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Can True Really Do Anything About An Unpaid Bill?


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I moved out of Thailand almost two years ago, leaving my rented condo in the hands of my girlfriend. Since she doesn't use the internet, she stopped paying the bill and it was switched off ten months ago.

TRUE however has continued to accrue charges. The bill is in my name, though with a passport number that is no longer valid. Nothwithstanding the absurdity of charging for a service that is not being rendered,

1. How long will TRUE likely continue to bill me? Forever? Will they slyly be rubbing their hands together for the next 20 years as the debt grows and grows never to be collected?

2. Can they do anything to me that would negativly impact a return visit to Thailand? I am planning one soon.

3. Aside from paying it, is there anything I can do to cease it from accruing?

My question isn't whether I should pay it, but rather the consequences of not doing so.



Edit: Spelling

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Given that I would be paying them for something that they didn't provide and they have no way to collect on it, why don't YOU pay it?

Since you never received any Internet and I have no way to collect from you, that would make exactly as much sense. Message me and I'll send you the account number. It would be one less thing for you to worry about.

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You have to be more specific than 'switched off', was the contract cancelled?
Most likely not, which is why they're continuing to charge you.

I believe what you're actually asking is:

'Since I'm on a different passport number, than the one used to register for the internet, can True still track me down if I don't pay the bill? '

The answer is: who knows, maybe.

Pay the bill, cancel the contract and chalk it up to experience.

Ultimately, the responsiblity for cancelling the contract comes/came down on yourself or your girlfriend.

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Given that I would be paying them for something that they didn't provide and they have no way to collect on it, why don't YOU pay it?

Since you never received any Internet and I have no way to collect from you, that would make exactly as much sense. Message me and I'll send you the account number. It would be one less thing for you to worry about.

Your stupidity you did not cancel it. They are not to blame. They are still providing the service. What is it with guys always wiggeling out under their own responsability.

What can they do.. they might go after you when you come here to visit. Your pasport nr might not be the same but birthdate and name are. Others for other offences have tried to change pasports and have been caught. So its not impossible. Guys like you are one of the reasons they don't like farang customores because they make it hard and leave the country.

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I switched to True Optic Fibre recently (on True's suggestion) but forgot to cancel my old True internet service. I just assumed once I started the new service the old one would be cancelled automatically. Not so, and I had to pay for two months of service for something that I didn't use, but was still connected. Lesson learned, don't assume anything in Thailand.

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Yes I have to agree with most of the comments. You were at fault by not cancelling the contract. So arrange for payment as soon as possible to prevent further costs.

A phone call to True to first of all cancel the contract if not already done then an explanation of your circumstances might help to get the charges reduced as they would perhaps feel better to get something from you and clear your account from their books rather than a more costly outcome.

You would be taking a gamble coming back even with a new passport No. It could cost you a much bigger sum of money in the end.

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You have to be more specific than 'switched off', was the contract cancelled?

Most likely not, which is why they're continuing to charge you.

I believe what you're actually asking is:

'Since I'm on a different passport number, than the one used to register for the internet, can True still track me down if I don't pay the bill? '

The answer is: who knows, maybe.

Pay the bill, cancel the contract and chalk it up to experience.

Ultimately, the responsiblity for cancelling the contract comes/came down on yourself or your girlfriend.


1. The contract is in YOUR name. They (any service provider) will not accept any discussion about girlfriend being involved no matter how you try to argue this.

2. Do you really expect True (or any internet / cable TV / phone company etc.,) are continuously monitoring to see if the service is actually being used? Nice idea but not reality.

3. You moved out of Thailand two years ago / internet cut 10 months ago. So I think your saying that the True cable service charges have been accruing for one year and two months with no payments over that same period of time.

True will, like any business, want payment and do take action (including legal action through a lawyer / debt collection agency - many in Thailand) to recover unpaid bills. In fact I'm aware that True has quite a large team of people who focus only on this activity. In their industry people abandoning such services is rampant. You seem to be saying that:

- True are just watching the bill get higher and higher and gloating.

- No payment for 14 months? and True have so far not started any legal action to recover the debt. Somehow I doubt that this is correct.

4. Old passport number has no bearing - you are the person who started the service and the fact that an old passport has expired / you have changed your passport number or whatever doesn't change anything about you as the debtor.

5. If you do contact True and cancel the service insist on a document (visit their office if need be) or an e-mail stating that it has been cancelled and on what date. I say this from experience with True.

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My wife signed up for DTAC monthly service when she was quite young. Ran out of money and couldn't pay for a few months. Went back and settled up, but she's now on a blacklist. Can't get a contract now, only pay as you go. Even though she settled up, went to the police department to get a report showing she was settled up, etc.

They keep records for a long time...

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A mate of mine is high up the food chain in True, I asked him why I wasn't able to take advantage of an IPhone promotion without a work permit and Visa or MasterCard, he explained that because so many foreigners took advantage of these offers and simply left the country without formally ending the contract on subsidised phones, it was costing them a lot of money, so they became more restrictive.

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Maybe I'm missing something here.

OP says it was "switched off" ten months ago. Assuming that means the company cut service, I don't see any reason, legal or moral, that he should be held accountable after the switch off date.

Before that, yes.

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She's a Television Queen. She's on Facebook less than HRMTK.

While I'm grateful for all the all responses, most of them don't deal with the specific question asked, that being what exactly will they do to me?

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How is the 'right thing' to validate absurd business practice? How can you mandate that I pay an arbitrary bill using morality as an excuse when the company has acted contrary to any moral standard? What medal do I get for being better than them? I reject this arbitrary standard.

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How is the 'right thing' to validate absurd business practice? How can you mandate that I pay an arbitrary bill using morality as an excuse when the company has acted contrary to any moral standard? What medal do I get for being better than them? I reject this arbitrary standard.

What exactly has True done that is an "absurd business practice" and "acted contrary to any moral standard", or are you talking about them holding you to a contract you voluntarily entered into and didn't bother to cancel?


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had same proplem with british telecom when i left uk 4 years ago,billed me for internet even though i cancelled contract,would have payed the measly 35 quid but there service was atrocious, changed my telphone number of 30 years while i was in los,cut off phone line,all the while i was paying rental,they should have compensated me,

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I have True-visions satellite coverage and they cut it off at midnight of your last day if you should forget to pay it. Then they charge you a 100 baht fee to re-start it. I seriously doubt if you have had ANY unpaid service in your absence.

It is highly unlikely they will do anything should you return, particularly with a new passport.

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She's a Television Queen. She's on Facebook less than HRMTK.

While I'm grateful for all the all responses, most of them don't deal with the specific question asked, that being what exactly will they do to me?

So you expect that the people on this forum have a crystal ball or have some detailed knowledge of the workings of the True organizations admin. policies and procedures.

Grow up!

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No, I have some expectation that they would know Thai Law, not whether they suppose True Corp will send goons to my girlfriend's door demanding money for my internet bill. I really regret posting.

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No, I have some expectation that they would know Thai Law, not whether they suppose True Corp will send goons to my girlfriend's door demanding money for my internet bill. I really regret posting.

Why should they demand money off your GF...its not her name on the contract...its yours.

Why do you regret posting ?....because you didnt get the answers you wanted ? ie dont worry about it they will do nothing ?

out of interest how much are we talking about anyway ?

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No, I have some expectation that they would know Thai Law, not whether they suppose True Corp will send goons to my girlfriend's door demanding money for my internet bill. I really regret posting.

Is that a Troll in your avatar?

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