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For "theblether" and his "I totally agree" buddies who I'm glad have the resources to be unworried with this new possible effort to rid Thailand of terrible terrible Farang who used to be welcomed with open arms

"theblether" has a tendancy to expound about the situation of others when he hasn't a clue as to the "actual" facts or the "actual" circumstances surrounding or contributing to the situation as a whole. He bases his opinions on his limited worldly knowledge as if his limited worldly knowdledge is all knowing and all seeing. He seems to be an intelligent person but his "I have all the answers and know all truth" approach to things he knows little about does discredit to his intelligence and tends to put it in question. If you guys can put your egos aside that I just unjustly stepped on and read and think maybe you will use your intelligence to whip up just a smidgen of understanding and empathy for us really stupid Farang that operates below your financial and intelligence level

For "Gsxrnz"
You said "I have long term travel insurance which I renew every year. Costs about NZD500 for a year and has all the necessary cover I need for both living in Thailand and travelling overseas".

That's great Gsxrnz care to share the name of this amazing company and the name of their amazing NZD500 ($428USD) a year health insurance policy, if their is such a thing myself AOA and all other stupid ... financially challenged non-planning low life Farlang would probably be able to scrape together the USD required to get this extremly low cost non-existant health insurance

For "AnotherOneAmerican"
I know exactly what you are talking about and what your delima is. I'm in the same boat ........ which our govt is always rocking one way or another

Now that I pis*ed everybody off let me share my story. Which I've not done in 7 years but this thread got to me and I'll probably spend wasted time justifying my position to the others who are above my station in life. All of my adult life I had no need for health ibsurance. I went into the US Army right out of school. Spent ny time in the Army playing 1st chair trumpet in Army band. I was an excellent trumpet player. Because of my education and high IQ (137 not bragging just a fact) the US Army wanted me to go to Officer Candidate School(OCS) and become an officer and stay in US Army til I retire. I knew from the git go that military "do it our way not the right way" life was not for me. So I left after 4 years. In the private sector I had no need for health insurance as I was eligible to go to any VA (Military hospital for ex-military) for free for the rest of my life. VA hospitals are all over USA and most are excellent (better than private). Bottom line .... I never needed and never bought "private" health insurance. Never planned for or needed health insurance

Fast forward to 2006. I'm now 68 years old, living on Social Security no stocks bonds investments etc .... nothing zero zilch nada I worked in the TV industry advertising industry and real estate sales owned a couple my own bars even had the first after hours joint in Phoenix AZ back in 1962 I spent all my life making good money and spending it all on one long party(yes I know very dumb yadda yadda yadda) In 2006 US govt getting unbearable (police state) , prices (inflation) going up and social life really really boring. Had been researching for 3 years a country to move to based on many criteria that would offer me a better quality life style on my limited fixed income for the few years I had left. Thailand was the obvious choice for me. Sold my paid for home and left for Thailand who did not require health insurance as a condition to stay or live in Thailand

Now I will quickley update my last 7 years in Thailand without any explanations or justifications.

Landed in Phuket (of course) April 2006. Had a non-stop alcohol soaked party for 3 months (of course) Met a 26 year old Thai woman and we were highly attracted to one another for all the obvious Farang and Thai reasons (of course) lived together for a few months then got married. She has 2 boys 6 and 7 yrs old when we met. We bought new Honda Phantom and a used Ford Aspire We lived in Phuket (rented home) for 2 years decided that Phuket was getting to expensive. I'm now 70 she's 28 We jumped on motorcycle (a reminder that I'm in excellent health) and drove north towards Bangkok Spent 1 week looking for a place we liked and cheaper to live. Found Tha Yang (2.5 hours south of Bankok 1 hour North of Hua Hin) a nice small to med sized town/village. Rented house and moved.

2 Years ago we took the last of our money $30k USD 1million Thai baht (lost rest in stock market dhuuuu) bought small piece of land and built a very very nice 3 bedroom 2 bath 1650 sq ft home here in Tha Yang. We are very happy with home and area. Send boys to private school in Phetchaburi, expensive but want them to a get good education. I'm now 75, my wife is 32 and boys are 13 and 14. We are all very happy love one another, a well established loving thriving family. I'm in excellent health for my age but no life insurance

And now "Most" of the financially secure and "I know it all" Farang who post here want to say to me."Too bad about that insurance thing buddy but you need to pack your bags leave your wife and sons who you love and they love you because you are gonna get sick one of these days and we don't want you to be a burden on anyone"

Now my wife and sons (who will have to quit school) can go to work in field picking vegetables and live on 6,000 baht a month instead of 32,000 not to mention that Thai economy now has 32,000 less baht coming in a month and a nice loving family of four is now miserable and sad, no love but hey now nobody has to worry about me or AnotherOneAmerican and thousands just like us dragging down the Thai economy

Thanks for the empathy understanding and intelligent conclusions guys ....... I really admire all deep thinkers

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Why would Thailand want to extend a tax payer funded, subsidized healthcare plan to farang?

I pay taxes here. Why shouldn't I be able to take part in the health care scheme?

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Mandatory - meaning 'you will do this!' Thats ugly! Our world is full of such rulings and they restrict our freedom of choice. Some are necessary of course, but surely we should think carefully before bringing more restrictions on people.

To mandate that every visitor should have health insurance is a little short sighted. Some people study the situation, and decide that they can self insure, they have enough resources to cover the likely cost of medical treatment. To make them also take out insurance would be pointless. Others (I'm thinking of budget travelers) probably have no insurance (I certainly didn't when I was 18!) but hopefully could contact friends or relatives if they had a problem.

However, it is wise that people should have something to fall back on in case of emergency, so rather than mandatory insurance make it "insurance or other means (i.e money) or a letter of guarantee that someone would cover the costs (though this would be abused)"

If health insurance for long-term residents here - i.e. retirees - became compulsory, then what happens when the insurance companies bounce you?

I just tried this one: www.acs-ami.com/en/acs/expatasia and was bounced after page 1, as 'you're too old'!

The questions also asked when I was 'leaving', but no plans to leave just yet, and also asked me how many kids under 21 I had. They would not accept no kids.

I just have to face the fact that when/if I'm too old to continue on here, I'll have to crawl home and find somewhere to live.

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How about some real advice on the topic? Can anyone recommend a good all-encompassing policy. That is one that takes care of health care whilst resident in Thailand and also while travelling?

30 baht card
the 30 bath card is not issued with tzhe yellow house book.

it is issued with yellow house book



This thread is about people moving to Thailand, you haven't, so you don't have their problems.

Worldwide health Insurance for tourists is a doddle.

I've lived in Thailand for 2 1/2 years apart from 18 weeks when I was in NZ. So I think I live here and do have their problems. My point is that I have coverage and go out of my way to incur costs to ensure that the cover remains valid. In other words, I recognise the importance of health cover and not only pay the premiums but also incur additional costs to maintain the best possible coverage through managing my residency position. Anybody "living" here can do the same if they choose to or want to.

Many people aren't happy to defraud their insurance companies.

Many people would be scared of getting caught.

Sensible guys get insurance before they move to Thailand.

Sensible guys don't get girls pregnant in this day and age.


I have been living in Chiang Mai for ~ 4.5 years, Canadian expat 65yo. Spent quite a bit of time researching various options for health/accident insurance my 1st year here and nothing worked out to my satisfaction as worthwhile or useful. Since in my past (~ +3 decades) I have shunned standard medical doctors preferring the Naturopathic type approach in Canada I have paid out of pocket for my health needs all along, so, I then only searched for accident insurance. My thought was any basic medical needs are cheap here, plus I believe in herbal/natural medicine (but shop around) and quality vitamins & mineral supplements, so my only concern is if I get badly smashed up in a bike accident and am bedridden/hospitalized for a few months. If hospitalized for a week or so I do not care about coverage, I was looking for catastrophic accident coverage and found nothing interesting.

I have a small policy with AYUDHYA costing 2,200B/year but it only covers up to 50,000B per incident. I do not care about 50,000B, I will pay out of pocket that much if needed. I need something that will go up to 500,000B or more+++ but they would not issue me this and said this is the most I can get. The reason I keep it is there are larger payouts for loss of limbs (eye, arm, leg etc) and also loss of life (payable to my Thai gf of +4 years).



The only health care insurance they could make is for there to be a retirment visa have a private CO be required for people over a certain age 55 - 65 . Nothing to do with the local health Thai plan .


Mandatory - meaning 'you will do this!' Thats ugly! Our world is full of such rulings and they restrict our freedom of choice. Some are necessary of course, but surely we should think carefully before bringing more restrictions on people.

To mandate that every visitor should have health insurance is a little short sighted. Some people study the situation, and decide that they can self insure, they have enough resources to cover the likely cost of medical treatment. To make them also take out insurance would be pointless. Others (I'm thinking of budget travelers) probably have no insurance (I certainly didn't when I was 18!) but hopefully could contact friends or relatives if they had a problem.

However, it is wise that people should have something to fall back on in case of emergency, so rather than mandatory insurance make it "insurance or other means (i.e money) or a letter of guarantee that someone would cover the costs (though this would be abused)"

If health insurance for long-term residents here - i.e. retirees - became compulsory, then what happens when the insurance companies bounce you?

I just tried this one: www.acs-ami.com/en/acs/expatasia and was bounced after page 1, as 'you're too old'!

The questions also asked when I was 'leaving', but no plans to leave just yet, and also asked me how many kids under 21 I had. They would not accept no kids.

I just have to face the fact that when/if I'm too old to continue on here, I'll have to crawl home and find somewhere to live.

I got to the last page of the ACS quote and it came up with "Our contracts do not include spouses in their home country, unless you are married" which I am struggling to make sense of.


Yeah and the 30 baht health care is not that good anyway...my gfs mom had to wait for 5 hours to see the doctor even though she had a fixed appointment. Now we pay an insurance for her its like 180 baht per month she goes to the same hospital but get to see the doctor on appointed time imstead of sitting inline. For me and my gf we have health insurance from sweden at about 3500sek per year and we go only to top hospitals here all costs covered no limit on costs.


"I think it actually is a good idea for any government to require travel/medical insurances before entry is allowed into the country - not just Thailand. It sure would solve a lot of hard-up stories from travellers here that get injured or sick and didn't have the wisdom to think that maybe a foreign government doesn't have the same obligations to look after me as my own government."

ROFLMAO. Can you just imagine? Immigration officers all over the world having to check every arriving passenger from every country in the world now not only for passport/visa, but for - wait for it - "health insurance"? Yeah. Brilliant. "Oh, I'm sorry sir, we don't accept that card." This is more a topic for some science fiction forum I think. Now, going beyond that lapse of conscious thought, I CAN see bureaucrats' eyes lighting up over a whole new possible source of tea money... And talk about the law of unintended consequences. How many would forego the legitimate travel insurance to which they're presently subscribing, secure in the knowledge that the host country will be collecting a fee from them now at immigration that will ensure their medical coverage while on vaca in the LOS?

You can't make this stuff up!

Once again, some pointy-headed do-gooders ready to punish, regulate, restrict and tax the self-reliant, responsible, majority for the sins of the relative few, and just SURE that government can be depended upon do it effectively, efficiently, and fairly.


One way around this problem would be for Thailand to insist that all foreigners entering the country pay to join the government scheme.

Then at least everyone in the country is covered. Those who want better can pay for private on top.

It must include all foreigners, Chinese, Burmese, tourists, et al, and all at the same price.


One way around this problem would be for Thailand to insist that all foreigners entering the country pay to join the government scheme.

Then at least everyone in the country is covered. Those who want better can pay for private on top.

It must include all foreigners, Chinese, Burmese, tourists, et al, and all at the same price.

which is the 30 baht card


This is a very interesting subject but really too complicated to be solved by the many TV posts. However I though I would add my two pennies worth. Many posters state how they have adequate cover, very good! Other posters such as Gsxrnz says he has lived here for 2.5 years but "technically" is only travelling. He explained this to his broker and he said that is fine. Now we all know that Brokers are only interested in giving good service and their commission is an after thought. Likewise health insurance companies are only interested in service and not in profit. Forgive my sarcasm. Such companies only want to engage young and healthy customers and when you get old and have health issues you are no longer requiried as a customer. If they can avoid apying out they will do so. As far as I am aware the old adage "the only thing one is certain of is death and paying taxes, I do not think it has changed to.....death, paying taxes and receiving health insurance payout. Cover is not guaranteed until the hospital has been paid or the money has reached your bank account. Now all those who had the foresight to plan ahead and now have cover just consider this. You get bitten by a snake in your garden. It is quite serious but you are taken to the hospital in time and your life is saved but you have serious complications with heart/liver or kidney which will remain with you for the rest of your days. However your all singing all dancing cover pays for all, no problem. I am sure you can think of many examples where such misfortune could hit. However on renewal your find that your ongoing health problems are now excluded. All that planning and cover for later in you life is no longer all singing and all dancing, more like limping along out of tune. Now do you still want compulsary health cover to remain in Thailand? Smug today in the sh one t tomorrow. Health Insurance Companies are like Banks, they are fair weather friends!

The THB800,000 has nothing to do with medical costs as has been suggested as what would happen at the end of the year when you have spent it, also what happens if you use the THB65,000/month route, how will this cover medical costs. Such amounts are purely to show you have enough to live, nothing more.

For those that self insure, how much do you keep in reserve THB 5 million? That should be enough to get you to your home country and unlike health insurance if you just drop dead, the money is in your estate unlike insurance where there is no pay out for not claiming.

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If you have a yellow book you can get a Health Card from your local Hospital which entitles you to the same treatment as Thais. I should know as I have a Thai Health Card and go regularly to the Hospital FREE of charge and haven't been asked to pay one Baht. All Medications are free.


There is no way I could afford or even get - medical insurance cover at the age of 75. However, my wife (an ex nurse) has negotiated on my

behalf membership of the Thai basic medical cover - I have a card to prove it. This gives me basic cover for accident or immediate health problem,

like heart attack, stroke, whatever. Of course, if I need some other medical procedure, (hip replacement etc) I'd have to pay. I have an emergency fund

of 500,000 bt to cover any kind of emergency, at my age it's not if - it's when. The only downside with this, my emergency fund keeps being raided for

capital cover of odd projects that crop up, new bit of land, house extension etc, so if push came to shove I'd have to sell a car or two.


If you have a yellow book you can get a Health Card from your local Hospital which entitles you to the same treatment as Thais. I should know as I have a Thai Health Card and go regularly to the Hospital FREE of charge and haven't been asked to pay one Baht. All Medications are free.

100 % correct have used the card at my local hospital many times, the treatment was first class and in my opion some times better than western hospitals. I do not pay for medical insurance Why ???


If you have a yellow book you can get a Health Card from your local Hospital which entitles you to the same treatment as Thais. I should know as I have a Thai Health Card and go regularly to the Hospital FREE of charge and haven't been asked to pay one Baht. All Medications are free.

100 % correct have used the card at my local hospital many times, the treatment was first class and in my opion some times better than western hospitals. I do not pay for medical insurance Why ???
I think, like many other countries with Government sponsored Health Services, it all depends on where in the country you live. I've been to the Government hospital in Ubon and seen the length of queues - waiting for hours. I also noticed that any medication you get is Made in Thailand. If you haven't got too much wrong with you, the private hospitals aren't so expensive and definitely my 1st choice - even Bumrumgad. Up until a year ago I had full premium cover with BUPA International, paid for by my company, but they wanted almost $5000 a year to continue the cover as an individual.

There must be a half-way-house solution out there.


Somehow I doubt that any foreigner would be allowed to join the Thai national scheme at 30b/month, and I really don't see anything wrong with that. In the same way, I would expect a visitor to my country to have some form of insurance or be able to pay for their own medical costs if they have an issue while travelling there.

I have long term travel insurance which I renew every year. Costs about NZD500 for a year and has all the necessary cover I need for both living in Thailand and travelling overseas.

I'd consider it very unwise for anybody living as an expat or travelling anywhere in the world not to have appropriate insurances in place. As to Insurances in your domestic country, well they're all different so everybody has to make their own call based on their circumstances and government policy.

I think it actually is a good idea for any government to require travel/medical insurances before entry is allowed into the country - not just Thailand. It sure would solve a lot of hard-up stories from travellers here that get injured or sick and didn't have the wisdom to think that maybe a foreign government doesn't have the same obligations to look after me as my own government.

If you live in Thailand how come you can get long-term travel/medical insurance from New Zealand? As far as I am aware, non-residents of a state can't get such insurance unless they are resident of that state - it seemed to apply in the UK. Can you illuminate us on this in case others could get the same?

If you meet the residency definition in your policy wording or are able to meet the residency wording in the policy, then no problems. Read my other posts to get a better understanding of it as I've already explained in those posts.


For "theblether" and his "I totally agree" buddies who I'm glad have the resources to be unworried with this new possible effort to rid Thailand of terrible terrible Farang who used to be welcomed with open arms

"theblether" has a tendancy to expound about the situation of others when he hasn't a clue as to the "actual" facts or the "actual" circumstances surrounding or contributing to the situation as a whole. He bases his opinions on his limited worldly knowledge as if his limited worldly knowdledge is all knowing and all seeing. He seems to be an intelligent person but his "I have all the answers and know all truth" approach to things he knows little about does discredit to his intelligence and tends to put it in question. If you guys can put your egos aside that I just unjustly stepped on and read and think maybe you will use your intelligence to whip up just a smidgen of understanding and empathy for us really stupid Farang that operates below your financial and intelligence level

For "Gsxrnz"

You said "I have long term travel insurance which I renew every year. Costs about NZD500 for a year and has all the necessary cover I need for both living in Thailand and travelling overseas".

That's great Gsxrnz care to share the name of this amazing company and the name of their amazing NZD500 ($428USD) a year health insurance policy, if their is such a thing myself AOA and all other stupid ... financially challenged non-planning low life Farlang would probably be able to scrape together the USD required to get this extremly low cost non-existant health insurance

For "AnotherOneAmerican"

I know exactly what you are talking about and what your delima is. I'm in the same boat ........ which our govt is always rocking one way or another

Now that I pis*ed everybody off let me share my story. Which I've not done in 7 years but this thread got to me and I'll probably spend wasted time justifying my position to the others who are above my station in life. All of my adult life I had no need for health ibsurance. I went into the US Army right out of school. Spent ny time in the Army playing 1st chair trumpet in Army band. I was an excellent trumpet player. Because of my education and high IQ (137 not bragging just a fact) the US Army wanted me to go to Officer Candidate School(OCS) and become an officer and stay in US Army til I retire. I knew from the git go that military "do it our way not the right way" life was not for me. So I left after 4 years. In the private sector I had no need for health insurance as I was eligible to go to any VA (Military hospital for ex-military) for free for the rest of my life. VA hospitals are all over USA and most are excellent (better than private). Bottom line .... I never needed and never bought "private" health insurance. Never planned for or needed health insurance

Fast forward to 2006. I'm now 68 years old, living on Social Security no stocks bonds investments etc .... nothing zero zilch nada I worked in the TV industry advertising industry and real estate sales owned a couple my own bars even had the first after hours joint in Phoenix AZ back in 1962 I spent all my life making good money and spending it all on one long party(yes I know very dumb yadda yadda yadda) In 2006 US govt getting unbearable (police state) , prices (inflation) going up and social life really really boring. Had been researching for 3 years a country to move to based on many criteria that would offer me a better quality life style on my limited fixed income for the few years I had left. Thailand was the obvious choice for me. Sold my paid for home and left for Thailand who did not require health insurance as a condition to stay or live in Thailand

Now I will quickley update my last 7 years in Thailand without any explanations or justifications.

Landed in Phuket (of course) April 2006. Had a non-stop alcohol soaked party for 3 months (of course) Met a 26 year old Thai woman and we were highly attracted to one another for all the obvious Farang and Thai reasons (of course) lived together for a few months then got married. She has 2 boys 6 and 7 yrs old when we met. We bought new Honda Phantom and a used Ford Aspire We lived in Phuket (rented home) for 2 years decided that Phuket was getting to expensive. I'm now 70 she's 28 We jumped on motorcycle (a reminder that I'm in excellent health) and drove north towards Bangkok Spent 1 week looking for a place we liked and cheaper to live. Found Tha Yang (2.5 hours south of Bankok 1 hour North of Hua Hin) a nice small to med sized town/village. Rented house and moved.

2 Years ago we took the last of our money $30k USD 1million Thai baht (lost rest in stock market dhuuuu) bought small piece of land and built a very very nice 3 bedroom 2 bath 1650 sq ft home here in Tha Yang. We are very happy with home and area. Send boys to private school in Phetchaburi, expensive but want them to a get good education. I'm now 75, my wife is 32 and boys are 13 and 14. We are all very happy love one another, a well established loving thriving family. I'm in excellent health for my age but no life insurance

And now "Most" of the financially secure and "I know it all" Farang who post here want to say to me."Too bad about that insurance thing buddy but you need to pack your bags leave your wife and sons who you love and they love you because you are gonna get sick one of these days and we don't want you to be a burden on anyone"

Now my wife and sons (who will have to quit school) can go to work in field picking vegetables and live on 6,000 baht a month instead of 32,000 not to mention that Thai economy now has 32,000 less baht coming in a month and a nice loving family of four is now miserable and sad, no love but hey now nobody has to worry about me or AnotherOneAmerican and thousands just like us dragging down the Thai economy

Thanks for the empathy understanding and intelligent conclusions guys ....... I really admire all deep thinkers

In answer to your specific question of me - Virtually all Travel insurance policies from any company are priced in a similar price bracket for similar covers. The totally non-existent company I use is called World Nomads. And it's "Travel Insurance" - your rant appears to be about Health Insurance, they are not the same thing.

Other countries do have national health care available to retirees. All Thailand has to do is figure out how much per month for coverage for expats; and, of course it will be quite a bit more than 30 baht/visit. It could be a win/win for Thailand and expats.

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Other countries do have national health care available to retirees. All Thailand has to do is figure out how much per month for coverage for expats; and, of course it will be quite a bit more than 30 baht/visit. It could be a win/win for Thailand and expats.

That would be massively welcome! Yes we would expect to pay a healthy premium for this. Of course, the chance of the Thai government doing something so sensible and helpful for retired foreigners is basically ZERO. The same chance they will offer any path for us towards permanent residence. Thailand is an easy country to retire to, but your status is basically longer term tourist, and that's it.


^^ First of all, it's Mr theblether. coffee1.gif

Okay, many of the older British members of the forum will remember the founding on the National Health Service, it was a monumental day for British society.

For all the faults allocated against the Dubai Dodger, he will go down in history in Thailand for introducing the 30 baht scheme. Bringing healthcare to the poor should be celebrated.

These are two monumental achievements.


My point is, and I will not stand down from it, the Thai public health service is underfunded, and the poor that use it, grateful as they are to have it at all, have no choice but to take what they get.

Then swan in a contingent of farangs who think, happy days, cheap healthcare!! All the more Leo's for me!

That's not on......it's our decision to be here so therefore we must make adequate provision for our healthcare needs without turning to a service that is underfunded, and where the clients are already being forced to wait for hours every day to see Doctors.


Now a second point, I do have empathy for people who have made their homes, their lives in Thailand with their Thai families. I am of the opinion that the current Thai government policies are cruel and destructive to family life. A natural part of family life is the ageing process and so it would be particularly cruel to cause family dislocation when a farang elder falls into poor health.

So here's theblethers very clever solution to this conundrum........

Insist that all farangs of a working age have private medical insurance, who could argue with that huh?

Then bring in a variation of the Thai Elite card where the farang could pay an annual premium, ( let's say 10,000 baht ) over a minimum qualifying period ( let's say 10 years ), and once the farang hit's an agreed retirement age ( let's say 65 ) he can then get access to the 30 baht scheme. On top of that he should be excused the requirements of 90 day reporting etc as he has shown a track record of living in and contributing to Thailand.

I think that would be a fair compromise..........and to me there is a big difference between people who have lived and worked / raised families in Thailand, and those who have chosen Thailand as a retirement destination. The former should absolutely be recognized for their commitment and contribution to the country, the latter should be held to a different standard.

That's my thoughts anyway, I'll gibe Yingluck a call later and tell her to get on with it.

The only problem with your system is it is medically proven that most pensioners suffer the expensive medical issues post retirement, thus your system would allow the more costly medical treatment after they receive the B30 card in turn draining the system that was designed for Thai's. There should be no B30 card at any age and no exemption for 90 day reporting.

A criminal can be unrecognised for years look at cases of serial killers, rapist and paedophile rings that are never heard of for 20-25yrs then start up again, your system would give the likes of this type a place to hide until they no longer have to report their location..

My system recognizes people that have been committed to and working in Thailand for at least 10 years. I think it's only fair that their contribution is recognized, and that they should be given some relief post retirement.

Your second point is OTT

This guy would have been free from 90 day reporting in your system....



All well and good,wanting health insurance.

Many people can not acquire such policies, due to pre existing conditions.

Life's a bitch - and then you die!



All well and good,wanting health insurance.

Many people can not acquire such policies, due to pre existing conditions.

Life's a bitch - and then you die!

That's the least of your worries...


1. It should be mandatory.

2. Under no circumstances should they extend the 30 baht scheme to farangs.

It's a scheme for the Thai working class and poor, not a scheme to assist farangs in lifestyle decisions.

I think it's ridiculous.......RIDICULOUS!......that anyone in all conscience would try to use up the few precious resources available to the Thai poor.

Just in case your confused, I think it's ridiculous.

Just so you know. coffee1.gif

So what do you think foreigners with Thai wife and children should do?

Those who are too old to get any insurance?

Those who are too poor to afford insurance?

Are you suggesting they should desert their wife and family and move back to their home country?

What would you suggest they do?

In most civilised countries married foreigners already living in that country are allowed citizenship.

I can empathize with people in this position. However everybody has points in their life when they should have or could have considered the ramifications of this sort of issue and taken steps to protect themselves (to the best of their ability and affordability) from any form of future disaster, be it health, accident, or not being able to provide for their health care in their old age.

This probably sounds pompous (Blether, can I borrow your flameproof suit?), but I made serious sacrifices when I was younger to make sure I am well protected with life insurances, health insurances, travel insurances etc. I commenced policies at a young age when it was obvious there were no pre-existing conditions etc. I'm still making sacrifices today to ensure that I am as well protected as I can - and believe me the premiums get more the older you get.

Some policies expire at 70, some at 78, so when I get there in 20 odd years I'm striving to ensure I have enough savings to live comfortably and the ability to pay for health care.

Flamers: make sure you have the gas tanks fully charged! ph34r.png

Gsxrnz as a 50 something you are full of fire and hormones, and the premiums for good cover worldwide are pretty reasonable. I just hope that you have a very big pot when you are 70 because that is when many policies cease to cover you - even without pre-existing conditions. If after that age you are unlucky enough to have your hips wear out, or have a heart problem or even have a couple of bouts of Dengue Fever then you had better have a 5 or 6 million baht pot to spend on your health care,if you are going to use the International Hospitals.

As for travel insurance, it is available from a few companies for the 70+ travellers, BUT the cost is almost the same as the airfare LHR-BKK for 14 days cover - then look at the list of exclusions.

Insurance companies are all about collecting premiums they are not about wanting to pay out. Always read the small print before you buy - a hassle I know but a sure money saver.


If Thai nationals need medical treatment in the UK they get it for free. The British taxpayer has to pay the cost into the National health service.So, why cannot I as a British citizen get free medical treatment in Thailand? It isnt fair. Another example of how the British government does not stick up for its own people.


1. It should be mandatory.

2. Under no circumstances should they extend the 30 baht scheme to farangs.

It's a scheme for the Thai working class and poor, not a scheme to assist farangs in lifestyle decisions.

I think it's ridiculous.......RIDICULOUS!......that anyone in all conscience would try to use up the few precious resources available to the Thai poor.

Just in case your confused, I think it's ridiculous.

Just so you know. coffee1.gif

So what do you think foreigners with Thai wife and children should do?

Those who are too old to get any insurance?

Those who are too poor to afford insurance?

Are you suggesting they should desert their wife and family and move back to their home country?

What would you suggest they do?

In most civilised countries married foreigners already living in that country are allowed citizenship.

I can empathize with people in this position. However everybody has points in their life when they should have or could have considered the ramifications of this sort of issue and taken steps to protect themselves (to the best of their ability and affordability) from any form of future disaster, be it health, accident, or not being able to provide for their health care in their old age.

This probably sounds pompous (Blether, can I borrow your flameproof suit?), but I made serious sacrifices when I was younger to make sure I am well protected with life insurances, health insurances, travel insurances etc. I commenced policies at a young age when it was obvious there were no pre-existing conditions etc. I'm still making sacrifices today to ensure that I am as well protected as I can - and believe me the premiums get more the older you get.

Some policies expire at 70, some at 78, so when I get there in 20 odd years I'm striving to ensure I have enough savings to live comfortably and the ability to pay for health care.

Flamers: make sure you have the gas tanks fully charged! ph34r.png

Gsxrnz as a 50 something you are full of fire and hormones, and the premiums for good cover worldwide are pretty reasonable. I just hope that you have a very big pot when you are 70 because that is when many policies cease to cover you - even without pre-existing conditions. If after that age you are unlucky enough to have your hips wear out, or have a heart problem or even have a couple of bouts of Dengue Fever then you had better have a 5 or 6 million baht pot to spend on your health care,if you are going to use the International Hospitals.

As for travel insurance, it is available from a few companies for the 70+ travellers, BUT the cost is almost the same as the airfare LHR-BKK for 14 days cover - then look at the list of exclusions.

Insurance companies are all about collecting premiums they are not about wanting to pay out. Always read the small print before you buy - a hassle I know but a sure money saver.

I thought that my earlier posts regarding insurances and old age etc,. would lead you to believe that I have never had any faith in any government (be they socialist/communist/right wing/or any other political dogma) to look after me when I am old and/or sick. So you can bet your boots that when I'm in my dotage and if/when the sh**e hits the fan, I'll be wearing a drizabone, eating bluff oysters, whitebait patties, and pavlova, followed by a Speight's or three. thumbsup.gif

EDIT - loved the hormone comment by the way, made my day!

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