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Re-Entry Visa At Bkk Airport?

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It's been awhile since anyone has reported whether or not a person can get their re-entry visa inside Suvarnabhumi Airport. From what I've read here and elsewhere (but over a year old), there is a desk inside the international terminal that is accessible after you have your boarding pass for your international flight. They charge 1200 baht for the re-entry.

Can anyone verify that, yes, this still exists, and yes, they will process this for travelers? The phrases "in case of an emergency" and "up to the discretion of the officer to grant the visa" have been thrown around in the past, but I'm wondering if that is still the case now. The official airport website used to have information about the re-entry desk, but it is not there now.

Does anyone know what's REALLY available? The Chiang Mai immigration office has become next to impossible with their bizarre queues and turning people away, even for a re-entry, which should be so simple. Thus, looking for a reliable alternative.

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"It's been awhile since anyone has reported whether or not a person can get their re-entry visa inside Suvarnabhumi Airport. From what I've read here and elsewhere (but over a year old), there is a desk inside the international terminal that is accessible after you have your
boarding pass for your international flight..."

Yeah, it's been a whole 3 months:


Oops, strike that... 5 days:


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I have hidden two off-topic posts about the Chiang Mai immigration office. This topic is about getting a re-entry permit at BKK airport, ie at Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok.

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Maestro - hope this is on topic,

If I clear immigration in Chiang Mai can I get to the desk to get a re-entry permit in BKK?

Just my opinion, but if you clear immigration your permission to stay will be canceled, if you could fly domestic, then clear at Bangkok, that should work. Edited by beechguy
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There is a desk at CM airport, in international depature area for the purpose of getting a re-entry permit. The location and hours seem to change every day. Perhaps we need to start a new thread to discuss current status of getting a re-entry permit in CM.

It used to be in the area on the first floor for international check-in, which meant that anyone could make the short walk from CM Immigration and get a re-entry permit sooner than waiting in their endless queues, after already having a mind-numbing wait to get a 12-month extension.

But last time I tried that little trick, they showed me their new location for re-entry permits. It was beyond the final checkpoint for international departures, which meant I'd need a ticket-in-hand before I could get a re-entry permit.

Frankly, what with Korean Air's only flight out being near midnight, I wouldn't risk losing my retirement extension on the hope the re-entry permit desk was open for this important flight -- CM's link to North America.

Edited by NancyL
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Yes it is still in operation from reports and open to anyone (not just emergency) during 0600-2400 time period.

It might be a $64000 question, but how long should I allow to obtain a re-entry permit at Suvarnabhumi?

I have to transfer from Don Muang (Domestic) to an international flight at BKK and also obtain said permit and I'm worrying about the time factor.

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BKK re-entry visa counter now open 24 hours a day. Takes anything between 5 and 30 minutes depending on length of qeuque and nationality

Are you talking about Don Muang (which has always been open 24 hours a day) or about Suv, which has so far only limited opening hours from 06:00 till 24:00?

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  • 2 months later...

Have seen no reports that it is no longer open 24/7. It used to be open only from 0600 hours to midnight, every day, but recent reports indicated that it is now open 24 hours (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/636544-re-entry-permit-validity/#entry6360658 and http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/644529-multiple-re-entry-stamp-possible-at-airport/#entry6480472)

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