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Knee Issue


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One knee is acting up.
I thought it was from sitting cross legged on the floor and/or sitting with my legs tucked under me.
There are other factors like walking up stairs that never used to concern me.
I am trying to avoid the first two though i now am aware how much i use my knee squatting bending and generally moving.

I know this is hard to diagnose but thought i would put it out there for feedback, thanks.
(Curious too only one leg.)

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How old are you?

And was onset gradual or sudden? Any precipitating factors?

If you are older and it came on gradually and not in response to any injury, then osteoarthritis is possible. It is common for one knee to be more affected than another.

A consultation with an orthopedic specialist and an Xray would confirm or rule this out.

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Weight gain will definitely aggravate arthritis and losing weight will definitely help.

Glucosamine is also helpful, you won't see the effect for a month at least, so stick with it. Will need to take it long term. Available in any pharmacy.

If it doesn't resolve, see an orthopd. A simple Xray will tell if you have osteoarthritis to an extent that would account for the symptoms.

There may be exercises that would also help but need a clear diagnosis first.

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I have had a cartilage problem in one of my knees most of my life. Sitting crossed legged is dangerous for me as it can lock and has quite a few times in the past. I can unlock it myself but it hurts a bit!... like hell ...It feels like something is jumping inside the back of the knee. So I avoid getting my knee anywhere near that cross legged position.

I can feel if I have had a 'close call'. I then for a few days exercise my leg ... sit up on the floor, straighten the leg and lift my foot ... sometimes with a little weight on the foot ... repeat ten times or so.

I think that is a similar exercise to what you are given after a cartilage operation .................. works for me.

Edited by JAS21
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The site promotes a Dr.T who makes various claims , unfortunately, if you look carefully one notices the following

"The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

Such a disclaimer is a sure sign of a quack attempting to avoid regulatory authority

Edited by Sceptict11
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