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Scammed Big Time


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You and your mates sound like rough trade.

Maybe you got a lesson in what it's like on the seedy side of town.

Rough trade and not too bright.

The scammers probably saw them coming.

Marks and rubes get stiffed very quickly by unscrupulous barowners and the fuzz will often join in for sloppy-seconds.

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I don't think troll because a troll would be in fanning the flames.

Maybe OP sobered up or was informed about some details overlooked.

No big deal... Should come back and fill us in.

No need to abandon a well cultivated username/account

Maybe he passed out and could not believe what he had posted when he came to.

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I have no reason to doubt the OP. He's normally a genuine poster and anyone who's followed his posts will be well aware of his personal background/career.

This is a nasty type of scam - anyone remember the days when the rule was 'do not go to upstairs bars in Patpong'? Bills of 3,000 baht for a beer or two were common and they locked you in until you paid up (or, if you didn't, they simply took everything out of your wallet and threw you out the back door).

I know of an occasion when they threw someone out the second floor window.

No, it wasn't me.

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I have no reason to doubt the OP. He's normally a genuine poster and anyone who's followed his posts will be well aware of his personal background/career.

This is a nasty type of scam - anyone remember the days when the rule was 'do not go to upstairs bars in Patpong'? Bills of 3,000 baht for a beer or two were common and they locked you in until you paid up (or, if you didn't, they simply took everything out of your wallet and threw you out the back door).

I know of an occasion when they threw someone out the second floor window.

Except, that bar doesn't have a second floor. (Or is this still about Patpong?)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I have no reason to doubt the OP. He's normally a genuine poster and anyone who's followed his posts will be well aware of his personal background/career.

This is a nasty type of scam - anyone remember the days when the rule was 'do not go to upstairs bars in Patpong'? Bills of 3,000 baht for a beer or two were common and they locked you in until you paid up (or, if you didn't, they simply took everything out of your wallet and threw you out the back door).

I know of an occasion when they threw someone out the second floor window.

Except, that bar doesn't have a second floor. (Or is this still about Patpong?)

You have ZERO call to regard me as a poster that, like so many on ThaiVisa, makes gratuitously critical generalizations about Thais. Virtually Everything I've ever posted about Thais or Thailand refutes that (often quite explicitly) and none of it would justify such a characterization.

Songhua says, "anyone remember the days when the rule was 'do not go to upstairs bars in Patpong'? Bills of 3,000 baht for a beer or two were common and they locked you in until you paid up (or, if you didn't, they simply took everything out of your wallet and threw you out the back door)"

I reply, "I know of an occasion when they threw someone out the second floor window."

EDIT TO ADD: The post I am responding to originally said:

"Except, that bar doesn't have a second floor. (Or is this the Thaivisa definition of the word 'they', in the meaning of 'all Thai people'? )"

Edited by SteeleJoe
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I have no reason to doubt the OP. He's normally a genuine poster and anyone who's followed his posts will be well aware of his personal background/career.

This is a nasty type of scam - anyone remember the days when the rule was 'do not go to upstairs bars in Patpong'? Bills of 3,000 baht for a beer or two were common and they locked you in until you paid up (or, if you didn't, they simply took everything out of your wallet and threw you out the back door).

I know of an occasion when they threw someone out the second floor window.

Except, that bar doesn't have a second floor. (Or is this still about Patpong?)

You have ZERO call to regard me as a poster that, like so many on ThaiVisa, makes gratuitously critical generalizations about Thais. Virtually Everything I've ever posted about Thais or Thailand refutes that (often quite explicitly) and none of it would justify such a characterization.

Songhua says, "anyone remember the days when the rule was 'do not go to upstairs bars in Patpong'? Bills of 3,000 baht for a beer or two were common and they locked you in until you paid up (or, if you didn't, they simply took everything out of your wallet and threw you out the back door)"

I reply, "I know of an occasion when they threw someone out the second floor window."

EDIT TO ADD: The post I am responding to originally said:

"Except, that bar doesn't have a second floor. (Or is this the Thaivisa definition of the word 'they', in the meaning of 'all Thai people'? )"

> You have ZERO call to regard me as a poster that, like so many on ThaiVisa, makes gratuitously critical generalizations about Thais.

I agree, and I apologize for that. It was my mistake due to not reading your post properly.

I edited it when I saw my mistake, but not before you saw my original version which was indeed unwarranted and actually plain incorrect. So again my apologies.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I have no reason to doubt the OP. He's normally a genuine poster and anyone who's followed his posts will be well aware of his personal background/career.

This is a nasty type of scam - anyone remember the days when the rule was 'do not go to upstairs bars in Patpong'? Bills of 3,000 baht for a beer or two were common and they locked you in until you paid up (or, if you didn't, they simply took everything out of your wallet and threw you out the back door).

I know of an occasion when they threw someone out the second floor window.

Except, that bar doesn't have a second floor. (Or is this still about Patpong?)

You have ZERO call to regard me as a poster that, like so many on ThaiVisa, makes gratuitously critical generalizations about Thais. Virtually Everything I've ever posted about Thais or Thailand refutes that (often quite explicitly) and none of it would justify such a characterization.

Songhua says, "anyone remember the days when the rule was 'do not go to upstairs bars in Patpong'? Bills of 3,000 baht for a beer or two were common and they locked you in until you paid up (or, if you didn't, they simply took everything out of your wallet and threw you out the back door)"

I reply, "I know of an occasion when they threw someone out the second floor window."

EDIT TO ADD: The post I am responding to originally said:

"Except, that bar doesn't have a second floor. (Or is this the Thaivisa definition of the word 'they', in the meaning of 'all Thai people'? )"

> You have ZERO call to regard me as a poster that, like so many on ThaiVisa, makes gratuitously critical generalizations about Thais.

I agree, and I apologize for that. It was my mistake due to not reading your post properly.

I edited it when I saw my mistake, but not before you saw my original version which was indeed unwarranted and actually plain incorrect. So again my apologies.

No worries. I'm sure most of us have done something similar (ie misread or misunderstood and/or posted without proper consideration first). Kudos for your admission of error and apology.

I admit there are a lot of negative things people could say about me as a poster that wouldn't bother me (and would often be true, no doubt) but I can't stand to be lumped with the obsessive Thai bashers OR the obsessive and unconditional Thai defenders - they both bug the sh*t out of me and represent so much of what I loathe...so I was a bit touchy there. Sorry.

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I don't doubt the OP although the location I find a bit strange. It is normal practise for the kareoke bars along Chang Klan road to scam first time visitors. The scam includes the tuk tuk drivers and the local police who are all in on the scam. The tourist comes in and orders one drink, but is immediately surrounded by women who order everything under the sun and put it on the poor guy's tab. Then when he tries to leave he is presented with a bill of 20,000 baht. If he refuses to pay he is surrounded by thugs and the local police who are in on the scam. It's happened many times. I'm just surprised it happened on the moat road near Thai Pei gate. I've only had good experiences at the Blue Sky, Maddog, Johns and a bar that is open to the lane as well as the moat road. It's near Loi Kroh road. But, I seldom have more than one beer and then leave. I seldom order food.

though you post some good observations about our town, on this instance you are full of shit.

I was talking to a young bloke tonight about the *scam* of the karaoke bars along Chang Klan tonight. he got done.

they are not a scam, they are though a huge trap for new players for those who dont understand the pricing structure. they are very open about how much what costs if you ask beforehand. easy to get sucked in with all the pretty ladies out the front, they'll cost you about 400baht each for 1 hour just to be in the room.

the pricing actually works out not too bad if you are in a group looking for a private function, though the cheap charlies won't get their 3 big changs happy hour there.

you cannot go into those joints alone and drink a beer and leave just paying for the beer. no scam, just ignorance.

I'll stand by what I originally wrote. I know the difference between a scam and a legitimate business. I have no personal experiences in those bars because I am female. However, I have spoken to 3 reliable sources. They were different men who had all been scammed at different times by the kareoke bars on Chiang Klan road. And, these guys were not the common drunkards who were too intoxicated to know where they were being taken. They were just greenhorns relying on a tuk tuk drivers advice.

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There seem to be a lot of Inspector Clouseaus on Thai Visa.

Inspecteur Clouseau reporting for dutee!

- Inspector.. you solved the case?

I did indeed! All ze clueuesz are right in front of you.

- Clues?

Oui. First, le amount: 5675 Baths. It is no coïncidence that zis is made up from 3 bières x 3 personnes x 75 Baths = 675 Baths, plus an extra sum of 5000 Baths.

- 5000 Baht.. for what?

Les Damaaaizjs Cato, Damaaizjezjes.

- Damages? What Damages?

Zis we do not yet kneuw. But it zeems highly plauseeble zat zree drunk Ozzies cauzed some damaaaizjs for which the bar chargjzed 5000 Baths. Upon seeing the damaaaizj occur, they notified le police, expecting treuble. Zis is why police were alrezy zere when ze Ozzies went to pay ze bill.

-But.. why didn't they just sort things out, and were taken to the police station and not to an ATM?

Skill de Communicaçion, Cato. Or, shall we say, lack zereof. Look at page 1.. Zis is him communicating in his native tonggue, while sober. Imagine that the night befeur, with Siamese bar people and police.. Elémentaire, Cato, élémentaire..

My Spidey senses were tingling that it was something like this.

He seemed to have a grudge for the French Owner for some reason.

When confronted with simple questions, he got quite agitated and aggressive, a sure sign that there is more to the story that he was hiding.

This makes sense with the Police being present and the arbitrary number that the Bar can justifiably pull out of the air and demand payment - 5000 baht.

Whatever they broke, likely did not cost anywhere near 5000 baht, but judging by his attitude, they charged that much because they could. Hence the scam.

His disappearance and failure to explain further speaks volumes that it never happened the way he explained.

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Indeed and with friends from Australia who are not familiar with the customs in a Thai bar, I wouldn't be surprised that they rang the bell after a winning pool game without knowing what it actually means .

Every Aussie knows what it means to ring the bell.

Not true canman. I'm an Aussie and I have never heard of that term before.

Almost every Aussie then.

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There seem to be a lot of Inspector Clouseaus on Thai Visa.

Inspecteur Clouseau reporting for dutee!

- Inspector.. you solved the case?

I did indeed! All ze clueuesz are right in front of you.

- Clues?

Oui. First, le amount: 5675 Baths. It is no coïncidence that zis is made up from 3 bières x 3 personnes x 75 Baths = 675 Baths, plus an extra sum of 5000 Baths.

- 5000 Baht.. for what?

Les Damaaaizjs Cato, Damaaizjezjes.

- Damages? What Damages?

Zis we do not yet kneuw. But it zeems highly plauseeble zat zree drunk Ozzies cauzed some damaaaizjs for which the bar chargjzed 5000 Baths. Upon seeing the damaaaizj occur, they notified le police, expecting treuble. Zis is why police were alrezy zere when ze Ozzies went to pay ze bill.

-But.. why didn't they just sort things out, and were taken to the police station and not to an ATM?

Skill de Communicaçion, Cato. Or, shall we say, lack zereof. Look at page 1.. Zis is him communicating in his native tonggue, while sober. Imagine that the night befeur, with Siamese bar people and police.. Elémentaire, Cato, élémentaire..

My Spidey senses were tingling that it was something like this.

He seemed to have a grudge for the French Owner for some reason.

When confronted with simple questions, he got quite agitated and aggressive, a sure sign that there is more to the story that he was hiding.

This makes sense with the Police being present and the arbitrary number that the Bar can justifiably pull out of the air and demand payment - 5000 baht.

Whatever they broke, likely did not cost anywhere near 5000 baht, but judging by his attitude, they charged that much because they could. Hence the scam.

His disappearance and failure to explain further speaks volumes that it never happened the way he explained.

How much is a billiard cloth these days ?

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There seem to be a lot of Inspector Clouseaus on Thai Visa.

Inspecteur Clouseau reporting for dutee!

- Inspector.. you solved the case?

I did indeed! All ze clueuesz are right in front of you.

- Clues?

Oui. First, le amount: 5675 Baths. It is no coïncidence that zis is made up from 3 bières x 3 personnes x 75 Baths = 675 Baths, plus an extra sum of 5000 Baths.

- 5000 Baht.. for what?

Les Damaaaizjs Cato, Damaaizjezjes.

- Damages? What Damages?

Zis we do not yet kneuw. But it zeems highly plauseeble zat zree drunk Ozzies cauzed some damaaaizjs for which the bar chargjzed 5000 Baths. Upon seeing the damaaaizj occur, they notified le police, expecting treuble. Zis is why police were alrezy zere when ze Ozzies went to pay ze bill.

-But.. why didn't they just sort things out, and were taken to the police station and not to an ATM?

Skill de Communicaçion, Cato. Or, shall we say, lack zereof. Look at page 1.. Zis is him communicating in his native tonggue, while sober. Imagine that the night befeur, with Siamese bar people and police.. Elémentaire, Cato, élémentaire..

My Spidey senses were tingling that it was something like this.

He seemed to have a grudge for the French Owner for some reason.

When confronted with simple questions, he got quite agitated and aggressive, a sure sign that there is more to the story that he was hiding.

This makes sense with the Police being present and the arbitrary number that the Bar can justifiably pull out of the air and demand payment - 5000 baht.

Whatever they broke, likely did not cost anywhere near 5000 baht, but judging by his attitude, they charged that much because they could. Hence the scam.

His disappearance and failure to explain further speaks volumes that it never happened the way he explained.

How much is a billiard cloth these days ?

4-5000 baht depending on the cloth you choose

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How much is a billiard cloth these days ?

How much is a billiard cloth these days ?

4-5000 baht depending on the cloth you choose

sounds resonable as what the 5000thb charge are for

Edited by ShopBoy
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I will not rest until I know what that bar bill said.

What probably happened here was that OP was too drunk to remember what the bar bill said.

I believe its a true story , so maybe his friends remember more from that night ?

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There seem to be a lot of Inspector Clouseaus on Thai Visa.

Inspecteur Clouseau reporting for dutee!

- Inspector.. you solved the case?

I did indeed! All ze clueuesz are right in front of you.

- Clues?

Oui. First, le amount: 5675 Baths. It is no coïncidence that zis is made up from 3 bières x 3 personnes x 75 Baths = 675 Baths, plus an extra sum of 5000 Baths.

- 5000 Baht.. for what?

Les Damaaaizjs Cato, Damaaizjezjes.

- Damages? What Damages?

Zis we do not yet kneuw. But it zeems highly plauseeble zat zree drunk Ozzies cauzed some damaaaizjs for which the bar chargjzed 5000 Baths. Upon seeing the damaaaizj occur, they notified le police, expecting treuble. Zis is why police were alrezy zere when ze Ozzies went to pay ze bill.

-But.. why didn't they just sort things out, and were taken to the police station and not to an ATM?

Skill de Communicaçion, Cato. Or, shall we say, lack zereof. Look at page 1.. Zis is him communicating in his native tonggue, while sober. Imagine that the night befeur, with Siamese bar people and police.. Elémentaire, Cato, élémentaire..

My Spidey senses were tingling that it was something like this.

He seemed to have a grudge for the French Owner for some reason.

When confronted with simple questions, he got quite agitated and aggressive, a sure sign that there is more to the story that he was hiding.

This makes sense with the Police being present and the arbitrary number that the Bar can justifiably pull out of the air and demand payment - 5000 baht.

Whatever they broke, likely did not cost anywhere near 5000 baht, but judging by his attitude, they charged that much because they could. Hence the scam.

His disappearance and failure to explain further speaks volumes that it never happened the way he explained.

Well that's cleared that one up then. File it in the casebook with all the others, my good man.

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I will not rest until I know what that bar bill said.

What probably happened here was that OP was too drunk to remember what the bar bill said.

I believe its a true story , so maybe his friends remember more from that night ?

That's a big assumption - the thread was started at 07:26. Not the time of morning someone who has had a big night out would be sitting in front of a computer. Perhaps his friends will remember more, but something being overlooked here is that we have 2 Aussies on their first trip to Chiang Mai. What are they going to tell their friends and family when they get back? A stand-off in a bar with police involved is going to make a story they'll be able to dine out on several times over.

That, perhaps, is the biggest shame of this whole thing.

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I will not rest until I know what that bar bill said.

If Inspector Clouseau is not available, perhaps Jim Bergerac from le Bureau des Étrangers could go over to the said pub, shed light on the situation about the bar bill, and report back here on TV.

Edited by Morakot
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How much is a billiard cloth these days ?

>How much is a billiard cloth these days ?

4-5000 baht depending on the cloth you choose

sounds resonable as what the 5000thb charge are for

Thank god Inspector Clouseau has at last solved ze mystery.

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Come on guys. The OP is missing in Action. Some of you know the bar in question. Surely one of you has visited and asked the owner his version.

The suspense is killing me. smile.png

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I think this is very unfair on the OP. I've read a lot of his posts, and as was pointed out to me by the blethering one, Chooka seems to have a background in law enforcement, as soon as the words hit my ears, I remembered that I've seen him comment on road deaths or something similar in a way which indicated that he was indeed from emergency services. He has always come across as a decent and reasonable type of person in his posts, so this name-calling and the accusations seem, to me at least, to be off target. As to why he hasn't been back on TV to respond to the subject, he has already said he has friends over from Aus at the moment, so maybe he's playing tourist guide and is not sitting on the computer all day.

Or maybe he's seen some of the more unpleasant posts here and just walked away from the thread, if not Thai Visa. I hope not, as his contributions to various threads are well thought out and reasonable. He stated that he copped it sweet and paid the bill and only wanted to warn others so that it didn't happen to anyone else; this is quite some repayment he's getting.

Perhaps there was damage, perhaps it was Phuket 'Jetski' type damage, perhaps the bell was rung. We don't know the exact circumstances, and until he is able to re-join the conversation, if indeed he chooses to do so. He seems to be a nice bloke, cut him a bit of slack.

PLUS 10 for your post Konini.

I don't know much about Chiang Mai but I do know the OP and if he said it was a scam then it was. These scams are going on all over Thailand and if business is quiet then the scams are rife. Nothing new, its been going on in Thailand for many years and it will continue.

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Jessi, on 19 Apr 2013 - 08:39, said:

PLUS 10 for your post Konini.

I don't know much about Chiang Mai but I do know the OP and if he said it was a scam then it was. These scams are going on all over Thailand and if business is quiet then the scams are rife. Nothing new, its been going on in Thailand for many years and it will continue.

Quite possible it was a scam. But it increasingly looks like we will never know what the scam was; perhaps they caused a tiny scratch in the pool table cloth, but then the bar decided that they wanted 5000 baht. That part remains speculation if the OP has indeed abandoned his topic.

So if you do know the OP, can you give him a call and ask where the 5000 baht charge came from? Even Phuket/Pattaya jet ski scamming scum don't just quote an insane amount without at least claiming what it's for. Then we can debate if the amount was fair or not; or why this wouldn't be a civil case at best, which then raises the question if there were police charges or not. I'm very willing to accept that it wasn't fair, or that he was dealt with harshly otherwise. But this guessing game just isn't fruitful.

FDog, on 19 Apr 2013 - 08:25, said:

Come on guys. The OP is missing in Action. Some of you know the bar in question. Surely one of you has visited and asked the owner his version.

The suspense is killing me. smile.png

I would if it was a place that I visit at least occasionally. But I've been there once in the past 4-5 years.

I'll admit I remain curious, but not THAT curious to go in there and get nosy about other people's business. Especially if the OP himself doesn't seem to care enough to post a follow-up.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I think this is very unfair on the OP. I've read a lot of his posts, and as was pointed out to me by the blethering one, Chooka seems to have a background in law enforcement, as soon as the words hit my ears, I remembered that I've seen him comment on road deaths or something similar in a way which indicated that he was indeed from emergency services. He has always come across as a decent and reasonable type of person in his posts, so this name-calling and the accusations seem, to me at least, to be off target. As to why he hasn't been back on TV to respond to the subject, he has already said he has friends over from Aus at the moment, so maybe he's playing tourist guide and is not sitting on the computer all day.

Or maybe he's seen some of the more unpleasant posts here and just walked away from the thread, if not Thai Visa. I hope not, as his contributions to various threads are well thought out and reasonable. He stated that he copped it sweet and paid the bill and only wanted to warn others so that it didn't happen to anyone else; this is quite some repayment he's getting.

Perhaps there was damage, perhaps it was Phuket 'Jetski' type damage, perhaps the bell was rung. We don't know the exact circumstances, and until he is able to re-join the conversation, if indeed he chooses to do so. He seems to be a nice bloke, cut him a bit of slack.

I've seen many people in the past walk away from TV due to the "kind" posts of people on here.

Edited by Throatwobbler
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