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Why not have a free July 4th buffet and give back to all the people that have made you rich with a successful business?

The most obvious reason is that if it was free the people showing up at the buffet would most likely not bee the same people who made Duke's a successful business. There is no shortage of farang parasites in Chiang Mai, and offering anything for free is sure to attract them.

Whens the last time youve been? The majority of people in the evening are Thai. What a better way to increase future business than to let people try the food.

The people that made it successful were also first timers at one time. So even if it was limited to the people who have made it successful as you stipulate - wouldnt it be good to give a little back to them after theyve given so much to him?

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Who said it had anything to do with my restaurants? It has nothing to do with my businesses. People respecting people. A new concept. I see it all over the internet on many forums and I am bewildered. We have a great community here in Chiang Mai. Whenever I'm looking for something on Goggle in Chiang Mai this forum comes up. I say it's time to clean it up but if everyone enjoys the garbage then this is all just falling on deaf ears.

Apart from your post that got locked, i do agree with you...this forum is getting bad, but i attribute this to some of the younger, more arrogant people on this forum who have arrived not too long ago and still have the notion that Thailand is a free for all and do whatever they want to do without disregard for others. They usually get wiser after a year or in LOS.

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Napoleon Complex much? Issues, party of one.....

Basically, this is why I don't go to Duke's...........because this piece of USDA Choice sirloin cost me 3 USD in the States. I don't go to Outback, Lonestar, or the others, either. The common theme for the farang restaurant owners on TV is to pat each others backs, and say how great the hot dogs and eggs were, never giving the price, and anyone who complains is bashed as being poor or can't afford it. I don't know if Duke's is on The Trip Advisor list or not, but to me that is the new scarlet letter for arrogant owner with expensive, nothing to get excited about food. Same way with AAA approved hotels, and of course the Lonely Planet guide to eating in Thailand, with places a Thai has never been, with the dirtiest lowest class tourists possible, at Western prices, with Thai sanitation. Called Agoda for a refund on Monday, after checking into a Trip Advisor recommended hotel. Purely disgusting, backpacker dump.

Good luck with your business.

Remember Tuskers? Those people were a class act. Something for everyone, and some good freebies.


Edited by Thighlander
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Why not have a free July 4th buffet and give back to all the people that have made you rich with a successful business?

The most obvious reason is that if it was free the people showing up at the buffet would most likely not bee the same people who made Duke's a successful business. There is no shortage of farang parasites in Chiang Mai, and offering anything for free is sure to attract them.

Whens the last time youve been? The majority of people in the evening are Thai. What a better way to increase future business than to let people try the food.

The people that made it successful were also first timers at one time. So even if it was limited to the people who have made it successful as you stipulate - wouldnt it be good to give a little back to them after theyve given so much to him?

Today was the last time I went there, if you must know. You're making a lot of assumptions.

Edited by AngelsLariat
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Why not have a free July 4th buffet and give back to all the people that have made you rich with a successful business?

The most obvious reason is that if it was free the people showing up at the buffet would most likely not bee the same people who made Duke's a successful business. There is no shortage of farang parasites in Chiang Mai, and offering anything for free is sure to attract them.

Whens the last time youve been? The majority of people in the evening are Thai. What a better way to increase future business than to let people try the food.

The people that made it successful were also first timers at one time. So even if it was limited to the people who have made it successful as you stipulate - wouldnt it be good to give a little back to them after theyve given so much to him?

Today was the last time I went there, if you must know. You're making a lot of assumptions.

Its only 4pm as you post, go back for dinner and look.

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I know that Duke's has a large number of Thai customers. I don't need too go back there for dinner to observe that. But how many Thais would be interested in a 4th of July party unless it was free? I would think that a Loi Kratong party would be better suited to that clientele.

Edited by AngelsLariat
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This may or may not be relevant to Dave's post, but I have noticed a conspicuous absence of several posters who seem to have a penchant for multiple replies on virtually every thread, most that have nothing to do with the topic. Maybe they are having a race to see who can get to 10,000 posts first. Is the number of posts one has made or the superlative designation of their "membership" really necessary?

Perhaps a lot of the drivel, negativity and name-calling could be eliminated if the mods issued a 100 post penalty for engaging in those behaviors. I have been involved in forums with little, no, heavy, and moderate moderation, and unfortunately it sometimes takes an iron-fisted moderator to eliminate the trolls and the creeps that ruin the positive exchange of information for everyone else.

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Again, my dismay has nothing to do with my businesses. I've never claimed to be perfect. Maybe I don't find the right word sometimes and I can get hot headed. I just think that this forum could be a better place. Agree to respect one another. Simple concept. If I can do it then anyone probably can. I'd just like to see a change of direction here. That's about all my input. Go ahead and muddle it up.

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I know that Duke's has a large number of Thai customers. I don't need too go back there for dinner to observe that. But how many Thais would be interested in a 4th of July party unless it was free? I would think that a Loi Kratong party would be better suited to that clientele.

How many people do you think would be interested in a 4th of July party that cost 1000 baht to get in?

...and how many more people do you think it would bring in if it was free?...anyway its his business let him run it as he sees fit.

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I know that Duke's has a large number of Thai customers. I don't need too go back there for dinner to observe that. But how many Thais would be interested in a 4th of July party unless it was free? I would think that a Loi Kratong party would be better suited to that clientele.

How many people do you think would be interested in a 4th of July party that cost 1000 baht to get in?

...and how many more people do you think it would bring in if it was free?...anyway its his business let him run it as he sees fit.

I supose that we'll see how many are interested on the 4th. In the past 3 or 4 years he's been involved with 4th of July Parties with and without the VFW. Each time some people praised him afterwards and some people condemed him.

I think that his margins are less than people might assume. While we haven't seen his 1000 baht w/ 4 drinks buffet yet, my bet is that if he turns a 25% profit off it it's only because so many of his customers' Thai girlfriends/wifes don't eat much.

Edited by AngelsLariat
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Again, my dismay has nothing to do with my businesses. I've never claimed to be perfect. Maybe I don't find the right word sometimes and I can get hot headed. I just think that this forum could be a better place. Agree to respect one another. Simple concept. If I can do it then anyone probably can. I'd just like to see a change of direction here. That's about all my input. Go ahead and muddle it up.

Maybe you should start with yourself

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Napoleon Complex much? Issues, party of one.....

Basically, this is why I don't go to Duke's...........because this piece of USDA Choice sirloin cost me 3 USD in the States. I don't go to Outback, Lonestar, or the others, either. The common theme for the farang restaurant owners on TV is to pat each others backs, and say how great the hot dogs and eggs were, never giving the price, and anyone who complains is bashed as being poor or can't afford it. I don't know if Duke's is on The Trip Advisor list or not, but to me that is the new scarlet letter for arrogant owner with expensive, nothing to get excited about food. Same way with AAA approved hotels, and of course the Lonely Planet guide to eating in Thailand, with places a Thai has never been, with the dirtiest lowest class tourists possible, at Western prices, with Thai sanitation. Called Agoda for a refund on Monday, after checking into a Trip Advisor recommended hotel. Purely disgusting, backpacker dump.

Good luck with your business.

Remember Tuskers? Those people were a class act. Something for everyone, and some good freebies.

Wow Tuskers, there was a real DUMP, my opinion, my money, my choice, I went there once and was horrified, the owner was a jerk, the staff were lazy and I left without finishing my slop or drink! bah.gif

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Napoleon Complex much? Issues, party of one.....

Basically, this is why I don't go to Duke's...........because this piece of USDA Choice sirloin cost me 3 USD in the States. I don't go to Outback, Lonestar, or the others, either. The common theme for the farang restaurant owners on TV is to pat each others backs, and say how great the hot dogs and eggs were, never giving the price, and anyone who complains is bashed as being poor or can't afford it. I don't know if Duke's is on The Trip Advisor list or not, but to me that is the new scarlet letter for arrogant owner with expensive, nothing to get excited about food. Same way with AAA approved hotels, and of course the Lonely Planet guide to eating in Thailand, with places a Thai has never been, with the dirtiest lowest class tourists possible, at Western prices, with Thai sanitation. Called Agoda for a refund on Monday, after checking into a Trip Advisor recommended hotel. Purely disgusting, backpacker dump.

Good luck with your business.

Remember Tuskers? Those people were a class act. Something for everyone, and some good freebies.

Wow Tuskers, there was a real DUMP, my opinion, my money, my choice, I went there once and was horrified, the owner was a jerk, the staff were lazy and I left without finishing my slop or drink! bah.gif

It was a good deal for free TV parties, and they did have large Heinekens for 55 THB (half price happy hour). .......

Edited by onthedarkside
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Why on earth would anyone expect the man to host a fourth of July party for free. If you don't wish to attend, don't, or maybe you could offer to help sponsor the event. Having said that, i don't condone or respect his remarks.

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I know that Duke's has a large number of Thai customers. I don't need too go back there for dinner to observe that. But how many Thais would be interested in a 4th of July party unless it was free? I would think that a Loi Kratong party would be better suited to that clientele.

How many people do you think would be interested in a 4th of July party that cost 1000 baht to get in? ...and how many more people do you think it would bring in if it was free?...anyway its his business let him run it as he sees fit.
I supose that we'll see how many are interested on the 4th. In the past 3 or 4 years he's been involved with 4th of July Parties with and without the VFW. Each time some people praised him afterwards and some people condemed him.I think that his margins are less than people might assume. While we haven't seen his 1000 baht w/ 4 drinks buffet yet, my bet is that if he turns a 25% profit off it it's only because so many of his customers' Thai girlfriends/wifes don't eat much.

God, if his profit margin is only 25%, then he should not be running a restaurant.

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I agree with Dave, on many other forums I am much more open about who I am, post pics of myself etc etc. But I feel here it's just too risky as some people have too much free time and too much negativity and are willing to try to make people's lives full of trouble. No specific names, but just a general lack of community. Which is funny since I have met many wonderful expats in real life here. Oh well, I will just continue on as always.

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Again, my dismay has nothing to do with my businesses. I've never claimed to be perfect. Maybe I don't find the right word sometimes and I can get hot headed. I just think that this forum could be a better place. Agree to respect one another. Simple concept. If I can do it then anyone probably can. I'd just like to see a change of direction here. That's about all my input. Go ahead and muddle it up.

I think that if you had posted your drivel at 10 am, as opposed to 2 am, more of us would have taken you seriously. As it is now, you started something you cannot control: self-implosion.

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Glad the topic reopened.

The OP lambasted the users of the forum but does not explain why?

I, for one, would not want to eat at his establishments with such a nasty, crass and angry owner. Just saying................

I find your post highly interesting being you have been a member for 6 years. You all of a sudden come up with an opinion like that on a man who has been here and posted for several years.

Have you ever ate there I have many times and find the man to be a very easy man to get along with.

Of course I doubt people talk to him face to face and say things like you have just said face to face with him.

Glad the topic reopened.

The OP lambasted the users of the forum but does not explain why?

I, for one, would not want to eat at his establishments with such a nasty, crass and angry owner. Just saying................

Well said. And there are so many restaurant choices in Chiang Mai that not only survive, but are quite successful absent the vitriol.

I wouldn't worry too much about it he just needed to get something off his chest. I am sure he is a charming man at his establishments. But I also would like to know what particular event or posting lit his fuse.

Well when you sit back and look at the whole picture you have to laugh. Some of these posters put up posts that would make you think they walk on water and had never got upset or if they had they didn't have the gut's to say any thing about it. Dave is not exactly an unknown face to posters here. He is not hiding behind a key board like most of us are.

I say more power to him for speaking his mind even if some people condemn him for it or disagree.

I have found that if I mention a preference for some thing he will go out of his way to supply it.

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Glad the topic reopened.

The OP lambasted the users of the forum but does not explain why?

I, for one, would not want to eat at his establishments with such a nasty, crass and angry owner. Just saying................

I find your post highly interesting being you have been a member for 6 years. You all of a sudden come up with an opinion like that on a man who has been here and posted for several years.

Have you ever ate there I have many times and find the man to be a very easy man to get along with.

Of course I doubt people talk to him face to face and say things like you have just said face to face with him.

Glad the topic reopened.

The OP lambasted the users of the forum but does not explain why?

I, for one, would not want to eat at his establishments with such a nasty, crass and angry owner. Just saying................

Well said. And there are so many restaurant choices in Chiang Mai that not only survive, but are quite successful absent the vitriol.

I wouldn't worry too much about it he just needed to get something off his chest. I am sure he is a charming man at his establishments. But I also would like to know what particular event or posting lit his fuse.

Well when you sit back and look at the whole picture you have to laugh. Some of these posters put up posts that would make you think they walk on water and had never got upset or if they had they didn't have the gut's to say any thing about it. Dave is not exactly an unknown face to posters here. He is not hiding behind a key board like most of us are.

I say more power to him for speaking his mind even if some people condemn him for it or disagree.

I have found that if I mention a preference for some thing he will go out of his way to supply it.

Well, Mr. 9440 posts. Never been afraid of speaking my mind in person. But I refuse to take anyone seriously from some brain farted post written at 2 am.

I am sure he is/was a nice guy before 1:59 am today. But the stink he started by a holier-than-though attitude was undeserved and only woke his apologists. (Phew, glad I have posted for 6 years. If I had posted only 10 times, you would have shot me dead).

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I know that Duke's has a large number of Thai customers. I don't need too go back there for dinner to observe that. But how many Thais would be interested in a 4th of July party unless it was free? I would think that a Loi Kratong party would be better suited to that clientele.

How many people do you think would be interested in a 4th of July party that cost 1000 baht to get in? ...and how many more people do you think it would bring in if it was free?...anyway its his business let him run it as he sees fit.
I supose that we'll see how many are interested on the 4th. In the past 3 or 4 years he's been involved with 4th of July Parties with and without the VFW. Each time some people praised him afterwards and some people condemed him.I think that his margins are less than people might assume. While we haven't seen his 1000 baht w/ 4 drinks buffet yet, my bet is that if he turns a 25% profit off it it's only because so many of his customers' Thai girlfriends/wifes don't eat much.

God, if his profit margin is only 25%, then he should not be running a restaurant.

You misunderstand the man. Last years affair was off the menu at menu prices. He paid for the band and the fireworks. Profit is not always his guiding light.

I will not be attending because buffets are really really not good for me particular when they are really good food. When I say really good food that does not mean I like it. It just means the quality is there go look in his kitchens and notice the cleanliness any time they are in operation. There are certain items there I would most assuredly over do. Then I could sit around a while enjoy the music games and go over do it at the buffet again. If you have read his original post about it you will notice that he figures there will be some tickets at the door. What Dave is doing if it was in the states it would be considered being a very civic thing to do. He is just stepping in where the US and the VFW are no longer capable of celebrating there Independence day. I bet there will be some Thais there.

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Why not have a free July 4th buffet and give back to all the people that have made you rich with a successful business?

I honestly felt a little digusted with the post that got locked and am not quite sure if I want to go back. Seemed quite segregated.

I may not want to spend 1000 baht on a buffet ( i must be a whiner), but i suppose 400-700 per meal 4 times a month in the past just isnt good enough for you.

And maybe a successful hardware store should show it's gratitude by handing out free tools. Or a successful pharmacy give away some free meds. Or a doctor with a successful practice offer free exams. What is it about a business that deals in food that leads some people to believe they are entitled to freebies?

Hardware stores have free drawings and have been known to donate supplies during natural disasters, pharmaceutical companies donate free meds to impoverished countries and Humane doctors go on tour giving help to poverty stricken villages.

So whats your point? or would you like another shot at it ?

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Again, my dismay has nothing to do with my businesses. I've never claimed to be perfect. Maybe I don't find the right word sometimes and I can get hot headed. I just think that this forum could be a better place. Agree to respect one another. Simple concept. If I can do it then anyone probably can. I'd just like to see a change of direction here. That's about all my input. Go ahead and muddle it up.


I have been a sponsor of this site for many years. Primarily because there are so many jerks that I want to control.

Are you upset because you don't get to control people like you thought you would ?

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