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Thai Democrats Desperately Need Reforms: Alongkorn


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This guys a turn coat obviously paid off by Thaksin and his brown nosing acolytes's current maladministration.

In all seriousness though, everyone knows they need to reform and modernize their thinking, and have done for many years- so why has it taken so long for someone to come out and say it, and why is it taking them so long to do something.

As this chap admits though, even now when it is so patently obvious the party needs to be overhauled, he is predicting difficulties in doing anything from internal pressure. I cannot think of one logical reason why anyone in the party would resist the change, a couple of selfish reasons could be; 1) certain persons dont want to lose their potential position at the trough, 2) they generally could not care less about winning an election and are quite happy to get into power by unconventional means.

It just makes no sense. If they are not careful a new an more innovative party might come along, and then they would be 3rd in line. They just have to modernize th but are attractive to voterse party, get rid of all the old dinosaurs and get some young, energized, modern forward thinking people in who don't carry all the baggage around.

I suppose the ones who want to change could start a new and innovative party themselves but the more efficient and quicker way is to get rid of those who don't want to change.

I've always thought Abhisit was pretty good but held back by many in the party who may be more interested in their own agendas.

They need to find a way round the more populist policies that aren't sustainable but are attractive to voters.

I also think they should stop any use of the king for their own ends.

Edited by kimamey
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It wouldn't be too difficult to reform the Democrats. They need, firstly, a strong branding which they lack at the moment. They need to come down hard on the issues that have held Thailand back for so long: mainly corruption. A clear policy statement, backed by firm action on corruption would help. They need to issue a stronger and consistent message about Thaksin's redshirt hoax: ie that Democracy is simply a word used to create an illusion that they have something fair to fight for when in fact it's just part of a clever strategy to create the Thaksin dictatorship. They need to ensure that people understand that Democracy can only exist when the rule of law is respected. There are many practical ways to do this. They need to spell out the benefits for every individual in the land if the country was run as a true democracy without corruption and with respect for the rule of law. They need to firmly spell out the dangers of allowing the Shinawatra family free reign and leading the country towards dictatorship. They need to spell out that racism, so endemic to Thai society, is not acceptable. They need to ensure that there is equal treatment under the law for rich and poor and for those tribal folk from the mountains. To do this they need to establish a new tier of policing with high quality training of the existing police force. Certainly these policies would create angst and even anger amongst those who are now benefitting from Thailand's anarchy = but I believe that with good marketing, good branding and a clear and simple set of messages they can break through to the masses who would understand that under the current regime and the current thinking (some of which still exists within the Democrats themselves) they have no future - just more of the same with the rich getting richer .....

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After having failed to win a general election for the past 20 years, the Democrat Party..... They don't need to win an election just take over power, they're pretty used to that! If they need reform why not just ask people in the know, I'm sure that Thaksin could help them form a real political party

Edited by BrianCR
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It is obvious to anyone but a blind man they need a much better PR/marketing strategy. Whoever has their PR contract now should be fired forthwith but they are stuck in a timewarp of their own making. Not only the Democrats but the whole of Thai society could do with a cataclysmic event to rid the country of the dinosaurs who continue to hold the people hostage. There is far too much wealth in the hands of only a few. Just imagine how well off everybody in this country could be if all that corruption money was spread evenly instead of just tossing out a few crumbs to the masses who gobble it up gratefully simply because they do not know any better.

Edited by Valentine
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Not winning an election for the past 20 years hasn't stopped them from heading governments and making tons of money.

Who needs electoral victories when the courts and military can put you on top?

Who needs popular support when Abhisit himself can be a mega-millionaire without ever having worked a single day in the private sector?

Do you really think that a former investment banker would pay his way to deputy party leadership if he didn't think he could earn back his investment?

Reform is for losers - the Democrat Party been very successful in getting what it wants by doing what it's always done.

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Land reform?

Civil service reform?

Legal Justice System Reform?

Armed Forces Reform?

Agricultural Policy Reform?

State Enterprise Reform/Privatisation?

FBA Reform

They will never do it, because these are the very people who have been voting for them for donkeys years. The only people who as a block haven't voted for them are the poor in the North and the North East, although they did get a few MP's before Thaksin really solidified them. So you see, in essence, the Democrats have been neglecting the biggest voting block in the country, because everyone had them in their pocket one way or another, and in return, they won the odd election.

If Abhisit stood up and said, we are going to sell the railways becuase we can't afford to fund the losses anymore, and it is beyond our budget to sort it out, there would be outcry. If he said, we are going to liberalise the foreign business laws, all his big money backers would have a s**t fit. They can't win because they have absolutely NO principles whatsoever. Everything is a negotiated reform to keep their backers happy when what is needed is top to bottom change. Their hands are tied by their history. Is Abshisit politically Right or Left Wing, or does he just want to have a title? What are his principles of government and society?

If they are going to reform themselves, they will have to accept that they are going to lose a lot of their traditional friends.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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The Democrats have as much chance of reforming as PTP have of moving forward without Thaksin.

As the Democrats/Abhisits main goal is to oust Thaksin from politics it are the Democrats/Abhisit who would be nothing without Thaksin.

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Land reform?

Civil service reform?

Legal Justice System Reform?

Armed Forces Reform?

Agricultural Policy Reform?

State Enterprise Reform/Privatisation?

FBA Reform

They will never do it, because these are the very people who have been voting for them for donkeys years. The only people who as a block haven't voted for them are the poor in the North and the North East, although they did get a few MP's before Thaksin really solidified them. So you see, in essence, the Democrats have been neglecting the biggest voting block in the country, because everyone had them in their pocket one way or another, and in return, they won the odd election.

If Abhisit stood up and said, we are going to sell the railways becuase we can't afford to fund the losses anymore, and it is beyond our budget to sort it out, there would be outcry. If he said, we are going to liberalise the foreign business laws, all his big money backers would have a s**t fit. They can't win because they have absolutely NO principles whatsoever. Everything is a negotiated reform to keep their backers happy when what is needed is top to bottom change. Their hands are tied by their history. Is Abshisit politically Right or Left Wing, or does he just want to have a title? What are his principles of government and society?

If they are going to reform themselves, they will have to accept that they are going to lose a lot of their traditional friends.

Abhisit would never stand up and demand these reforms. what he does it to outcry when someone tries to bring up reforms like that.

Where does that silly belief come from that Abhist cannot fully push for reforms because some old backward system thwarts him. Abhisit stands fully for that old backward system. he is part of it.

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Not winning an election for the past 20 years hasn't stopped them from heading governments and making tons of money.

Who needs electoral victories when the courts and military can put you on top?

Who needs popular support when Abhisit himself can be a mega-millionaire without ever having worked a single day in the private sector?

Do you really think that a former investment banker would pay his way to deputy party leadership if he didn't think he could earn back his investment?

Reform is for losers - the Democrat Party been very successful in getting what it wants by doing what it's always done.

Abhisit isn't a mega-millionaire and what he does have is from his family who were rich before he got into politics.
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Abhisit would never stand up and demand these reforms. what he does it to outcry when someone tries to bring up reforms like that.

Where does that silly belief come from that Abhist cannot fully push for reforms because some old backward system thwarts him. Abhisit stands fully for that old backward system. he is part of it.

Abhisit put forward land reform when he was PM.
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Abhisit would never stand up and demand these reforms. what he does it to outcry when someone tries to bring up reforms like that.

Where does that silly belief come from that Abhist cannot fully push for reforms because some old backward system thwarts him. Abhisit stands fully for that old backward system. he is part of it.

Abhisit put forward land reform when he was PM.
And it got precisely nowhere, because someone told him to stop being so silly. That's not how things are done, you know. Edited by Thai at Heart
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As I see it the parties policies be they good or bad have little to do with it. What is needed is a publicity campaign such as is used by the PT. Makes no difference if it is good or bad just can I get some more bahts in my hand today, dosen't matter you are going to take them away and then some later on.

So as we can see for an agenda like this they will have to get rid of Abhist even though he is the best man for the job of Prime Minister.

They will have to seek out a man with less morals and band behind him with there hands ready to dip into the countries coffers at every chance.

I realize this would just be a continuation of the current government but it would be a whole new load of faces. One big difference would be that none of them would drive a pink car and all of them would live in Thailand.

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Abhisit would never stand up and demand these reforms. what he does it to outcry when someone tries to bring up reforms like that.

Where does that silly belief come from that Abhist cannot fully push for reforms because some old backward system thwarts him. Abhisit stands fully for that old backward system. he is part of it.

Abhisit put forward land reform when he was PM.
And it got precisely nowhere, because someone told him to stop being so silly. That's not how things are done, you know.

Help me along here will you. I am having a senior moment . Who told him to stop because he was being so silly?

What seems silly to me is any one to believe a Prime Minister would stop a good program because one person told him he was being silly.wai2.gif

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Abhisit would never stand up and demand these reforms. what he does it to outcry when someone tries to bring up reforms like that.

Where does that silly belief come from that Abhist cannot fully push for reforms because some old backward system thwarts him. Abhisit stands fully for that old backward system. he is part of it.

Abhisit put forward land reform when he was PM.
And it got precisely nowhere, because someone told him to stop being so silly. That's not how things are done, you know.

Help me along here will you. I am having a senior moment . Who told him to stop because he was being so silly?

What seems silly to me is any one to believe a Prime Minister would stop a good program because one person told him he was being silly.wai2.gif

It's a vernacular phrase that someone might say to a kid.

Oh yes, land reform. Nice idea, just that if you want to remain prime minister in abhisits shoes, you aren't meant to come up with ideas like this.

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Funny. They know that something drastic needs to be done but no one wants to do it. The party ripped itself apart over the leadership struggle after Chuan stepped down ushered Abhisit into the chair to the dismay of the more overtly corrupt factions which largely left for more overtly corrupt parties. They are about as electable now as the UK's Labour Party was in its "Wilderness Years" from 1979 to 1997 before Tony Blair pushed it to the centre with his New Labour concept. They need a New Democrat concept to make them appealing to voters outside Bangkok and the South without losing those bases. Probably Abhisit needs to go because he is such a target of hatred following the red shirt riots. He has many good qualities but is not good at building the right strategy and team to win elections against the formidable Shinawatra electoral machine. They put massive funding and good people into the battle with incredible attention to detail. Abhisit writes his own speeches and plans his own strategy. Some dead beat party functionary is put in charge of the campaigns and has to go up against a complex structure of professional advertising, marketing, PR and psychology experts on the other side where there is a clear cut chain of command and rigid discipline. If a Dem leading light is told to toe the line over something, he will just have a tantrum and bugger off like Sukhumbhand did over the governor elections which fortunately for them he won anyway but with a reduced margin, due to dislike of Thaksin in Bkk, despite his lack of popularity and undistinguished achievements in his first term.

If they can't reform, they will be become irrelevant and Thailand will have a one party state managed by a first family.

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