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What do you consider 'special' about Issan Girls that makes them different from the other areas?

BTW ... I have a soft spot from Surin ... have met many fine folk from the place.



When a lot of the prostitutes in Pattaya are from Isaan this will generally be the first time foreigners meet anyone from that province in Thailand. They will form an opinion based on first impressions and sadly those impressions last and are constantly being re-inforced by girls from Isaan working in Pattaya.

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When a lot of the prostitutes in Pattaya are from Isaan this will generally be the first time foreigners meet anyone from that province in Thailand. They will form an opinion based on first impressions and sadly those impressions last and are constantly being re-inforced by girls from Isaan working in Pattaya.

Who let the dogs out?


When a lot of the prostitutes in Pattaya are from Isaan this will generally be the first time foreigners meet anyone from that province in Thailand. They will form an opinion based on first impressions and sadly those impressions last and are constantly being re-inforced by girls from Isaan working in Pattaya.

Issan demographically is a very poor region with farming being a major bread winner. These girls are very unlikely to be schooled and are making money for their family. If you are stung by an Issan girl over money, then she is the streetwise one who took what was given to her, now she is the clever one.

Thailand is changing, Udon. Khon kaen etc are growing fast and providing work from all the new companies that are basing themselves there. It makes me laugh when people slag off Issan girls after I have just been to see the female Issan doctor or been overtaken by a brand new merc that my little female Issan neighbour bought through buying and selling land.

They are genuine people, but without the break in life some of us had being Western.

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When a lot of the prostitutes in Pattaya are from Isaan this will generally be the first time foreigners meet anyone from that province in Thailand. They will form an opinion based on first impressions and sadly those impressions last and are constantly being re-inforced by girls from Isaan working in Pattaya.

I agree with this to, many guys dont venture out and meet the kind people that could change their mind, I was very much like that once, but I have many friends now who changed my oppinion through their actions.


Many visitors think that Thailand is what they see in Pattaya, Phuket and other tourist hotspots, they base there opinion on one small area and experience and have no clue what the real Thailand and its people are really like. Never a good view through beer goggles and being ruled by your other head

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Many guys think that they can improve their odds of finding their genuine sincere loving princess who isn't just after their money by hunting for her outside the Isaan.

Like all generalizations, there is some small element of truth to it - I do know some districts where every single sign of any wealth has been generated by girls catching farang, and I have witnessed girls being indoctrinated to do so right along with their gaw gai kaw kai's.

Personally I think there's nothing wrong with it, and can only hope that the OTOP program could include training in them doing so properly rather than the current haphazard muddling along. But others don't agree. . .

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When a lot of the prostitutes in Pattaya are from Isaan this will generally be the first time foreigners meet anyone from that province in Thailand. They will form an opinion based on first impressions and sadly those impressions last and are constantly being re-inforced by girls from Isaan working in Pattaya.

I think your comments say more about the foreign visitors to Pattaya than the girls of Isaan.


When a lot of the prostitutes in Pattaya are from Isaan this will generally be the first time foreigners meet anyone from that province in Thailand. They will form an opinion based on first impressions and sadly those impressions last and are constantly being re-inforced by girls from Isaan working in Pattaya.

I agree,of course no Issan girl will work in hotel,laundry,restaraunt,shopping malls,real estate,banks,university,7/11 etc etc etc


When a lot of the prostitutes in Pattaya are from Isaan this will generally be the first time foreigners meet anyone from that province in Thailand. They will form an opinion based on first impressions and sadly those impressions last and are constantly being re-inforced by girls from Isaan working in Pattaya.

I think your comments say more about the foreign visitors to Pattaya than the girls of Isaan.

Good post mate


Many visitors think that Thailand is what they see in Pattaya, Phuket and other tourist hotspots, they base there opinion on one small area and experience and have no clue what the real Thailand and its people are really like. Never a good view through beer goggles and being ruled by your other head

Many visitors Thai Visa forum members think that Thailand is what they see in Pattaya, Phuket

and other tourist hotspots, they base there opinion on one small area

and experience and have no clue what the real Thailand and its people

are really like. Never a good view through beer goggles and being ruled

by your other head

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Many guys think that they can improve their odds of finding their genuine sincere loving princess who isn't just after their money by hunting for her outside the Isaan.

Like all generalizations, there is some small element of truth to it - I do know some districts where every single sign of any wealth has been generated by girls catching farang, and I have witnessed girls being indoctrinated to do so right along with their gaw gai kaw kai's.

Personally I think there's nothing wrong with it, and can only hope that the OTOP program could include training in them doing so properly rather than the current haphazard muddling along. But others don't agree. . .

The worst money grabbing,horible creatures i have met are from Bangkok,Lampang etc,but not all same same,same as Issan girls,a reaL REALTY CHECK.


Posted Today, 05:53 by somtampet

It seems that many people don't realise some Isaan girls are very well educated and have parents that are doing quite well in real careers.

It's sad to see the disgusting way people view one of Thailands friendliest people, sure there are many deserving of a bad rap but not all.

Depends, depends....

I was emailing midday in some remote Isaan village, 4 computers next to where I sat were occupied by 4 ladies in school uniform, they looked over 14, that's something.

I watched them and all were active on webcam, the one next to me positively chatting away with a farang. From their looks and talks to each other they obviously were all performing identical activities.

Anyway, when I paid and left the place the female owner asked me, showing the 4 schoolgirls " do you want a wife?" understanding "just pick one"

Shook my head and left the place, all very well educated as the OP mentionned.


Posted Today, 05:53 by somtampet

It seems that many people don't realise some Isaan girls are very well educated and have parents that are doing quite well in real careers.

It's sad to see the disgusting way people view one of Thailands friendliest people, sure there are many deserving of a bad rap but not all.

Depends, depends....

I was emailing midday in some remote Isaan village, 4 computers next to where I sat were occupied by 4 ladies in school uniform, they looked over 14, that's something.

I watched them and all were active on webcam, the one next to me positively chatting away with a farang. From their looks and talks to each other they obviously were all performing identical activities.

Anyway, when I paid and left the place the female owner asked me, showing the 4 schoolgirls " do you want a wife?" understanding "just pick one"

Shook my head and left the place, all very well educated as the OP mentionned.

well those 4 girls must certainly prove that every last soul in isaan is bad.

you really must of observed those 14 year olds awfully close to know in full detail what they were doing, thats a little weird.

let it be known all, 4 girls were on the net, isaan must all be judged on that, all of them.

I saw a farang in a brothel, all farang are therefore brothel dwelling sex tourists according to your logic.


What's up with this? My favorite Thai friends are in Isaan. Especially small town Isaan. That's true in my home country too. Real people doing real things just like the rest of the world.

You want to get screwed, pardon, go to Pattaya or Phuket or Bangkok. You really want to get screwed hang around some hi-so people. Just like anywhere there are good and bad, but my favorite Thais are in Isaan, and some are highly educated and busy helping others.

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I happen to like Isaan folks. But they do have a couple of things working against them, especially the women. Firstly, Thais sort of see Isaan folks as "baan nok," or "country bumpkins," as we would call rural folks in the USA. Hayseed. Rednecks. Hicks from the Hills. Not real derogatory, but not necessarily complimentary either. Heck, hicks like the fact that they're hicks, as opposed to being a city slicker.

The second problem is that a whole lot of Isaan girls have descended on to Pattaya, Phuket, BKK, and to some extent, even Chiang Mai. Many go and find decent, respectable work. But many enter the bar trade. I don't know what the percentages are, but in Pattaya, I'd say it's pretty high. The rest, as they say, is history.

What's up with this?-People confusing the fact that "most TG scam artists are from Isaan" with the misconception that therefore most Isaan girls might be like that, or even worse, that girls from other regions are any better overall.Just like "most violent crime is committed by blacks" does not -> "most blacks are dangerous"

Where did you get your statistics from?


Many guys think that they can improve their odds of finding their genuine sincere loving princess who isn't just after their money by hunting for her outside the Isaan.

Like all generalizations, there is some small element of truth to it - I do know some districts where every single sign of any wealth has been generated by girls catching farang, and I have witnessed girls being indoctrinated to do so right along with their gaw gai kaw kai's.

Personally I think there's nothing wrong with it, and can only hope that the OTOP program could include training in them doing so properly rather than the current haphazard muddling along. But others don't agree. . .

You made my day, with your OTOP-idea! clap2.gif Hoi OTOP-certified by The Ministry of Tourism! whistling.gif


I have had a Thai girlfriend for over 3 years who came from Sakhon Nakhon, one of the poorer regions in Isaan. During my last stay in Thailand I have visited her village and even helped my GF's family and the local people out with the rice harvest at the time.

I honestly must say that the people at Sakhon Nakhon are one of the kindest, warmest and straightforward people I have ever met. Living conditions are quite rough, but the community feeling is as strong as can be. As mentioned earlier, farming (especially rice) is the main bread winner and both planting and harvesting farms is done by the entire community.

God I miss:

- waking up in the early morning, smelling the delicious Thai herbs and spices of the food that is being prepared for consumption at the rice field.

- cutting my way through 2m high rice plants with a shekel in my hands and a straw hat on my head.

- returning back from a hard day of farmwork at 5PM and seeing everybody smiling at me, laughing at my dirty boots and sweaty face and congratulating me with another survival of the Isaan lifestyle.

- people coming over to the house of my GF because they want to see if the farang likes the traditional Isaan meal they have prepared for him.

I could go on and on with this list, but the point is... Isaan does not solely consist of hookers and muay thai fighters. Behind the wall of prejudice lies a beautiful and peaceful region with one of the most friendly people one has ever encountered.

I have to agree,Isaan and Chiang Mai are the real Thailand,anywhere else is just a poor substitute!I actually smile more when I'm in Isaan because I know how friendly the people are and of course I get huge smiles back from all the locals for it!I live in Bangkok now and I hate the Bangkokians,stuck up compared to Isaan,more like London girls.

The thing about the bar girls is they are friendly because it's their business but it's a double whammy because they're from Isaan,so they're naturally much more friendly than the Lo-So,translucent ironing boards all over The Big Mango!


Most Isaan girls don't work in bars. In fact, many now seek work or a university education.

My younger step-daughter, funded by her mother whose husband decided life without responsibility was for him and abandoned them to become a monk, has a Batchelor's Degree. She works in a family a/c business The younger one has just got a first class BSc and has been offered a double Masters and doctorate course at another university. Other local girls work in the factories or other businesses. A reducing number get pregnant very early and waste their lives.

Very rarely do you hear of one who has gone off to work in the bars amongst the beer soaked farang who create the demand for prostitutes.

Isaan girls usually come from poor families and I applaud any who get of their backsides and earn a living, even if it's in a bar.

Farang who view Thailand from behind a beer glass in Pattaya and such places should get out more.

You "APPLAUD" prostitutes because they get off their backsides. <deleted>, they are so lazy they earn a living on their backs. And this demand for them is because of the farangs. You need to get your head out of your ass,as most of the demand is from the thais.

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It seems that many people don't realise some Isaan girls are very well educated and have parents that are doing quite well in real careers.

It's sad to see the disgusting way people view one of Thailands friendliest people, sure there are many deserving of a bad rap but not all.

I've read plenty your posts MT, that's the best yet. Well said!
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