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Thai People Dont Like Negitivety And Grumpy People


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I think irrationally cheerful people are mentally impaired. But that's just me! whistling.gif

There have actually been studies showing that mildly depressed people had a better grip on reality than did very optimistic people.
I hear the Portuguese are happy to be miserable. My kind of people!
I'm happy when it rains
SO am I - must be a Scottish thing.

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Most Thai people have the 1000yard steer anyway, usually up to you , up to them, and no scene of accountability for there Actons or other peoples.

that is one big cow, or is it just far away.

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Most Thai people have the 1000yard steer anyway, usually up to you , up to them, and no scene of accountability for there Actons or other peoples.

that is one big cow.

That's exactly what I said to myself one morning when I woke up next to my ex. :(

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Its not just Thais...

Most people don't like to hang out with negative and grumpy people.

Whatever your problems are, they aren't that big compared to millions of others..

Cheer up smile.png

You cheered me up!thumbsup.gif

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How very presumptuous! crying.gif


Whatever your problems are, they aren't that big compared to millions of others..


It's a state of mind, JT. Carlos is quite positive. I presume a bit of negativity was aired in your reply..smile.png

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How very presumptuous! crying.gif


Whatever your problems are, they aren't that big compared to millions of others..


It's a state of mind, JT. I presume a bit of negativity was aired in your reply..smile.png

Self delusion? I find plastic positivity utterly nauseating!

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Self delusion? I find plastic positivity utterly nauseating!

If someone considers his views to be positive, this feeling is embedded within his post, unlike yours.

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Self delusion? I find plastic positivity utterly nauseating!

If someone considers his views to be positive, this feeling is embedded within his post, unlike yours.

It's a matter of values and the values of happy face mentality as an end in itself is something some people not only don't value, but totally disdain. Maybe Thais don't think enough? That's what I think.

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Self delusion? I find plastic positivity utterly nauseating!

If someone considers his views to be positive, this feeling is embedded within his post, unlike yours.

It's a matter of values and the values of happy face mentality as an end in itself is something some people not only don't value, but totally disdain. Maybe Thais don't think enough? That's what I think.

Are you directly saying the Thai smile is a facade? JT? .....

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Sure, you hear all about the mai-pen-rai, losing face, and don't-lose-your-cool type attitudes. But every now and then, it's fun to just unleash a verbal tirade on them in Thai as they've usually never heard that before from a farang -- scares the sh-t out of them.

E.G. I was at a customer service desk at a bank branch doing a cash transaction with documents, passport, cash, etc. spread out on the desk and some guy walks right up to the desk and starts yacking with the bank officer like I wasn't even there. A few days later I spoke with her saying I hope I didn't cause her any problem with maybe a big customer. She said No -- they do it to her all the time and she often has to start her money count all over again and that she enjoyed my little escapade.

Yes, I believe it is easy to scare the sh-t out of them, but what about their six friends?

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Are you directly saying the Thai smile is a facade? JT? .....

No. I wasn't even referring to the Thai smile. The Thai smile is obviously a very robust communication device that conveys a wide range of messages.

You are right about that! thumbsup.giftongue.png

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my late grandfather isnt negative or bumpy at all during his hard times, and it is nothing near the level of visa and health problems.

besides, i do not think its only the thai people who dont like negative and grumpy people. who the hell likes them? some masochist i suspect?

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Self delusion? I find plastic positivity utterly nauseating!

If someone considers his views to be positive, this feeling is embedded within his post, unlike yours.

Thanks for the support Dancing Man..

Nothing plastic about my positivity. Also, nothing presumptuous in my reply to the OP !!

Some health problems and a few visas issues ?? My heart goes out to him but take a look around the world, visa issues are the least of some peoples worries...

I am very happy in life, have my ups and downs the same as anyone, but when you put it all in perspective the majority of the people on here (TV) have it easy.. Lets face it, you have a computer with which to spread your negativity :)

Cheer up mucker...

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Cheer up mucker...

Mucker? Not so positive now, are we? Scratch a "positive" person and see what you get. coffee1.gif

Mucker is a term of endearment for a mate in the Navy....

You can keep trying to bring me down to your level but it will never happen..

With over 41,000 posts on here, I guess you don't have that much going for you in life !!!

All I can say is, try to get out more and see the beauty in everything around you..

No I'm not a hippy...


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Mucker is new to me.

I assumed it was a play on the F word.

Apparently very varied definitions.

Such as:

Slang. a vulgar, illbred person.

Nope, just a plain old cheer up mate...

I wouldn't abuse someone I knew, let alone someone I'm just having a bit of banter with over the airwaves :)

Go well...

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It could be better. Like -10.

Lame, JT, very lame

That's negative. I'm confused now whether these people claiming to be positive are basically poseurs.

Anyway, I think this bleeds into culinary preferences as well.

Give me a SOUR Burmese curry or a Chinese BITTER melon dish any day over a sickly SWEET cloying British TRIFLE.

OK, the trifle might be nice once a year or so, but all the time, that is so vomit making!

Art as well.

Fado over bubble gum music for sure.


The music is usually linked to the Portuguese word saudade which symbolizes the feeling of loss (a permanent, irreparable loss and its consequent lifelong damage).

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