term so please, let's not get into political correctness here!


Heaven forbid!

Sorry but both expressions are new to me, I guess "grapevine" or just plain rumours/gossip is what would have come to my mind.

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It is a turn of phrase as I'm sure you will realise if you were to think about it, we could use the term, "bush telegraph" which would mean the same thing but others might find that to be an obscene and sexist term so please, let's not get into political correctness here!


Heaven forbid!

Sorry but both expressions are new to me, I guess "grapevine" or just plain rumours/gossip is what would have come to my mind.

Not to side track too far on this point, but: I did a piece of work for a Canadian firm in the 1990's and one of the company's SVP's, a female, came over to do a review. Being a good sort she tried to make useful suggestions in order to justify her trip, to one of which I replied, "we can suck it and see". The woman went spare and accused me of making sexist statements, demeaning her role and gender in public and all manner of other nasty things. When she'd finished her lengthy rant I pointed out that the term was derived from Hershey's the candy maker who some years earlier had produced different flavours of candy but all had the same colour, in order to see what type you had selected it was necessary to suck it and see. She was very embaressed afterwards to which my collegue put forth, "that's what you get for wasting your time at school, not reading more books and for playing too many video games instead". biggrin.png

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"that's what you get for wasting your time at school, not reading more books and for playing too many video games instead". biggrin.png


Or just not being mindful about what's coming out of your mouth when speaking to people with even slightly different cultural backgrounds in a sensitive situation.

A stance that being a schoolteacher overseas helps one hone, learn to speak like Janet and John ("Dick and Jane" for the yanks). . .

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For me, if she is my close friend, I will tell her everything since it's "best friend's duty" to do.

If she is not my close friend, I will keep it secret until she raises the question.

You bring up a good point. forgetting the fact that she already knows the culture will make sure of that.

A person should think about what they would do if it was their good friend being cheated on and you knew they really cared about that happening and would make a change in the relationship so that they would not feel so bad about it like dump the partner and in time find another one.

Chances are pretty good that any one doing that much cheating is not exactly endearing them selves to the staff that is watching this going on.

What would you do.

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