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Brass Neck......

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My pal hit the roof with a backpacker that wandered up to his prime table, sat down and demanded the password for the free wifi. He was given the password, and when the waitress approached him to ask if he would like anything to drink or eat he said no, leave him alone, he was busy.

My pal was touchy enough already as people had been drinking at one of those street van contraptions along the way, and using his toilet. He had tolerated it for so long until one guy wandered in and complained at having to wait to use the toilet. The crime was that one of my pals customers had the cheek to go first, shocking that eh?

Now my pal is the considerate type, he didn't mind a Chinese tourist being helped into the toilet and washed down and bandaged after taking a header of a rented motorcycle. Even though he wasn't asked or acknowledged at all. In fact he didn't even mind the fact that his staff had to mop up the blood left behind as the lady hobbled through the whole length of his bar, but he did mind when the Chinese left the bar without even a nod of the head. One of the Thai staff saw him turn purple and they spoke to the Chinese about not saying thanks and one of them replied in perfect English " what's your problem? ".

Incidentally, the Chinese Consulate in Chiang Mai has approached several motorcycle rental places in the company of the police, and given them a letter " instructing " them not to rent motorcycles to the Chinese, as the accident rate is so high and it's " obvious they can't ride them ". I heard a rumour that there were 22 accidents reported to the Chinese Consulate in one week at the start of May.

Anyway, the point is, there's far too many ignorant and brass necked people wandering about.

Just sayin'. coffee1.gif

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Incidentally, the Chinese Consulate in Chiang Mai has approached several motorcycle rental places in the company of the police, and given them a letter " instructing " them not to rent motorcycles to the Chinese, as the accident rate is so high and it's " obvious they can't ride them ".

I heard a rumour that there were 22 accidents reported to the Chinese Consulate in one week at the start of May.


I saw this elsewhere on the Forum ... maybe a good example of what the OP is referring in part.


That has a 'Laural and Hardy' ( in Germany called 'Dick und Duff' ) feel about it.

You could nearly always work out what the end result would be but the timing and the actions getting there you could never pre-empt.

It was almost certain he was going in the hole but the getting there made it even better.

But we really shouldn't laugh at the mis-fortunes of others whistling.gif

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Incidentally, the Chinese Consulate in Chiang Mai has approached several motorcycle rental places in the company of the police, and given them a letter " instructing " them not to rent motorcycles to the Chinese, as the accident rate is so high and it's " obvious they can't ride them ".

I heard a rumour that there were 22 accidents reported to the Chinese Consulate in one week at the start of May.


I saw this elsewhere on the Forum ... maybe a good example of what the OP is referring in part.


Thank you sooooooo much. That made my day. I laughed long and hard. Thanks again.

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You don't see too many Chinese riding scooters around Pattaya, but when you do they're invariably causing problems, as are the few Koreans.

Blether - have a friend with wifi at the restaurant and she changes the router password weekly to stop locals or customers at the bars adjacent (who have got the password previously from her) hooking in for free. Staff are instructed to give out the password only if something is ordered. A few times she's turned off the router when a non-regular abuses the wifi for too long on one cup of coffee...."so solly, wifi kaput, me cannot fix".

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Anybody know where to find the youtube video of the ambulance guys putting the stretcher in the back of the pickup....then the driver shooting off as both attendees look in opposite directions thinking the other one was holding onto the stretcher....then....the stretcher slides out the back onto the road.


Jerry Lewis moment.

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