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Question Re: The Russian Invasion


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Yes, Mexican food is exciting. coffee1.gif

(Obviously not the fake Mexican crap they have in Pattaya. With Mexican domination they would open their own restaurants. !Ay Caramba!)

I don't dislike Russians.

I dislike their DOMINATION.

If they were 20 percent of the high season market rather than 55 percent, you wouldn't hear a peep from me.

I didn't plan to move to Jomtienski, if you get my drift.

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I would like to see them not be as DOMINANT demographically speaking. Thinking about this a little more, and more honestly, it is not ONLY that the domination of ANY NATIONAL GROUP suffocates some of the welcome diversity but also that their culture isn't all that appealing to MOST non-Russians, including me. Most don't speak English and their script is unapproachable to non-Russian speakers. Their food is boring. They are insular and cliquish within their OWN language group, as a rough generality.

Thais are now catering much more only to Russian tastes. Sorry that is a total bummer if you don't have Russian tastes.

Suppose the domination was from Mexicans instead.

More speak English.

Their language is approachable, anyone who can read Romanized letters can at least attempt to read their language and many of us understand a lot of already

Their food is exciting.

They are outgoing and friendly to non-Spanish speakers, as a rough generality.

Thais catering mostly to Mexican tastes might be a little bizarre but it would at least be fun to watch.

OK, I have to admit roaming Thai Mariachis at Central Mall may be a bit much ...

So with the Russians it is a double whammy. If you're not a Russian speaker, that is.

One other random observation: Russian people here have taken to calling baht buses (when they act as buses at least) TUKS TUKS. Of course they are NOT tuk tuks. Many Thai drivers are humoring them. I would humor them too if they were my rice bowl.

Oh, this is so funny!!! Why would Mexicans ever set foot in Thailand??? They have plenty of sunshine and beaches in their own country...

Of course Mexicans are outgoing and friendly. They have never lived under communist rule, have they?...

BTW, the Russian script is not "unapproachable" to non-Russian speakers. It is very easy to learn. Admittedly, their food is boring... but aren't you being a little intolerant towards a nation "blessed" with such a harsh climate and a troubled history...?

Suppose your grand-parents hadn't made it out of Russia (in 1917, I presume)... and had been trapped there, like so many others... You could have been just like them. Not even a little bit of empathy?...

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Yes, Mexican food is exciting. coffee1.gif

I don't dislike Russians.

I dislike their DOMINATION.

If they were 20 percent of the high season market rather than 55 percent, you wouldn't hear a peep from me.

I didn't plan to move to Jomtienski, if you get my drift.

JIng, i think you will find their domination comes from persistent ignorance.

What i mean is that, say in my business i have added Russian to every single piece of paper, but not because i want them as customers, but because can not explain anything to them and its easier just to point.

I would be guessing, but think many business in Jomtien ended up doing the same thing

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Suppose your grand-parents hadn't made it out of Russia (in 1917, I presume)... and had been trapped there, like so many others... You could have been just like them. Not even a little bit of empathy?...

Have you heard of the word: pogrom? coffee1.gif

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Suppose your grand-parents hadn't made it out of Russia (in 1917, I presume)... and had been trapped there, like so many others... You could have been just like them. Not even a little bit of empathy?...

Have you heard of the word: pogrom? coffee1.gif

Yes, much more than you think... But that's no answer to my question. Pogroms or not, millions were trapped there. They were not given a choice.

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Yes, Mexican food is exciting. coffee1.gif

(Obviously not the fake Mexican crap they have in Pattaya. With Mexican domination they would open their own restaurants. !Ay Caramba!)

I don't dislike Russians.

I dislike their DOMINATION.

If they were 20 percent of the high season market rather than 55 percent, you wouldn't hear a peep from me.

I didn't plan to move to Jomtienski, if you get my drift.

Whatever you do, don't move to Cosy Beach. It'll kill you.laugh.png

It's the cleanest beach in Pattaya/Jomtien. I wonder why? Were Russians complaining about beach trash?

No trash on the beach - not a scrap. You'll still see the odd item floating in with the tide though.

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Suppose your grand-parents hadn't made it out of Russia (in 1917, I presume)... and had been trapped there, like so many others... You could have been just like them. Not even a little bit of empathy?...

Have you heard of the word: pogrom? coffee1.gif

Yes, much more than you think... But that's no answer to my question. Pogroms or not, millions were trapped there. They were not given a choice.

You mean the grandchildren of the Russians that gang raped my Grandmother?

I have no power over the Russian masses here to be someone whose empathy would be welcomed. In general, the non-Russian speakers here don't exist to the Russians.

To be clear, I have sung the praises of the positive things about the Russian domination on other threads. The top point for me is that many of them are Grade A EYE CANDY.

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Suppose your grand-parents hadn't made it out of Russia (in 1917, I presume)... and had been trapped there, like so many others... You could have been just like them. Not even a little bit of empathy?...

Have you heard of the word: pogrom? coffee1.gif

Yes, much more than you think... But that's no answer to my question. Pogroms or not, millions were trapped there. They were not given a choice.

I have no power over the Russian masses here to be someone whose empathy would be welcomed. In general, the non-Russian speakers here don't exist to the Russians.

To be clear, I have sung the praises of the positive things about the Russian domination on other threads. The top point for me is that many of them are Grade A EYE CANDY.

Is it reaching boiling point yet? Can you see yourself leaving Pattaya in the not so distant future?

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Suppose your grand-parents hadn't made it out of Russia (in 1917, I presume)... and had been trapped there, like so many others... You could have been just like them. Not even a little bit of empathy?...

Have you heard of the word: pogrom? coffee1.gif

Yes, much more than you think... But that's no answer to my question. Pogroms or not, millions were trapped there. They were not given a choice.

Russians were trapped in Russia? where should they be going?blink.png

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Suppose your grand-parents hadn't made it out of Russia (in 1917, I presume)... and had been trapped there, like so many others... You could have been just like them. Not even a little bit of empathy?...

Have you heard of the word: pogrom? coffee1.gif

Yes, much more than you think... But that's no answer to my question. Pogroms or not, millions were trapped there. They were not given a choice.

I have no power over the Russian masses here to be someone whose empathy would be welcomed. In general, the non-Russian speakers here don't exist to the Russians.

That is also true in other countries... in case that is any consolation to you. My point was that some degree of empathy would be good for YOU... you could try to see things from their perspective and then you would be able to put up with them more easily... Of course it wouldn't make any difference to them, but perhaps it would make a difference to you.

I don't like Russians either, and I also live in a place where the Russians are dominant... But being angry with them doesn't help... I just have to accept that they came here to make a better living, just as they go to Thailand for a cheap holiday in the sun... After all, we are so lucky, compared to them... and so selfish!

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The number of Russians seems to double every year in Sihanukville since they found out that beer, booze and fags cost half as much as in Thailand.

Yeah, but double what number? If there were 10 there 2 years ago, there would only be 40 now.biggrin.png

This post is a little anti-Russian though. Do you think Russians are the only nationality looking for bargains?

Would I bother to post anything here if we only had 40? They are very much noticeable, and the trend is desturbing.

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If they were 20 percent of the high season market rather than 55 percent, you wouldn't hear a peep from me.

I didn't plan to move to Jomtienski, if you get my drift.

And many others didn't move to Jomtien for the elderly gay Americans but guess what: they got them anyway! Given that most of us also got here from some place else, by choice, there's not much else to do but suck up that cupcake.. thumbsup.gif

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If they were 20 percent of the high season market rather than 55 percent, you wouldn't hear a peep from me.

I didn't plan to move to Jomtienski, if you get my drift.

And many others didn't move to Jomtien for the elderly gay Americans but guess what: they got them anyway! Given that most of us also got here from some place else, by choice, there's not much else to do but suck up that cupcake.. thumbsup.gif

I don't suck cupcakes.

As far as Russians in Pattaya, I think we are mostly talking about a LANGUAGE classification, not so much an ethnic group.

As far as gay people in Jomtien, since the massive Russian invasion that has been greatly reduced which anyone can see in the previously gay beach areas. Gay people were never 65 percent of the tourists/residents here anyway. NOT EVEN CLOSE.

Americans haven't been a DOMINANT foreign demographic in this region since the Vietnam war.

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Either way, there's not much you can do about it other than whine on an anglo web forum.

Pattaya has seen waves of particular nationalities, who seemed DOMINANT at least in certain areas at certain times. Then the demographic within that nationality shifted for the better, and new nationalities came. It's always been like this.

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Either way, there's not much you can do about it other than whine on an anglo web forum.

Pattaya has seen waves of particular nationalities, who seemed DOMINANT at least in certain areas at certain times. Then the demographic within that nationality shifted for the better, and new nationalities came. It's always been like this.

Uh, in other words, the world is constantly changing... any elementary Buddhist text will tell you thatwink.png .

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Dongtan was plenty gay when I stayed nearby two months ago.

Anyway, don't forget that Russia itself is a rapidly changing country. Russians visiting in 5-10 years won't be the same kind of demographic who visit today.

The wait is for Russian gays, young backpackers and sex tourists. You heard it here first.

Oh, and their English will be just fine.

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I agree with the other posters who say it's not just the Russians, but the massive numbers of them. Domination by any culture can be a negative. Add to that their dour attitude and propensity to drink a lot, and it becomes even more negative.

I've only had 3 bad encounters in Pattaya over the years. All 3 involved Russians and 2 involved extremely drunk Russians on the beach.

As has been mentioned before, many are not really Russians from Russian speaking people from the various former Soviet bloc nations.

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Gee, all these complaints from people who don't like"domination" by one non English speaking group. Before this, English was the dominant language. When something is convenient and familiar to us, it does not feel like "domination" does it?

By the way, there is still English everywhere and generally Thais seem to speak English before Russian. So, is it a bad thing that English language is so dominant?

Really, this is nothing but thinly veiled xenophobia. Give me a break.


I suppose complaints may be motivated by xenophobia by some people. I can't relate to that myself. All my adult life before moving to a foreign country Thailand I have lived in USA neighborhoods dominated by DIVERSE national/ethnic groups of minority groups, mostly not speaking English as their first language. OK, for a long time I was living in a totally Spanish speaking barrio. I loved it.

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I would like to see them not be as DOMINANT demographically speaking. Thinking about this a little more, and more honestly, it is not ONLY that the domination of ANY NATIONAL GROUP suffocates some of the welcome diversity but also that their culture isn't all that appealing to MOST non-Russians, including me. Most don't speak English and their script is unapproachable to non-Russian speakers. Their food is boring. They are insular and cliquish within their OWN language group, as a rough generality.

Thais are now catering much more only to Russian tastes. Sorry that is a total bummer if you don't have Russian tastes.

Suppose the domination was from Mexicans instead.

More speak English.

Their language is approachable, anyone who can read Romanized letters can at least attempt to read their language and many of us understand a lot of already

Their food is exciting.

They are outgoing and friendly to non-Spanish speakers, as a rough generality.

Thais catering mostly to Mexican tastes might be a little bizarre but it would at least be fun to watch.

OK, I have to admit roaming Thai Mariachis at Central Mall may be a bit much ...

So with the Russians it is a double whammy. If you're not a Russian speaker, that is.

One other random observation: Russian people here have taken to calling baht buses (when they act as buses at least) TUKS TUKS. Of course they are NOT tuk tuks. Many Thai drivers are humoring them. I would humor them too if they were my rice bowl.

Mexican food is boring. Tex-Mex in the USA has its good things. Whatever is available in Pattaya, sick.gif

Russian script is actually very easy to read. An alphabet very close to the latin script most of us are used to. Understanding what it says is a different matter.

I don't know if Russians are any more insular (well, obviously not insular, by definition, let's say isolated) than any other major language groups of whatever ethnicity.

It definitely would be fun to watch interaction between Manuel and Somchai, but that's quite a bit off topic.

Last, but most important. Russians dare to call your dear Baht buses TUK TUKS??? Off with their heads!!!!! tongue.png

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I had some friends just come back from Kanchanaburi and they said many were there. It's not just Thailand, quite a few countries are experiencing this also. I was in Egypt last year and many were there also. I've also read Vietnam has many visiting there.

Being so close to Siberia helps a lot - with direct flights. They're closer than most of the rest of us so it's not surprising they like to come here.

I have a Russian friend who works here. He said there are flights as low as $550 including hotel for a week from Russia and various surrounding countries. That's quite cheap!!

As I have tried to find out on TV before: How come they get such good deals, and the rest of the world doesen't? Including access to U-Tapao Airport?


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Everyone has their favourite low cost beach resort holiday nearby. For Australians it's Bali... not that they need to go there for beaches as Australia is full of them.smile.png

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swissie, on 03 May 2013 - 15:06, said:

As I have tried to find out on TV before: How come they get such good deals, and the rest of the world doesen't? Including access to U-Tapao Airport?

If you can regularly fill a charter flight direct into Utapao from a country of your choice, potentially with a guaranteed hotel deal thrown in, then you can negotiate good deals too.

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