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Quit Complaining, Thais Are Amazing Because.......


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Aye so what?.......I'm in a twilight zone between being a tourist and being a resident.....here too much and too often to know nothing of Thai ways, but not enough to be a resident and as stated before I never intend to be.

However let me draw you back to what I said in the post, the food was sensational, and the service was superb, hence the big tip.

I don't tip like that on regular days, 20 or 30 baht is my norm, and on some cruel occasions, nothing. coffee1.gif

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Aye so what?.......I'm in a twilight zone between being a tourist and being a resident.....here too much and too often to know nothing of Thai ways, but not enough to be a resident and as stated before I never intend to be.

However let me draw you back to what I said in the post, the food was sensational, and the service was superb, hence the big tip.

I don't tip like that on regular days, 20 or 30 baht is my norm, and on some cruel occasions, nothing. coffee1.gif

Thank god for that, I was begining to doubt your origin...

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Can I be a prick now, please?

"Yeah...some Thais are great! But not only people in Thailand ard friendly...it happens everywhere in the world!"


Okay...back to being the nice guy I usually am!

Had a little accident in Khao Lak some years ago.

Renting a scooter, going up to the Chong Fah- waterfall.

Coming back from there, good mood (did I mention that i have no license, wasn't wearing a helmet...yeah ...the days of my youth...at age 35!), empty road, right turn curve....gravel...scooter slips...Doc slides on new asphalt road...ouch ouch ouch...before my head hit the road, one thought "Didn't you just yesterday read about helmets...?"....

Got up, checked on me...nothing seemed broken, though I was bleeding in several places....scooter was a wreck...

Did I mention the EMPTY road before?

Doc sits down by the roadside like a fat, bleeding Buddha, waiting for either a) someone to come soon or b ) die and bleach out in the sun!

Sound of a motorcycle!

Old lady on a scooter...with a bunch of bananas and a small kid (yeah...they are irresponsible...) in front of her.

She starts talking to me and I don't understand a single word!

I just stare at her and bleed...she laughs and drives away!

Thank you very much!

10 minutes later she is back with 3 guys and a pick up.

They talk, laugh ...I don't under-sa-tand anything and have no idea what is to follow...as they help me up, sit me in the car and put my scooter on the back, drive me to a "hospital" ask me (using hand, feet, pen and paper) about anyone I know in Khao Lak or my hotel...and off they go.

30 minutes later a friend that I had in Khao Lak appears, tells me, he has been informed by some guys in a pick- up, my scooter is at repair (and will be saved)...

Later that day, I limp back into my hotel.

Looking like "The Mummy".

It was the Baan Khao Lak (pre- Tsunami) and I will always praise them for what happened:

in the evening, I start limping out to the restaurant.

Some staff- member sees me, tells me to stop and RUNS(!!!) for the manager.

The manager asked me what happened and orders a TV to my room and asks one of his staff to a) bring dinner to my room (there was no official room- service) and to take care of me, look for me until I sleep, bring breakfast to my room the next morning and...and...and...

This episode ist still one of the reasons, I love Khao Lak ...

Yep, you can be a prick.

Next, learn to ride a motorbike.

Didn't your mother teach you never to talk to strangers?

Didn't she tell you not to get into a vehicle with strangers?

Did you really let an unknown medical provider work on your body?

If people can't speak English, they are too dumb to talk to anyway.

If you take food from strangers who offer it, they may have a contract to kill you with poison.

If a Thai comes to your hotel room uninvited, it's probably a bar girl.

Worse yet, it could be a ladyboy.

You're lucky I'm here to save you and theblether from yourselves.


Lucky me...

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There are many kind Thais and i meet them often mostly during fishing or just on the local market. All goes well there problems arise when i need to find contractors and such then its hard to find honest ones. (but the Thai neighbors have the same problem)

Thais also love it when you speak Thai.. i am not that fluid or great. but it always get conversations going. I think it really matters in what kind of setting you meet people.. business... be really really on your toes otherwise nice ppl

I've never been fishing in Thailand, I'll have to put that straight. I was in Thai restaurant on the outskirts of Pai about a year ago, it was very quiet which normally isn't a good omen. There was a guitarist strumming away and singing his heart out, great.

Out came the fish I'd ordered, I think it was Tibtum in a spicey lemon sauce ( I never trust the translations on the menus, I've learned just to accept what I get biggrin.png ).......anyway, the fish was sensational, unforgettable......I eat fish every day in Thailand and nothing has come close to this one. It turns out the guitarist owned the restaurant and his passion was fishing.

When he finished his set he took me over and showed me the photos of all his prize catches.......fishing by day, playing the guitar in his own restaurant by night, living the dream. Fantastic.

My other memory of that night was the table service provided by the young lady, she must have been at our table 20 odd times pouring drinks and serving food. Turned out she was a high school student and this was part time work......I tipped her 200 baht, she nearly fainted, her daily wage was 100 baht.


What were her symptoms of "nearly fainted?" biggrin.png

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Aw wait a minute blink.png That was a low blow Mr Possum sad.png

Anyway.......Yes I love the fish in Scotland however it's more readily available here in a restaurant setting. Hmmm, I'm going to get roasted for saying that.....but then again it's true, I can wander in to most Thai cafe's and be sure that there will be fish on the menu, that's not the case in Scotland though.

I did think it was a bit random to suggest that you don't get punctures on Western roads, are there any among us who drive that haven't had several over time?

I don't like the fish in Thailand, not enough flesh, too much bones. Even the fillet you get in Makro isn't as good as the fish in Scotland. I got a new motorbike about 15 months ago and 7000 kls, never had a puncture yet. My first new motorbike about 7 years ago had more than 12 punctures in the first year, and I never ride off road.

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are there any among us who drive that haven't had several (punctures) over time?

Driving was a major part of my job back in the UK, I averaged over 1,000 miles per week. Most of the places I had to visit were on industrial estates and punctures were a frequent occurrence, never fixed, always had to be replaced, cost me a fortune.

In Thailand I've just passed the 100,000 km mark in my car, I've had one puncture. The local garage plugged it, and the tire was good until it needed replacing by normal wear and tear.

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I've had more punctures than I can care to remember in the UK Thaddeus, I've had two here and I put it down to using rental motorcycles which are roughly treated. I sometimes wonder if rubber on the tyre is an optional extra with some of these rental companies.

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Aw wait a minute blink.png That was a low blow Mr Possum sad.png

Anyway.......Yes I love the fish in Scotland however it's more readily available here in a restaurant setting. Hmmm, I'm going to get roasted for saying that.....but then again it's true, I can wander in to most Thai cafe's and be sure that there will be fish on the menu, that's not the case in Scotland though.

I did think it was a bit random to suggest that you don't get punctures on Western roads, are there any among us who drive that haven't had several over time?

I don't like the fish in Thailand, not enough flesh, too much bones. Even the fillet you get in Makro isn't as good as the fish in Scotland. I got a new motorbike about 15 months ago and 7000 kls, never had a puncture yet. My first new motorbike about 7 years ago had more than 12 punctures in the first year, and I never ride off road.

@Geo Oh I'm Scottish right enough biggrin.png

@uptheos A sudden collapse into my lap while muttering about being my mia noi. Maybe that's what p*ssed my gf off coffee1.gif

@Possum......12 in a year is particularly unlucky, I think we're needing some motoring experts along to discuss tyre quality. Transaaaam!!!

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Quit Complaining, Thais Are Amazing Because.......

Of simple things among many things........

theblether has a flat tyre on the rear of his motorbike, nurses the bike to the nearest Petrol Station ( okay Gas Station )

The attendant tries to fix it, admits defeat, walks out to the road and calls in a songthaew

Bike on the back of the songthaew, off we go to the repair shop a mile away.......

theblether is parked in front off the only fan in the place ( it's so warm in CM just now ).......

The valve on the tube is kaput......new tube required..........

Job done.

Songthaew cost 40 baht.......

New Tube and installation 130 baht........

Total time from arriving in Petrol Station to being back on the road........25 minutes.

170 baht.......amazing, and let me tell you there ain't no way you would get that kind of rapid service at that price in the West.......so quit complaining and be thankful for what you've got here

ps. I wonder how long it will be before someone says I was ripped off

All very well but I have no motorbike nor tyre to repair. Thais are amazing because they are so illogical. Like the opposite of Vulcans!

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Quit Complaining, Thais Are Amazing Because.......

Of simple things among many things........

theblether has a flat tyre on the rear of his motorbike, nurses the bike to the nearest Petrol Station ( okay Gas Station )

The attendant tries to fix it, admits defeat, walks out to the road and calls in a songthaew

Bike on the back of the songthaew, off we go to the repair shop a mile away.......

theblether is parked in front off the only fan in the place ( it's so warm in CM just now ).......

The valve on the tube is kaput......new tube required..........

Job done.

Songthaew cost 40 baht.......

New Tube and installation 130 baht........

Total time from arriving in Petrol Station to being back on the road........25 minutes.

170 baht.......amazing, and let me tell you there ain't no way you would get that kind of rapid service at that price in the West.......so quit complaining and be thankful for what you've got here

ps. I wonder how long it will be before someone says I was ripped off

You was ripped off! ;)

Had a flatty with my pickup in the middle of nowhere, managed to get to a petrol station and they changed wheel for me free of charge. I felt guilty after I realised I should have left a tip. But Thai kindness amaizes me sometimes, especially when not expected.

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thai kindness......I find it's never far from the surface. I was in a restaurant I frequent the other day and I happened to mention I was looking for small towels. A young lady jumped on her bike, zipped away and returned 10 minutes later with four of them.


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Thais Are Amazing Because....... Theblether is on holiday. tongue.png

Three months of bliss 402.gif

Well, not really, three months of Muay Thai training and getting bullied by a wee Thai tyrant at the gym sad.png

Soda water only Monday to Saturday, and after my usual Hangover 2 shambles of a night last night I think I'll just quit drinking altogether coffee1.gif

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Thais Are Amazing Because....... Theblether is on holiday. tongue.png

Three months of bliss 402.gif

Well, not really, three months of Muay Thai training and getting bullied by a wee Thai tyrant at the gym sad.png

Soda water only Monday to Saturday, and after my usual Hangover 2 shambles of a night last night I think I'll just quit drinking altogether coffee1.gif

I wondered where my Missus had got to.

And yeah, yeah of course you will.

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Thais Are Amazing Because....... Theblether is on holiday. tongue.png

Three months of bliss 402.gif

Well, not really, three months of Muay Thai training and getting bullied by a wee Thai tyrant at the gym sad.png

Soda water only Monday to Saturday, and after my usual Hangover 2 shambles of a night last night I think I'll just quit drinking altogether coffee1.gif

No, no please carry on, I don't think the "I want to quit drinking" forum participants are ready for The Blether yet, your unannounced arrival could spawn disastrous consequences.......

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Thais Are Amazing Because....... Theblether is on holiday. tongue.png

Three months of bliss 402.gif

Well, not really, three months of Muay Thai training and getting bullied by a wee Thai tyrant at the gym sad.png

Soda water only Monday to Saturday, and after my usual Hangover 2 shambles of a night last night I think I'll just quit drinking altogether coffee1.gif

I wondered where my Missus had got to.

And yeah, yeah of course you will.

Talking about that, I'm abstaining from the womenfolk too. That's driving my pals wife mad as she's been trying to set me up with one of her pals for ages.

Her new cunning plan is to get married next month in Isaan and I've to attend 3 days of jollities where she hopes I'll crumble and take on said pal. I know that Thai women can be determined but setting up a whole wedding in the hope I'll cop off with the bridesmaid seems a bit extreme. biggrin.png

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Thais Are Amazing Because....... Theblether is on holiday. tongue.png

Three months of bliss 402.gif

Well, not really, three months of Muay Thai training and getting bullied by a wee Thai tyrant at the gym sad.png

Soda water only Monday to Saturday, and after my usual Hangover 2 shambles of a night last night I think I'll just quit drinking altogether coffee1.gif

No, no please carry on, I don't think the "I want to quit drinking" forum participants are ready for The Blether yet, your unannounced arrival could spawn disastrous consequences.......

55555 aye awrite then......consider it a public service by theblether biggrin.png

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Thais Are Amazing Because....... Theblether is on holiday. tongue.png

Three months of bliss 402.gif

Well, not really, three months of Muay Thai training and getting bullied by a wee Thai tyrant at the gym sad.png

Soda water only Monday to Saturday, and after my usual Hangover 2 shambles of a night last night I think I'll just quit drinking altogether coffee1.gif

No, no please carry on, I don't think the "I want to quit drinking" forum participants are ready for The Blether yet, your unannounced arrival could spawn disastrous consequences.......

55555 aye awrite then......consider it a public service by theblether biggrin.png

I'm sure your continued self sacrifice and suffering in the best interests of others will be noted and appreciated.....

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Thais Are Amazing Because....... Theblether is on holiday. tongue.png

Three months of bliss 402.gif

Well, not really, three months of Muay Thai training and getting bullied by a wee Thai tyrant at the gym sad.png

Soda water only Monday to Saturday, and after my usual Hangover 2 shambles of a night last night I think I'll just quit drinking altogether coffee1.gif

I wondered where my Missus had got to.

And yeah, yeah of course you will.

Talking about that, I'm abstaining from the womenfolk too. That's driving my pals wife mad as she's been trying to set me up with one of her pals for ages.

Her new cunning plan is to get married next month in Isaan and I've to attend 3 days of jollities where she hopes I'll crumble and take on said pal. I know that Thai women can be determined but setting up a whole wedding in the hope I'll cop off with the bridesmaid seems a bit extreme. biggrin.png

But a only few threads ago you had such a wonderful girlfriend . What happened with her ?

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Well, not really, three months of Muay Thai training and getting bullied by a wee Thai tyrant at the gym sad.png

Soda water only Monday to Saturday, and after my usual Hangover 2 shambles of a night last night I think I'll just quit drinking altogether coffee1.gif

I wondered where my Missus had got to.

And yeah, yeah of course you will.

Talking about that, I'm abstaining from the womenfolk too. That's driving my pals wife mad as she's been trying to set me up with one of her pals for ages.

Her new cunning plan is to get married next month in Isaan and I've to attend 3 days of jollities where she hopes I'll crumble and take on said pal. I know that Thai women can be determined but setting up a whole wedding in the hope I'll cop off with the bridesmaid seems a bit extreme. biggrin.png

But a only few threads ago you had such a wonderful girlfriend . What happened with her ?

She was rented out by another Tommy Tourist suitor?

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As usual to many huge generalisations here i know some great thai people but i also no some complete <deleted> and idiots like the two we had to sack yesterday for stealing from us,so i wouldnt say thais are amazing they are just normal people with a mxture of good and bad mixed in just like everywhere else in the world.

Lose the rose tinted glasses and open your eyes

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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**Most of them** put life's practicalities above principles and family and friends above money and career.

**Most of them** know how to relax and enjoy life.

**Most of them** realise most of life's stressors aren't worth stressing about.

They sell their great food dirt cheap, and the women, well need I say more. . .

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**Most of them** put life's practicalities above principles and family and friends above money and career.

**Most of them** know how to relax and enjoy life.

**Most of them** realise most of life's stressors aren't worth stressing about.

They sell their great food dirt cheap, and the women, well need I say more. . .

well need I say more?. . . I don't know but you always do anyway

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They obviously realised quickly what a nice guy you are, and your manner etc was merely relfected back to you.

Thais in my opinion reflect your own attitude, if you are hot and bothered and try the superior ferang attitude talking to a peasant , you get what you deserve, treat them like normal human beings with kindness and respect and they are great.Just like most I have encountered.

That is the truth !

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