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Drugs Rehabilitation Centers In Thailand


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I know somebody that will soon finish his time in jail for using drugs (ice).

He tells he stopped using in jail, but I have no idea if that's true.

His family is religious and believes sending him to a temple will solve everything, but knowing his past (he ran away from school, army service, work, ...) I doubt that's true.

Does anyone have any information that I could give to his family - like the address of drug rehabilitation centers in Thailand?

(He's Thai, so please no farang only places)

Edited by kriswillems
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Yes, the above. Or, for government run rehab programs, consult your local govt hospital and they can refer. There are a number of them throughout the country (govt rehab programs, I mean). How good, I don't know.

With any rehab program, it is only as good as the person's willingness to change and motivation.

I am assuming this person is Thai. If farang, there are a number of private rehab options but they cost a fair amount. Let me know if you want that info.

Also, Narcotics Anonymous has meetings in a number of locations in Thailand, for both English and Thai speakers. http://www.na-thailand.org/

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I doubt he's willing to cooperate. If not, it's up to him, at least his family tried.

He stopped using before for short times, so I think it's possible that he's not using now.

Looks like "ice" is not very addictive?

The biggest problem is that there's no future for him.

He has only bad friends and he was never able to do anything successful in his life (lost every job that his father got for him within 3 days).

The only thing that made him loved (by his bad friends) and gave him a bit of wealth were drugs.

Personally, I believe letting go habits from the past will be much harder than just stop using drugs.

In Europe he would be on welfare for his whole life, because is is unwilling to do anything useful.

Having no welfare in Thailand, I really don't know what's going to happen.

The first step would to make him accept he has to change.

He has a daughter (that is close to us) and both he and his ex-wife are unwilling to take care of her.

I knew about this temple (wa tam krabok), but I doubt he'll stay there longer than 2 days.

(personally I have my doubts about this method and its effectiveness - because in any religion, false claims about miraculous healings are quiet common)

Thanks, for your advice. I think these NA meetings might be interesting. Tomorrow he'll be out of jail (after more than 2 years).

PS. He's Thai.

Edited by kriswillems
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considering his weak personality,dont worry too much,

he'll be soon back in prison ,and life can go on for the rest.

Dont loose time or money on such loosers.

next plz

You certainly must be a supportive friend to have around.

I agree that addicts often find it easier to return to their past life and reabuse; however, if friends and family give them support and understanding - and show them that they have worth and purpose without drugs - they have a chance. Best of luck to him and his family in beating the addiction.

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considering his weak personality,dont worry too much,

he'll be soon back in prison ,and life can go on for the rest.

Dont loose time or money on such loosers.

next plz

I am not really interested in his future, I am more worried about the people around that have to suffer because of his behavior. We tell his daughter already 2 years her father is working abroad (she knows it's not true but doesn't dare to talk about it). And every time he gets caught all misery with corrupt police officers starts again. Also in Thai jail it's not fun, he had scabies and you can't expect that his parents won't suffer from seeing him in such a situation. That's why I hope he can get better.

Also looking for help in a local hospital or just even talking about the problem is not easy because the reputation of the family is at risk...

Edited by kriswillems
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