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Surrounded By "enemy" Nationals On A Baht Bus; Confused As To Proper Etiquette

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ur in thailand, not iran, so as long as you are not bothered by thais, everything is ok

Pattaya is now an international city. Thais are only one part of it. The second biggest part now is RUSSIANS.


... diversity is threatened by domination of ONE group (not Iranians), as that group now represents the MAJORITY of tourists here. Not to trash that nationality, but because domination by any nationality threatens the richness of the diversity.


Jt, you seem to have your hand on the pulse of Pattaya.

I thought that Thais were the majority of Tourists to Pattaya, but you have information that ONE group (presumably inferring to Russians) now outnumber the Thai visitors, remembering that many Thais make the day trip, thus classed as tourists.

If not the Russians, which group do you refer to?




Oy vey, dude. I already said THAIS are a given.

The Russians of course dominate the incoming FOREIGN tourist market here.

Statistics showing about 55 percent at least during high season.

Anyone who highly values diversity would be less than thrilled that ONE particular group of international tourists dominate.

That means their specific cultural needs and tastes are catered to disproportionately for business reasons and changes the flavor of the city to be in this case, much more specifically RUSSIAN.

Obviously, if you move to Thailand, you expect lots of Thai people, but also obviously, Pattaya is much less of a Thai city in flavor than other cities in Thailand.

More back to topic, the American and Russian nations are not currently in a war conflict, soft or hard, but I'm sure there are some people's here who do represent countries in some kind of serious conflict with the Russian nation. The point being, the general theme of the OP not really being about BAHT BUSES per se; rather about potential tensions of international people mixing here when their countries are in conflict certainly does not only apply to USA-Iran. There are many potential such conflicts here, again, even INTERNAL ones between nationals.


Oy vey, dude. I already said THAIS are a given.

The Russians of course dominate the incoming FOREIGN tourist market here.

Statistics showing about 55 percent at least during high season.

Anyone who highly values diversity would be less than thrilled that ONE particular group of international tourists dominate.

That means their specific cultural needs and tastes are catered to disproportionately for business reasons and changes the flavor of the city to be in this case, much more specifically RUSSIAN.

Obviously, if you move to Thailand, you expect lots of Thai people, but also obviously, Pattaya is much less of a Thai city in flavor than other cities in Thailand.

More back to topic, the American and Russian nations are not currently in a war conflict, soft or hard, but I'm sure there are some people's here who do represent countries in some kind of serious conflict with the Russian nation. The point being, the general them of the OP, about potential tensions of international people mixing here when their countries are in conflict certainly does not only apply to USA-Iran. There are many potential such conflicts here, again, even INTERNAL ones between nationals.

Perhaps it's time to move on to the sticks, JT. Get a fresh breath of the REAL Thailand. It has done me goodthumbsup.gif


Perhaps it's time to move on to the sticks, JT. Get a fresh breath of the REAL Thailand. It has done me goodthumbsup.gif

Good for you. Not for me. I've always lived in urban areas except for a few years in Santa Cruz and that bored me silly!

As far as the Russian domination here, who knows, maybe they'll move on the Vietnam or something.

I keep hoping for a bigger Chinese presence other than the bus tours which really aren't a presence at all.


Gsxrnz -

Next time, stand up and loudly proclaim that Jane Fonda is a traitorous slut. And you're willing to fight anyone who disagrees. Real Vietnam Vets will smile and buy you a beer. biggrin.png


I have met literally thousands of Vietnam veterans over the years, and am one myself, and the only times I heard this kind of crap was when it was mouthed by those who never came anywhere close to being in-country, REMFS for whom the sole exposure to combat meant the fights at the local bar, and lifers.

Does that mean you have all her exercise videos?

Hi JIngthing,

Have no doubt, you did totally the sensible thing.

I haven't read through the comments on here but I have no doubt the usual idiot crowd will have been saying all sorts of rubbish about it.

What were you supposed to do? There is barely any reason to respond to a drunken crowd on a Baht bus at any time, other than politeness and a wish not to upset anyone, which could cause problems, but in this case your action completely diffused any possible situation occurring.

If you had said "American", most likely they would have just made some comments or other and that would have been that.

On the other hand, I have been in a Baht bus with drunken Iranians before (I was alone when about 7 got on in the bus near Tesco, North Pattaya Road at about 11pm) and some of them are BIG, and really, quite physical intimidating due to being large men, and drunk, though seemed friendly enough (a thing that can change in the blink of an eye in Pattaya, as anywhere, with scary consequences)

They did ask where I came from and I did say England, which seemed OK but if I was American would I have said so? No, of course not. Why would I? I was getting off that bus in two minutes. Why spoil my evening by being insulted, or worse.

It would have taken just one man not in his right mind due to drink to cause you a big problem.

A problem that may have injured you and caused, what are normally perfectly decent people, to have their holiday spoiled by a trip to the police station, just because of drink fuddled brains.

Let's face it, you had second to decide what to do, surrounded by big, drunken and boisterous people. People that your government is screwing in to the ground and that you, quiet reasonably, assumed may have had a less than favourable view of your presence in that Baht bus.

Any other action you took could, though probably would not have, caused a problem. You decided, sensibly, in a second, to stop any possibility. Well done.

So, you did not talk to one drunken group of people in Pattaya, to stop any potential problem. If anyone thinks you should have done then just point out that there are plenty more drunken groups to talk to in Pattaya. No shortage at all, and most of them aren't being screwed by your government.

After all, it isn't easy to get out of a moving Baht bus surrounded by big foreigners, unless they decide to "help" you out, which was a very remote possibility. Let's face it, when drunken groups are involved, anythings possible.

I first visited Pattaya some 20 years ago and have lived here for a huge portion of time since, though around 50 other countries visited, over 30 years, and 72 Thai provinces.

Believe me, after seeing the problems big, butch and "why did you not tell them you were American" types seem to attract here, and elsewhere, anyone who thinks you did the wrong thing has not been around much, and seen what I have seen.


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Gsxrnz -

Next time, stand up and loudly proclaim that Jane Fonda is a traitorous slut. And you're willing to fight anyone who disagrees. Real Vietnam Vets will smile and buy you a beer. biggrin.png


I have met literally thousands of Vietnam veterans over the years, and am one myself, and the only times I heard this kind of crap was when it was mouthed by those who never came anywhere close to being in-country, REMFS for whom the sole exposure to combat meant the fights at the local bar, and lifers.

Does that mean you have all her exercise videos?

Heh...if I did, they didn't work in counteracting the beer...

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OP, Interesting that you think of people from Iran as your enemies. Perhaps they are not your enemies but just people from another culture.

Most normal people are incredulous at the actions of their own governments, and I expect most Iranians would rather not be governed by the creeps who govern them or inflict Sharia s**t upon them as a means of control by fear.

They might even wish to express this to their "enemies" though admittedly probably not whilst in a drunken group.

A wise man once said : "Jaw jaw is better than war war." If the normal populations of countries talked to each other, not the politicos what differences would they find?

Take the politicians and religious nutters away and there are just the normal folks, the majority who want to raise their families and live a peaceful life. Probably not enemies to you or me.

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The point being, the general theme of the OP not really being about BAHT BUSES per se; rather about potential tensions of international people mixing here when their countries are in conflict certainly does not only apply to USA-Iran.

There are many potential such conflicts here, again, even INTERNAL ones between nationals.

Generally the purposes of tourists in a tourist centric location like Pattaya is tourism. (fighting the urge to capitalize)

Seems from your description of the encounter on the songthaew (add that spelling to your spell-checker, it does look dumbed down to write baht-bus at every opportunity) the only one not happy and in a tourist mind set was you.

Guess you would not be happy if they were burning the Stars & Stripes, nor chanting 'Ey Iran' but you managed to find fault in a group of lads out on the town in a place where you are both guests of a third party nation. Did you say it was early evening and they had been drinking already? Really? Tourists drinking alcohol on holiday, in a tourist holiday town by the sea? This was probably a first for you I understand why you might have been stunned into silence as such a spectacle to behold.

I'm surprised that someone living in Pattaya so long does not have the wits to break the ice and ask: "Where you been tonight? or Having a good holiday?", light social conversation maintained for the few minutes of a songthaew journey is not hard, even if you share but a few words in a common language.

Seems many Iranians are happy to live within America http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_American & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Iranian_Americans Just look at the names in the IT/Tech sector.

The more you delve into the nations represented in Pattaya and your disapproval of their numbers the more xenophobic you appear.

If your concern is the risk of conflict breaking out and that tourists from countries that you have issue with now are more numerous and spend more than Americans and Western Europeans, perhaps it is time that you considered Vietnam or Cambodia, I can't off-hand think of a reason that they would not welcome your passport & dollar combination. Staying within Thailand, Udon Thani is a city with many Americans expats, I could even effect an introduction for you thumbsup.gif

Hope your next songthaew ride offers more diverse opportunities Insha'Allah!

As technically you are the resident in Pattaya and these were travellers you might gain something spiritual from the Qurʼan: "Our great Prophet teaches us to be generous and how to entertain guests. He wants a Muslim to show gratitude and be kind and happy when receiving guests. One should respect and welcome his guests, in particular when they are strangers, or have no family or friends in that country. Allah is All-Generous, who loves the generous ones and dislikes those who are mean."

Don't be mean Allah doesn't like it.


OP, Interesting that you think of people from Iran as your enemies.


Interesting? More like predictable that you didn't actually read the thread if you actually think that's what I think.



Staying within Thailand, Udon Thani is a city with many Americans expats, I could even effect an introduction for you thumbsup.gif


Yo! Cubano! Did I ask for your travel agent services? Did I suggest I want to move from Pattaya? Well maybe someday but for other specific reasons having nothing to do with the topics in this thread. You really don't quit with your toxic assumptions. A fun little sport for you I reckon. Do you think I moved FROM the USA to be surrounded by Yanquis! Geez! (But I didn't intend to move TO Thailand to be surrounded by Russkies either, oh well, those are the breaks.) Anyway, in Pattaya the famous trucks are known as BAHT BUSES. That's the deal. Do you live here and I ask because nobody who lives here would challenge what the trucks are called here. It's a regional thing, esse.


There were multiple factors. The drunkenness and their large overwhelming numbers. They were definitely FRIENDLY but with all that booze, friendliness can turn. I suppose some people might say I'm American but I don't support my governments actions towards your country. But in my case that would be a LIE and I didn't even have the energy to play the Canuck card, much less lie about my politics.

Again, I'm sure many people are going to label this paranoid behavior. What would the American embassy advise, do you reckon? I'm sure they would advise: AVOID potential conflict of this nature to the best of your ability and that's what I did.

Being that they were drunk shows they have the same interest as most in Pattaya. What do you they think they came to Pattaya for?To drink the water

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Being that they were drunk shows they have the same interest as most in Pattaya. What do you they think they came to Pattaya for?To drink the water

You know these men personally, do you?


Being that they were drunk shows they have the same interest as most in Pattaya. What do you they think they came to Pattaya for?To drink the water

You know these men personally, do you?

You are right they came here to ride the Baht bus like you did

Hi JIngthing,
Have no doubt, you did totally the sensible thing.
I haven't read through the comments on here but I have no doubt the usual idiot crowd will have been saying all sorts of rubbish about it.
What were you supposed to do? There is barely any reason to respond to a drunken crowd on a Baht bus at any time, other than politeness and a wish not to upset anyone, which could cause problems, but in this case your action completely diffused any possible situation occurring.
If you had said "American", most likely they would have just made some comments or other and that would have been that.
On the other hand, I have been in a Baht bus with drunken Iranians before (I was alone when about 7 got on in the bus near Tesco, North Pattaya Road at about 11pm) and some of them are BIG, and really, quite physical intimidating due to being large men, and drunk, though seemed friendly enough (a thing that can change in the blink of an eye in Pattaya, as anywhere, with scary consequences)
They did ask where I came from and I did say England, which seemed OK but if I was American would I have said so? No, of course not. Why would I? I was getting off that bus in two minutes. Why spoil my evening by being insulted, or worse.

You do realise that the UK is 'Little Satan' to the Us's 'Big Satan' as far as Iranians are concerned?


It's not that most Iranians in Pattaya are going to be hostile to westerners, especially Americans, it's just that you really, really DO NOT KNOW the politics of any stranger you encounter and you can conclude NOTHING about their politics just because of drunkenness or whoring. Anyone who reads the news should KNOW that.

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