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Thai People Dont Like Negitivety And Grumpy People


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just recently ive been having few problems with health and also visa problems with wife and kids visa,s etc, everything is taking its toll. sometimes its very hard to be upbeat about things but i do try. anyway one of my wifes friends has made me aware that its not good to be negitive and grumpy, well its ok for her , because she has just recently dumped a millionaire whistling.gif and has 2 children to him.

i know thai people like sanook sanaan even in work, as do i but im just wondering how so many of them can live like this, nothing too much seems to get them down at all , my guessing is that they will go onto a new life so that in itself is where they maybe get the mai pen rai attitute whereas we falangs on the other hand struggle mostly with our lives.

just a thought wai.gif

Edited by asiansun
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Just being polite and correct towards people especially officials who are busy for you is more important then keeping a plastic smile on your face all the time and ignoring your feelings. A smile does not mean so much in Thailand, what counts is your attitude.

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but im just wondering how so many of them can live like this, nothing
too much seems to get them down at all , my guessing is that they will
go onto a new life

And this is the one factor that makes Thais, Thai. Nothing matters. It dictates everything from the driving style to the feudal system of caste. So if things do matter, and you think the country suffers, you might find Thais hard to stomache.

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I guess I'll have to be the one that says this isn't unique to Thai culture, I myself am very careful not to associate with negative and grumpy people any more than absolutely necessary.

This is a huge factor in quality of life. For your own sake, maintaining an optimistic and hopeful - or at least accepting - attitude on reality is only good for yourself too, giving in to negativity leads to depression ("thinking too much") and in turn this has a major impact on physical health.

I guess if Thai culture brings this more to the surface, explicit as part of being a polite member of the community then that's another great thing I like about Thai culture.

No man is an island, and we need to take responsibility for the effects of what we put out there on other people.

Plus being a miserable old git will result in becoming lonely, which is a spiraling factor along with depression into dis-ease.

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Sure, you hear all about the mai-pen-rai, losing face, and don't-lose-your-cool type attitudes. But every now and then, it's fun to just unleash a verbal tirade on them in Thai as they've usually never heard that before from a farang -- scares the sh-t out of them.

E.G. I was at a customer service desk at a bank branch doing a cash transaction with documents, passport, cash, etc. spread out on the desk and some guy walks right up to the desk and starts yacking with the bank officer like I wasn't even there. A few days later I spoke with her saying I hope I didn't cause her any problem with maybe a big customer. She said No -- they do it to her all the time and she often has to start her money count all over again and that she enjoyed my little escapade.

Edited by JLCrab
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Its not just Thais...

Most people don't like to hang out with negative and grumpy people.

Whatever your problems are, they aren't that big compared to millions of others..


Cheer up :)

Summed it up nicely!
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It can be said all over that people don't like to be around negative and grumpy people. But in Thailand it really does mark you out as a bit of a wild card if you lose your temper in a situation that a Thai never would.

In my western experiences, there were times when having a heated debate or even blowing your stack were acceptable and manageable situations. But this culture doesn't do well with the subtleties of displayed anger. From their own experiences things can go from tense to psychotic in a flash, and to them it is a loss of face to be somewhere in the middle.

You are allowed more latitude if you're the poo yai though

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When it suits them they will ask you why are you not sanook sanook last time we saw you you were now you are different,what has happened.To me I have not changed,just one of those Thai things I cannot figure out but I dont spend much time thinking about it

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I think irrationally cheerful people are mentally impaired. But that's just me! whistling.gif

There have actually been studies showing that mildly depressed people had a better grip on reality than did very optimistic people.

I hear the Portuguese are happy to be miserable. My kind of people!

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I think irrationally cheerful people are mentally impaired. But that's just me! whistling.gif

There have actually been studies showing that mildly depressed people had a better grip on reality than did very optimistic people.


"In a mad world, only the mad are sane." ― Akiro Kurosawa

“Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination.” ― Mark Twain

“I'd far rather be happy than right any day.” ― Douglas Adams

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I think irrationally cheerful people are mentally impaired. But that's just me! whistling.gif

There have actually been studies showing that mildly depressed people had a better grip on reality than did very optimistic people.

I think the studies should have concluded that anyone with a good grasp on reality today would be slightly depressed, and not so optimistic.

I'd rather be a happy idiot than a miserable genius.

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I think irrationally cheerful people are mentally impaired. But that's just me! whistling.gif

I realized long ago my temperament is a horrible fit for Thailand. It's got to be one of the most anti-intellectual countries on earth. coffee1.gif

But, what the heck, the visas are easy!thumbsup.gif

But, what the heck, the visas women are easy!

The food and 'skins' are really all Thailand has going for it. The best of us realize that pretty straight away.

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I think irrationally cheerful people are mentally impaired. But that's just me! whistling.gif

There have actually been studies showing that mildly depressed people had a better grip on reality than did very optimistic people.

I'd want to wash my hands after having a firm grip on reality.

Our own late Queen Mother Queen Elizabeth was an example to us all in maintaining a cheery disposition through thick and thin.

And not clenching one's grip on reality too tightly, as well, I expect.


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I think irrationally cheerful people are mentally impaired. But that's just me! whistling.gif

There have actually been studies showing that mildly depressed people had a better grip on reality than did very optimistic people.

I hear the Portuguese are happy to be miserable. My kind of people!

I'm happy when it rains

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Theres loads of Western people I know that can't handle Thailand for more than a month at a time, with all its little pit falls.

I think it takes a certain type of character to live in Thailand and stay happy, I was asked by my boss once if I was on drugs becuse I am so laid back, thats why I like Thailand.

No one really gives a rats backside many of the the locals get up, go to work, talk about food, have a laugh go home, get drunk and repeat.

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So some of you guys are criticizing the Thais for having too positive an outlook on life. Boy, if that don't beat all. This reinforces yet again that some of you are just trying to find reasons to bash on the Thais.

Firstly, it's not necessarily a Thai thing. Do any of you remember the movie The Beach (Leonardo Di Caprio)? There was a scene where the one Swedish guy got gravely injured by a shark bite and was suffering to no end. Everyone around him was sympathetic for a time, but got tired of his constant complaining (if anyone ever had a reason to complain). He was bringing everyone else down. They finally removed him from the commune and stuck him deep in the forest to die on his own. Cruel, but not atypical human behavior. To do otherwise would actually be more "fake" or superficial.

I myself can't stand to be around negative, complaining, and just downright depressing people. Young or old, it doesn't matter. Hey, just because your life sucks doesn't mean mine has to. Yes, family and friends will go through tough times, that's normal. But some people will just constantly find the negatives in any situation (this thread and TV in general are good examples).

Lastly, don't we normally admire people who can maintain a positive attitude even through adversity? Sorry, OP, I sympathize with your health issues, but I doubt very much that your farang friends would want to be around you if all you're doing is complaining all the time and bringing everyone else down. Yes, even your "true" friends.

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Its not just Thais...

Most people don't like to hang out with negative and grumpy people.

Whatever your problems are, they aren't that big compared to millions of others..

Cheer up smile.png

Thousands of goateed coffe house dwellers in Paris would disagree

Now have an espresso, get back to reading Sartre and wipe that smile off yer facetongue.png

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Cornishcarlos nailed it. Nobody wants to be around people who are always grumpy. If you have a friend who is going through a bad period then you will listen to them and try to cheer them up. But, if they won't follow any suggestions that might help then pretty soon you will tune them out and find ways to not be around them.

I have an elderly friend who has been a mentor to me when I was going through a bad spell a year ago. He taught me to always look for something good about anything that happens no matter how bad it might first seem. After trying it a few times it actually works and I feel far more optimistic about my life.

But, being optimistic does not mean being stupid and making bad decisions and taking poor risks.

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