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Woolwich Attack: ' Soldier Beheaded' By Ranting Fanatics On Busy London Street


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sadly islam is painted and tainted by the brush wielded by these type of fanatics...

Whilst I do agree with you. Surely now it is up to Islam to get it's house in order. The same goes for the British government? There will certainly be reprisals over this. Sadly more Innocent people will be harmed.


Erm, how do you think Islam can get its house in order?.......it's way past that.

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One of the two terrorists was heard to say that he butchered the soldier because 'he has killed Muslim people in Muslim countries."

If he was so concerned about his fellow brethren, his efforts could have been more appropriately channelled by jumping on a flight to Afghanistan or Iraq and campaigning for the end of the mass slaughter of Muslims, by Muslims, in those two Muslim countries.

There are no winners in this deplorable event.

The soldier met a horrific death, and his family and friends will somehow have to deal with the memories.

The two thugs failed to commit suicide by police fire, and so, will be denied passage as martyrs to the Kingdom of Allah.

And, now the British taxpayers will have to meet the costs of their medical treatment and convalescence, their legal defence, and a soft bed, three square meals a day, and all the other little luxuries that the Governor of the UK Prisons is obliged to provide them with.

Further, they will be in a position to fill the empty heads of other inmates and nurture them with their religious hatred.


I remember after Boston, the BBC reporter said, those 2 would most likely spend the rest of their life in solitary confinement. That's what the UK should do with people carrying out these atrocities.

You can bet that they will not be mixing with the general prison population... Sadly?


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Absolutely and oh for a Guantanemo bay to send them to. If I thought they would be locked up and suffer greatly for the rest of their lives, I'd gladly contribute towards it. Unfortunately, they will have a cushy life.......but hey, no virgins awaiting, just some big blokes in the shower!

They could build it on Rockall. They'd only need housing for 12 hours.

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One of the two terrorists was heard to say that he butchered the soldier because 'he has killed Muslim people in Muslim countries."

If he was so concerned about his fellow brethren, his efforts could have been more appropriately channelled by jumping on a flight to Afghanistan or Iraq and campaigning for the end of the mass slaughter of Muslims, by Muslims, in those two Muslim countries.

There are no winners in this deplorable event.

The soldier met a horrific death, and his family and friends will somehow have to deal with the memories.

The two thugs failed to commit suicide by police fire, and so, will be denied passage as martyrs to the Kingdom of Allah.

And, now the British taxpayers will have to meet the costs of their medical treatment and convalescence, their legal defence, and a soft bed, three square meals a day, and all the other little luxuries that the Governor of the UK Prisons is obliged to provide them with.

Further, they will be in a position to fill the empty heads of other inmates and nurture them with their religious hatred.


I remember after Boston, the BBC reporter said, those 2 would most likely spend the rest of their life in solitary confinement. That's what the UK should do with people carrying out these atrocities.

You can bet that they will not be mixing with the general prison population... Sadly?


They tend to become insane after a few years of it.

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One of the two terrorists was heard to say that he butchered the soldier because 'he has killed Muslim people in Muslim countries."

If he was so concerned about his fellow brethren, his efforts could have been more appropriately channelled by jumping on a flight to Afghanistan or Iraq and campaigning for the end of the mass slaughter of Muslims, by Muslims, in those two Muslim countries.

There are no winners in this deplorable event.

The soldier met a horrific death, and his family and friends will somehow have to deal with the memories.

The two thugs failed to commit suicide by police fire, and so, will be denied passage as martyrs to the Kingdom of Allah.

And, now the British taxpayers will have to meet the costs of their medical treatment and convalescence, their legal defence, and a soft bed, three square meals a day, and all the other little luxuries that the Governor of the UK Prisons is obliged to provide them with.

Further, they will be in a position to fill the empty heads of other inmates and nurture them with their religious hatred.


I remember after Boston, the BBC reporter said, those 2 would most likely spend the rest of their life in solitary confinement. That's what the UK should do with people carrying out these atrocities.

You can bet that they will not be mixing with the general prison population... Sadly?


They wouldn't last a minute in the general population. Let's hope they are fed pork 3 times per day.

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sadly islam is painted and tainted by the brush wielded by these type of fanatics... 


In 1939 a small minority really kicked off an event. The vast majority were not believers but just went along with the idea so as not to be left out. OK it's a simple comparrison but it happened.

The only reason that evil can prevail is because the good stand by and do nothing, to paraphrase somebody.

It's a dumb anology but you've got the year wrong. Try about 5 years earlier...

Oh and it's Edmund Burke you paraphraedd

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Why do we allow our governments to bring in barbarians like this who destroy our civilized society which took milennia to build? These animals are living in the dark ages, and should stay in their countries which they were never able to develop, or have already destroyed.

The officers should have emptied their guns into both the attackers, to make sure they will not waste a public's cent going through the justice system!

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Why do we allow our governments to bring in barbarians like this who destroy our civilized society which took milennia to build? These animals are living in the dark ages, and should stay in their countries which they were never able to develop, or have already destroyed.

The officers should have emptied their guns into both the attackers, to make sure they will not waste a public's cent going through the justice system!

That would only make martyrs of them. Now they have failed Islam and no virgins or eternity in paradise.

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One of the suspects was a follower of the hate-preaching cleric named Anjem Choudary. This chap has been accused of inspiring other outbreaks of terror in Britain. It is well and nice for some in the Muslim community to tut tut and to offer their empty platitudes, but no one has taken a stand against the preachings of Imams like Choudary. There is not one statement from all of these muslim community representatives about the community's responsibility to speak out against the likes of Choudary.

Here is the Imam justifying the murder and refusing to condemn it. (see 2.40) Sadly, many of his views have been parroted by some people on this thread.

It is an incredibly sad event that a man, who volunteered to serve his country, was savagely murdered on the street by fellow countrymen who have benefited from the deceased's service. I find it vulgar and offensive that anyone would seek to offer excuses for such a profane and violent act. Anyone with a sense of decency will see the actions for what they were. A ruthless, barbaric act of terror.

Go to youtube, enter Pat Condell and check his comments, particularly on grubs like Choudary.

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Why do we allow our governments to bring in barbarians like this who destroy our civilized society which took milennia to build? These animals are living in the dark ages, and should stay in their countries which they were never able to develop, or have already destroyed.

The officers should have emptied their guns into both the attackers, to make sure they will not waste a public's cent going through the justice system!

Let them in?

I thought they were home grown.

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That's why the two murderers were shouting Allahu Akbar. It's strange how such violent acts have apparently no basis in Islam, yet this seems to be misunderstood worldwide on a daily basis. I wonder why no other religion seems to be so misunderstood.

The UK has left it too late. Enoch Powell warned about this back in the sixties. Who remembers his speech about "rivers of blood in our country"? There was one MP who knew what he was talking about.

Enoch Powell made his speech in 1968,and could not have forseen a Federal Europe,which mean't open borders right across the whole of Europe,and our laws coming from Europe,which is why there is extreme pressure to give the British people a Referendum,on whether to stay in Europe or get our Country back.hopefully this will happen in less than 5 years.

I see your point, but the two Muslims murdering the soldier in London, and the ones responsible for the London bombings in 2005 didn't come from Europe, as far as I know, they were born in Britain.

And there is the larger problem.


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sadly islam is painted and tainted by the brush wielded by these type of fanatics...

Whilst I do agree with you. Surely now it is up to Islam to get it's house in order. The same goes for the British government? There will certainly be reprisals over this. Sadly more Innocent people will be harmed.


Erm, how do you think Islam can get its house in order?.......it's way past that.

Well according to you we are well and truly f***** then?


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But he committed this heinous crime as a muslim!! Not a Christian, but a muslim!!

I know I was just pointing out how fxxxxx up and twisted they are ("One of the two suspected Islamists accused of hacking a British soldier

to death in London was a convert who by banned Islamist preacher Omar


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One of the two terrorists was heard to say that he butchered the soldier because 'he has killed Muslim people in Muslim countries."

If he was so concerned about his fellow brethren, his efforts could have been more appropriately channelled by jumping on a flight to Afghanistan or Iraq and campaigning for the end of the mass slaughter of Muslims, by Muslims, in those two Muslim countries.

There are no winners in this deplorable event.

The soldier met a horrific death, and his family and friends will somehow have to deal with the memories.

The two thugs failed to commit suicide by police fire, and so, will be denied passage as martyrs to the Kingdom of Allah.

And, now the British taxpayers will have to meet the costs of their medical treatment and convalescence, their legal defence, and a soft bed, three square meals a day, and all the other little luxuries that the Governor of the UK Prisons is obliged to provide them with.

Further, they will be in a position to fill the empty heads of other inmates and nurture them with their religious hatred.


I remember after Boston, the BBC reporter said, those 2 would most likely spend the rest of their life in solitary confinement. That's what the UK should do with people carrying out these atrocities.

You can bet that they will not be mixing with the general prison population... Sadly?


They tend to become insane after a few years of it.

Surely in this case you mean 'more' insane.

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sadly islam is painted and tainted by the brush wielded by these type of fanatics...

Sadly it is supported by moderates quietly.

I fear that there may be a lot of truth to this statement. How many "regular" Muslims are cheering on the terrorists outside of the public eye in the mosques and madrassas?

Quite so, UG. Remember the dancing, singing packs of Muslims cheering their heads off as the ghastly images of 9/11 were televised around the World.

As for 7x7, I'm afraid that his total lack of knowledge of the fundamental basis of Islam rather undermines his position.

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If you invite these people to live in your country, you have to expect this kind of thing.

It has been suggested that the perps are Somalis (or alternatively Nigerians); that wouldn't be surprising, because almost 2% of the Somali nation now lives in the UK, with 70,000 of them in London alone. Parts of South London have been turned into a little Mogadishu, with Somali gangs and Nigerian gangs fighting with knives and guns over drug territories.

So the UK Government cannot wring its hands and say "How terrible" because it is the Government that has created the conditions which made this sickening incident inevitable. Nor would the Government be guiltless if some British version of Anders Breivik were to surface and start to take measures into his own hands.

While my dad was American, my mom was English. Her dad, in the middle of the last century, wrote a news article stating that allowing "these people" into the country was the "beginning of the end for Great Britain."

And for any other country, America included.

Wish I'd lived back then.

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he look on Malik's face on election night. Stood there all smug and confident, then his jaw dropped. Priceless.

The writing was on the wall years ago!!!!

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One of the suspects was a follower of the hate-preaching cleric named Anjem Choudary. This chap has been accused of inspiring other outbreaks of terror in Britain. It is well and nice for some in the Muslim community to tut tut and to offer their empty platitudes, but no one has taken a stand against the preachings of Imams like Choudary. There is not one statement from all of these muslim community representatives about the community's responsibility to speak out against the likes of Choudary.

Here is the Imam justifying the murder and refusing to condemn it. (see 2.40) Sadly, many of his views have been parroted by some people on this thread.

It is an incredibly sad event that a man, who volunteered to serve his country, was savagely murdered on the street by fellow countrymen who have benefited from the deceased's service. I find it vulgar and offensive that anyone would seek to offer excuses for such a profane and violent act. Anyone with a sense of decency will see the actions for what they were. A ruthless, barbaric act of terror.

Go to youtube, enter Pat Condell and check his comments, particularly on grubs like Choudary.

Whilst this murder is tragic, we also have to blame the British Government and the BBC. Why any network would give scum like Choudary air time is beyond me. Police providing security for muslim protesters to take to the street and denounce our country. Banning the flying of the St. George flag/Union Jack for fear of upsetting muslims is a joke!!!

Obviously letting these scumbags into the country, giving them free houses and benefits is not the way forward.

I suggest that any immigrant that is allowed entry to Britain should serve 2 years National service in the army!! If they refuse don't let them in!!

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sadly islam is painted and tainted by the brush wielded by these type of fanatics...

In 1939 a small minority really kicked off an event. The vast majority were not believers but just went along with the idea so as not to be left out. OK it's a simple comparrison but it happened.

The only reason that evil can prevail is because the good stand by and do nothing, to paraphrase somebody.

It's a dumb anology but you've got the year wrong. Try about 5 years earlier...

Oh and it's Edmund Burke you paraphraedd

Sorry I don't have a list of the names exact addresses and dates of birth and the timing down to a few second plus or minus 1 but I still think it is accepted that kick-off was 1939.

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sadly islam is painted and tainted by the brush wielded by these type of fanatics...

Sadly it is supported by moderates quietly.

I fear that there may be a lot of truth to this statement. How many "regular" Muslims are cheering on the terrorists outside of the public eye in the mosques and madrassas?

Quite so, UG. Remember the dancing, singing packs of Muslims cheering their heads off as the ghastly images of 9/11 were televised around the World.

As for 7x7, I'm afraid that his total lack of knowledge of the fundamental basis of Islam rather undermines his position.

The image that sticks in my mind from that footage is many of them were kids, looking 8 to 10 years old. Wonder where they are and what they are doing now.

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One of the suspects was a follower of the hate-preaching cleric named Anjem Choudary. This chap has been accused of inspiring other outbreaks of terror in Britain. It is well and nice for some in the Muslim community to tut tut and to offer their empty platitudes, but no one has taken a stand against the preachings of Imams like Choudary. There is not one statement from all of these muslim community representatives about the community's responsibility to speak out against the likes of Choudary.

Here is the Imam justifying the murder and refusing to condemn it. (see 2.40) Sadly, many of his views have been parroted by some people on this thread.

It is an incredibly sad event that a man, who volunteered to serve his country, was savagely murdered on the street by fellow countrymen who have benefited from the deceased's service. I find it vulgar and offensive that anyone would seek to offer excuses for such a profane and violent act. Anyone with a sense of decency will see the actions for what they were. A ruthless, barbaric act of terror.

Go to youtube, enter Pat Condell and check his comments, particularly on grubs like Choudary.

Whilst this murder is tragic, we also have to blame the British Government and the BBC. Why any network would give scum like Choudary air time is beyond me. Police providing security for muslim protesters to take to the street and denounce our country. Banning the flying of the St. George flag/Union Jack for fear of upsetting muslims is a joke!!!

Obviously letting these scumbags into the country, giving them free houses and benefits is not the way forward.

I suggest that any immigrant that is allowed entry to Britain should serve 2 years National service in the army!! If they refuse don't let them in!!

You'd really like to give an Islamist the opportunity to blow up a military barracks?

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I live in Malaysia, a very nice place and the people are absolutely lovely. I do prefer the company of the Malay muslims to the Indian and Chinese here.

Just a question. Has it become the norm for every assault to now be labelled a terrorist attack? Just seems to me that any assault or murder to do with race or religion these days is a terrorist attack instead of just saying some mentally retarded morons murdered and innocent person.

The language of using the word 'terrorist' in this instance seems to be begging for reprisals and inflammation. That's just my 2 satang worth anyway.

PS: No I don't think they should be shot, hanged, executed etc. I would prefer they were tied to a pole in Hyde Park and let the locals throw rocks at them for a few days then set them on fire.

Just a thought. You live in Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim country. There they have there own laws, rules and regulations. Hence a Muslim country with Muslim laws. Nothing wrong with that. I think what pisses people off is that Muslims are infiltrating other peoples countries, challenging their beliefs and way of life. In other words, if you are happy with the Muslim way, stay in a muslim country. Don't come to other peoples country and try to enact muslim laws. That way of course you will incite racism.

I also like your idea of punishment for those guys........ Stoning!!!! well done!!!!!!!!!

I agree, Muslim country Muslim laws, English country, English laws. I also don't think mslim women should be able to where a face niqab, or Hindu men not where in helmets when riding a motorcycle because they have to where there head cover and I think western women should cover there hair when they go to islamic countries.

O. The knote of Muslims disturbing other cultured, I don't think it's right, just like I don't think it's right that Christians disturb other cultures. The reason why most of the problem (and I am not exusing any of it) is because they don't want western governments interfering with there countries politics and they are only there because Islamic countries have oil, one day it will run out and all the problem will stop. Every one should respect the cultures as they are and let the people and governments be.

Great idea, so it follows that muslim men should shave and wear 3 piece suits in UK and all muslim women should wear mini-skirts and silk blouses with no bra underneath.

Get your head out of 1650 AD

That’s not what he said at all. The Muslim women in miniskirts and no bra was your

dream/idea, it's also quite offensive. All he is suggesting is that when people

travel to or immigrate to a different country with a different culture, they

respect that host countries cultures. How come when female western reporters travel to these warzone Muslim countries they wear a headscarf, but when a Muslim women travels to the UK she

doesn't take her's off? A rule/politeness on one side and not on the other.. I don't expect people to convert to their host country's religion, just respect that culture or religion without going crazy and killing their people in their own country for having their own beliefs.

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