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Thai talk: Even the government's 'good news' is badly handled


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I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for poor Nuttawut. He really gave his all on stage, both inciting burning/violence, and also accepting any blame himself for actions carried out by his listeners. He seems to be one of his masters most loyal underlings, and has been richly rewarded both in amulets and political power.

So why the heck has he been put in the commerce ministry which is going down faster than a shot buffalo? If he is not very careful he may well find himself cast aside politically and all his hard work done for nothing. It just doesn't seem fair. Far better for the owner of PTP to move him immediately to a non controversial post, if there are any left.

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The last paragraph of the Nation article summed it up. The Prime Minister as chairwoman of the National Rice Policy Committee must accept responsibility by revealing the facts and dismissing the incompetent ministers.

Is she able to do this, intellectually and emotionally?

Please send your answers on a postcard to Government House.

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The last paragraph of the Nation article summed it up. The Prime Minister as chairwoman of the National Rice Policy Committee must accept responsibility by revealing the facts and dismissing the incompetent ministers.

Is she able to do this, intellectually and emotionally?

Please send your answers on a postcard to Government House.

Dismiss the incompetent ministers?

You mean she would be there in Parliament all on her own except for a few friendly Dems on the opposition benches?

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Lets face it the PTP are a pretty loose lot of spiffs, to have good PR knowledge you need to be worldly, with a little humour , unfortunately they have neither, they have the same old Thai trait, Chiang Mai withdrawal syndrome , we are in charge, we say what we want, whether it's correct or not that is just an inconvenience, arrogance holds no bounds.bah.gif

This is it completely, arrogance and over confidence. As Billy Connolly put it " raw meat for the balcony " as the government knows the reds will believe whatever they are told, no questioning, no thought just accept be it pro-PTP or anti-anyone else and feed on it..

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It means dealing with bad news in an open and down-to-earth manner. It means respecting criticism from various quarters and accepting responsibility for mistakes when they are made.

From the PTP?...more likely to see a squadron of these over Bangkok thpigfly__by_Zappe_by_The_Emoticon_Club.

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I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for poor Nuttawut. He really gave his all on stage, both inciting burning/violence, and also accepting any blame himself for actions carried out by his listeners. He seems to be one of his masters most loyal underlings, and has been richly rewarded both in amulets and political power.

So why the heck has he been put in the commerce ministry which is going down faster than a shot buffalo? If he is not very careful he may well find himself cast aside politically and all his hard work done for nothing. It just doesn't seem fair. Far better for the owner of PTP to move him immediately to a non controversial post, if there are any left.

The Commerce Ministry has the best 'skim'. It is a most lucrative post; a top reward.

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I would expect with a policy involving huge amounts of government expenditure that a summary of the rice stored, its current quality and value at market prices, monies owed and income received as at the last day of each month would arrive on the Minister's desk no later than the 7th of each following month. Then he would have an accurate figure of losses incurred to give to his PM, the cabinet or the press whenever it was required. I would also expect the PM and cabinet to want to know these figures on a regular basis.

If a storage facility is presenting a monthly account, the tonnage stored should be noted on the account. Asking for an assessment of the quality doesn't seem excessive.

Banks involved should be able to give a current balance at the press of a button. Are there not enough competent ministry staff available to compile a report?

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No supporters here today I guess the rats have decided to leave a sinking ship. Yes you won the election by some accounts by a landslide but that doesn't excuse you of providing a competent government. Too the stocks with the lot.

Edited by moe666
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"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was supposed to have blown her top during a special meeting of Cabinet members on June 7 at Baan Phitsanulok. Thai Post Daily said she was very upset that ministers and their assistants had left her to defend the government almost all alone".

It's your and your brothers government. And the underlings are getting worried. LIVE WITH IT.

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maybe they should ask ROBERT MUGARBE how to run (RUIN) the country ,hes a bright lad aswell,,nothing will happen unless maybe we can have a famine or the like here,then maybe the people will wake up,,but im not holding me breath,,,

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Thai Post Daily said she was very upset that ministers and their
assistants had left her to defend the government almost all alone.

She should get support from her ministers as that is part of their job and she shouldn't have to deal with this on her own. On the other hand she has spent a long time avoiding any responsibility for difficult issues and letting her ministers and others take the flak. Now she knows what it's like.

I wouldn't blame her entirely though as she wasn't put in that position to do the job of a PM and she didn't have the experience to carry it out.

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The last paragraph of the Nation article summed it up. The Prime Minister as chairwoman of the National Rice Policy Committee must accept responsibility by revealing the facts and dismissing the incompetent ministers.

Is she able to do this, intellectually and emotionally?

Please send your answers on a postcard to Government House.

Dismiss the incompetent ministers?

You mean she would be there in Parliament all on her own except for a few friendly Dems on the opposition benches?

You might find it's just the few friendly Dems.

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Thai Post Daily said she was very upset that ministers and their

assistants had left her to defend the government almost all alone.

She should get support from her ministers as that is part of their job and she shouldn't have to deal with this on her own. On the other hand she has spent a long time avoiding any responsibility for difficult issues and letting her ministers and others take the flak. Now she knows what it's like.

I wouldn't blame her entirely though as she wasn't put in that position to do the job of a PM and she didn't have the experience to carry it out.

Why run crying to the press? She should take this up with her brother. He gave her the job.
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Thai Post Daily said she was very upset that ministers and their

assistants had left her to defend the government almost all alone.

She should get support from her ministers as that is part of their job and she shouldn't have to deal with this on her own. On the other hand she has spent a long time avoiding any responsibility for difficult issues and letting her ministers and others take the flak. Now she knows what it's like.

I wouldn't blame her entirely though as she wasn't put in that position to do the job of a PM and she didn't have the experience to carry it out

good point

How ever she did have the position that gave her the power to appoint people capable of the position they were handed. It would have upset her brother but what could he do. Call in all his debts turn the red army of thugs lose on her. Not really he would have been helpless.Plus Mad

Or he could have really started a war.

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Yingluk concedes that at some point over the last 2 years she could have asked her minister how their most expensive policy was progressing, but she was in (insert preferred country here) at the time.

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