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Automate Thai state lottery system: Chulalongkorn University


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Before getting involved in questionable statistics, please give me the answer to this:-

What happens to all those thousands (?) of "unsold" tickets that are still being hawked on every street until just some minutes before the draw?

a) In the draw with no owner? B) The seller retains all the numbers and benifits from any win prior to returning up the pyramid to the Village/Suburb Boss? c) Whatever?

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sure .. automate the lotto system ...............

Then what do you do with all the current ticket sellers that will then have no jobs?

Thailand has <1% so there are plenty of other useless jobs waiting. Cow watching and whistle blowing always have vacancies.

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A couple of reasons: One is the amount paid out on 2 and 3 digits. Also there are several tickets with the same numbers so they pay out more than one jackpot.

One day they may change to the type of system most Western state lotteries seem to use but that would alienate the poor sales people as sales would be taken over by 7-Eleven etc.

AFAIK the 2 and 3 digit numbers are operated illegally, and there was a big legal battle when Thaksin tried to introduce it into the standard lottery system.

Although the underground lotteries work very much on the two and three digit combinations (and the GF's sister won 300,000 baht two weeks ago on one of these), they are also incorporated in the main draw.

Maybe the link may spread some light on a few of the questions.


I assume that the first money pool and second money pool refer to the two tickets you buy together.

So at 80 baht a pair, the government in theory collect 80m baht and pay out 47m baht, though I don't know how much commission the seller takes from this, as well as the amount they charge on top.

I also believe that there are two pairs of tickets sold for each combination, not just one, so the above amounts can be doubled.

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Maybe I figured out what this thai statistician was talking about. February 2013 winning number was 565566 and two lucky number winner was 66. There are different draws for those.


10000 draw, 2 in month = 416,66 years

edit. Lol I wrote that stupid, edited :)

But 10 000 different compination, you do the math :)

Edited by hullupullo
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sure .. automate the lotto system ...............

Then what do you do with all the current ticket sellers that will then have no jobs?

Well, the automation system will be in a building, which means doors. There's a job for atleast two people on each door: one on the inside, and the other on the outside. They can all wear uniforms and wear medals too.

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Maybe I figured out what this thai statistician was talking about. February 2013 winning number was 565566 and two lucky number winner was 66. There are different draws for those.


10000 draw, 2 in month = 416,66 years

edit. Lol I wrote that stupid, edited smile.png

But 10 000 different compination, you do the math smile.png


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My statistics teacher always told me that with draws like this each chance is independent therefore it is possible to have two or even three identical results in a row. The thing is it averages out over a very long period. Maybe Thai statisticas is different.

That's the line used after the improbable wins by people not known for their desires to change their life by buying lottery tickets, Thai' statisticas 'are different because they are as corrupt as the rest of the country.

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sure .. automate the lotto system ...............

Then what do you do with all the current ticket sellers that will then have no jobs?


They're discussing automating the system of generating the winning numbers - how on God's green earth does that affect the sellers?

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Here in the countryside the locals play the "underground" lottery. The winning numbers are the same as the states. The big difference is that you can bet as low as 10 baht. Its big fun for the locals. They talk about dreams they have had, numbers on plants, Son's new car license plate. I have heard it is financed by some guy in Singapore. I have pretty much told them all this about the changes to win but they don't care. Also there is even a greater chance of being ripped off. One week a woman here won a three number. She went to get her money but the seller said she had forgotten to register the number (you get no paper ticke, its just written down in a book. Side note about the 66 winning number. My 66th birthday came up that week and I asked my wife to buy me a ticket 66. Since I had not turned 66 yet, she bought 65:(

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One digit: 0 - 9

Theoretical Occurrence Once per five months.

Two digits: 00 - 99

100:24= Once/ 4.17 year

Three digits: 000 - 999

1000:24= Once/ 41.7 year

Four digits: 0000 - 9999

10000:24= Once/ 417 year

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Statistically speaking, how many of you did understood this sentence "For instance, he said, having the same last two digits of 66 appear as the winning number twice in a decade is impossible statistically speaking as it can only occur once in 417 years on average." .. and this one .. "Another highly unusual result was the last two digits of one of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's many vans, which ended up appearing seven times in the 40 bimonthly cycles."

I did not. I had to double check that this article was from The Nation instead of from Not The Nation.

How does Thai national lottery work?

"How does the Thai Lottery work?" Not very well if you ask all but one of the Thai people I know who have undoubtedly spent millions of precious baht on dreams of wealth and easy retirement. sad.png The one I know who might think it works well is a former noodle seller in Chaiyaphum Province who won 20 million. Maybe her relatives and some supposed friends whom were graced with some very generous gifts might also think the lottery works well.

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Statistically speaking, how many of you did understood this sentence "For instance, he said, having the same last two digits of 66 appear as the winning number twice in a decade is impossible statistically speaking as it can only occur once in 417 years on average." .. and this one .. "Another highly unusual result was the last two digits of one of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's many vans, which ended up appearing seven times in the 40 bimonthly cycles."

I did not. I had to double check that this article was from The Nation instead of from Not The Nation.

How does Thai national lottery work?

Apparently quite idiotically. I asked several adult classes to explain how it works and it is really stupid. And I would wager it is highly probable that it is being skimmed on a massive scale.

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So this is the result of a three decade long study at one of Thailand's top universities.

Enough said.

Seem it could have been done in a week or so. Maybe it took three decades to accumulate the data because it is a paper system without any computerization.

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