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Notification Of Alien's Address. Has It To Be Done In 24 Hours In Person Upon Arrival?

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What a nightmare. Just another case of making the farangs life here as troubledome as possible.

Why don't you find a hotel to use as a base on arrival in Bangkok? Put the hotel details in full on your arrival card and then make your way up to SaKaew as you see fit. The day after you arrive, pop over to Immigration.

The law is that wherever you are staying, you must (be) register/ed within 24 hours. OK...Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok - I get it. Some guy rolling into a village where he lives and is married to a local woman. Pretty much hardcase right there.

What an ugly human being. Blah blah fine blah farang disrespect blah Thailand blah mo money mo money...These people need real jobs with real problems.

Well Dork - he is being forewarned he will get hit upnfor the fine. Imagine no reciept either and if he pushes that then his life will be made miserable for any other business he must do with those cops.

I have a Thai wife and we stay at our own house. The house is registered to my wife's name. Why should we stay in a hotel? And there is no hotel at our village! I see at our village many foreigners are coming to visit families of their girlfriends. They are probably not aware about the regulation and the fee to pay if failed to come in person to the Immigration Office in 24 hours term .

Because you and or houseowner are required to report you on arrival. By staying at a hotel, you have met that requirement. In fact, the hotel is obligated to report and you are not required to do anything.

After that, you are a free man. So you rock up to your place the next day, have a nice sleep and go see tje Immigration flunkie the next day at your leisure.

You don't stay at a hotel in the village Einstein, in Bangkok! Besides, why would you want to drive all the way to Sakaew after a long trip anyway?

The guy has pegged you as a mark. Pay up or get smart. Hes coming for you (r money).

Thanks. A good idea. Certainly the officials were already coming to us as previously they were asking for all original documents to be shown. It is probably time to get an O-visa or to relocate to a better place after selling Thai assets. Normally I do not need any visa as I am frequently flying here and back. So, I use extensions instead of the visa, if necessary. As for registration in Bangkok while residing in the Sa Kaeo province. I will tell you something. I am of Russian citizenship despite of last time been in Russia 12 years ago. However I am aware of Russian news. Recently Russian authorities made a law that anyone local or foreigner who is registered at one address and reside at another is a criminal and a subject for punishment up to 3 years in jail or huge fines both for house owner and the falsely registered person. You may say, crazy Russians. Right. And now it is coming to you as well if you are spending time in a country of the third world. Or you think Thailand is a civilized country? LOL.

What if you have more than one house/condo to stay at?

Condo in CM, condo in Pattaya, house in the village. That sort of thing.

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What if?

I come back from abroad and notify my address at Immigration. My wife (registered home owner) stays abroad longer and therefore can not go to immigration with me. Will she be fined?

What if?

I rent a home from owner who stays abroad. How is the owner going to notify my address to immigration?

What if Thai law makers start making laws that make sense?

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...What if?

I rent a home from owner who stays abroad. How is the owner going to notify my address to immigration?...

It is my considered opinion that when you are renting an apartment or house it is your duty to submit the TM.30 in your capacity as "possessor of the residence". Your rental contract grants you the exclusive use of the place, ie its possession. The owner of the place is not your keeper; the law cannot possibly make it his responsibility to spy on you and take note when you arrive and when you leave and report your arrivals accordingly.

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What if?

I come back from abroad and notify my address at Immigration. My wife (registered home owner) stays abroad longer and therefore can not go to immigration with me. Will she be fined?...

You never have to go to immigration to submit the TM.30. Your wife, in her capacity as owner of the redidence, has the option of submitting the report personally or mailing it. Therefore, she can download the TM.30, fill it out and sign it, put it in an envelope addressed to the immigration office together with a return envelope for the receipt, give it to you, and you mail it – preferably registered – within 24 hours of your arrival in Thailand. Remember to put a postage stamp also on the return envelope.

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...What if Thai law makers start making laws that make sense?

The best law is a law on which the affected groups are consulted before is is finalised and submitted for a vote in parliament. This is frequently done in Switzerland, where I currently live, and probably in many other countries. With laws relating to immigration and reporting requirements by foreigners I would imagine that in Thailand the Ministry of Interior and in that ministry the Royal Thai Police in general and its Immigration Police Division in particular are being consulted.

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i need a answer is this required for a non imm visa also suppose i am staying for 20 days i think i have never taken such thing in my last 8 years i come stay for 1 month and come back

All foreigners are required to report where they are staying as well as the hotel/housemaster where you are staying. The first report is done when you enter the country and file a TM6 (arrival/depature card.) The next report is a TM 30 submitted by the person responsible for the accommodation (hotel, housemaster, etc.) and is due within 24 hours of your arrival. Should you then take a trip to another province for more than 24 hours, a new TM 30 report is to be filed by the hotel or housemaster where you are staying. When you return to your original residence, a new TM 30 is to be filed to record your staying there. A Yellow House Book does not remove the requirement. In the last 43 years of visiting and living in Thailand (we own a home in Bangkok) my wife has been fined one time for failing to file a TM 30. That happened the first time I applied for and extension of stay. Since then, she makes it a point to mail the form when every we have been reported as not at that address for more than 24 hours, for example when we travel to another province and the hotel files a report or I leave the country and return. This is most likely not necessary since enforcement is very lax, but my wife is still mad that she had to pay 2000 TB for failing to file. I believe your answer is that it is the law that the hotel/housemaster file a TM 30 in your case, but the law is rarely enforced and the fine is only 2000 TB for private home owners.

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I wouldn't worry about making the report for yourself.

The only reports of anybody being asked to do it was when they went for an extension of stay.

I have been here for quite a while and been on extensions for 5 of those years and never been asked for the TM28 or my wife bothered for the TM30.

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I got my wife to phone Nonthaburi Immigration re TM30 and TM28. She told them that we would go out of the country for a week and asked if they want a TM30 or TM28 when we get back.

Reply was NO ... just do your 90 Day Report as normal. So that is what I will do. Unfortunately she forgot to ask for the officers name.

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