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Foreigners And Thais Nothing In Common We Can Relate To, To Talk About


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All the accusations on this forum about racism are totally out of order. Remember; WE CARE !!!!!!!

Indeed, those accusations are totally out of order about the topic of this thread. They are a cheap and abrasive way to TRY to shut down sincere discussion. Don't let them!

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'And he probably THINKS he is getting along so well with everyone here, because THAI people make you feel that way, by telling lies, and agreeing with everything you say ..'

Thai operating system is different. Farm girl, bar girl, CEO of bank....

Accusation of lies is a harsh Western indictment.

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'And he probably THINKS he is getting along so well with everyone here, because THAI people make you feel that way, by telling lies, and agreeing with everything you say ..'Thai operating system is different. Farm girl, bar girl, CEO of bank....Accusation of lies is a harsh Western indictment.

A lie is a lie. Cohok pen cohok. Its a universal indictment.

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Can I make a request please for an appreciation of the fact that we are not in the USA?

And by that you mean...

I'm sitting on the verandah of the home we built in Northern Thailand from Teak and Siam Rosewood with a Thai farmer having a beer, while my wife cooks Tom Yum Gai and her family (extended and big) are talking. About what, I don't know. But they seem very happy.

BTW. There's an old farmer walking by with his buffalo and the small bell round the buffalo's neck is ringing quietly.

Nothing more, nothing less.

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I'm sitting on the verandah of the home we built in Northern Thailand from Teak and Siam Rosewood with a Thai farmer having a beer, while my wife cooks Tom Yum Gai and her family (extended and big) are talking. About what, I don't know. But they seem very happy.BTW. There's an old farmer walking by with his buffalo and the small bell round the buffalo's neck is ringing quietly.Nothing more, nothing less.

Your reflection of your own posts have made you realise that it is time to call it quits for you. Critical thinking !! Lol.

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Can I make a request please for an appreciation of the fact that we are not in the USA?

And by that you mean...

I'm sitting on the verandah of the home we built in Northern Thailand from Teak and Siam Rosewood with a Thai farmer having a beer, while my wife cooks Tom Yum Gai and her family (extended and big) are talking. About what, I don't know. But they seem very happy.

BTW. There's an old farmer walking by with his buffalo and the small bell round the buffalo's neck is ringing quietly.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Everybody's opinion is based on their location and/or class. Something most wouldn´t do back in the west but C'est la vie... this is Thailand. I have lived on both sides of the fence and to be honest I wouldn't marry a girl that I couldn´t communicate with but hey, thats me... Yet for me it´s hard to understand some foreigners who can't communicate one way or the other with their spouses and yet claim they know Thailand and its people.

I don't say it´s wrong having that kind of relationship, everybody should be able to live their lives the way they want. But when it comes to critical thinking I personally find that because of the educational system here and the culture in the homes of the locals, it limits their thinking and make them alienate people who could actually help them move on to something better.

Now you and your wife chose the quiet life and are quite happy with it, well god bless you both but for me living the big city where I see crap happen to decent citizens on a daily basis, I think a voice making itself heard on their behalf as much as my own is important enough. Doesn´t matter if it's on a forum or by discussing it with my friends.

The thing is that there are so many don´ts in Thailand that it has forced the locals to believe that they don´t have a choice but to swallow the horse pill and move on. Even if it's just a bunch of farang misfits discussing it on a obscure forum, it still proves that there are people who do actually care.

Edited by maxme
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I'm sitting on the verandah of the home we built in Northern Thailand from Teak and Siam Rosewood with a Thai farmer having a beer, while my wife cooks Tom Yum Gai and her family (extended and big) are talking. About what, I don't know. But they seem very happy.BTW. There's an old farmer walking by with his buffalo and the small bell round the buffalo's neck is ringing quietly.Nothing more, nothing less.

Your reflection of your own posts have made you realise that it is time to call it quits for you. Critical thinking !! Lol.

There's more to a conversation than critical thinking. The subject of the OP was, to paraphrase somewhat "We have nothing in common with Thais because I don't like to talk about food"; I don't feel the need to dive into rigorous intellectual debate every time I strike up a conversation with my friends. Some times I'm quite happy talking about football or beer or food or livestock or children. Some times I'm quite happy just sitting quietly till the cows come home (not literally...)


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I'm sitting on the verandah of the home we built in Northern Thailand from Teak and Siam Rosewood with a Thai farmer having a beer, while my wife cooks Tom Yum Gai and her family (extended and big) are talking. About what, I don't know. But they seem very happy.

BTW. There's an old farmer walking by with his buffalo and the small bell round the buffalo's neck is ringing quietly.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Everybody's opinion is based on their location and/or class. Something most wouldn´t do back in the west but C'est la vie... this is Thailand. I have lived on both sides of the fence and to be honest I wouldn't marry a girl that I couldn´t communicate with but hey, thats me... Yet for me it´s hard to understand some foreigners who can't communicate one way or the other with their spouses and yet claim they know Thailand and its people.

I can't believe anyone can be happy living surrounded by people they can't communicate with.

Doesn't matter how nice the house and surroundings are.

For god's sake learn their language (whatever that is).

Prime example of 'nothing in common', not even the language.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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'but for me living the big city where I see crap happen to decent citizens on a daily basis, I think a voice making itself heard on their behalf as much as my own is important enough.'

My income comes from the big city. And I see a lot of crap happen to decent people just like you do.

'I wouldn't marry a girl that I couldn´t communicate with but hey, thats me..'

Nor would I.

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'but for me living the big city where I see crap happen to decent citizens on a daily basis, I think a voice making itself heard on their behalf as much as my own is important enough.'

My income comes from the big city. And I see a lot of crap happen to decent people just like you do.

'I wouldn't marry a girl that I couldn´t communicate with but hey, thats me..'

Nor would I.

By focusing on the quotes, you missed the punchline... coffee1.gif

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I'm sitting on the verandah of the home we built in Northern Thailand from Teak and Siam Rosewood with a Thai farmer having a beer, while my wife cooks Tom Yum Gai and her family (extended and big) are talking. About what, I don't know. But they seem very happy.

BTW. There's an old farmer walking by with his buffalo and the small bell round the buffalo's neck is ringing quietly.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Everybody's opinion is based on their location and/or class. Something most wouldn´t do back in the west but C'est la vie... this is Thailand. I have lived on both sides of the fence and to be honest I wouldn't marry a girl that I couldn´t communicate with but hey, thats me... Yet for me it´s hard to understand some foreigners who can't communicate one way or the other with their spouses and yet claim they know Thailand and its people.

I can't believe anyone can be happy living surrounded by people they can't communicate with.

Doesn't matter how nice the house and surroundings are.

For god's sake learn their language (whatever that is).

Prime example of 'nothing in common', not even the language.

I think I know what you are getting at, or I might not know... In any case, I think you need to explain it further.

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'but for me living the big city where I see crap happen to decent citizens on a daily basis, I think a voice making itself heard on their behalf as much as my own is important enough.'

My income comes from the big city. And I see a lot of crap happen to decent people just like you do.

'I wouldn't marry a girl that I couldn´t communicate with but hey, thats me..'

Nor would I.

By focusing on the quotes, you missed the punchline... :coffee1:

Which is?

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'but for me living the big city where I see crap happen to decent citizens on a daily basis, I think a voice making itself heard on their behalf as much as my own is important enough.'

My income comes from the big city. And I see a lot of crap happen to decent people just like you do.

'I wouldn't marry a girl that I couldn´t communicate with but hey, thats me..'

Nor would I.

By focusing on the quotes, you missed the punchline... coffee1.gif

Which is?

You see the travesty on a daily basis, but do you care?

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I gossip with sister In law, she loves that I am not constrained by thai manners and can have a real good go at people that annoy us. Mostly with the guys it is talk about work, mine, theirs and the differences.

When it comes to gossiping and slagging people off I'm not sure that even most Thais are constrained by Thai manners. I even remember reading some sort of paper on this. (It may have been an article rather than a paper, I can't remember). The gist was that because Thai manners dictate that people cannot complain directly in any way about their 'seniors', the gossip and rumour mills run full time allowing the 'juniors' to save face or just cause secretive mischief and exact their revenge.

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You make two assumptions:

1. That Thais lack critical thinking

2. That the rest of us also hold that same assumption.


I don't think I did make the second assumption.

If I did I would be blind since this very heated debate is the living proof that not everyone shares my opinion.

Which is entirely cool by me.

I can only try to explain

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You make two assumptions:

1. That Thais lack critical thinking

2. That the rest of us also hold that same assumption.


I don't think I did make the second assumption.

If I did I would be blind since this very heated debate is the living proof that not everyone shares my opinion.

Which is entirely cool by me.

I can only try to explain

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It's not about great or not great education, it's about teaching or even allowing its population to think for oneself.

I think you should read up on education in Vietnam 65 years ago when he was born, it's not even that great now.

He is Thai and a nice bloke, why do you find it so hard to believe this?. There are many nice Thai's and many Thai's I wouldn't like to get to know, you live in the same country and you have nothing in common?. I suggest you try a bit harder to find someone out of the 65 million to get friendly with.

And it's not about nice or not nice. I would never dream of saying such things as this nationality is not "nice", it's just plain stupid.

I know alot of nice Thai people.... it does not mean we can share views on global current affairs.

I can talk to my neighbor about gardening, the lottery, her health, her dogs, Thai cooking, etc, etc, she is very NICE but I would not ask her opinion on Bachar El Assad.

Back in the West you talk to your neighbours about the weather, gardening etc etc, they are people who you just happen to live near. Once you have a solid friendship with a Thai you will get to know their real opinions, they do have views on more than whats in your stereotypical thinking.


I have stereotypical thinking

Thai people are actually able to talk about world politics.

It just that among the thousands of Thai citizen that I have met, I never heard one single educated opinion about anything outside THL...

I must be very unlucky !

Can I meet your friends ?

Because right now my gardening convo is wearing thin ...closedeyes.gif

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It's not about great or not great education, it's about teaching or even allowing its population to think for oneself.

I think you should read up on education in Vietnam 65 years ago when he was born, it's not even that great now.

He is Thai and a nice bloke, why do you find it so hard to believe this?. There are many nice Thai's and many Thai's I wouldn't like to get to know, you live in the same country and you have nothing in common?. I suggest you try a bit harder to find someone out of the 65 million to get friendly with.

And it's not about nice or not nice. I would never dream of saying such things as this nationality is not "nice", it's just plain stupid.

I know alot of nice Thai people.... it does not mean we can share views on global current affairs.

I can talk to my neighbor about gardening, the lottery, her health, her dogs, Thai cooking, etc, etc, she is very NICE but I would not ask her opinion on Bachar El Assad.

Back in the West you talk to your neighbours about the weather, gardening etc etc, they are people who you just happen to live near. Once you have a solid friendship with a Thai you will get to know their real opinions, they do have views on more than whats in your stereotypical thinking.


I have stereotypical thinking

Thai people are actually able to talk about world politics.

It just that among the thousands of Thai citizen that I have met, I never heard one single educated opinion about anything outside THL...

I must be very unlucky !

Can I meet your friends ?

Because right now my gardening convo is wearing thin ...closedeyes.gif

Why are so many people obsessed with talking about world politics? Thais have enough politiics of their own to talk about.

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How about family?......is that not important in Thailand?

I think it was 69% of husbands and 59% of wives that are unfaithful here.

Obviously divorce being not popular, you can imagine the atmosphere in most Thai families : lies, deceits, betray, lack of trust, of respect etc

Oh and they stay because of face & money of course ;)

These types of settings are disastrous for the kids

Yeh dodgy lot these Thais.

BTW. Not sure where these statistics come from?

My extensive research in Thailand suggests that the Thai male is notoriously unreliable as a husband and father but Thai women are far more faithful. Apart from those that are making a living from it of course.

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How about family?......is that not important in Thailand?

I think it was 69% of husbands and 59% of wives that are unfaithful here.

Obviously divorce being not popular, you can imagine the atmosphere in most Thai families : lies, deceits, betray, lack of trust, of respect etc

Oh and they stay because of face & money of course wink.png

These types of settings are disastrous for the kids

Yeh dodgy lot these Thais.

BTW. Not sure where these statistics come from?

My extensive research in Thailand suggests that the Thai male is notoriously unreliable as a husband and father but Thai women are far more faithful. Apart from those that are making a living from it of course.

I think it was a story on the daily mail, an article about sexpat

Someone brought it here to attention, sorry can't remember the name of the topic

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It's not about great or not great education, it's about teaching or even allowing its population to think for oneself.

I think you should read up on education in Vietnam 65 years ago when he was born, it's not even that great now.

He is Thai and a nice bloke, why do you find it so hard to believe this?. There are many nice Thai's and many Thai's I wouldn't like to get to know, you live in the same country and you have nothing in common?. I suggest you try a bit harder to find someone out of the 65 million to get friendly with.

And it's not about nice or not nice. I would never dream of saying such things as this nationality is not "nice", it's just plain stupid.

I know alot of nice Thai people.... it does not mean we can share views on global current affairs.

I can talk to my neighbor about gardening, the lottery, her health, her dogs, Thai cooking, etc, etc, she is very NICE but I would not ask her opinion on Bachar El Assad.

Back in the West you talk to your neighbours about the weather, gardening etc etc, they are people who you just happen to live near. Once you have a solid friendship with a Thai you will get to know their real opinions, they do have views on more than whats in your stereotypical thinking.


I have stereotypical thinking

Thai people are actually able to talk about world politics.

It just that among the thousands of Thai citizen that I have met, I never heard one single educated opinion about anything outside THL...

I must be very unlucky !

Can I meet your friends ?

Because right now my gardening convo is wearing thin ...closedeyes.gif

Why are so many people obsessed with talking about world politics? Thais have enough politiics of their own to talk about.

Damn why did not I thought about that before !

Thai people are just keeping world politics for when they are tired to talk about their own !

The same goes for Philosophy, history, religion, sociology, etc etc

In fact they are well versed in things of the world.

the UN is just oblivious to their immense knowledge when making BKK 2013 book reading capital of the world to promote literacy.

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How about family?......is that not important in Thailand?

I think it was 69% of husbands and 59% of wives that are unfaithful here.

Obviously divorce being not popular, you can imagine the atmosphere in most Thai families : lies, deceits, betray, lack of trust, of respect etc

Oh and they stay because of face & money of course ;)

These types of settings are disastrous for the kids

Yeh dodgy lot these Thais.

BTW. Not sure where these statistics come from?

My extensive research in Thailand suggests that the Thai male is notoriously unreliable as a husband and father but Thai women are far more faithful. Apart from those that are making a living from it of course.

I think it was a story on the daily mail, an article about sexpat

Someone brought it here to attention, sorry can't remember the name of the topic

Article in the daily mail about sexpats in Thailand needs to be balanced with something.

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This thread has become very childish. People are different all over the world. Historically Thailand has not taught critical thinking, therefore the *general ability' of the populace is significantly lower than countries that have been actively teaching it in schools for the last 25 years. (Not true of my school in England 30-35 years ago BTW). Some Thai people are stupid, some are clever the same as anywhere else. Some people are never taught critical thinking as a concept and develop the skill anyway, wherever they're from., some you could beat with a critical thinking stick and they still wouldn't get it. (For the record in the last 5 years (in my personal experience) the Thai education system has really woken up to the idea and are pushing it hard).

Meanwhile I talk to my Thai friends about whatever crap we fancy- but I have to admit that we rarely touch on philosophy.

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Hi SC,

Well you might be just like Thai people, you might be a Thai person, I don't know much about you at all. If you think just like Thai people, than I would not consider you one of "us" as far as this conversation goes. If you are just like a Thai person, maybe you don't get along well, or like, many Western people. This discussion is about generalities, which will not, by definition, fit every individual.

I can bet, that if you put me in a room, with 1,000 people in Los Angeles, (who were born there) that I can't find even one person who would say that a ghost caused the above accident I described. I can bet if I was in a room with any amount of Thai people, some huge percentage, maybe all, depending on the demographics, would say the ghost, bad luck, bad blessing ceremony, something along those lines would be the reason given for the accident. His bed was located facing the wrong way, there are all sorts of similar answers.

If you think more like Thai people, than I can only guess you are very happy here and that is great for you!!

Amy ...........SC is not residing in THL, neither is TB and that explains alot.

Honestly when I used to come here regularlytourist as I did not see any of this

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I'm sitting on the verandah of the home we built in Northern Thailand from Teak and Siam Rosewood with a Thai farmer having a beer, while my wife cooks Tom Yum Gai and her family (extended and big) are talking. About what, I don't know. But they seem very happy.

BTW. There's an old farmer walking by with his buffalo and the small bell round the buffalo's neck is ringing quietly.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Everybody's opinion is based on their location and/or class. Something most wouldn´t do back in the west but C'est la vie... this is Thailand. I have lived on both sides of the fence and to be honest I wouldn't marry a girl that I couldn´t communicate with but hey, thats me... Yet for me it´s hard to understand some foreigners who can't communicate one way or the other with their spouses and yet claim they know Thailand and its people.

I can't believe anyone can be happy living surrounded by people they can't communicate with.

Doesn't matter how nice the house and surroundings are.

For god's sake learn their language (whatever that is).

Prime example of 'nothing in common', not even the language.

mmmh I don't know ....All these efforts in learning a challenging language to -at best (with educated lawyers) - talk about women's legs ...

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