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Part Of 9/11 Landing Gear Found Near Ground Zero


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NEW YORK CITY (BNO NEWS) -- A piece of debris believed to be from one of the airliners that crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001, has been discovered wedged between two buildings in lower Manhattan, police confirmed on late Friday evening.

The debris was discovered at around 11 a.m. local time on Wednesday when surveyors hired by a property owner called 911 after they found what they assumed to be damaged machinery. Officers responded to the scene, which is behind the site of an Islamic community center, and eventually determined the debris was part of an airplane.

New York City Police Department (NYPD). He said the airplane debris is wedged between the rear of 51 Park Place and the rear of the building behind it, 50 Murray Street.

"The NYPD is securing the location as it would a crime scene, documenting it photographically and restricting access until the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner completes its health and safety evaluation protocol, after which a decision will be made concerning sifting the soil for possible human remains," Browne said.

Authorities believe the debris is part of a landing gear, apparently from one of the commercial airliners that was deliberately crashed into the World Trade Center towers in September 2001. Detective Brian Sessa said it was not yet known whether the part belonged to Flight 11 or Flight 175.

The debris was still in place on Saturday as officers continued to examine the scene, where the landing gear parts went unnoticed for over a decade. "The aircraft part will not be removed until the process is completed, at which point it will [be] secured by the NYPD Property Clerk," Browne added.

The 9/11 attacks happened on Sept. 11, 2001, when nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger planes before crashing two of them into the World Trade Center in New York and another into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The fourth, United Flight 93, crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the attacks, that caused both WTC towers to collapse.
(Copyright 2013 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].)

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Odd the source is the dutch who had such odd coverage of the Bijlermeer plane crash.A few googles will reveal the truth.Wheels within eels

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Odd the source is the dutch who had such odd coverage of the Bijlermeer plane crash.A few googles will reveal the truth.Wheels within eels

I'm confused, what do you mean? And the link does not seem to work.

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Did you know...(true this), more money was spent investigating Bill Clintons blow job than was spent on the investigation in to 9/11 !


Sorry, but cup-o-coffee's post is spot on.

and from the OP

The NYPD is securing the location as it would a crime scene, documenting it photographically and restricting access until the Office of the ChiefMedical Examiner completes its health and safety evaluation protocol, after which a decision will be made concerning sifting the soil for possible human remains,

"The aircraft part will not be removed until the process is completed, at which point it will [be] secured by the NYPD Property Clerk,"

Isn't it a great pity that the NYPD were not allowed to secure the original event as a crime scene and investigate, without moving anything until the process was complete. Instead they had to stand back whilst all that evidence was bulldozed away and all that steel was rapidly put on to cargo ships and sent to smelting furnaces in China (funny place to send it, I thought the US had lots of smelting furnaces). You don't need a tin foil hat folium for even the smallest things about this event to raise questions like 'why'?, why did they do that then? I still find it hilarious that people accept without question that someone working on the disaster site was walking through rubble and found the unmarked passport of one of the terrorists lying on top of the rubble. Almost nothing was found, so many people/bodies gone without trace, everything a charred, smashed wreckage, yet in the million tons of rubble, a passport from a terrorist in an aircraft that crashed 1 hour before the building collapsed, lay unmarked on the top of the rubble. That was lucky wasn't it !

Edited by GentlemanJim
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I love a good malapropism

....A few googles will reveal the truth.Wheels within eels

My mind boggled...

And then we go on to financial ties.

More liens


As this thread reaches its climactic conclusion, perhaps we could bring in global warming to the conspiracy?


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There is only one other incident in human history that is not allowed to be openly discussed except by the self-appointed "experts" who get to tell us what we can and can't believe, or think, or even say, and to do so would cause great censorship and vitriol to the person wishing to opinionate, if not serving jail time for simply speaking out loud. No I am not describing Iran or any other Muslim country where death or prison comes to those who speak out loud to insult Allah or Muhammad.

Please enlighten us. What incident are you talking about?

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Please enlighten us. What incident are you talking about?

While he's at it, I'm also a bit curious to know when anyone was prevented from talking about this or threatened with jail time for doing so.

But not a lot. As soon as I saw this new last week, I thought of the sort of things that would be flooding the Internet and I doubt I'll be taking part much...

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Plane flies into building at c. 500mph..... debris scattered as planes disintegtate on impact (go back and watch recorded footage). What is so surprising that some debris is still being found? coffee1.gif

Life would be so dull without the conspiracy crazies.....but maybe I have been planted here in TV by forces unknown to promote this idea. Who knows? The truth is out there......tongue.png

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Well obviously any parts of an aircraft that might relate to the 11th September attacks in NYC, must have been planted as "we" all know that it was a dastardly CIA/ Mossad/SMERSH/Uncle Tom Cobbley et al (Qaida perhaps) attack.

For those who we were there, who heard and saw the 2 planes coming in, the tin foil hat brigade conspiracy theories are a pathetic case of attention-seeking over an incident where thousands of good folk died.

I am pretty sure that al Queda have been cleared by the tin foil hat brigade. rolleyes.gif

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Well the thing is that those that you would say wear 'tin foil hats' ( simply as they have a different set of views to you) are fueled perhaps by information such as the following.

(Firstly Chicog is absolutely correct the piece of debris is part of a flap actuator assembly), Concerning the item of debris, after an interview with the New York Police commissioner (Mr Kelly), the BBC reporters said this:

Mr Kelly told reporters after inspecting it that a length of rope was looped around the piece of steel and that no marks were visible on the walls overhead.
What appears to be the remains of a broken pulley can be seen with the wreckage and the New York Times reports that Mr Kelly did not completely exclude the idea that the aircraft debris may have been lowered into the gap


Now, If this stops the mosque/Islamic cultural center (where the faithful will come and pray in sight of GZ) being built at ground zero, then frankly I care not how it got there, it's a result. However, what this does CLEARLY illustrate is that those of you who scream 'tin foil hat', before you have even the slightest shred of evidence are no better than those at the salem witch trials who screamed 'she's a witch'!

Why not wait for information to come out before you start personally attacking people?

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Well, I'd rather suffer the moniker "tin-foil hat" than get burned at the stake, but that's just me. No hyperbole there at all.whistling.gif

Now it is interesting that this 9/11 remnant was miraculously found after all this time. Those of us who proudly wear the tin-foil hat know that there is more to the 9/11 narrative than the "powers that be" want us to believe. I figure some are getting close to the "real truth", so "they" need to periodically remind us of the 'official' narrative so we continue to believe. I'm not the only one who believes in "alternative" theories.

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Thank you for wording your post carefully. I am sure there are sites where alternate theories can be discussed, but they are well beyond the purview of this site and this particular thread.

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Did you know...(true this), more money was spent investigating Bill Clintons blow job than was spent on the investigation in to 9/11 !


Sorry, but cup-o-coffee's post is spot on.

and from the OP

The NYPD is securing the location as it would a crime scene, documenting it photographically and restricting access until the Office of the ChiefMedical Examiner completes its health and safety evaluation protocol, after which a decision will be made concerning sifting the soil for possible human remains,


"The aircraft part will not be removed until the process is completed, at which point it will [be] secured by the NYPD Property Clerk,"

I still find it hilarious that people accept without question that someone working on the disaster site was walking through rubble and found the unmarked passport of one of the terrorists lying on top of the rubble. Almost nothing was found, so many people/bodies gone without trace, everything a charred, smashed wreckage, yet in the million tons of rubble, a passport from a terrorist in an aircraft that crashed 1 hour before the building collapsed, lay unmarked on the top of the rubble. That was lucky wasn't it !

It's possible the passport was blown away by the explosion and lay on the ground amongst other debris before the buildings collapsed. The airblast of the collapsing tower raised it up in the air again, and eventually it settled on top of the rubble. That a piece of plane flew off over quite a large distance, hits precisely the gap and ground between two buildings without doing damage to roof and walls, one of which is ten years later converted to an Islamic center creating a huge controversy, is a sequence with a one in a million chance to happen as well. I can see why some suspect a conspiracy. smile.png

I guess when this building, Park 51, was renovated before the conversion, someone found the scrap metal inspecting the outher walls, and they tried to remove it without causing a sensation, hence the rope. They didn't succeed, and decided to keep silent. Only would have fueled the controversy further, something like that the Muslims deposited the piece behind their mosque as a shrine to terrorism.

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It's possible the passport was blown away by the explosion and lay on the ground amongst other debris before the buildings collapsed. The airblast of the collapsing tower raised it up in the air again, and eventually it settled on top of the rubble. That a piece of plane flew off over quite a large distance, hits precisely the gap and ground between two buildings without doing damage to roof and walls, one of which is ten years later converted to an Islamic center creating a huge controversy, is a sequence with a one in a million chance to happen as well. I can see why some suspect a conspiracy. smile.png

I guess when this building, Park 51, was renovated before the conversion, someone found the scrap metal inspecting the outher walls, and they tried to remove it without causing a sensation, hence the rope. They didn't succeed, and decided to keep silent. Only would have fueled the controversy further, something like that the Muslims deposited the piece behind their mosque as a shrine to terrorism.

Of course it's possible, anything is possible, but one might think if the passport were blown clear then so too would the pocket attached to the trousers and the appropriate bit of body part, or the jacket or briefcase the passport were in. The passport issue is a bit of a stretch of the imagination you have to admit. As to the rest of it, i'm glad you have it sussed ;)

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