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Need People Urgently To Help Dogs Rescued From The Meat Trade

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With permission of the mods, I'm allowed to place this urgent appeal to help dogs in shelters in Isaan who have been rescued from the dog meat trade.

Care for Dogs has send out on facebook an urgent appeal for volunteers who are willing to travel to Isaan to help these dogs who need very urgent medical help, cleaning and feeding.

The first group is on their way already. Karin told me that accommodation is free, but transportation has to be arranged by the volunteers themselves.


Urgent appeal for volunteers for rescued dogs from dog meat trade at government shelter in Nakon Phanom

This evening we got a message from Khun Bee (Bitter Brownie) from Bangkok who is doing a tremendous jobs for the rescued dogs from the dog meat trade. She has been our contact person for the rescued dogs that we have taken to our shelter. She is urgently looking for volunteers who could help to give the rescued dogs at the government shelter in Nakon Phanom Baytril subcutanous injections (under the skin) (every day 1'000 dogs need to be injected from this Saturday onwards for 7 days.)

The shelters are absolutely over-crowded and many dogs die from contagious diseases such as distemper. You would need to prepare yourself for heart-breaking scenes but it is also a chance for a contribution to this huge problem.

We might be able to put a small shelter team together – would anyone be interested to join? It is quite a long trip from Chiang Mai (11 ½ hours) and the trip would need to start tomorrow (Friday), so this is quite short notice. Accomodation would be provided (probably basic standard). A
commitment of 7 days would be necessary. Any offers for car sharing would help as well.

If you are seriously interested please e-mail to [email protected] or call 08 9559 83 83.

Thanks, Karin

Care for Dogs is also urgently looking for people willing to foster dogs brought from there to their shelter.

And, which speaks for itself, people who are interested in adopting a dog.

Edited by sbk
some text changes made
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How are pigs and cattle slaughtered? Is it not considered humane? Do the same with these poor animals and put them out of their misery.

Yes, in many cases livestock are also kept and slaughtered under the most horrific conditions. Mind you, I (and I bet) all dog meat trade rescue-ers and volunteers are aware of that, and may be also active in that.

But this thread is not about livestock, it's also not about the slaughtering itself of these dogs, it's about an urgent need for help for the dogs rescued from the dog meat trade, who are in need of medical care and basic needs. And best of all, a loving home.

Let's keep it on topic, please.

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I just don't get it. Granted, some people are against eating meat of any kind and against the killing of any animals. You people just ignore this post and please do NOT respond as I already understand how you feel. But I am curious about how others feel about this.

When you write on a public forum expect a response.

But as to the "harvest" of wat and soi dogs for the meat trade, I just cannot understand all the angst. I don't care how many of you are volunteering and donating money to help these dogs. Because they do not believe in euthanasia here, all your work doesn't make a dent in the

surplus dog problem.

You base your statement on what?

These dogs breed wantonly and die young from numerous unchecked diseases and parasites. Their very lives are a cruel existence, where the strong constantly bully the weak. Do any of you actually believe that a bullied worm infested dog living over at the wat next door to me enjoys life? Or how about the bitch that comes into heat and is gang raped all night long by a pack of males. And I'm serious, I hear these poor females screaming all night long, as they are taken by one male after the other, while the rest of the pack snarls and fights over who will go next. Listening to these females scream in pain all night long tears my heart out a lot more than the meat trade ever could.

If it hurts you that much hearing 'these poor females screaming', the males fighting and getting hurt, many puppies dying of contagious diseases and malnutrition, why not providing a helping hand? Just with a simple medical procedure you can help stop this misery once and for all, sleep well as night as a result, and the female and male can live on a way better life.

It seems that for some of these dogs, getting taken for the meat trade would be nothing short of a reprieve.

I bet if these 'poor' dogs could speak, they will choose for the simple medical procedure.

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Simple1: I answer your question with a counter-question: do you think that the solution to the dog over-population is strychnine or sending them of to be eaten, ensuring that they die a very slow and painful death for hours to days in a row?

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simple1, on 20 May 2013 - 12:53, said:

@Ninke. Please advise what you consider to be a pragmatic solution for the dog over population in Thailand. I understand their is an estimated 9 million dogs in Thailand. With respect their are currently an estimated 50,000 dogs over the past five or more years neutered/steralised by the various charities? this is a tiny drop in the ocean and in reality makes no real difference whatsoever.

Love to know the actual numbers of dogs adopted by Thais from the various animal charities over the past five years, sounds cynical, but I bet it's not many, again a tiny drop in the ocean?

You've asked some very interesting questions there which, I too, would be interested in having answered.
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I just don't get it. Granted, some people are against eating meat of any kind and against the killing of any animals. You people just ignore this post and please do NOT respond as I already understand how you feel. But I am curious about how others feel about this.

Most of the rest of us eat meat. Some people like to eat fish; others don't. Some people keep fish for pets. Some people like pork; others don't. Some people keep pigs for pets. Now, if somebody in the dog meat trade steals a pet from a loving owner, that's an atrocity. I have owned and loved dogs all my life. Anybody stealing a pet ought to be jailed, plain and simple.

But as to the "harvest" of wat and soi dogs for the meat trade, I just cannot understand all the angst. I don't care how many of you are volunteering and donating money to help these dogs. Because they do not believe in euthanasia here, all your work doesn't make a dent in the surplus dog problem. These dogs breed wantonly and die young from numerous unchecked diseases and parasites. Their very lives are a cruel existence, where the strong constantly bully the weak. Do any of you actually believe that a bullied worm infested dog living over at the wat next door to me enjoys life? Or how about the bitch that comes into heat and is gang raped all night long by a pack of males. And I'm serious, I hear these poor females screaming all night long, as they are taken by one male after the other, while the rest of the pack snarls and fights over who will go next. Listening to these females scream in pain all night long tears my heart out a lot more than the meat trade ever could. It seems that for some of these dogs, getting taken for the meat trade would be nothing short of a reprieve.

The dog meat trade is the only thing that offers any serious hope of equalizing this over population. I am asking, wouldn't it be better to stop vilifying the dog meat trade and instead regulate it? Allow the orderly harvest of feral wat and soi dogs. In step with this, there could be a program to require rabies vaccinations for all privately owned dogs concordant with the display of the vaccination tag on their collars. This would identify them as privately owned and exempt them from the regulated harvest. There could be strong penalties imposed against anyone caught stealing a pet. With the abundance of feral dogs and a regulated harvest, the incentive to steal a pet would be minuscule.

Now I have no desire to eat dog meat. I tried it once in Vietnam and did not enjoy it. But dog meat is meat and I say to each his own. I do love horse meat. of course eating horse meat is demonized as well. Why is a horse somehow sanctified over a cow? Meat is meat. It seems to be all pure emotion devoid of any rational thinking or logic. Again, I fully understand the feelings and angst of you gentle folks who would like to ban the eating of ALL meat, but what about the rest of you?

You are comparing animals raised for the table , with people eating what in some cases is a stolen pet.

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Thanks for the appropriate modding guys! Was getting sick and tired of all those people who find it's a good idea to bitch and moan about people trying to help suffering creatures... The other thread was also pretty much getting out of control.

I think it's wonderful that people put their time and effort into trying to ease suffering; whatever the kind of suffering might be and whoever is on the receiving end... period!

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Thanks to all who volunteer their time to help these poor creatures. Although the dog situation is not that great in Thailand, it is MUCH better than it was 20 years ago, and this is largely due to the efforts of organizations like Soi Dog. Maybe in another 20, things will be under control.

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Indeed yes. This is the PET forum after all. A place for animal lovers.

As to the stolen pet issue, it is not only dogs that run loose in the street that get stolen. Believe me, I know. I am as solicitous a pet owner as there can be, and my dog has been kidnapped (?dognapped?) twice nonetheless. Fortunately not for the meat market, and I was able to ransom him back. But it does happen.

All we got back was our dog's head 3 days after he was lost. Anyone who thinks this "trade" is justified is wrong in the head.

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Where is the Thai government in all this? As much as I admire the volunteers work, they are only contributing to solve a very small part of a big problem. As much as I like dogs (have two strays), I can't understand, why a Thai problem should be solved by farangs. Buddhism at its worst! sad.png

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Seems my post was missed so I will repeat, this thread is about volunteers to help the dogs and is NOT a discussion of the dog meat trade, you can post in the thread in news if you wish to discuss it but this is not the appropriate place for that. thanks

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Just paypal 'd £100 to you,good luck to all concerned

That is extremely generous of you, pinfold. Thank you in the name of the dogs! wai2.gif

And with 'you' I believe you mean Care for Dogs or Soi Dog Foundation? :)

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Just paypal 'd £100 to you,good luck to all concerned

That is extremely generous of you, pinfold. Thank you in the name of the dogs! wai2.gif

And with 'you' I believe you mean Care for Dogs or Soi Dog Foundation? smile.png

It was for the dogs caught up in the meat trade,to help the volunteers carrying out that most awful task

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Just paypal 'd £100 to you,good luck to all concerned

That is extremely generous of you, pinfold. Thank you in the name of the dogs! wai2.gif

And with 'you' I believe you mean Care for Dogs or Soi Dog Foundation? smile.png

It was for the dogs caught up in the meat trade,to help the volunteers carrying out that most awful task

well done pinfold,i sent on tuesday what i could afford my monthly cider allowance £45 as tesco's say every little helps.

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