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Thailand To Change From Left To Right Hand Driving

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Given the fact that driving is currently dangerous, can you imagine what it will be like if this gets passed? When Im in Bangkok, Ill travel by boat and canal.

Im all for population control -Too many of us f'ckin up the planet -but they'd be culling about 90% of their Red Shirts supporters if they did this, i.e., There would be absolute carnage on the roads, and anyone with half a brain, i.e., any other coloured shirts would stay off the roads.......w00t.gif (My permanent facial expression when I drive in Thailand)!


I googled around and cannot find this confirmed in other media?

Wonder what this will do to the resale value of current used vehicles, plus current new vehicle sales will likely be discounted soon or people will just wait to buy the 2014 models with LH steering.

Also wonder what the conversation costs will average???

Try to Google 1 April

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I saw the title and just naturally assumed it was an April Fools joke.

I still think it is.

I can't believe it went three and a half pages before anybody even mentioned April Fools...

Yeah, The OP article was obvious from the start that was an April 1st joke and I couldn't believe how many TV forum members actually 'seriously' replied and replied and replied...but then again...I can.


HELL! thats gonna be dangerous . Anyhow, a large % of them drive on the wrong side already.

Do you know what todays date is?


Well, I know it's April fools day. However, I am aware overhere here are many days like this during the year, so it may be true.

I have experience in driving a British car around in Europe. Sometimes it is quite dangerous to overtake a truck if you you sit at the "wrong" side of your vehicle. In combination with the not so smart "first car owner regulation" this would only add up to complete chaos on the roads.

However, the only chance that makes me believe this news is: the Thai greed. It turns out to be a money making machine to change all the road signs (overnight?) rebuild an already rotting infrastrukture and selling all cars with righthand drive to India as long as it will be one of the last ressorts of this stubborn British heritage.

Happy April fools day!

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One of the funniest ideas yet from these idiots. Not least because of the financial impact on local car sales. No one in their right mind will want to buy a car until this is resolved.

"As of 1 January 2014 all cars sold in Thailand will need to have the
steering wheel on the left side. Old normal cars can keep their steering
wheel on the right, but owners cannot sell these cars."

So all those people who have been encouraged to go into debt to buy cars are now going to find they have a worthless investment that they cannot sell without an expensive modification.

I wonder how the manufacturers feel about this, they will have huge stocks to sell, what happens to those cars?

Reality, this will not happen anytime soon, it is simply not feasible by Jan 2014. Change every single signpost in the country? All the traffic lights that need to be re sequenced? Seriously, Jan 1st overnight change when so many are already drunk! Accident rates will go up dramatically to start with, I certainly wouldn't want to be on the roads for the next few days, it would be total chaos.

Another outstanding and totally laughable plan from the man in Dubai.

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This was my day...... It needs 5 pages of comments before someone got the joke....

A bad result of an IQ test, folks. You drink to much. Not good for the "grey cells". cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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It's more logical to drive on the left simply because most people are right handed i.e. the right hand is stronger.

Is it better to have the stronger hand on the steering wheel or on the gear stick ?

Because most people are right handed we also tilt more naturally to the right which makes overtaking safer with left hand side driving.


The funniest part was the people who came on and spoiled the joke, thinking they were the first to realise. cheesy.gif You know who you are. I wonder why people felt the need to spoil it.........sleuth of the year award?

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One cannot believe the madness of this suggestion !!!

Because lorries might be going to neighbouring countries and lefthand drive lorries may be comming to Thailand , is No Excuse .

This is all about ASEAN , trying like the European Union to create an area where everything is the same . The EU is a failure and so will be ASEAN , if they follow the example .

Thais are noteably Not Good Drivers on the left hand side of the road ; lack attention , ingore the rules of the road , how are they ever going to change to the right hand side of the road .

Thailand already has an unusually high accident rate and death toll on the roads ; switching sides and to left had drive will increase the accidents tenfold .

Perhaps the government should hold a referendum , ask the people , before embarking on such a risky scheme which may be emensely unpopular and cause the death of many people .


Putting aside the April Fools joke for a second, if it was true, what difference would it make to Thai motorbike riders? None.

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