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The above story is fictional but … I’m sure is familiar to many here who have taken their loved ones to visit or stay in their home country.

My Lady is on her 4th visit to my home country, the last two stays have been in excess of 2 months … so she’s well gotten to know the lay of the land and what to expect … but still, we had tears and a few quiet hours … she was homesick.

We had the same reaction when her friend went to LA.

She's there now, planned to stay for 6 months ... desperate to go home after two weeks away from Thailand.

Seems to be a common theme ...

Any cures?



I did a thread a while back on things to consider when your partner moves to your country. It certainly is a familiar theme. Mine is ok now but for mine it was when she was pregnant. Missed having her family around. Understandable.

Cures, make sure she can ring home anytime and keep her entertained ie Thai movies, get your family to take her out shopping or coffee even. They are tough little things but not when home sickness kicks in.


Never had none of that; her in doors had a great time (food, family, fun) and would love to go back.

Tell her to grow up! wink.png

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She home sick?

Was ... not any more.

Lasted a few hours ... a long telephone chat home and was cured.

Just seems to be a phase many ladies go through ... abet, to different degrees.

Some internalise it and say nothing, some openly cry, some, as with her friend in LA ... cut short their stay and return to Thailand early.



I took a Thai girl to the UK for 6 months, lots and lots of tears.

Some adjust well and love it, not mine. Never again would I take a Thai girl home, every Sunday we stocked up on Thai food, skype home every day. occasional long trip to the wat. Tried to find her friends but their world revolved around money.

Not all hate it, just not her.


Never had none of that; her in doors had a great time (food, family, fun) and would love to go back.

Tell her to grow up!


My wife loves her family very much and no doubt would have hardship being away from them


We have already made two trips and ticketed for her third two month trip

She loves the states, the national parks and all the nature arond my folks house.

She loves my mothers (and my) cooking and has often said my parents home is larger and prettier than a dream.

Wife loves to travel.and a dream of hers is just to travel around camping like two hobos.

She misses somtam but has found Cheese, milk, ice cream, pastrami, steak, lobster and crab a comfort.

No tears bro


Strange, but same things happens to me when I go to farangland. But it could be because I wake up in my nice comfy bed alone. :(


How occupied is she? According to the thread in the farming forum your lady was always on the go at the fish farm, now she's no longer working there and in a foreign country.

Is she bored by being unoccupied?


I seen this before, some people are just not suited for it others are. Thais are not real individiual and hate being alone. I have had 2 girls over to the Netherlands and just decided its better for a Thai to live in Thailand.

There is a lot of hardship for a Thai in an other country they can't work on their level as in general their diploma's are not worth much. The language barrier and its a bit harder to find Thai food and away from family. In general foreigners cope much better.


@ thebleather

No, have kept her busy both physically and mentally, plus she's head down a few hours a day learning English.

@ bangkokburning

She loves it here and has many, if not more of the attractions that you mention in your post.

The Lassie's not homesick now ... just for a few hours about 3 weeks into this current visit.

@ jackr ... has nothing to do with 'growing up' ... thanks for your valued input ... dry.png

It's just that sometimes we under-estimate the deep connections between a Thai and her family and her country.

@ BookMan ... good one ... thumbsup.gif (it's a private joke ... MissFarmGirl, smiled and says hi)


@ thebleather

No, have kept her busy both physically and mentally, plus she's head down a few hours a day learning English.

@ bangkokburning

She loves it here and has many, if not more of the attractions that you mention in your post.

The Lassie's not homesick now ... just for a few hours about 3 weeks into this current visit.

@ jackr ... has nothing to do with 'growing up' ... thanks for your valued input ... dry.png

It's just that sometimes we under-estimate the deep connections between a Thai and her family and her country.

@ BookMan ... good one ... thumbsup.gif (it's a private joke ... MissFarmGirl, smiled and says hi)

I see it now, she's sitting there thinking your a slave driver. Poor lassie can't get a minute to herself. coffee1.gif

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@ thebleather

No, have kept her busy both physically and mentally, plus she's head down a few hours a day learning English.

@ bangkokburning

She loves it here and has many, if not more of the attractions that you mention in your post.

The Lassie's not homesick now ... just for a few hours about 3 weeks into this current visit.

@ jackr ... has nothing to do with 'growing up' ... thanks for your valued input ... dry.png

It's just that sometimes we under-estimate the deep connections between a Thai and her family and her country.

@ BookMan ... good one ... thumbsup.gif (it's a private joke ... MissFarmGirl, smiled and says hi)

I see it now, she's sitting there thinking your a slave driver. Poor lassie can't get a minute to herself. coffee1.gif

Are you gone all day ? and does she have to wait for you.. remember Thais in general are not much alone they hate it. Me i get crazy if the wife is around me too much.

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Whenever there has been any (never really serious) talk about traveling to the USA, I tell her: "You're too pretty - they would never let you in." And that gets a big smile and she drops the subject.


Crying in bed....mmmmm, not something you didnt do ? by any chance, try the liitle blue pills .....haha, only joking Dave


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For a fleeting moment there, I thought her tears might've been as a result of your taking up the challenge I made in the "Is 40k a month enough anymore" thread - namely to tell her the monthly stipend was going the way of the dodo.


For a fleeting moment there, I thought her tears might've been as a result of your taking up the challenge I made in the "Is 40k a month enough anymore" thread - namely to tell her the monthly stipend was going the way of the dodo.

Oh come on HS, stick to the topic for the love of god, no need for cheap shots in other threads just because you missed your moment. coffee1.gif

  • Like 1

For a fleeting moment there, I thought her tears might've been as a result of your taking up the challenge I made in the "Is 40k a month enough anymore" thread - namely to tell her the monthly stipend was going the way of the dodo.

Oh come on HS, stick to the topic for the love of god, no need for cheap shots in other threads just because you missed your moment. coffee1.gif

Oh come on . . . it was a joke. Should've included a smiley


For a fleeting moment there, I thought her tears might've been as a result of your taking up the challenge I made in the "Is 40k a month enough anymore" thread - namely to tell her the monthly stipend was going the way of the dodo.

Oh come on HS, stick to the topic for the love of god, no need for cheap shots in other threads just because you missed your moment. coffee1.gif

Oh come on . . . it was a joke. Should've included a smiley

@ maxme ... thanks for the shield ... thumbsup.gif

@ HardenedSoul ... I don't begrudge anyone their opinion ... just because it's different to mine, doesn't make them wrong ... or right for the matter ... biggrin.png ... smiley included.


My wife too often wakes up in tears especially if she's fed me on her mashed potatoes which tend to play merry hell with the old digestive tract if you will....

We are really lucky on that account ... just loves some simple basic Western food.

For lunch we had some exotic Thai noodle dish ... could even begin to describe it.

Tonight it's steak, mushrooms sautéed in butter and a salad which she will prepare while I cook the other (steak and mushies).

As for ...

Crying in bed....mmmmm, not something you didnt do ? by any chance, try the liitle blue pills .....haha, only joking Dave

Note to self ... remove CharlieH from the Christmas Card list ... laugh.png




Tonight it's steak, mushrooms sautéed in butter and a salad which she will prepare while I cook the other (steak and mushies).

Now, steak has me virtually making the duvet flap Old Bean....Not had it in a while....curse middle age....

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