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A Government Of The People Should Not Threaten

Lite Beer

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Deputy Prime minister Plodprasop Suraswadi was WRONG in saying protesters are "garbage" and threatening arrest of protesters and their opinions are worthless is again WRONG!!!, I THINK HE SHOULD STEP DOWN AFTER APOLERGISING TO THE PEOPLE OF Thailand AND THE GOVERNMENT.

This article is WRONG with its comment, "The Pheu Thai sales pitch often claims it to be a government of the people by the people, IT IS!!!

The people of Thailand a democratically elected this government on 3 separate times, GET OVER IT! OR TRY TO TAKE GOVERNMENT WITHOUT A COUP!

"A government of the people" The 2005 general election the Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Thai Rak Thai party won 374 seats out of 500 seats,

2006 Thaksin Shinawatra was OVERTHROWN in a military coup, NOT OF THE PEOPLE!!!

A "government of the people" as they (the people) elected this current party into power,

PTP won 265 seats out of 500 seats, the Democrat party won 159 seats, again GET OVER IT!!!

What is so "wrong" about the comment "The Pheu Thai sales pitch often claims it to be a government of the people by the people"? I think that's a factual statement. It sets the stage for their argument. They claim this but do this instead.

Throwing about election numbers (as if those mean much in a system plagued with vote-buying) is irrelevant. The point of the entire article is that a government is for everyone...not just ones that voted them. They have to be accountable for decisions that will affect everyone in this country. Everyone should have a voice and not fear being silenced, ridiculed or prosecuted by the government.

This article is just stating the obvious. The fact that you seem bent out of shape about it says more about you than the person that wrote it.

It seems YOU did not read my opening sentence,,, AGIAN, what the deputy PM said is wrong and he should step down after the apologies are made to the Thai people and the government and this should NEVER happen again.

Yes everyone has an opinion and can voice them as long as it dose not exclude others rights.

Again if you don't like it then win then WIN the government by vote NOT by coup, or do you prefer a bloody coup to the democratic vote? Do you have the right to vote? Hmmm I wounder?

Politicians around the world have done and said some truly stupid things, politicians around the world have said some truly stupid things and Deputy PM is one of them.

Throwing around "vote buying" (your opinion)(can you prove it?) is not helping, and disrespectful of the peoples choice of government.

so the FACT is they have the approval of the MAJORITY of the people.

if you don't like it then go live and make comment in SYRIA, Turkey, or Afghanistan, because some(the minority) seem to not be happy to accept the(majority) peoples vote again and again and again...


At the last general election in 2011

PTP won 15.3 million votes

Democrats about 11 million votes

In 2011 there were 46,918,719 people eligible to vote

35,203,107 actually voted

So 20 million people who did vote did NOT vote PTP.

So PTP did NOT win a MAJORITY of the votes by about 5 million.

They only won 32% of the eligble votes or 43.4 of the total votes cast.

Neither figure is the MAJORITY of the people unless you are using Red Shirt mathematics where accuracy does not count or matter.



Fact because some politicians are stupid others feel it is OK for them to be stupid.

If the Yellow Shirts had not run such a strong don't vote campaign the difference in the votes would be much smaller.

As it is 52% of the population voted democratically against the PTP.

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HMMMmmm Start governing for the good of Thai people?

Well I know so many working people are or were happier with getting a bigger (300 baht per day) salary,

unfortunately so many so many rich landlords and others have increased the rents eroding that increase.

An increase of uni graduates minimum salary Hmmm,

I as an employer am happy to pay a fair salary for my staff.

and "CRY ME A RIVER" is not that great of a song,

If you are so happy about it why did you not pay it when Abhist was the PM?

I assume now that you have to pay it you just take less profit for your self and leave the price of what ever you were selling the same.

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HMMMmmm Start governing for the good of Thai people?

Well I know so many working people are or were happier with getting a bigger (300 baht per day) salary,

unfortunately so many so many rich landlords and others have increased the rents eroding that increase.

An increase of uni graduates minimum salary Hmmm,

I as an employer am happy to pay a fair salary for my staff.

and "CRY ME A RIVER" is not that great of a song,

If you are so happy about it why did you not pay it when Abhist was the PM?

I assume now that you have to pay it you just take less profit for your self and leave the price of what ever you were selling the same.

you assume wrong, I started my business after the election there for after the law was put into affect.

next assumption please?

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Unfortunately the people who did not receive the 300 baht a day pay deal still have to pay more for basic commodities. Many people I have spoken to are not real happy about it. Just another scam by the PTP to win votes.

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Deputy Prime minister Plodprasop Suraswadi was WRONG in saying protesters are "garbage" and threatening arrest of protesters and their opinions are worthless is again WRONG!!!, I THINK HE SHOULD STEP DOWN AFTER APOLERGISING TO THE PEOPLE OF Thailand AND THE GOVERNMENT.

This article is WRONG with its comment, "The Pheu Thai sales pitch often claims it to be a government of the people by the people, IT IS!!!

The people of Thailand a democratically elected this government on 3 separate times, GET OVER IT! OR TRY TO TAKE GOVERNMENT WITHOUT A COUP!

"A government of the people" The 2005 general election the Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Thai Rak Thai party won 374 seats out of 500 seats,

2006 Thaksin Shinawatra was OVERTHROWN in a military coup, NOT OF THE PEOPLE!!!

A "government of the people" as they (the people) elected this current party into power,

PTP won 265 seats out of 500 seats, the Democrat party won 159 seats, again GET OVER IT!!!

What is so "wrong" about the comment "The Pheu Thai sales pitch often claims it to be a government of the people by the people"? I think that's a factual statement. It sets the stage for their argument. They claim this but do this instead.

Throwing about election numbers (as if those mean much in a system plagued with vote-buying) is irrelevant. The point of the entire article is that a government is for everyone...not just ones that voted them. They have to be accountable for decisions that will affect everyone in this country. Everyone should have a voice and not fear being silenced, ridiculed or prosecuted by the government.

This article is just stating the obvious. The fact that you seem bent out of shape about it says more about you than the person that wrote it.

It seems YOU did not read my opening sentence,,, AGIAN, what the deputy PM said is wrong and he should step down after the apologies are made to the Thai people and the government and this should NEVER happen again.

Yes everyone has an opinion and can voice them as long as it dose not exclude others rights.

Again if you don't like it then win then WIN the government by vote NOT by coup, or do you prefer a bloody coup to the democratic vote? Do you have the right to vote? Hmmm I wounder?

Politicians around the world have done and said some truly stupid things, politicians around the world have said some truly stupid things and Deputy PM is one of them.

Throwing around "vote buying" (your opinion)(can you prove it?) is not helping, and disrespectful of the peoples choice of government.

so the FACT is they have the approval of the MAJORITY of the people.

if you don't like it then go live and make comment in SYRIA, Turkey, or Afghanistan, because some(the minority) seem to not be happy to accept the(majority) peoples vote again and again and again...

No, I read and don't necessarily agree with your opening sentence. He said something stupid and an apology would suffice although I think the people would perhaps be better served if he did step down. But who's to say, that would all depend on who filled the slot afterwards.

You seem to be all over the place. I'm not sure if you are capable of rational conversation. What do votes or my right to vote have to do with this article or any of your nonsensical arguments??? Again, the author of the editorial is saying the government should grow a thicker skin and allow freedom of opinions to flow even if they do feel butt hurt. He goes on to give several examples of the government overstepping and overreacting.

YOU are the one that keeps going on about the people's vote and YOU are the one that keeps posting with massive capital letters all over the place like you are incapable of keeping your emotions in check. Contrary to what YOU seem to think, this thread is not about who can vote, who did vote, or who got the majority of the votes. It is simply about the government's actions regarding people of different opinion.

I swear, you say people should have the right to voice an opinion and you say Plodprasop was wrong in his statements. I fail to understand just where it is that you disagree with the editorial. Your entire emotional outburst seems to be based around your incorrect interpretation of one sentence in the article or other imagined issues unrelated to it.

I understand English is not everyone's first language but if you can't read and fully comprehend the article why are you here arguing just for argument's sake?

MY election comments stem from other posts red shirt bashing, so forgive my low tollerance for the whingers as very sour grapes I think.
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Surely no one thinks that people like Chalerm, Plodprasop,Arisaman, Nattawut, Jatupon really believe in freedom of speech!

Freedom of speech is for everyone, so long as they say what is approved by the censors or they wear the right colour, or don't come from a different country, or..............
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Amazing that everyone is getting their knickers in a twist about freedom of speech.

Don't they have a Thai phrase for "sticks and stones". This country needs more dissenting opinions not less. The endless search for consensus and calm is the problem. Embracing debate is the way forward, which must also be married to accepting defeat gracefully.

However, that would need "face" as a concept to disappear, which is the larger problem.

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WHAT??? What was done to the red shirt protesters was NOT HEAVY HANDED? you are joking!!! how many shot? how many killed how many injured? MEN WOMAN AND CHILDREN!!!

this sanctioned by hmmm whom? was it in

power by default via coup? or do you justify military coup when the out come dose not suite you?

you keep dodging that one or do you selectively

choose your HEAVY handedness on protesters?

Sir did you just land on this planet?
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About a week ago, Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi threatened to arrest protesters who showed up at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Chiang Mai. He compared to them to "garbage", suggesting that there was no place for them and that their concerns and opinions were worthless.

Takes one to know one, this one is i surly a waste of a sperm.

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Deputy Prime minister Plodprasop Suraswadi was WRONG in saying protesters are "garbage" and threatening arrest of protesters and their opinions are worthless is again WRONG!!!, I THINK HE SHOULD STEP DOWN AFTER APOLERGISING TO THE PEOPLE OF Thailand AND THE GOVERNMENT.

This article is WRONG with its comment, "The Pheu Thai sales pitch often claims it to be a government of the people by the people, IT IS!!!

The people of Thailand a democratically elected this government on 3 separate times, GET OVER IT! OR TRY TO TAKE GOVERNMENT WITHOUT A COUP!

"A government of the people" The 2005 general election the Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Thai Rak Thai party won 374 seats out of 500 seats,

2006 Thaksin Shinawatra was OVERTHROWN in a military coup, NOT OF THE PEOPLE!!!

A "government of the people" as they (the people) elected this current party into power,

PTP won 265 seats out of 500 seats, the Democrat party won 159 seats, again GET OVER IT!!!

What is so "wrong" about the comment "The Pheu Thai sales pitch often claims it to be a government of the people by the people"? I think that's a factual statement. It sets the stage for their argument. They claim this but do this instead.

Throwing about election numbers (as if those mean much in a system plagued with vote-buying) is irrelevant. The point of the entire article is that a government is for everyone...not just ones that voted them. They have to be accountable for decisions that will affect everyone in this country. Everyone should have a voice and not fear being silenced, ridiculed or prosecuted by the government.

This article is just stating the obvious. The fact that you seem bent out of shape about it says more about you than the person that wrote it.

I understand English is not everyone's first language but if you can't read and fully comprehend the article why are you here arguing just for argument's sake?

Because he or she is probably Thai, or one of those foreigners that have been brainwashed by their TIE gf/wife.

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How can it not be the height of hypocrisy for a Government that is only in power at all, after forcing an election through probably the most severe examples of protesting this country as ever seen, to have the gall to call protestors "garbage" and their views "worthless" - if prosecutions are to be pushed, as threatened, maybe they should also look back (maybe consider that protestors were actually allowed to pour human blood over the gate of the PM's residence when the "undemocratic" (apparently) democrats were in power - or just how long they were allowed to hold Bangkok to ransom before setting fire to it).

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I'm not sure government anywhere in the world is truly "of the people". Once you create a government, any government, unless it's a very very weak one (and even the weak ones don't tend to stay that way for very long...which is another topic), you create the elite that are going to manage it. And the elite simply aren't ever going to much cotton to criticism, scrutiny, restrictions on their power, limits to their privilege, prohibitions on their accumulation of wealth, or threats to their political longevity. How many of these office-holders and bureaucrats ever hold "real jobs"? How many enjoy perks and privileges the vast majority have to labor & sweat for throughout their working lives? Expense accounts; housing allowances; govt-paid travel; free medical care; extravagant pensions; etc., etc., etc.. How many educate their kids in the "public schools"? How many of them consider "work" to be nothing more than the negotiation of favors for campaign contributions for themselves or for their political patrons at re-election/re-appointment time? The masses who think they can sell their votes for some benefit or other, are hopelessly lost in the bigger picture and simply don't get this (they get something though, in the end...). The whole "of the people" thing is just wishful thinking on the part of the people, and "branding" on the part of the speechmakers who are manipulating them.

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WHAT??? What was done to the red shirt protesters was NOT HEAVY HANDED? you are joking!!! how many shot? how many killed how many injured? MEN WOMAN AND CHILDREN!!! this sanctioned by hmmm whom? was it in power by default via coup? or do you justify military coup when the out come dose not suite you?

you keep dodging that one or do you selectively choose your HEAVY handedness on protesters?

You certainly seem to be hyper-ventilating in this topic - a bit of jai yen yen please.

You seem to know all the answers, possibly because you're just trying to wind everyone up.

The reds were the victims, but who has gained from that incident? The missing categoric fact is who we're the perpetrators of the violence and who was responsible and guilty for the shootings. The present government supporters show their contempt for the Thai people. Isn't it just possible that the guilty encouraged the shooting of innocents by hiding behind a human shield. It's not black and white.

Oh yes, was there a bloody coup? The fact is there was a bloody Democracy.

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Surely no one thinks that people like Chalerm, Plodprasop,Arisaman, Nattawut, Jatupon really believe in freedom of speech!

Freedom of speech is for everyone, so long as they say what is approved by the censors or they wear the right colour, or don't come from a different country, or..............
I often get the impression that even the PTP and their supporters have their own freedom of speech taken away. A former PM, fugitive criminal, seems to be demonstrating very clearly what a return to his policies would be like.
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Amazing that everyone is getting their knickers in a twist about freedom of speech.

Don't they have a Thai phrase for "sticks and stones". This country needs more dissenting opinions not less. The endless search for consensus and calm is the problem. Embracing debate is the way forward, which must also be married to accepting defeat gracefully.

However, that would need "face" as a concept to disappear, which is the larger problem.

Comes back to Thai culture I suppose.

Stupid things like "why ask a native English speaker to proof-read something I'm going to publicly display?". Much better to demonstrate stupidity, rather than admit one's falability and ask for help.

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No government should threaten its people. As someone stated already, it's down to understanding equality of everyone.

George Orwell isn't very popular in Thailand, but v for vendetta seems to be getting some traction at least.

Orwell wrote the two definitive novels on oppression and totalitarianism which I doubt will be surpassed. Should Animal Farm and 1984 be correctly translated into Thai and available to the young who may suspect something may be very wrong but are not quite sure how to put their feelings into words, well, there could be beneficial change to all apart from Big Brother and the Thought Police...

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A government of the people should not threaten

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Ministers have been getting overly sensitive and protective recently; they should learn some humility

About a week ago, Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi threatened to arrest protesters who showed up at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Chiang Mai. He compared to them to "garbage", suggesting that there was no place for them and that their concerns and opinions were worthless.

Apparently, the chairman of the Water and Flood Management Commission didn't want to have any unwanted incident at the summit - knowing that the media spotlight would be on him. Perhaps Plodprasop thought he was living in North Korea not in Thailand, where people - well most people at least - value this notion of freedom of expression.

But just as the dust in Chiang Mai had settled, the government found itself with another predicament that demonstrates that they have not learned much about anger management. Bad enough to have Plodprasop calling environmental activists "trash" and behaving dictatorially by threatening them with legal action.

Then, shortly after, the legal experts and big wigs in the Pheu Thai Party went on the record to state that they want to do something about the Guy Fawkes mask phenomenon - Thais or others on social media who oppose the Yingluck government in cyberspace.

What is mind boggling is the why this government is so thin skinned. The Pheu Thai sales pitch often claims it to be a government "of the people and by the people" - a line that they use to justify just about everything that they do, it seems. And yet, they are not willing to tolerate netizens using a well-known movie-based mask as their icon to criticise their work.

There is an old saying: If you don't mind, it don't matter. But apparently, the Pheu Thai people do mind, especially when the criticism involved their dear leader, Thaksin Shinawatra, the de facto leader of the party.

Never mind self respect or integrity, it was important for the Pheu Thai people to be the first to get off the block in defending Thaksin. It would be such a grave sin if they didn't defend his honour with all their might. Perhaps they are concerned that the

V-mask group could get out of hand and take their anti-government campaign from cyberspace and onto the streets. We have this before with the Yellow Shirt movement when a media personality went from old buddy of Thaksin to become one of his worst


Today, this movement has hit a major roadblock as their leaders are facing criminal charges, something that confines their activities on the ground, not to mention that the move also faces a credibility problem.

But with the legal threat from the Pheu Thai leaders, it has become clear that not even cyberspace is a safe place for anybody wishing to voice criticism of the government's policies and activities, especially ones that centre around saving Thaksin from facing his criminal charges.

Anti-government movements around the world involve democracy to suit their needs. What sets Thailand apart with political action groups here is the level of hypocrisy. Supporters of the Pheu Thai Party cited democracy when they were in the opposition but now look the other way when their opponents are threatened with legal action and a possible clampdown.

Instead of showing anger and paranoia, perhaps the Pheu Thai Party should try a little humility and dignity. This shouldn't be too much to ask, especially if one claims to be a government for the people, of the people and by the people.


-- The Nation 2013-06-02

The problem is, that in order to show humility and respect, you have to be a well rounded person, with self respect, and good self esteem, who has done something with their lives. Unfortunately, there are very few ministers in the Thai government who are talented, capable, and worthy of their positions. Many are small men, with alot of money, and little regard for the public. For this guy Suraswadi to have uttered a statement as ignorant as this, shows who he is. For him to be in such an important position, is a travesty, and perhaps shows how broken the political system is. If the government is serious about improving the lot of the Thai people, they can start by hiring based on talent, and appropriate skills, rather than cronyism, and the level of support someone brings to a campaign.

Mike Macarelli

Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You make an excellent point and no doubt share my frustration that the good of Thailand isn't even on the agenda.

Currently some government positions seem to be filled by people who are 'owed' something. Hence the non-political, juvenile actions/pre-occupations of this government.

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