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Mr. W is an astute businessman. While many of his students are enrolled at his school solely to learn the Thai language, a component are certainly there to qualify for the ED visa and would not be there otherwise. It is a decision of the Thai Education Ministry to only require 4 hours per week of classroom study at a registered school to qualify for the Visa; a Thai student in the USA would be required to attend 18 hours per week for a similar visa.

Im not offering here assistance with ED visas but a teacher training plus a work permit. That is a big difference.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.

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Mr. W is an astute businessman. While many of his students are enrolled at his school solely to learn the Thai language, a component are certainly there to qualify for the ED visa and would not be there otherwise. It is a decision of the Thai Education Ministry to only require 4 hours per week of classroom study at a registered school to qualify for the Visa; a Thai student in the USA would be required to attend 18 hours per week for a similar visa.

Im not offering here assistance with ED visas but a teacher training plus a work permit. That is a big difference.

You have contacts. Yes/No ?????????????


Transam, I don't have any contacts, but, I know a lot of people.I have been in Thailand long enough. If that is what you mean.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


My thoughts exactly Paul, another visa service but this masked as a teaching training certificate..the school has already milked the education visa market so why not teacher work permit market


How come it took me 3 years of study to become a qualified teacher when Walen can do it in weeks? Opp's I forgot at the end of my course I got a degree that is acceptable in any part of the world not, some expensive piece of paper that doesn't prove anything!

Yes Brian, I can absolutely do it, and my teachers will be teaching faster than you, no doubt about it. I made millions doing it, I really know what I am talking about. Your 3 year teaching degree does not impress me much. What I care about is the ability to teach. You might not even get a job at my school if you could not demonstrate your ability to teach. We do not give people jobs just because they show us their degrees. Is that clear enough?

As far as I know you get a job at Walen if you are a hot chick... The (male) students love it!


But your "unique teaching system" is just reading out of book. You're planning to charge people 49,960 for that? Who would be stupid enough to pay that when it would be cheaper to do the internationally recognised Cambridge CELTA which would certainly lead to a job offer and a work permit paid by the employer?

Unless of course the whole thing is just another visa scam.

I can teach you how to teach faster. I am very confident of that. If you have a better offer take it but CELTA is not even coming close to our teaching speed. You can make a bet if you have money to lose.
My girlfriend has just qualified as a teacher in Britain. It took a 4-year Bachelor's Honour's degree plus a year's very hard work for a PGCE (18+ hours a day and weekends) and a year as a Newly Qualified Teacher. 6 years' hard preparation.

Are you saying that you can teach someone this in a few weeks?

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Transam, I don't have any contacts, but, I know a lot of people.I have been in Thailand long enough. If that is what you mean.

Well, yeh. It helps. thumbsup.gif


I'm interested, what salary do you offer, what location is specified for place of work and what would I be doing? I assume you have the correct permission to call yourself an international school, which accreditation process did you go through, I assume an international organisation.


I know many people that would take this offer that live in Thailand BECAUSE they have no skills to do anything else and don't want to leave Thailand; they want to work, but don't have anything to offer that a company in Thailand will hire them for (Don't go off the deep end guys, we all know there are people here working in Oil and Gas blah blah blah but they came to Thailand with the job they didn't get it in Thailand working for a Thai company).

I think it's a great business strategy. The question I have is you pay your money, you get the training, you get a work visa. Well where are you actually working after you finish the course which I presume doesn't take a year and how much money do you get paid, what is the ROI, at what school could you actually teach?

50k baht is not a lot of money at the end of the day, that's equivalent to 1 university level course, it's peanuts but then again a lot of people in Thailand would say that's a lot of money because they don't have any money. I would suggest that if the salary was 30-50k baht a month, well, let's just say I'm not to busy in Pattaya, I would do it just for something to do and make some money on the side. In the end business is business, we all work for money, very few can sit and tell anyone that they work because they love their job unless they own the business or make huge amounts of "money."


But your "unique teaching system" is just reading out of book. You're planning to charge people 49,960 for that? Who would be stupid enough to pay that when it would be cheaper to do the internationally recognised Cambridge CELTA which would certainly lead to a job offer and a work permit paid by the employer?

Unless of course the whole thing is just another visa scam.

I can teach you how to teach faster. I am very confident of that. If you have a better offer take it but CELTA is not even coming close to our teaching speed. You can make a bet if you have money to lose.
My girlfriend has just qualified as a teacher in Britain. It took a 4-year Bachelor's Honour's degree plus a year's very hard work for a PGCE (18+ hours a day and weekends) and a year as a Newly Qualified Teacher. 6 years' hard preparation.

Are you saying that you can teach someone this in a few weeks?

Walen ALS (accelerated learning system) is much faster than communicative methods. We can certainly teach faster, no doubt about that. So answering your question. Yes, I can.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


But your "unique teaching system" is just reading out of book. You're planning to charge people 49,960 for that? Who would be stupid enough to pay that when it would be cheaper to do the internationally recognised Cambridge CELTA which would certainly lead to a job offer and a work permit paid by the employer?

Unless of course the whole thing is just another visa scam.

I can teach you how to teach faster. I am very confident of that. If you have a better offer take it but CELTA is not even coming close to our teaching speed. You can make a bet if you have money to lose.
My girlfriend has just qualified as a teacher in Britain. It took a 4-year Bachelor's Honour's degree plus a year's very hard work for a PGCE (18+ hours a day and weekends) and a year as a Newly Qualified Teacher. 6 years' hard preparation.

Are you saying that you can teach someone this in a few weeks?

Walen ALS (accelerated learning system) is much faster than communicative methods. We can certainly teach faster, no doubt about that. So answering your question. Yes, I can.

How ? I am English and failed English after years of slog. So how. ?

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At the end of your comprehensive 50 k baht course, what documentation do you provide that is accepted by the TCT for issuance of a teachers certificate.? Is a degree required before enrollment? If not. how does the applicant get around this requirement in order to get a teaching job? Is the course approved by the MOE to enable you to get the "1 year visa"?

A school can recommend you to the TCT without a degree (provided they really are going to employ you) however, you will then get a 2 year exemption document which allows you to take 4 exams over those 2 years before the TCT will issue you with the licence. The usually reason for asking for an exemption document is that the rural school can't afford to employ a qualified teacher.The document also allows to to get (subject the the other documents being available) both work permit and visa
Do you work for Whalen? I understand the whole exemption process as I've gonee through it. What I asked was those the school circumvent this process so that a teachers license is part of the deal or does the applicant have to do all of the "crap" after he finally gets a job? Has the MOE now approved a 1 year teachers training course that allows an applicabnt to get a 1 year ED visa? Questions for MR. crossed arms!
No I don't work for Whalen. And although I understand the whole exemption process I, like other qualified people, have never need to go through it. The TCT will NOT accept documentation or any so called experience gained from a language school and, the same applications as expected from mainstream teachers have to be submitted! By the way fancy pants - I'm retired

But your "unique teaching system" is just reading out of book. You're planning to charge people 49,960 for that? Who would be stupid enough to pay that when it would be cheaper to do the internationally recognised Cambridge CELTA which would certainly lead to a job offer and a work permit paid by the employer?

Unless of course the whole thing is just another visa scam.

I can teach you how to teach faster. I am very confident of that. If you have a better offer take it but CELTA is not even coming close to our teaching speed. You can make a bet if you have money to lose.
My girlfriend has just qualified as a teacher in Britain. It took a 4-year Bachelor's Honour's degree plus a year's very hard work for a PGCE (18+ hours a day and weekends) and a year as a Newly Qualified Teacher. 6 years' hard preparation.

Are you saying that you can teach someone this in a few weeks?

Walen ALS (accelerated learning system) is much faster than communicative methods. We can certainly teach faster, no doubt about that. So answering your question. Yes, I can.
So you can cram two years of classroom experience into a few afternoons? How do you do that?

My thoughts exactly Paul, another visa service but this masked as a teaching training certificate..the school has already milked the education visa market so why not teacher work permit market

I can tell you one thing for sure Steve. There are great many people fully satisfied with services provided by the Walen School. We offer reliable service. Mac Walen certified thumbsup.gif

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


My thoughts exactly Paul, another visa service but this masked as a teaching training certificate..the school has already milked the education visa market so why not teacher work permit market

I can tell you one thing for sure Steve. There are great many people fully satisfied with services provided by the Walen School. We offer reliable service. Mac Walen certified thumbsup.gif

Sure there are. coffee1.gif

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How come it took me 3 years of study to become a qualified teacher when Walen can do it in weeks? Opp's I forgot at the end of my course I got a degree that is acceptable in any part of the world not, some expensive piece of paper that doesn't prove anything!

Yes Brian, I can absolutely do it, and my teachers will be teaching faster than you, no doubt about it. I made millions doing it, I really know what I am talking about. Your 3 year teaching degree does not impress me much. What I care about is the ability to teach. You might not even get a job at my school if you could not demonstrate your ability to teach. We do not give people jobs just because they show us their degrees. Is that clear enough?
Haha, I am not terribly impressed with your language school either and, as for your very impressive teaching methods, can you tell us which education department or university has approved, or better still, written a paper on them? As for working at your (language) school make a large bet on the fact that I would never even apply. My teaching experience here in Thailand has involved university lecturing and writing curriculum's for government and private schools (including for the first EP ever introduced here) not working all hours/days/nights/weekends just to make you rich! Incidentally I retired a long time ago!

My thoughts exactly Paul, another visa service but this masked as a teaching training certificate..the school has already milked the education visa market so why not teacher work permit market

I can tell you one thing for sure Steve. There are great many people fully satisfied with services provided by the Walen School. We offer reliable service. Mac Walen certified thumbsup.gif
There are also a great many people who aren't. A quick Google will reveal them

How come it took me 3 years of study to become a qualified teacher when Walen can do it in weeks? Opp's I forgot at the end of my course I got a degree that is acceptable in any part of the world not, some expensive piece of paper that doesn't prove anything!

Yes Brian, I can absolutely do it, and my teachers will be teaching faster than you, no doubt about it. I made millions doing it, I really know what I am talking about. Your 3 year teaching degree does not impress me much. What I care about is the ability to teach. You might not even get a job at my school if you could not demonstrate your ability to teach. We do not give people jobs just because they show us their degrees. Is that clear enough?
Haha, I am not terribly impressed with your language school either and, as for your very impressive teaching methods, can you tell us which education department or university has approved, or better still, written a paper on them? As for working at your (language) school make a large bet on the fact that I would never even apply. My teaching experience here in Thailand has involved university lecturing and writing curriculum's for government and private schools (including for the first EP ever introduced here) not working all hours/days/nights/weekends just to make you rich! Incidentally I retired a long time ago!

Good on you Brian. I like your academic approach. My job is more difficult as I actually have paying customers, that is they pay their own money. They would not do that if they were not happy. I understand that there is the element of jealousy in your comment. Not nice. If all people were thinking like that where would we be. "I will not work for this or that company as it will make the owner rich", goodness me. You really blew your cover here. There are lots of people benefiting financially working at the Walen School. Providing for their families etc. We are a part of the Thai economy, in exchange we provide valuable service. Well, hard to please everyone.

  • Like 1

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


May I make a somewhat objective or subjective comment depending on how it is perceived.

I was a student at 2 private schools.

The private Thai language do actually teach Thai. Those who truly want to learn can learn. Others are entertained in classes while still others may hardly be seen in the classroom. Online learning is a viable way to learn, although it cannot teach everything. If ones goal is a visa, ok. If the goal is just to get a teaching credential that can be used in Thailand, then it is ok also. If one needs a credential to use in many other countries then it is not ok.

I have slight(LOL) teaching experience at university and grad school level although not teaching english.


My thoughts exactly Paul, another visa service but this masked as a teaching training certificate..the school has already milked the education visa market so why not teacher work permit market

I can tell you one thing for sure Steve. There are great many people fully satisfied with services provided by the Walen School. We offer reliable service. Mac Walen certified thumbsup.gif
There are also a great many people who aren't. A quick Google will reveal them

Dear Rogue, there are people who are not happy with presidents, no matter who they are, not happy with their countries, parents. employers, even God himself! Sure, hard to please everyone, but we certainly try. Some are also simply nasty, jealous, have a grudge agains something etc. Very much normal.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


Be nice if you, Mr Walen, could just list on here exactly what someone would get for their 50k.

Just a concise list of everything included in the price.

Also, what the work permit allows one to do and for whom ?


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Dear MacWalen,

Why as a person who claims to teach English, do you make so many spelling mistakes in your posts?


PS: I will be teaching -- visited a nice school in CM called seetefl -- pretty simple yet inviting without making claims of being the best and the quickest, but you really should use spell check in your position :)

My thoughts exactly Paul, another visa service but this masked as a teaching training certificate..the school has already milked the education visa market so why not teacher work permit market

I can tell you one thing for sure Steve. There are great many people fully satisfied with services provided by the Walen School. We offer reliable service. Mac Walen certified thumbsup.gif
There are also a great many people who aren't. A quick Google will reveal them

Dear Rogue, there are people who are not happy with presidents, no matter who they are, not happy with their countries, parents. employers, even God himself! Sure, hard to please everyone, but we certainly try. Some are also simply nasty, jealous, have a grudge agains something etc. Very much normal.

  • Like 2

But your "unique teaching system" is just reading out of book. You're planning to charge people 49,960 for that? Who would be stupid enough to pay that when it would be cheaper to do the internationally recognised Cambridge CELTA which would certainly lead to a job offer and a work permit paid by the employer?

Unless of course the whole thing is just another visa scam.

I can teach you how to teach faster. I am very confident of that. If you have a better offer take it but CELTA is not even coming close to our teaching speed. You can make a bet if you have money to lose.

I'm not looking for teacher training thanks but I do take exception to other people being scammed. Teacher training is about learning to be a good teacher, not a fast teacher. You're trying to scam ignorant people to pay you for absolutely worthless teacher training.

Not sure about your word ''ignorant'' but l understand what you are saying. BUT, remember here that folk get ''Degrees'' via cash, soooooooooooo, perhaps .............................coffee1.gif


But your "unique teaching system" is just reading out of book. You're planning to charge people 49,960 for that? Who would be stupid enough to pay that when it would be cheaper to do the internationally recognised Cambridge CELTA which would certainly lead to a job offer and a work permit paid by the employer?

Unless of course the whole thing is just another visa scam.

I can teach you how to teach faster. I am very confident of that. If you have a better offer take it but CELTA is not even coming close to our teaching speed. You can make a bet if you have money to lose.
My girlfriend has just qualified as a teacher in Britain. It took a 4-year Bachelor's Honour's degree plus a year's very hard work for a PGCE (18+ hours a day and weekends) and a year as a Newly Qualified Teacher. 6 years' hard preparation.

Are you saying that you can teach someone this in a few weeks?

Walen ALS (accelerated learning system) is much faster than communicative methods. We can certainly teach faster, no doubt about that. So answering your question. Yes, I can.

Maybe you can teach faster but can every student learn faster ???

  • Like 2

Atyclb, yes, students will learn faster. Guaranteed.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


Mr. W is an astute businessman. While many of his students are enrolled at his school solely to learn the Thai language, a component are certainly there to qualify for the ED visa and would not be there otherwise. It is a decision of the Thai Education Ministry to only require 4 hours per week of classroom study at a registered school to qualify for the Visa; a Thai student in the USA would be required to attend 18 hours per week for a similar visa.

That figures!!!rolleyes.gif.


After reading the op I am curious as to what the course entails and permits required before enrolling on the course. I am an engineer but coming to Thailand to be near my children. I am not naive so think I could spot a scam if I saw one but always looking for something new in life. I have read all the negative posts but what are the positives?


(Just watching this thread with interest)

As someone who took a TEFL course here in Thailand, Ban Phe to be precise. I admit that I learnt the foundations of teaching in Thailand but nothing could make you a teacher in a few weeks regardless of what people may promise. They didn't and I'm more than happy about that as either you learn to adjust your teaching methods or quit.

On the job failing is the only real way of learning what works with which type of students as you never want to go through that again.

As I see it you're selling a product / service akin to a fairground barker. Some may bite whilst others may call you a snake oil salesman.

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