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Thaksin Meets Iraqi P M Amid Row On Status

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I wonder if Iraq has heard about the latest G 2G deal for rice where the recipient country had to dump around 5% of what they bought for an undisclosed price because it was rotten?

I wonder what the Thai Govt had to pay in compensation for that? Not enough to keep the story out of the news it would seem.

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Jeez people! Why can't Thaksin meet with a leader of another country??? After all, Dennis Rodman met with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un and discussed politics also smile.png

While they are both convicted criminals, Rodman was never a fugitive and also completed his adjudicated sentence.

The same can't be said for the other.

Edited by brd199
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"Leader Sornrak Malaithong said the group would take a break from protesting tomorrow and Tuesday before holding a big rally on Wednesday - the deadline set by the group for the judges to resign. If the judges did not respond, the group would step up the protest and seize five strategic spots around the Government Complex, Sornrak said".

One wonders how this elected government will respond to such unlawful action if it does take place...?

Surely Chalerm will order out his 50,000 policemen for the protest and they will ensure that nothing illegal is committed by the red shirts.


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I wonder if Iraq has heard about the latest G 2G deal for rice where the recipient country had to dump around 5% of what they bought for an undisclosed price because it was rotten?

I wonder what the Thai Govt had to pay in compensation for that? Not enough to keep the story out of the news it would seem.

If that was the Government to government deal with China I think the Chinese didn't care Thailand then placed a big order for pads from China and the Chinese Government received a certain amount of money for each one.

Quid Pro Quo sorry about the spelling.

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What a farce - Thaksin will let Iraq buy rice, and Yingluk will "release" it from the stockpile. In reality, anyone with sufficient funds (less if they are prepared to keep the price secret) can buy as much dubious quality rice as they are stupid enough to require.

That place is corrupt but there is even a limit to overpaying for rice. Nothing is stopping them is it?

Somewhere down the road, you will see that PTT sold a bunch of rice to Iraq for well below the market price and then make some statement, well, we needed to sell it before it went bad, or, we sold it under the market price to try and foster good will trade relations with Iraq. coffee1.gif

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What a nice man, thinking only of his country and prosperity

for the people, if only we had more people like him in the world.

How right you are. There is a lot of members on this forum that have the paradigm that being convicted in a corrupt society means you are a criminal. There are a lot of members on this forum that have been brought-up on charges and claim they have been set-up and complain of the justice system. There is a lot of members on here that seem to think they can run a country and know how to turn the wheels; look in a mirror or go back to your own country and complain of your own countries corrupt politicians - Oh I forgot you left your country because is better in Thailand. Most of the members were not in Thailand to see the vast difference to know the good that was done, which has mostly been destroyed over the past 8 years. Obviously Thaksin is promoting Thailand for the good of his pocket, but Thailand will win also.

My dear chap, please stop taking the medicine, it's obviously upsetting your judgement!
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I wonder if Iraq has heard about the latest G 2G deal for rice where the recipient country had to dump around 5% of what they bought for an undisclosed price because it was rotten?

I wonder what the Thai Govt had to pay in compensation for that? Not enough to keep the story out of the news it would seem.

That's some rather generous praise you have given the government. A 5% loss isn't bad. Rather, it is a decent result.

Estimated Postharvest Rice Losses in Southeast Asia

Harvest 1-3%

Handling 2-7%

Threshing 2-6%

Drying 1-5%

Storage 2-6%

Transport 2-10%

Total 10-37%

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). http://www.fao.org/News/FACTFILE/FF9712-E.HTM

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What a nice man, thinking only of his country and prosperity

for the people, if only we had more people like him in the world.

How right you are. There is a lot of members on this forum that have the paradigm that being convicted in a corrupt society means you are a criminal. There are a lot of members on this forum that have been brought-up on charges and claim they have been set-up and complain of the justice system.

Except that Thaksin never denied the evidence brought against him nor appealed it. Well I mean its rather difficult to deny money laundering through your chauffeur's bank account when its staring you in the face. You are not in the Chauffeurs for Thaksin Party by any chance? Edited by yoshiwara
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I wonder if Iraq has heard about the latest G 2G deal for rice where the recipient country had to dump around 5% of what they bought for an undisclosed price because it was rotten?

I wonder what the Thai Govt had to pay in compensation for that? Not enough to keep the story out of the news it would seem.

That's some rather generous praise you have given the government. A 5% loss isn't bad. Rather, it is a decent result.

Estimated Postharvest Rice Losses in Southeast Asia

Harvest 1-3%

Handling 2-7%

Threshing 2-6%

Drying 1-5%

Storage 2-6%

Transport 2-10%

Total 10-37%

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). http://www.fao.org/News/FACTFILE/FF9712-E.HTM

No it isn't. The 5% are from the survivors of the 10-37% losses, so they add on top (precisely 5% of 63-90%). Hope this helps.

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I wonder if Iraq has heard about the latest G 2G deal for rice where the recipient country had to dump around 5% of what they bought for an undisclosed price because it was rotten?

I wonder what the Thai Govt had to pay in compensation for that? Not enough to keep the story out of the news it would seem.

That's some rather generous praise you have given the government. A 5% loss isn't bad. Rather, it is a decent result.

Estimated Postharvest Rice Losses in Southeast Asia

Harvest 1-3%

Handling 2-7%

Threshing 2-6%

Drying 1-5%

Storage 2-6%

Transport 2-10%

Total 10-37%

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). http://www.fao.org/News/FACTFILE/FF9712-E.HTM

No it isn't. The 5% are from the survivors of the 10-37% losses, so they add on top (precisely 5% of 63-90%). Hope this helps.

If you read the study, and there are others, transport includes the process right until the delivery to the distribution point. More specifically the definition includes " transported to wholesale markets". The unreferenced allegation of a 5% loss in the transport really is spurious as no reference is made to how the 5% was calculated. The loss may also be attributable to the manner in which grain was stored and packed resulting in an overlap of when the damage was incurred. Nor does it offer a comparison to losses elsewhere to offer a perspective.

The rejection of grains at the destination port is not unusual. Grain is regularly rejected because of insects, mold, fungus, dampness etc.

As such the citing of a 5% number in the absence of any other information is well within the expected result range and if anything is laudatory.

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I wonder if Iraq has heard about the latest G 2G deal for rice where the recipient country had to dump around 5% of what they bought for an undisclosed price because it was rotten?

I wonder what the Thai Govt had to pay in compensation for that? Not enough to keep the story out of the news it would seem.

That's some rather generous praise you have given the government. A 5% loss isn't bad. Rather, it is a decent result.

Estimated Postharvest Rice Losses in Southeast Asia

Harvest 1-3%

Handling 2-7%

Threshing 2-6%

Drying 1-5%

Storage 2-6%

Transport 2-10%

Total 10-37%

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). http://www.fao.org/News/FACTFILE/FF9712-E.HTM

Would you like to estimate the current storage losses in Thailand? My guesstimate would approach all the other losses combined.

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Why are heads of State even meeting with him and discussing such things as politics. Thaksin is not even a politician in Thailand and is a suspect on the run. He does not legally represent the country.

money money money

Probably because his PR machine is very effective, and because of which many Governments probably give some credence to the claims the charges/conviction against him were politically motivated.

Then they urgently need to do some further research.

By the way ever heard of Amsterdam, a very slick (and very sleazy) PR man, very capable of twisting a spotty banana to make it look like a shiny apple and no hesitation to do so, and with clever statements which are way less then the truth, and that's why the paymaster employed him for some years.

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Why are heads of State even meeting with him and discussing such things as politics. Thaksin is not even a politician in Thailand and is a suspect on the run. He does not legally represent the country.

money money money

Probably because his PR machine is very effective, and because of which many Governments probably give some credence to the claims the charges/conviction against him were politically motivated.

In this case his PR machine consists of a Facebook posting. Given his record of being very economical with the truth, I'd seriously doubt that this 'meeting' ever happened.

Yes, some governments with a dubious record don't care if he is a criminal or not & will happily use any money offered. LuckyLew is correct - money trumps all else.

Further, a few of the countries where government accept him: Cambodia, Zimbabwee, Iraq, Montenegro. All lead by people who have zero values and morals and have amassed vast personal wealth (unusually wealthy).

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I wonder if Iraq has heard about the latest G 2G deal for rice where the recipient country had to dump around 5% of what they bought for an undisclosed price because it was rotten?

I wonder what the Thai Govt had to pay in compensation for that? Not enough to keep the story out of the news it would seem.

That's some rather generous praise you have given the government. A 5% loss isn't bad. Rather, it is a decent result.

Estimated Postharvest Rice Losses in Southeast Asia

Harvest 1-3%

Handling 2-7%

Threshing 2-6%

Drying 1-5%

Storage 2-6%

Transport 2-10%

Total 10-37%

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). http://www.fao.org/News/FACTFILE/FF9712-E.HTM

Would you like to estimate the current storage losses in Thailand? My guesstimate would approach all the other losses combined.

The UN to even publish the above figures shows a lack of on the ground involvment, review of figures, and management of its people.

The variance in losses are not acceptable to anyone who is concerned, milling was omitted, the numbers quoted are more than likely attributed to theft at these stages, with spoilage being additional.

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I understood that Iraqi government was set up with the blessings of USA. So why is the prime minister a criminal?

We, the USA, didn't get what we thought we would get. As always seems to happen when we set up a government where ever. South America, South Vietnam, etc. and etc. whistling.gif

In most of these cases the USA knew well that what they were getting was the best of a bad bunch, and at the same time knew that the very strong historical factors involved meant that the real best (capable and honest) wouldn't survive past day 1

Edited by scorecard
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All you liberal self hating Americans and British seem to forget that Thaksin was freely elected by the overwhelming majority of Thais and sadly overthrown by a military coup and convicted by a kangaroo court.


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Anusorn ???? That reminds me, I must pick up some creme down at the pharmacy.

"Obviously Thaksin is promoting Thailand for the good of his pocket"........... Obviously, has been the case ever since he bought his position as PM.

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Iraq Awards Rice Tender to Thailand

Might have something to do with this whistling.gif


Will Thailand make any money out of selling Iraq the rice at $539.59 per ton? Anyone know the answer? And how about Thaksin's commission? This adds up to approx. 431 million dollars. surely he gets a commission, right? Well, maybe not, maybe he's just doing it to help his country out. whistling.gif

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"Don't forget that Thaksin is a former prime minister. He knows what is and is not appropriate. He has never dominated or ordered party members to do anything. And constitutional amendment is the business of members of Parliament," Anusorn said.

ok, a few of you beat me to it, but this quote "He has never dominated or ordered party members to do anything" by Anusorn, has to be one of the most ridiculous statements in a country famous for ridiculous statements. It has to rate up there with some of Thaksin's gems; "The UN is not my father" "I'm through with politics" "hundreds of protesters were murdered by police" (re; April 2009 Bkk Red Shirt riots where no one was killed) and the recent; "If I return to Thailand, I will not be involved in politics."

Why are heads of State even meeting with him and discussing such things as politics. Thaksin is not even a politician in Thailand and is a suspect on the run. He does not legally represent the country.

As with anything the Shinawatre clan does, it boils down to power grabs and money. In this case, money. Is T getting paid anything for his services, directly or indirectly? If so, then it adds a dimension to "aiding and abetting a criminal" ....though in fairness, that's not listed as a crime in Thailand. T is incapable of doing anything which doesn't involve gaining pol.power or money.

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All you liberal self hating Americans and British seem to forget that Thaksin was freely elected by the overwhelming majority of Thais and sadly overthrown by a military coup and convicted by a kangaroo court.

1. "...Freely elected by the overwhelming majority..."

- 'Freely elected' is far from the truth and you know it. Massive vote buying and massive manipulation closer to the truth.

- 'Vast majority' - well that's also far from the truth and been debated here many times.

2. "...convicted by a kangaroo court...". Again way off the truth and you know it.

I don't like coup d'etats any more than the next person, but there come times when a coup is the lesser evil. At the time, T was caretaker PM and even that status was fast reaching its expiration date. He had been amassing great wealth (effectively robbing , or at least cheating the Thai treasury), he had his hands bloodied by several mass murders (extrajudicial killings and two incidents in the south) all of which he ordered. He was a gnat's ass from declaring himself dictator for life, and was poised to rob increasingly more amounts from Thai treasury. Any one of those issues alone was grounds for a coup.

If a person has a gangrene infected foot, it may be necessary to cut off the foot. No one likes to cut off a limb, but sometimes it needs to be done to save the body.

Good analogy, but in this case i think the operation to remove the gangrene infected foot would be undertaken with a dirty knife, so whilst we may be getting rid of the gangrenous foot the rest of the body is now racked with septicemia.

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Iraq Awards Rice Tender to Thailand

Might have something to do with this whistling.gif


Will Thailand make any money out of selling Iraq the rice at $539.59 per ton? Anyone know the answer? And how about Thaksin's commission? This adds up to approx. 431 million dollars. surely he gets a commission, right? Well, maybe not, maybe he's just doing it to help his country out. whistling.gif

Not according to this article


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I wonder if Iraq has heard about the latest G 2G deal for rice where the recipient country had to dump around 5% of what they bought for an undisclosed price because it was rotten?

I wonder what the Thai Govt had to pay in compensation for that? Not enough to keep the story out of the news it would seem.

That's some rather generous praise you have given the government. A 5% loss isn't bad. Rather, it is a decent result.

Estimated Postharvest Rice Losses in Southeast Asia

Harvest 1-3%

Handling 2-7%

Threshing 2-6%

Drying 1-5%

Storage 2-6%

Transport 2-10%

Total 10-37%

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). http://www.fao.org/News/FACTFILE/FF9712-E.HTM

Would you like to estimate the current storage losses in Thailand? My guesstimate would approach all the other losses combined.

Interestingly was in the Asian markets in Auckland on the weekend. I notice a new thai rice product that has now appeared here for the 1st time (could be wrong but I do not ever recall seeing it before) being mature store dried rice and selling at the same price as new crop Jasmine. The mind boggles. Overall the price of thai jasmine is still holding low or trending down slowly but then the NZ$ is one currency that is holding to or improving slightly on the Thai Bhat. Other SE Asian rice exporters (Cambodian) are actually creeping up towards thai jasmine prices.

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I wonder if Iraq has heard about the latest G 2G deal for rice where the recipient country had to dump around 5% of what they bought for an undisclosed price because it was rotten?

I wonder what the Thai Govt had to pay in compensation for that? Not enough to keep the story out of the news it would seem.

That's some rather generous praise you have given the government. A 5% loss isn't bad. Rather, it is a decent result.

Estimated Postharvest Rice Losses in Southeast Asia

Harvest 1-3%

Handling 2-7%

Threshing 2-6%

Drying 1-5%

Storage 2-6%

Transport 2-10%

Total 10-37%

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). http://www.fao.org/News/FACTFILE/FF9712-E.HTM

I think he was refering to the deal with Ivory Coast reported here.


After delivery 20% had to be trashed. Add that to the 10-37% loss during harvest, storage, transport etc and you can see a huge amount has gone straight down the pan.

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